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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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the corresponding bill was adopted in the first reading, it is expected that it will take effect on september 1 of this year, according to vyacheslav volodin, and the teacher’s parents are asking for the need for such measures. the speaker noted that today tonic drinks are advertised as beneficial. in fact , the opposite is true; their use increases the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and a number of other diseases, the chairman of the state duma emphasized. parents are waiting to make a decision, heart disease. in children at an early age and other diseases, all this is provoked by energy drinks, they are not prohibited, they are available, our task is for adults, politicians, to protect the little ones, those who do not understand what they consume, and of course, stop this advertising, introduce strict liability for the sale of energy drinks to minors
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in addition, the chairman of the state duma instructed to work out liability measures for violators of the ban, prepare a corresponding legislative initiative, committees on state building , safety legislation and anti-corruption. another order from vyacheslav volodin to remove energy drinks from the shelves of the state duma store has been carried out. in the second part of our program , see: more teaching staff, a camp for children of the union state, how else do they intend to develop it? in the history of russia, about this at the exhibition dedicated to his anniversary. who 's chasing you? nobody, they decided to hide behind their children. family song competition.
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we're burning, we're breaking through, disobedient people, we 're next to the new american embassy building, it was built at the end of in the eighties, each brick was packed with cellophane, the americans were afraid that we would build something into these bricks, we’ll tell you about that now. the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to...
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the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. targeted recruitment will help staff enterprises in russia and belarus. this was stated by vyacheslav volodin at the 66th session of the parliamentary meeting of the union of belarus and russia, which took place in minsk. the parliamentarians of the two countries discussed the formation and development of a common scientific and educational space within the union. about the key results of the joint union state of russia and belarus in the work of training teachers in the initiative to create a camp for children from the artek type, the reaction of relevant ministers to the initiatives in the story of my colleague alexander shavirin. the russian
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delegation led by the chairman of the parliamentary assembly, speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, together with the belarusian colleagues headed to the victory monument. this year belarus will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of its liberation from the nazi invaders. one of the central ones. sessions of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia, a government hour on the formation of a common scientific educational space of the union state, budgetary and organizational issues are also on the agenda, serious personnel updates are in the parliamentary assembly. in connection with the election of a new convocation of the house of representatives of belarus , the delegation from the republic was renewed, the session began with vote. the first deputy chairman of the parliamentary assembly was the speaker of the chamber , igor sergeenko. they also elected deputy
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chairmen of the parliamentary assembly and heads of commissions. the format of the union state is far from exhausted, vyacheslav volodin said during the meeting. our president. vladimir vladimirovich putin and alexander grigoryevich lukashenko are doing a lot for integration, for developing relations between our states. we have enormous opportunities with you to do everything to form a single legal field, accepting model laws, dealing with the harmonization of legislation. the updated composition of the parliamentary assembly will maintain continuity and develop all the best that has been developed through practice, he noted. first deputy speaker igor sergienko. the leaders of our countries have identified strategic directions for the development of union building. our joint activities should be aimed at their maximum implementation and effectiveness.
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vyacheslav volodin called the issue that was brought up for discussion during the government hour one of the key ones. about the ministers of the two states and the head of the national academy of sciences of belarus spoke about the implemented plans. the parliamentarians noted that it is important to work together. to form a scientific basis for achieving technological sovereignty; these problems are especially relevant today, when russia and belarus are under sanctions pressure. therefore, it is necessary to combine all scientific potentials so that the union state works at full capacity and masters all the latest technologies, but not purchased ones, but developed by its own scientists, their own institutions. he recalled how the united states tried to involve the whole world in its green agenda, and europe willingly joined in. as a result, the economy was practically destroyed and the gdp growth of the eurozone was 0.3% as a result of last year. and germany is stagnating
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due to the fact that nuclear power plants have been closed and cheap energy resources have been abandoned. when discussing issues of technology development, it is necessary.
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from russia and from belarus. it is important for us that you and i have a targeted set. allowed staffing as enterprises one country as well as another country. the state duma speaker also proposed connecting belarusian students who study in russia to the pushkin card program. meanwhile, there is cooperation not only in educational matters within the framework of the union
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state. the relevant commissions of the parliamentary assembly work year-round to find solutions in their areas. i am a member of the energy committee, we just recently joined.
