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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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terrorist attack in sevastopol. the kiev regime attacked the city with missiles. those who were relaxing on the beach were injured. the list of dead includes children, and more than 100 were injured. forensic experts are working on the scene. what is the data for this minute? among the 27 injured children, five are in serious condition. doctors are fighting for their lives. murashka took the situation under personal control. there were doctors from other regions, what happened to the medicines? responsibility for the attack on sevastopol lies with washington and kiev. all flight missions in ms attacks are introduced by american specialists - they say in our ministry of defense maria zakharova called the attack on the holiday of the holy trinity a ritual crime. what is the international reaction? during the day, the enemy lost almost 2.3
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haymarc shells, as well as german military equipment. in the kharkov region, our military used a new type of weapon, what are we talking about? and a new aggravation in the middle east, hezbollah launched drones in the direction of israel, the attack is called a response to the actions of the idf. what will israel do and how far will it go? well, let's start with urgent messages from dagestan, in derbent, an unknown person fired at a synagogue and a church with automatic weapons, here are the images that are now being published on the internet, it is known that this is a fire that is currently ongoing in the synagogue. according to preliminary information, one police officer was killed, one was wounded as a result of shooting in derbent, the suspects fled in a white volkswagen polo, the ministry of internal affairs of dagestan reports. also, in place. during the procession
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, investigators went to derben to establish all the circumstances of the incident. and one more urgent message. not known in makhachkala the traffic police post was fired upon. according to preliminary information, one employee was injured. this is also data from the ministry of internal affairs. it is reported that in makhachkala, after the shelling of a traffic police post, an interception plan was announced; the identities of the attackers are now being established. well, now sevastopol, the president is constantly in touch with the military, as well as with the leadership. social block and healthcare, press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov told reporters about this and emphasized that the main thing now is to provide all the necessary assistance to those injured in a missile attack. monday in sevastopol, the entire crimean peninsula was declared a day of mourning. according to mikhail razvazhaev, 119 people were injured as a result of the missile attack, five were killed, including three children. in his telegram channel , the governor of sevastopol said that almost immediately after the attack by the armed forces of ukraine , vladimir putin called him.
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according to the ministry of defense, the attack was carried out by about 12-15 missiles with a cluster warhead; it was carried out by the ukrainian armed forces on the civilian infrastructure of sevastopol. some of the missiles were shot down, but only one according to the message, it deviated from the trajectory and exploded in the air over the city, as a result of falling fragments, there are injured and, unfortunately, there are dead, in general these are adults and children, but unfortunately the number of victims is already in the dozens . operational. assistance was provided, all available ambulances were mobilized , the victims were taken to hospitals, the terrorist bandera regime staged another terrorist attack on sevastopol, unfortunately a large number of people were injured and there are dead, now moving from hospital to hospital in order to make sure that medical care would be in full, enough medicines, blood supplies for medical staff, as reported by the governor of sevastopol mikhail razvazhaev, he also went to
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uchkuevka - these are popular vacation spots, these are sandy beaches, of course, on a sunday summer day there were people there, there were vacationers, both adults and children, which is why they were also among the victims. oleg smirnov, leading sevastopol. ministry of health of russia. on behalf of vladimir putin sent sevastopol to the combined team of specialists from federal centers, this is what the department told us. on behalf of russian president vladimir putin , a combined team of specialists from the federal center for disaster medicine of the russian ministry of health and
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the federal medical centers of moscow hospitals was sent to sevastopol to provide assistance to those injured as a result of the shelling by the ukrainian nazis. based on the results of joint examinations of patients, decisions will be made on further treatment tactics, including the need for medical evacuation. providing russian health minister mikhail murashko took personal control of medical assistance to victims in sevastopol. the un secretariat needs to judge the act of terrorism committed by the kiev regime with the help of american weapons in sevastopol. this call was made by the official representative of the ministry of russia maria zakharova. responsibility for what happened lies not only in kiev, but also in washington. the ministry of defense is talking about this. they also note a special cynicism there. only those who were well aware that victim. among the civilian population are inevitable. with details natalya solovyova. families relax on the beach in sevastopol on trinity day. a cluster munition attack on civilians is nothing more than a terrorist attack. the russian foreign ministry says: the kiev regime chose the day, time and place deliberately. but we understand perfectly well
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what lies inside the essence of the kiev regime. this is a deep-seated hatred of everything connected with russia, with russian russian culture. us own satellite intelligence data, american specialists therefore assume responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in sevastopol primarily with washington, which supplied these weapons to ukraine, as well as with the kiev
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regime, from whose territory this attack was launched. the military department promises that such a crime will not go unanswered, a total of five missiles were fired at the city, the fragmentation warhead of one of them was blown up... and led to casualties and numerous injuries among civilians of sevastopol, the consequences will be both military and legal accomplices of terrorists will not escape punishment. the americans transferred this type of weapon, which is banned in more than 120 countries, namely the cluster warhead, long-range atommax missiles, which, according to preliminary data, were used, that is , i would not say that this was an exclusively ukrainian attack, because firstly, from the point of view of technological... use of these weapons, and goal setting is still done at least with the permission of the developer, that is, this american missile production, lock martin control accordingly is located there, so at least there was coordination with the americans, and a hybrid strike on a peaceful city is already being written on both sides of the ocean,
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the western press is restrained in its wording, but the numbers of casualties speak for themselves. russia says ukraine killed people in attack on crimea with us-supplied missiles, writes. reuters agency, without including the number of victims in the headline, so as not to shock readers. al-arabiya is like a carbon copy, but at the same time for some reason, atacoms calls them not american, but ukrainian. the british wire service is also resolutely shielding the us, insisting sunbathers run screaming for cover as ukrainian missiles explode over a crimean beach. and those who are really behind these monstrous attacks, the president of russia spoke more than once in hanoi, following his visit to north korea and vietnam, he once again...
