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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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sevastopol on june 24 was declared a day of mourning, when the city was attacked by long-range american missiles from takams, five people were killed, including three children, and about 140 people were injured.
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it is now impossible to get to the vuchkuevka beach. a cordon has been set up at the site, a large number of operational service employees are working and no one is being allowed to go further, because the beach is still being examined by explosives technicians. v all attacked civilians relaxing by the sea today at 12:00 noon, when there were especially many people. on the weekend, sevastopol residents and tourists came to sea ​​to relax. this is footage from the first seconds of the shelling. even before the doctors arrived, the wounded were helped. the vacationers themselves, according to
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eyewitnesses, there was a lifeguard on the beach at that moment; a shrapnel hit him in the head, but despite the injury, he helped people hide in the cafe building. under fire , this man, a bus driver, was taking the wounded from the beach. when we heard the pobo we immediately ran, i threw in the children’s number, and then it turned out that the children were in the bathtub, and then we realized that there was a fire and most likely they were injured, i went to the beach, because i am a doctor and i think, doctors, and more doctors. we didn’t have time to arrive, well, there were a lot of wounded there, by that time they had already been taken out, well, into the sandy areas of this beach to the parking lot. kiev attacked the city with five atacoms missiles, so that there were as many casualties as possible, they are filled with cluster munitions, fragments from ukrainian shells scattered hundreds of meters around, windows in cars and buildings were broken, well, you can see, there is a crack in the glass, the investigative committee opened a criminal case case, the main investigative department of the investigative... committee of russia
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a criminal case has been initiated under article 205 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is a terrorist act based on an attack by the armed forces of ukraine on the city of sevastopol. fragments of downed ukrainian missiles fell on the coastal zone in neighboring suchkuevka-lyubimovka, and a residential building caught fire in one of the tsn on the northern side. the fire has now been extinguished. tomorrow, june 24 , mourning has been declared in sevastopol. yana shcherbaty, andrey terentev, elizaveta berezkina, news: sevastopol. let's return to the events in dagestan, now there is news marked "lightning". on the square in the center of the village of sergokola unknown persons fired at a car with police officers. one employee is injured. this was reported to the regional ministry of internal affairs. in derbent, the central part of the city is without power. the active phase of the clash is underway in the city, and shooting can be heard. our colleague jamil saliev is working in the city at this moment. he communicates directly with us. jamil, greetings, we are waiting for the latest information from you on how things are going. counter-territorial
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operation, good evening, now it is very difficult to obtain the latest data, the press service of the ministry of internal affairs also does not yet have such information information, and according to preliminary unspecified information, the militants are being pushed around the city, and at the entrance to the city we were already surrounded. well, it’s obvious that the connection with jamil has now been interrupted, apparently, we will be able to return as soon as it is restored and we will find out in more detail what is happening in makhachkala in derbent, well, now it suggests that jamel has finally contacted us, can you hear us , yes, i hear you, yes, please continue. now
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practically no one has more detailed official information, according to unverified information, militants are being pushed into different parts of the city. firefighters are no longer even working in the area of ​​the synagogue, there is information that there may still be militants there, according to other unverified information, another group of militants is in the area of ​​the hayal restaurant and is preparing an assault, well, that is, in general, now this is the preliminary information yes, the release ring is right in front of the city, literally.