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under far-fetched pretexts, they simply did not give a visa to participate in a meeting of the osce parliamentary assembly, which created this parliamentary assembly to listen to everyone. but at the same time, in fact, it turns out that they are afraid, what they are afraid of, they really are afraid. there has been no democracy in europe for a long time, the speaker of the state duma noted, it is under the heel of the united states of america, in the usa it does not exist by definition, because there is no competition, no parties, no direct presidential elections. in our opinion, washington and brussels are behind this, doing everything to ensure that the information conveyed to citizens is one-sided, because if our delegation.
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patience has run out, russia will suspend participation in the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe. according to vyacheslav volodin, our country will not put up with the way the russian delegation is treated at this site. our parliamentarians are not allowed to work and freely express their position. you and i represent the interests of our citizens, washington and brussels must understand that they do not allow us to speak out.
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to increase well-being at the expense of other countries, we will not finance this coven, which has nothing to do with parliamentary structures, and beaching to the tune of the united states of america. this behavior is a gross violation of all osce principles. the organization has taken a clear course towards russophobia, as stated by the vice-speaker of the state duma, the head of the russian delegation to the parliamentary assembly, pyotr tolstoy. the potential for dialogue has been exhausted. russia is the biggest.
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no time or money is planned for them. a level of relationship that speaks for itself.
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the development of chinese-russian cooperation in various fields was discussed this week by the speaker of the state duma, deputy chairman standing committee of the national people's congress. details of the meeting from the working group meeting at yana dobrovolskaya. this is footage from the spring visit of the state duma delegation to china. in march , the first joint meeting of the working group of the interparliamentary commission on employees was held there. colleagues from the middle kingdom fly to moscow. okhotny ryad, the development of relations between countries, the main topic of the meeting between vyacheslav volodin and deputy chairman of the standing committee of the all-china people's congress peng qinghua. cooperation between russia and china is growing stronger in all areas, the state duma speaker noted. relations
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between our countries are developing rapidly. we must pay tribute to our heads of state. for our part, we need to do everything possible to make a contribution within the parliamentary dimension and, of course, legislative support for decisions made at the level of leaders. the economies of both countries are growing rapidly. according to the world bank, china is a leader. russia is in the top four, becoming the largest economy in europe. trade turnover between russia and china last year grew by 25%. and this year the pace is not slowing down. under the strategic leadership of the two leaders, our relations are reaching new heights. we have very close and intensive contacts at high senior levels. the joint working group has become a new format platform for strengthening our friendship and cooperation among parliamentarians. the development of interparliamentary relations between russia and china was discussed at
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a meeting of the relevant working group. the parties are ready to develop joint initiatives in a variety of areas. for a quarter of a century, relations between countries have overcome difficulties and become even stronger. today they are trying to put pressure on this friendship from the outside, because china, like russia , together advocate the formation of a multipolar world, and this is the basis that allows us to increase interaction. russia and
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china are also united by a common historical memory. in the alexander garden in moscow. comments the two countries laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. very soon russia will host another high-level delegation from the middle kingdom. for the first time in zhao letzi will visit our country as chairman of the standing committee of the national people's congress. he is scheduled to take part in the brix parliamentary forum. also, within this. the ninth meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation between the state duma and the chinese parliament will take place. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, duma tv parliamentary hour. deputies monitored food purchases for schoolchildren in the regions. the result is more than 7.0 violations. the vice speaker reported this
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state duma irina yarovaya at a meeting with relevant departments. inspections recorded facts of food supplies to schools. without the necessary documents and labeling, as well as blatant cases of food being supplied in violation of expiration dates, changes in legislation are necessary, said irina yarovaya. we need to develop universal standards that will make it possible to prevent and make it impossible, in principle , to allow the procurement of low-quality goods. our state task is to cut off all obviously unscrupulous suppliers. it is obviously impossible to purchase low-quality food. in addition, irina yarovaya proposed excluding from the procurement race companies that had previously been held accountable for violating food quality and safety parameters. in the near future, appropriate amendments to the legislation will be submitted to the state duma. during the week, the role and status of the russian language in
