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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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so, responsibility for the attack on civilians in sevastopol lies primarily with the united states, whose specialists enter flight missions into american missiles. this was stated by the ministry of defense, emphasizing that the strike will not go unanswered. monday has been declared a day of mourning in the city; the ministry of health reports three deaths. of which two were children; also, according to the latest data , 124 people were injured as a result of the missile attack, including 27 children, five in serious condition. the wounded are now being evacuated to city hospitals, more than twenty are working on the spot ambulance teams. it is known that the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashka, took the provision of assistance to the victims under personal control. doctors from other regions have already been additionally brought in, and the investigative committee has opened a criminal case under the article terrorist act. about the consequences of the attack on sevastopol, oleg smirnov. so, what is already reliably known about
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this attack on the civilian infrastructure of sevastopol, according to our russian ministry of defense, the attack was carried out by about 12-15 atacoms missiles with a cluster warhead, it was carried out by armed forces ukrainian forces on the civilian infrastructure of sevastopol. some of the missiles were shot down, but one, according to the report, deviated from the trajectory and exploded in the air over the city; as a result of the falling fragments, there were injured and, unfortunately, there are. the victims, in general, were adults and children, unfortunately, the number of victims already numbered dozens of people, assistance was promptly provided, all available ambulances were mobilized , the victims were taken to hospitals, the terrorist bandera regime staged another terrorist attack on sevastopol, unfortunately a large number of people were injured and there are deaths, now moving from hospital to hospital in order to make sure that medical care will be in full, like medicines,
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blood supplies for medical staff, as reported by the governor of sevastopol mikhail razvazhaev, he also went to victims were taken to the hospital where they were taken, the sevastopol prosecutor is also working at the scene of the incident, according to mikhail razvazhaev , a small fire was also noted in a private residential building in a garden community on the northern side of sevastopol, and also a small grass fire, what should be said about this incident, or more precisely about its place in the village? in the northern country, lyubimovka, uchkuevka are popular vacation spots, these are sandy beaches, of course, on a sunday summer day, there were people there, there were vacationers, both adults and children, which is why they were also among the victims. oleg smirnov, vesti sevastopol. the entire healthcare system has been mobilized, sevastopol governor mikhail razvazhaev announced this. he noted that almost immediately after the attack vladimir called him from the armed forces of ukraine in sevastopol.
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putin, he expressed condolences to the families of the victims and instructed the federal authorities to provide all necessary assistance to sevastopol. a plane from moscow has already been sent there. also, after receiving first aid, the children will be sent to the best moscow hospitals. and as eyewitnesses said, more victims were avoided thanks to the help of concerned citizens. they helped to take shelter and provided first aid themselves. i ran to the people; at first it was closed. we have become. all usenki, as if to this bar, he ran up to the people, started collecting them, yes, this was just the first thing that happened, and he ran up to the people, started collecting them and took them to the basement where they could hide, because there was a really big room there, he is from all over the beach, all the people, especially those with children, speaks to the children, quickly, quickly run there, well, the number of deaths after the attack has just become known. razvazhaev. russian diplomats
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will seek a response from international organizations to the deaths of civilians in sevastopol, the official stated. representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova. she called today's attack a ritual crime. the date for such a blow was not chosen by chance. it’s trinity day, but we understand perfectly well what’s inside. essence of the kiev regime, this is a deep-seated hatred of everything connected with russia, with russian russian culture, and of course, orthodoxy and christianity in general, these are literally ritual, and i believe that this is exactly what they can be called, the crimes that they commit, coincide precisely with on big holidays, for these figures from the banking sector, there is no concept of civil infrastructure. school holidays, holidays
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from the point of view of understanding that they can hit, kill or damage people, the vital activity of the object, they are... and they are setting up their crimes, we saw this a few years ago with the shelling of lugansk, donetsk, we see this now. moscow will not leave the shelling of sevastopol by the kiev regime unpunished. the response will be military and legal in nature. about this in an interview with our channel stated the ambassador at large of the russian foreign ministry , he miroshnik. he emphasized that kiev bears responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in sevastopol. so washington, the americans transferred this type of weapons, which is banned in more than 120 countries, namely the cluster warhead of long-range atommax missiles, which, according to preliminary data, were used, that is, to say that this is an exclusively
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ukrainian attack, but i would did not, because firstly, from a technological point of view use of these weapons, but target setting should still be done at least with the permission of the developer, that is, this is... an american-made missile, the lock martin control is accordingly located there, so at least there was coordination with the americans, so we can talk about a hybrid strike, which has such a ritual character, because on sunday, noon, there was an attack in the area where people were visiting and the use of ammunition, well, urgent messages continue to arrive, one of them is a missile...
