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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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to the beat of drums, hundreds of israelis took to the streets of tel aviv, a rally against the sextree gas war, the police tried to first disperse and then completely trample. israel cannot now even cope with hamas militants, who are in many ways inferior to hezbollah, so there simply is not enough strength for another military operation in lebanon, experts conclude. signs are mounting that... israel, with the help of the americans, with the help of western partners, is trying to put pressure on hezbau so that they make contact with the israeli leadership to sign some kind of agreement, albeit temporary, in this way kizbowah can leave the game and hamas remains so-called in quotation marks in splendid isolation, because israel fears that hamas and hizbowah will impoverish their efforts. in the meantime, hezbollah drones attacked the headquarters of the 91st division of the israeli army.
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according to local media reports, several soldiers were injured. air raid sirens sounded more than once this weekend in many settlements in the north of the jewish state. boris ivanin, olga beloserkovskaya and sergei bredikhin, news. now let's return to one of the main topics of the day: extremist attacks in dagestan. the chairman of the synodal department for relations between the church and society of the moscow patriarchate, vladimir ligoida, is in direct contact with us. vladimir romanovich, hello. what is currently known about the attack on the orthodox church in dagestan, about the murder of a priest, what is the situation there according to your information? well, not much is known, but it is clear that this is a monstrous attack, that this is a terrorist attack, that this is an attempt to in general, apparently, once again disturbing the peace, interreligious, interethnic, cannot be ruled out, but... he served more than 40
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years, so, but it seems that no one else was hurt in the temple, although there is information about dead or injured guards, now i can’t say for sure, it’s working now, the police are working, they’re busy, in general, we’re praying, his holiness the patriarch is praying, for the victims. dead and this is a generally difficult situation, well, what is this church like, there are many parishioners in it, after all is it a big holiday today? yes, today is a big holiday, and this is probably not a coincidence either, this very day, this very day was chosen by extremists for this monstrous action, as far as i know, there were people in the temple, but they managed and managed... to escape clashes with
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extremists, but i’m afraid to say for sure now, because the information has not been verified, but we hope that in the near future we will understand more clearly what happened. well, the muftiati of dagestan have already stated that the radicals want to push with all their might residents of the republic burned their interfaith bridges with their foreheads, so to speak, but were assured that these attempts would never be crowned with success, that’s what you think, is it really so, they won’t be crowned with success? yes, of course, i completely agree with what was said to the muftiate, since our interreligious peace in our country is centuries-old, very strong, and it is based on knowledge of each other and good brotherly relations towards each other. however, as we can see, extremists do not give up these attempts, well, demonstrating just my brutal essence, i can’t say it any other way, because of course, an attack on places where people... pray,
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places where people come to be in peace with god and with others, an attack on such places cannot be justified by anything and no, no goals, but i am absolutely convinced that no one will be able to shake this world our good relations, brotherly relations, but somehow shake, yes, we are sure of this, thank you, let me remind you that the chairman was in direct contact with us synodal department for church relations with society and the media moscow patriarchate. there were reports from the ministry of internal affairs of the republic of dagestan that a firefight had resumed in derbent. investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. at mvidio and eldorado there is a
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killed, 12 injured. we will learn about the situation in the region at the moment from our correspondent karim gamaev. karim, hello, what new data on attacks do you have to add to this? more about the situation there, but now on to another topic, the british publication financial times claims that serbia has increased arms supplies to western countries, which can then resell these weapons to ukraine.
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the west has long been trying to put pressure on serbian president aleksandar vucic to be less supportive of russia. the newspaper's sources say that he has been working closely with vucic since the twenty-second year. the us ambassador to serbia, christopher hill, was personally involved. but i will add that perhaps this entire article is a continuation of this policy aimed at complicating relations between belgrade and moscow, because as... the financial times itself admits, there is no real evidence that serbian weapons actually fall into the hands of the ukrainian military . and in germany, hundreds of people came out to an anti-war rally; the demonstrators had two demands: to close the american airbase ramstein air force, nato's largest in europe, and also begin peace negotiations with russia.
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maybe there is also, yes, additional information, how many bandits are there,
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the information is completely different, from three to eight people, such information comes, you can also say that they periodically transport wounded employees who are participating in the special counter-terrorism operation that is currently underway practically, well, one might say, throughout the entire republic, this is the city of derbent, the city of makhachkala. it all started even closer to the evening with an attack on a church in gerbent, then events spread to makhachkala, initially a synagogue was attacked, the first employees of the ministry of internal affairs were killed there, and then everything moved to the church area, this is mirzabekova street, well, that is, it turns out that several attacks took place at the same time, yes, absolutely right, multiple attacks are very good. some of the militants have
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weapons with special sights, so to speak, and we also directly saw employees who were fatally wounded head, it is clear that snipers and sufficiently trained people are working, how many militants were there, how did they escape, is there such information, militants? three are visible in the video, but as eyewitnesses and some employees say, information may reach that there are up to eight of them, initially they were driving their own white car, then after the first attack at the station they took the car from a civilian, it was a lada model fourteen, now as far as we know, they are looking for a black lada vesta colors, we saw footage of alleged arrests on the beach. maybe there is some more detailed information here, maybe someone was taken alive, and accordingly
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the investigators will learn some additional information, who is behind this? you know, the situation is quite tense, it cannot be said that these are exactly one of the attackers, just people, they, unfortunately, do not understand what is happening, many are in the epicenter of events, and at the same time someone is trying to film it on their phone and so on further, the employees drive away.