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the cis countries, with the participation of representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of culture, leaders of don factions and deputies, experts and... comments from the cis countries, were discussed at the international parliamentary forum pushkin readings. this year it was dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great poet. the russian language today has the status of a language of international communication, noted state duma deputy speaker alexander zhukov. the protection of common cultural values ​​in the cis is the most important task. russia, which chairs the cis this year, pays special attention to this. the concept of this chairmanship is approved. our president, one of the key places is occupied by cooperation between our states, the cultural and humanitarian sphere, and the task is fill our interaction with new content in order to develop together and become stronger. let's talk not only about achievements and problems in the field of preserving the protection of the cultural heritage of our countries, but also
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agree on specific projects and events in cooperation with our... communication, with the support of the chairman of the state duma the first pushkin readings were dedicated to the year of vyacheslav volodin, the duma council made a decision of the russian language as an interethnic language on the annual holding of the forum. pushkin is a support for us in preserving historical and spiritual heritage, strengthening friendship and cooperation between ours. nations, i express confidence that the exchange of experience and promising proposals on the sidelines of our forum will contribute to the preservation of linguistic diversity and the quality of studying the russian language. in our countries , an important role in preserving a common cultural space certainly plays the preservation and development of the russian language in the space of our
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countries and, above all, as a language of interethnic communication, preservation and development of a common cultural space through joint projects, it contributes to the enrichment of intercultural diversity and the rapprochement of the peoples of our states. the parliamentary library donated more than 400 books to the donetsk and lugansk republics on behalf of the chairman of the state duma. vyacheslav volodin noted that for years the residents of the new territories were virtually deprived of the opportunity to read in their native russian language. the kiev regime outlawed any russian-language printed materials and banned russian classics. now the task is to support libraries in which books there's not enough for everyone. we have those territories that for 8 years... were just under the kiev regime and the library fund that exists, it is clear that it should be replenished today, let’s say, with correct and relevant literature, the one that was just
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chosen kiev regime. the books will end up in public and school libraries in new regions. we are talking about russian, foreign, classical, fiction and children's literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books. in the vacuum that turned out to be, yes, in the newly liberated the territory that we liberated, we saw that... centuries the second largest and most influential faction is headed, an exhibition by gennady zyuganov, the time of the event, people dedicated to the anniversary of the leader of the communist party of the russian federation faction was opened in
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the state duma. on june 26, gennady zyuganov turns 80 years old. these photographs tell the story of the life and work of the country's main communist. in politics there are no young old people, there are responsible and irresponsible, there are experienced and inexperienced - the chairman of the state duma emphasized... the second faction in the state duma, which participates in the life of the country, in
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strengthening the political system, putting the interests of the state of the people above party interests, the years have shown that only coordinated work in the state duma allows the adoption of the necessary laws and real programs, noted the leader of the communist party of the russian federation faction, the main conditions of my life are justice, friendship, and russia above all. happy opening of the exhibition to you, and happy upcoming anniversary to me. the opening of the exhibition was attended by the ambassadors of the people's republic of china and cuba, as well as colleagues and deputies of all factions. first deputy head of the united russia faction vyacheslav makarov emphasized that gennady andreevich is an outstanding politician of the 20th and 20th centuries. millions of people are always listening.
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yana dobrovolskaya, sergei gordeev, sergei vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. one of the darkest days in our history: 83 years ago, nazi germany attacked our country. the great patriotic war began. it became the most bloody and destructive. on the day of memory and mourning , chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin and deputies laid a wreath and flowers to eternal flame on the worship mountain. at the victory museum, in memory of the soldiers, officers, and home front workers who died during the great patriotic war, their feat is sacred, everything must be done to protect the memory of it and pass it on to children and grandchildren, noted vyacheslav volodin. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there’s more to come. more
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achievements, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. two people, including a two-year-old child
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, died. 22 civilians were injured as a result of a ukrainian armed forces missile attack on sevastopol. according to governor mikhail razvazhaev, five air targets were destroyed in the sky above the water area. the fragments fell in the coastal area, wounded in lyubimovka, as well as on the northern side. as the governor noted, the situation in uchkuevsk is also difficult; all available ambulance teams have been sent there. in the area of ​​the lazur boarding house, a forest caught fire, and fire crews rushed to the scene. we are monitoring incoming information. this morning the russian army attacked the training site for flight and technical personnel in the ukrainian armed forces. the strike was carried out by high-precision, long -range, sea-based weapons. all objects were hit, the ministry of defense has just been informed about this. the north group inflicted defeat of seven brigades of opponents of the kharkov region. more advantageous positions were occupied by units of the group of forces.


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