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this morning struck the training site for flight and technical personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. all objects were hit, the ministry of defense reported. more advantageous positions were occupied by units of the west group of forces. the north group defeated seven enemy brigades. in total, the enemy lost almost 2,000 militants in one day. also destroyed were 75 ukrainian drones, 33 hymers rockets, elha vampires, as well as a german-made ariste anti-aircraft missile launcher. well, in the kharkov region, where there are fierce battles now, our military has used a new type of weapon, it is more accurate and therefore much more effective, it is an aerial bomb with a universal planning module, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny found out the details. this is how
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russian aviation operates in the skies over the kharkov region, this is a strike by a su-34 bomber with a high-explosive aerial bomb on a temporary deployment point in the kiev formation. regime in liptsy. fierce fighting continues near the village in order to deprive the enemy of combat stability, the pilots strike with three-ton bombs with planning and correction modules. in general, this is the first combat use of aviation ammunition of this caliber with a planning module. application successful. after the explosion, the radius of continuous damage is slightly more than 200 m. and the bomb fragments themselves retain lethality within a radius of a kilometer. in addition, aviation, using such ammunition, has a strong influence on the moral and psychological state of enemy fighters. some units simply refuse to take positions at the forefront . e pividrons in the kharkov direction, yes, perhaps, in the entire zone of a special military
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operation, the main factor that determines the nature of hostilities. viscous battles, slow progress, a consequence of what is located in the sky above the battlefield. there is always a huge number of our and the enemy’s kamikaza drones, such small, maneuverable, inexpensive, long-range and ultra-precise kamikaza drones can provide superiority even over superior enemy forces, this large f5-drone, by the way, can also be smaller, now these are not only anti-tank weapons, not only means counter-battery warfare, destroying enemy infantry, it is also... a way to destroy air defense targets - it is also a carrier of an electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare, communications station, these are also means of remote mining, this list will only grow. evgeny podubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week, kharkov
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direction. right now we are receiving statements from dmitry peskov, the presidential press secretary. so, putin is in constant contact with the leadership of the social bloc. and health care after the attack on sevastopol, dmitry peskov just said, putin is also in constant contact with the military. in addition, peskov said that the main thing now is to provide all the necessary assistance to the victims in sevastol, urgent messages that once again, let me remind you, are coming at these moments, well, we will continue to talk about the situations after the advertisement, we present the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic with 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel it
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in a new design, what will your summer be like, with free delivery, summer will be carefree, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, kolotiye shower gel for 249 rubles, with yota yours the money will not fly away, gigantic minutes remain, we will return rubles for them. representatives of the kiev regime clearly want to enlist the support of washington in order to use long-range american weapons against russia on an even larger scale, the associated press writes about this, but there are more and more signals in europe, which clearly irritate the political elites. natalya goncharova will continue the topic. kiev is trying to convince washington to lift restrictions on strikes in the wild. russia with long-range missiles. according to the associated press, the ukrainian armed forces are demanding permission to hit
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150 km from the border, or even further. the us may agree. terrorists have always found support from the states if it is beneficial to the american authorities. for example, extremists of the banned azov quietly underwent training from pentagon officers. even when congress banned supporting these neo-nazis. here is their commander with a us special forces camp training certificate. after... he included the azov people in the army structures, biden completely lifted all bans, the escalation is growing, hungary demands to stop the madness from july 1, budapest will head the eu council and prime minister victor. promised to try to reason with european politicians. the most important points: we want to increase the competitiveness of the european economy, we are for ending the war. the alternative for germany party, aimed at peace, its representatives will create a faction of sovereignists. in the european parliament, the main goal is the restoration of economic ties and normalization of relations
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with moscow. to create an alternative faction for germany, 23 deputies from seven countries will be needed while itself. the party occupies 15 seats in parliament, this association is extremely right-wing parties could influence the european union and the french election campaign. donald trump talks about peace all the time. at a rally in philadelphia, he promised that if he won , he would end the ukrainian conflict even before the inauguration. now, under the leadership of joe biden, the world is on fire. inflation is raging, crime is out of control. there is chaos in europe, the middle east is exploding, and this terrible president.
