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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the fact that russia and china are officially considered allies. the standard procedure for a cia operation to overthrow a regime is for the us to put someone in place of the overthrown leader in a given country, that is, the cia recruits someone and puts them in power, be it in russia, latin america, africa or elsewhere. ukraine. this is how it is done.
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in my opinion, the fundamental difference is the fact that the central intelligence agency is not in the full sense an intelligence organization, it was created to conduct covert operations, these operations were sometimes very uncivilized in nature, when... the intelligence service supported harsh political regimes, in some cases even such outright terrorists, the activities of our organization, our service are aimed exclusively at protecting the interests of the russian state and the citizens of our country. our task is to identify and prevent the news... a complex of external threats
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in relation to our state to our citizens, the foreign intelligence service is part of the state mechanism, and we we carry out external activities aimed at creating fair, equal international relations that take into account the interests of all states. our activities are aimed at...
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people relaxing on the beach, the most difficult situation is in uchkuevka, all available ambulance teams were sent there, they also suffered in lyubimovka on the northern side. and so, as the city authorities stated, sevastopol has enough medicines, medical personnel and blood supplies to provide assistance to the victims. and now a comment from the official representative russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova. the date for such a blow was not chosen by chance, the day of the holy trinity.
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continuation of the new film by arkady mamontov, the main enemy. excellent. audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank, you still owe the bank, i have already ordered an anti-credit card from rosbankrot to valderes on the yandex market. the new friday with cashback discounts is dazzlingly profitable! smart split system korera for only 18.999 emvy eldorado, the main expert in white appliances! does your business need acceleration? use instant transfers for business from vdb and
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place first. investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you. opening the first brokerage deposit account with the best interest rate in the sberbank online application. polaris equipment with discounts up to 70%. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out that you can do it in different ones at once, for money. your marketplace. open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. elena vavilova, a deep-cover russian intelligence officer,
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lived with her intelligence officer husband andrei bezrukov abroad for 25 years. in the usa her name was tracey lee en foolley, husband donald howard heathfield. in appearance, they were an ordinary family who moved to the united states from toronto; they would still be serving their homeland today as illegal immigrants if they had not been betrayed by the traitor alexander poteev, here is his photograph. elena vavilova believes that the difference between cia and svr employees significant. you see, each person in intelligence is a small cog, and he depends on these small cogs.
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and at the end of the eighties we had a serious threat that the americans could strike us with cruise missiles, the star wars program, reagan, it was all real. then we would also be standing somewhere on the threshold of such a possible conflict, but we did not have the soviet union did not have adequate protection, we had not yet come up with, had not invented, these are our means, such reliable protection against a nuclear strike, so intelligence there was this task, then when it was clear that everything had calmed down a little, new tasks appeared, but all the tasks that we had and the fact that we...
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work for a specific general secretary or leader of our country, you
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will work defending your homeland, people who are close to you, who inhabit our territory, this was probably due to those motives that, in general, reassured us , showed us that we need to move on, on the contrary, there was a desire to help a country that was sick, probably, just like our own human, if... there is a sick person in the family, we begin to pay more attention to him. elena stanislavovna knows where and how cia employees are trained, in which us universities most often recruit future spies, agents of influence and organizers of the orange revolution around the world. being in boston, among students, teachers and, let's say, researchers at harvard university, it was clear that. ideas were formed there that would then be transmitted and broadcast
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to the us administration, after some time, therefore, for example, it was very important to note there that the americans were actively working with military representatives of ukraine in the early 2000s, and that the americans were organizing specific trainings, programs, bringing people, communicating with them, this was noticeable. an important part of the cia's activities, in the us, of course, the official part of recruitment takes place
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on college campuses, where they woo young students with the promise of an exciting career with the cia. and there's a place in virginia called camp peary where they train new recruits for various types of activities.