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my colleague karim gomaev spoke about the situation in dagestan, where the cto regime was introduced. so, the terrorists once again showed their true, vile, cowardly nature, as ramzan kadyrov commented on the attack of makhachkala extremists. he expressed condolences to the relatives of the victims and noted that, as always , the extremists chose unarmed, defenseless people as victims. what happened looks like a vile provocation, an attempt to create discord between confessions, i have already commented on this. attacks by the head of ingushetia. mahmud ali kalimatov stated, that the terrorist attacks in sevastopol and dagestan are links in the same chain. enemies are trying to destabilize the situation inside the country. of course, we will return to this topic later, now about the actions of our military on the front line. sappers from the southern group of troops are neutralizing the ministry of territory, from where
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the nationalists were driven out. the roads there are literally crammed with explosives, dangerous and... they got hooked, started moving away, tugging, but here in the area, i can tell you, there are a lot of pheasants who pulled this cat from us, we couldn’t understand what was happening, or we they pulled off the mine, or didn’t pull it off, approach it, don’t approach it, then they saw that the pheasant, that’s all, laughed, began to work further, and this story is important for everyone, both for officers and for soldiers, damaged combat
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vehicles are being taken out here to the repair battalion of the central military district. the t-72b was damaged by the enemy in the ovdeevsky direction, was evacuated by our repair and evacuation group, dismantling the turret, fuel tank, welding the fuel tank, ours, of course, are many times better, they are more mobile and their combat power is much better and more efficient. the restoration of combat vehicles that were damaged during the battle is ongoing. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev. tankiev. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics, line of combat contact. controversy is flaring up between china and the philippines. last monday , an incident occurred in the south china sea between chinese patrol boats and a philippine supply vessel. beijing says that the philippines is deliberately causing provocations in the region and assumes that
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washington is pushing manila to do this. about everything more details alexander baletsky. this skirmish in the south china sea almost provoked a full-scale armed conflict, as soon as the chinese coast guard spotted philippine military boats near rifan, which , according to beijing, is in chinese territorial waters, the prc coast guard went on board, the filipinos tried to fight back with water cannons, the chinese used hooks and knives and cut through the inflatable boats of the philippine coast guard. to me, this is piracy. the chinese coast guard illegally entered our boats and damaged them. them, real piracy. according to the philippine military, who filmed everything, one of the fighters even lost a finger in the brawl; navigation equipment was destroyed in beijing by the actions of its coast guard, called the defense of sovereignty. the reason for the current situation around the zhenya reef is clear;
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it lies in the philippine side’s violation of its promise and refusal to tow the military. the vessel illegally allegedly grounded urif zhenyai for 25 years, as well as her persistent attempts to deliver building materials to strengthen this ship. the stranded ship is a rusty american sieromadra from world war ii. in the late nineties, the filipinos deliberately abandoned it in the area of ​​the disputed islands; a team of military personnel is constantly on duty on board. and, despite previous agreements between manila and beijing to remove the structure that was barely standing on the floor, the philippines , on the other hand, secretly strengthened it. so as not to fall apart, the financial times writes about this, citing sources, and the chinese coast guard presented its footage of the filipinos dropping nassier madre from the air provisions, possibly weapons. the philippine military then sent it against the chinese, and so , under the guise of fishermen, the military swam to the reef of zhenya and the nainsha archipelago. since may, filipino
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fishermen have been organized to remain permanently in the disputed areas, all financed by the philippine government, but these fishermen are not real, they are disguised, paramilitary units. beijing is confident that manilo is acting with the approval of washington, which has already deployed nine military bases in the philippines, two of which are the disputed nansha islands. immediate proximity to taiwan, to which from the philippine island of luzon, where the americans have already installed their medium-range missile systems only 200 miles, the escalation in the south china sea, the same financial times writes, the united states immediately uses as a reason to invoke the fifth article of the treaty with the philippines on mutual defense. beijing understands all this and calls on manila to resolve differences through dialogue and consultations. the only condition is that the philippines conduct this dialogue without regard to the united states.
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in sevastopol, june 24 has been declared a day of mourning. vysu was struck at the city by long-range american missiles and tacomas. five people were killed, including three children, and about 140 people were injured. vladimir putin is in constant contact with the social bloc of the government and the military. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the head of state expressed condolences to the families of the victims and instructed to provide all necessary assistance. this was announced by the governor of sevastopol. the flight was sent from moscow, which means that the children, as soon as they receive first resuscitation aid , can be sent to receive medical care at the best moscow children's hospital. vladimirich putin called, our president almost immediately expressed his condolences.


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