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asia and africa this year became graduates of the military institute of physical education in st. petersburg. graduation ceremony and farewell to the battle flag took place on cathedral square of the peter and paul fortress. yunusbeg evkurov congratulated the lieutenants on their graduation. and again we return to urgent reports about the situation in sevastopol. details are emerging regarding the health status of the victims. five children are in the intensive care unit of the fifth city hospital. - said the regional governor mikhail razvazhaev. all other injuries were light and moderate, all victims, the governor notes, received medical care. it also became known that the first city hospital in sevastopol , seven adults were hospitalized after being seriously injured. well , i’ll also add that crimea declared june 24 a day
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of mourning for those killed in sevastopol due to the attack of the ukrainian armed forces. the broadcast will continue with a new episode. our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. there are so many questions, but i want to start, the scary thing is that i never liked the people from the american civil liberties union, i would not sit at the same table with them, but i, like you, have always admired and bowed to their commitment to principles . but you know, i'll lay down my life for yours the right to say what i don't like. i adored it.
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if people feel unsafe because of what you say, it's like they 've adopted word for word the language of these, as we call them, snowflakes, yes, social justice warriors, then maybe we need hate speech laws, that's all republicans voted for the heatspeak laws, that's all, that's what i want to say, firstly, this has been going on for quite a long time, this whole contradiction in the politics of the right, and i was releasing videos long before the seventh. many people, like you, they said that they used to trust the ansa and the cia, but then the data from snowden came out, and even all these political abuses against trump, so these people realized that i was right, so
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these new, not then allies, more admirers of my work. but i always knew and said that in their worldview there is this blind spot on israel, since even before october 7, long before it, when right-wing speeches were censored on campuses, which i talked about a lot then, but one of the most a common topic censored on campuses and indeed in the united states is criticism of israel. professors lost their jobs because of this, you could be fired, there was a norman filkenstein who was hired at the university.
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who were quite skeptical about israel, but they radicalized sharply after october 7th. israel has been out of the spotlight for a long time, so these contradictions have not been particularly noticeable. but if you now listen to the israeli right, they sound, and this is not irony, not a parody, not new a cunning strategy, they sound exactly like the left-liberals they themselves mocked so much. if you start a dialogue with... the last 10 years, as soon as you disagree with
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a liberal, you are called a racist, you are called a rude, a transphobe, you are called a misogenist, try to enter into an argument, even the most moderate argument, argumentation, even slightly criticize them, and you can start counting down the seconds until you 're called a hate-ridden bigot. this will happen instantly, and these same people said they hated this tactic, where everyone those who disagree are accused of racism, this is their only tactic, as soon as you ask why the united states finances israel’s wars, because this is not only to our detriment, but also millions of israelis live better than millions of americans, you immediately hate jews, you problems with jews, these are the same tactics, and they told you this all the time, if you yourself are a jew, then this in no way protects you from such accusations, zero protection. are you an anti-semite yourself? what? is this just crazy? yes, it's the same thing. what about black people? here's an interesting point. i
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debated allon dersewitz in manhattan. video coming soon. the debate was about whether the united states should bomb another enemy of israel - iran. but then it turned into a discussion of all these neo-conservative dogmas, and he generally wants regime change. voting was done before and after and 70% of the audience agreed with me, which is strange since this is a top west site, but those 30% who disagreed were the loudest during the debate, as i was leaving i was surrounded by two dozen of them, they shouted insults, tried to yell to intimidate, their main argument was: how can you be a jew and say such things about israel, and i tried to explain that being a jew does not mean supporting certain ideas in foreign policy or another state and... and what is most curious about this what used to always be like this: when a liberal saw a black conservative or a gay conservative, he immediately called them