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this morning the russian army struck at the training site for flight and technical personnel of the armed forces of ukraine . all objects were hit, the ministry of defense reported. more profitable positions were occupied divisions of the west troops group, the north group. defeated seven enemy barigades. in total, in one day the armed forces of ukraine lost almost 2,000 militants, 75 ukrainian drones, 33 hymers, vampire and alha missiles were destroyed, as well as a launcher for the arist anti-aircraft missile system made in germany. and in the kharkov region, where fierce fighting is currently taking place, our military has used a new type of weapon, it is more accurate and therefore much more effective. this is an air bomb with a universal planning module. details. this is how russian aviation operates
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in the skies over the kharkov region, this is a strike by a su-34 bomber with a high-explosive aerial bomb on the temporary deployment point of the formation of the kiev regime in leptsy. fierce fighting continues near the village, in order to deprive the enemy of combat stability, the pilots strike with three-ton bombs with planning and correction modules. at the forefront. fpvidrons in the kharkov direction, and perhaps in the entire zone
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of a special military operation, are the main factor that determines the nature of hostilities. viscous battles, slow progress, are a consequence of the fact that in the sky above the battlefield there is always a huge number of kamikaz drones, ours and the enemy. these are the small, maneuverable, inexpensive, long-range and ultra-precise kamikaza drones that can do this. ensure superiority even over superior enemy forces; by the way, this large fpv drone comes in smaller sizes. now this is not only an anti-tank weapon, not only a counter-battery weapon for destroying enemy infantry. this is also a way to destroy air defense targets, it is also the station’s carrier electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare, communications, these are means of remote mining, this list. will only grow. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week. kharkov
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direction. the ukrainian armed forces are suffering catastrophic losses at the front, comparable to the loss of an entire military brigade per day. these figures were voiced by ex-cia analyst larry johnson in an interview with the popular youtube channel. due to the lack of personnel, as prisoners of war say, even disabled people are subject to mobilization. about what tricks are used residents of ukraine, so as not to go to... a coma and what fate awaits those who tried to escape to europe? margarita semenyuk will tell you. odessa residents burn military commissars' cars under cover of the night. this time, the car of an employee of a primorye shopping center caught fire. they are trying to put it out. judging by these images, the police are confiscating personal vehicles for burned military commissar vehicles. you would just want it that way, right? in chernivtsi , police officers are blocking the wheels; a tow truck is waiting nearby. i know everything. i want to, but i can’t get there. chernivetska police, chernivetska region, the police from the venchansky district
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are squeezing out living people, i am a person with full rights, i want to take my words back from my car, i want to evacuate the car, military commissar raids are already a common thing, one by one it’s becoming more and more difficult to fight off the crowd of military officers and police officers, there are practically no men anymore, there are half as many utility drivers, their places will be taken by women, according to a new nationwide retraining program.
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20 days to restore the energy structure of ukraine needs 50 billion dollars, officials and leaders admit, without shutting down this no way in winter. if we don't restore the existing ones. damaged plants, if we don't improve the capacity of the interconnection power lines, if we don't build these distributed generators, at least in some places, then people will have electricity for less than 4 hours a day. ukraine has lost half of its generation capacity, about 80% of its thermal generation and a third of its hydroelectric generation have been destroyed, and
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in winter they will have to sit without electricity for 20 hours a day, but this will allow zelensky to retain power longer. well, just against the backdrop of large-scale losses, representatives of the kiev regime clearly want to enlist the support of washington in order to use long-range american weapons against russia on an even larger scale, the associated press agency writes about this. but in europe there are more and more signals that irritate the political elites. natalya goncharova will continue the topic. kiev is trying to convince washington to lift restrictions on strikes deep into russia with long-range missiles. according to ash. the ukrainian armed forces are demanding permission to strike 150 km from the border, or even further. the us may agree. terrorists always found support from the states if it was beneficial to the american authorities. for example, extremists of the banned azov quietly underwent training from pentagon officers. even when congress banned supporting these neo-nazis. here is their commander with
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a us special forces camp training certificate. after zelensky included the azovites in biden’s army structures. completely lifted all bans, the escalation is growing, hungary demands to stop the madness, from july 1 budapest will head the eu council and prime minister viktor orban promised to try to bring europeans to their senses politicians. the most important points: we want to increase the competitiveness of the european economy, we are for ending the war. an alternative party for germany aimed at peace, its representatives will create a faction of sovereignists in the european parliament. the main goal is recovery.