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footage from american action films dedicated to spies, intelligence and secret operations pumps the film out of the film, this is such an advertisement. the central intelligence agency, its headquarters, is located. washington in virginia. in 1997, louis wolf managed to get into the central office of the cia. it was the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the agency, and he, as a journalist, visited there. there was a girl there, she said: "welcome mr. wolf, i'm nancy, i 'll accompany you, would you like to go to our museum? oh, you have a museum, i was surprised. yeah, so she took me down the hall and there were offices. then we unexpectedly came to this museum, there were three
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large halls filled with glass display cases with objects that ziru from. as you know, the us took control of germany after the war, now the us has at least a dozen bases in germany, they don't call it an occupation anymore, but that's essentially what it really is. the
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us has always been involved in the elections in germany, as well as... throughout europe, i i would say in italy, france, switzerland and so on. but this statue, it sent a chill down my spine. because hitler's propaganda director was presented as a hero. alon dalis spoke about this; he confiscated this statue during the occupation during the second world war. in each country there is a resident at the american embassy, ​​the head of a cia unit. under his command are operatives who work under diplomatic cover, as well as as businessmen, representatives of non-governmental organizations, journalists, political scientists. usually a resident, in the initial
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years there was a first secretary, then they were second secretaries, then the first secretary. and recently they were already advisers, which suggests that this is a large station, former adviser to the us embassy in moscow , james barritt ricker, born november 3 , 1977, 46 years old, served in central asia in dushamba and tashkent, then was transferred to residency in kiev, rose to the rank of head of the cia office in vilnius, was a cia resident in russia, studied and...
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all because it is very large. about the past and present of the work of the american station in moscow, how it recruits russian agents and what the danger of the current cia is for our country, as well as exclusive information that we managed to obtain, and the traitor who was captured quite recently, in our second part historical
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investigation. well, let’s return to the first topic of the issue, the missile attack on sevastopol. now the commissioner for human rights in sevastopol, pavel butsay, is in contact with the studio. pavel yurievich, hello, first of all, i want to ask you what is currently known about the condition of the victims? at the moment, unfortunately, we have about 100 people injured, injured, they are receiving medical assistance, unfortunately, three people died.
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it is impossible to evaluate it differently, people who were leaving service, who were going to rest, and of course no one expected this blow,
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unfortunately civilians died, but of course we express our condolences to all the families of the victims, supporting recovery. here in the city there is a hotline of the prosecutor's office, where all people who have suffered can contact, all speeds are involved. the most important aspect now is the organization of the work of doctors, what is known about this, where are the victims being taken, and is assistance needed from both neighboring regions and the federal center? necessary? at the moment, all hospitals are working, the entire healthcare system is mobilized, everyone is at their workplaces, all speed is activated,
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the head of crimea aksyonov has already expressed his support, but so far sevastopol is coping, so for now everything is being done to help the victim. yes, pavel yurievich, thank you, let me remind you that i am in direct contact with... i will note once again that the main news now is a missile attack by the armed forces of ukraine on sevastopol and... now all necessary measures are being taken in the city, we are following this topic. immediately after a short advertisement, watch the continuation of the new film, the investigation of arkady mamontov. main opponent.
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one of the most difficult operations in intelligence is evading surveillance. the cia has always considered moscow a city with a very strict counterintelligence regime. employees of the kgb-ussr, and then the fsb of russia, did not and do not allow american spies to leave their field of vision for a minute. but we must pay tribute. cia operatives working in the moscow station still showed miracles of ingenuity in order to get in touch with an agent or attack a hiding place. random meetings with people are always a problem for an agent, so i had to
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use it. what we called light camouflage. a light disguise can be something as simple as a wig, mustache, facial stubble, or glasses. the other extreme is a complex disguise that you use for personal communication for an extended period of time, and the person you are talking to has no idea that you - it's not you. this is a series of photographs from my meeting with george w. bush, sr., in the oval office, during which i told him that...
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during face-to-face recruitment, the cia carefully negotiates with the agent how they will exchange information with him, in what way? one of the methods is the so-called information mark, it can be a dash, a dot, any sign on the wall, on a lamppost, on a drainpipe, in a word, wherever it is convenient, and this is done in such a way as not to attract attention, as if everything happens naturally.


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