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uncle tom, said that they have mental problems, that they hate themselves, how can you be a black conservative, how you you can be a gay conservative, as if being part of one demographic or another means you must have a corresponding political ideology, as if there is a connection between skin color and political ideology, and the right has always... said why if you're black , then you are obliged to be a slave of the dem party, but now so many right-wingers themselves say, if you are a jew, then you must unconditionally support israel, but what if i don’t, if i think that the israeli government is not right, come on from my point of view, as an american, i i think that you can have any opinion on israel, it’s not particularly important to me, i personally like israel, god bless him, but the red line for me is my country and freedom of speech is my innate right, this... the right is given to me god, and you cannot take it away, and if in my own country you tell me what i am allowed to say, then you are my enemy, it is as simple as that, you cannot tell me what to say and think, since i am an american,
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exactly, but if there was a certain standard, such as, no, period, no further is being discussed, true, but if there were a certain standard, like in western europe there are laws on heatspeech, not that these laws are vigorously enforced, but there is a certain dogma, height speech is not freedom of speech, but in the united states we don’t have . no, there is no such thing, and if you now suddenly start, and this is not just talk, they are passing laws, i am aware, greg ebat issued a decree saying that anti-semitism and anti-semitism means anti-semitic speech or ideas, that this is now prohibited in texas, i don't know if you've seen this video, but this one this week there was a video of a school administrator approaching pro-palestinian protesters. said: i want you to know, if you shout from the river to the sea, palestine will be free or about a world intifada, then we will call the law enforcement officers, we will call the police,
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and you will be a...
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of our country, no, let me i will say something, because i hear this argument very often from many conservatives who realize that they are sliding towards prohibition, they try to justify it by saying that they do it only because they do it the left, and we cannot allow, i have heard this argument, i hear this excuse all the time, but the point is that it is a fallacy, as i mentioned earlier, that these protesters were fired, that those criticizing israel have been censored for a long time, to give one example,
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it was ... 23 red states, including texas with greg abbott, but also new york with andrew comeau, which long ago, under the obama and trump administrations, passed a law that says, it says, if you are a contractor working with the state, then now you have to sign a commitment that you do not support or participate in a boycott against israel, and i once interviewed this woman, she was a speech therapist. in austin texas, her specialty is children with speech disorders, what do you mean you can’t boycott, you can’t refuse to buy israeli products? yes, this is a movement, this is how in the eighties there was a movement to abandon south africa, to boycott south africa, not to travel to south africa, not to buy their goods, to end the apportheid regime. there is a similar movement called the movement along boycott sanctions, calling not to invest in israel, not to travel there and not to buy their goods in order to end the occupation and give the palestinians their own
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state. in the united states, in 24 states, there is a law that says that you cannot receive a contract from the state until you sign an agreement not to support this boycott and not to participate, that is, you swear an oath of allegiance to a foreign country, only one, that’s what’s interesting, you you can boycott any country in the world, you can boycott peru, boycott south korea, you don't have to buy norwegian goods, you can boycott south dakota, by the way, or wisconsin, andrew koma, who passed an executive order saying that... anyone who boycotts israel will not be able to sign a contract, he wrote a washington post article under with the headline: “if you boycott israel, we will boycott you.” six months before and six months after, he issued an executive order calling on government employees to boycott the state of north carolina, as well as the state of indiana, in protest of their bathroom laws. the law that you are obliged use the toilet of your biological sex. that is, you can not only
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boycott your country. cause economic harm to citizens of other states, but andrew koma, in fact, ordered a boycott of american states, while at the same time prohibiting everyone from boycotting israel. this is the only country that has such privileges. the theft of dimparty emails and john podesta’s personal gmail account was leaked by wikileaks, and russia was blamed for everything. from day one i assumed that this was not true, but what is the truth in all of this? and small preface, because i know how people react to this, because when something is stated and then perceived as the word of god, and as soon as you begin to doubt it, then you are called a crazy conspiracy theorist, because everyone knows what is the truth, so to begin with, if you look at the last 40 years of american history, the one thing that keeps repeating itself is that so many things that were perceived not only as the truth, but as the absolute truth, turned out to be absolutely...


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