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under the leadership of joe biden, the world is on fire, inflation is raging, crime is out of control, europe is in chaos, the middle east is exploding, and this terrible president is dragging us straight towards world war iii, which we will fight, that's why in november, you need to tell joe biden, are you fired? the american media believes that the outcome of the election can be decided by the trump-biden debate. abc reports that they are trying to train the sitting president to stand quietly for at least 90 minutes. repeat the main points of your election program. natalya goncharova, lead. the lebanese movement hezbollah launched several drones with explosives in the direction of israeli territory this morning. one drone intercepted the iron dome air defense system, two more hit the military part in northern israel. it was reported that this was in response to strikes in lebanon that the idf carried out a day earlier. about a new
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aggravation in the middle east. boris ivanin. thus, a reconnaissance drone from lebanon was intercepted in northern israel. in the republic itself, the army of the jewish state had recently eliminated a field commander who was responsible for supplying weapons to hamas militants. israel has sharply stepped up attacks on hezbollah targets in southern lebanon in recent days, with shelling forcing about 100,000 local residents to flee their homes. during full-scale war, hezbollah will be destroyed and lebanon will suffer a serious defeat. after that, i even got into social networks.
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through the israeli minister of defense went for us support. during meetings with officials in washington , events at the front will be discussed. we are ready for any action that may be required in gaza, in lebanon. in essence, we are talking about what israel has long threatened to open a second front in the north of the country, at which hezbollah fired hundreds of missiles and drones in june. in response to the murder of one of his commanders, however washington is in no hurry to get involved in a fight. us officials this week are clear. have made it clear that the biden administration will provide needed security assistance to israel, a senior white house official said, but will not deploy us troops in the region. according to cnn white. fears that if israel begins to carry out the same operation in lebanon as all three gases, hezbollah, with the support of iran, will crush the iron dome air defense system, so the states are holding back arms supplies to benjamin
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netanyahu, for which he criticized washington . about 4 months ago, weapons flowing from the united states to israel decreased sharply. we have been asking for a long time to speed up deliveries, doing this behind closed doors, but the situation has not changed and i decided to speak publicly.
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hezbollah drones struck the headquarters of the 91st division of the israeli army. according to local media reports, several military personnel were wounded. air raid sirens sounded more than once this weekend in many settlements in the north of the jewish state. boris ivanin, olga beloserkovskaya and sergei bredikhin, news. well, let's return to the events in dagestan. in derbent, a synagogue and a church were shelled. according to preliminary data, one police officer was killed and another was injured. according to the press service of the ministry of internal affairs of dagestan, the suspect.
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is a sports festival that is annually held by the russian olympic committee in different parts of our country. this time yuzhno-sakhalinsk was chosen as the central site. my colleague danilo makhalin saw how it all went. an anniversary on sakhalin in one of the easternmost corners of the country, the thirty-fifth in the history of the all-russian olympic day on the island on a large scale, despite the rather cool, far from summer weather in fact, no more than +10°, windy, cloudy, the mountains are all in fog, covered with haze, here, at the cosmos stadium, in gagarino park, hundreds of people still became part of this big sports festival, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, here's another, another, another, if you pay attention, retrospectively the competitions, the largest competitions, the olympic games, the last ones took place in
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the far east, this is... both korea and japan, so with this region, the far eastern region of our country, many our athletes know each other firsthand, many of them prepared in this region. the most important thing, the most important indicator is the number of people who came today, athletes, and parents, and those who may not have chosen their sport, but came to get acquainted with what the sakhalin region represents, what opportunities, and i i’m sure everyone will find something to their liking, the arena is literally dotted with sports fields and sections.
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so many people in our region go in for sports, i didn’t even know, everything is great, archery, biathlon, boxing, samba, handball, football and basketball, scattering interactives, the readiness of which was personally assessed by the head of the roc stanislav poznyakov, all of them are freely available for anyone who wants to try their hand at one form or another. this is a great delight, sakhalin received us, although the weather was not very good, as we were told, it was warmer here before we arrived, but... the atmosphere is wonderful, unreal, simply, the girls, the boys, gave their all at this master class, simply did their best 100%, they tried to perform all the elements correctly, and seriously, they made us very happy, the level of basketball here is good, putting it on the eve of the olympic day flowers to the eternal flame of the memorial in honor of the soldiers who liberated southern sakhalin and the kuril islands, a large delegation of our eminent athletes went to the coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk, to watch...
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