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in the area of ​​special operation b we are located on one of the highest points of derbent, but it seems like there is light everywhere in the city, maybe there is you have detailed information about the militants, how many there were, how the attack took place, what they were armed with, the militants were armed with small arms, the exact number of attackers is still unknown, it is only known that they were driving a white volkswagen car, and first they fired. synagogue, then the church tried to escape from the scene of the incident, well , as you already said, yes, there are conflicting data about the victims, but nevertheless, what are the numbers now according to your information and are there any after all, among them are civilians, maybe
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they are now receiving the necessary help, some of them are in medical institutions, this information is also missing now, maybe you know more, we can give you what we know. only official information that six people died, all law enforcement officers, according to unverified information, also two civilians were also injured and the remaining about twenty people are said to have already been taken to the hospital, but the information has not yet been confirmed by either the ministry of health or the ministry of internal affairs. okay, jamey, thank you, we will then wait for new information, naturally, official, what is happening at these minutes in derbent, he said. the attack on churches of two faiths in dagestan confirmed that for those who are trying to undermine the situation in the region and in the north caucasus as a whole
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, nothing is sacred, these are the words of the plenipotentiary representative of the president of the russian federation in the north caucasus federal district, yuri chaika. he noted that an operational headquarters has already been created, all necessary decisions will be made... promptly in the interests of the safety of residents republic and called on everyone to remain calm and believe only information from official sources. well, in the meantime , the russian union of travel industry recommends that tourists refrain from traveling to dagestan until the situation in the region stabilizes. and more information: those who attacked derbent are adherents of an international terrorist organization. this was literally just reported. it is also already known that the militants in dyarbent and makhachkala used foreign weapons, among other things. so, on the evening of june 23, unknown persons fired at the synagogue and church in derbent. during the extremist attack , archpriest nikolai kotivnikov,
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who served for more than 40 years, was killed. the chairman of the synodal department of the moscow patriarchate for relations between the church and society and the media, vladimir, spoke about this on our channel. it is clear that this is a monstrous attack, that this is a terrorist attack, that this is an attempt, in general, apparently once again, to disrupt interreligious, international peace, this cannot be ruled out, so, but the information, unfortunately, to the great, is confirmed about the death of the rector , brother of nikolai kotelnikov, a man who devoted more than 40 years to priestly service. well, but it seems like no one else was hurt in the church, although there is information about the dead or injured guards, i can’t say for sure right now, the police are working now, they’re doing it, in general, we’re praying, his holiness the patriarch is praying for the injured, dead,
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like this, a difficult situation, that’s what about priest nikolai who died in derbent. said a journalist from the spas tv channel, alexander egortsev, who knew him well. i am very i have been in dagestan for a long time and often with my father nikolai kotelnikov. we met, probably at the end of 2000, at the beginning of 2010, we often visited derbent and more than once went to visit the church of the intercession of the virgin mary in derbent, to visit father nikolai, he is called the oldest priest of dagestan, he is very much loved and respected not only by the orthodox , but also muslims are jews, i say this with full responsibility, if you walk along one of the central streets of dagestan, there is no...
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juma mosque in derbent, and the same picture of muftis, muslims approaching him, hugging him
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like an old friend, they are seated at the table, treated to tea, because in the most difficult times, when terrorists and militants were still raging, here is father nikolai, he stayed in dagestan with muslims and orthodox christians, they were friends until today, all together, of course, this is... a very bright man, a very worthy end to his life, he made such a martyr’s sacrifice for faith, for christ, we have no doubt, the entire northern caucasus is now praying for him. now let's return to the attack on sevastopol, the un secretariat needs to condemn an act of terrorism committed by the ukrainian armed forces with the help of the united states. an official representative made this appeal.
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ukraine used american atacoms missiles against civilian targets, which means the blame lies primarily with washington, and not just
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kiev. all flight missions for the american atakms operational-tactical missiles are entered by american specialists based on their own us satellite reconnaissance data. therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile strike on civilians in sevastopol lies primarily with washington, which these weapons to ukraine, as well as the kiev regime from the territory. whom this blow was struck. the military department promises that such a crime will not go unanswered. a total of five missiles were fired at the city, the explosion of the fragmentation warhead of one of them led to casualties and numerous casualties among civilians of sevastopol. there will be consequences both military and legal; accomplices of terrorists will not escape punishment. the americans donated this type of weapon, which is banned in more than 120 countries, namely the cluster warhead here are long-range missiles from amaksk.
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the western press is restrained in its wording, but the numbers of casualties speak for themselves. russia says ukraine killed people as a result of an attack on crimea with us-supplied missiles, reuters writes, although it cannot stand it. heading the number of victims, so as not to shock readers. al arabiya is like a carbon copy, but for some reason atacoms calls it not american, but ukrainian. the british telegraph office is also resolutely defending the united states. insisting sunbathers run screaming for cover when over the crimean ukrainian missiles explode on the beach. and those who are actually behind these monstrous attacks, the russian president spoke more than once in
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hanoi, following the results of his visit to north korea and vietnam, he once again emphasized the supply in vain. several messages marked “lightning” e people who were hiding in churches in makhachkala from terrorists were revealed, this is reported by the ministry of internal affairs of the region. but there is also a message that clashes between law enforcement officers and militants in derbent continue. the head of the police department was seriously injured dagestan lights. this is also a message from the ministry of internal affairs.
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we will learn more about the situation in the region literally in - well, a few minutes after a short advertisement , our correspondent natalya khanbabaeva will join us for direct communication. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out that you can immediately use your own marketplace for money in different ones, it turns out, open a tab. at a rate of 20%. financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. what are men silent about? painful urination and problems with
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reported to the ministry of internal affairs. we will learn more about the situation in the region from our correspondent natalya khanbabaeva. natalya, greetings, what new data on attacks do you have up to this minute? hello anton, according to the information at the moment. because the sound disappears and natalya khanbabaeva wants to tell us about the situation in dagestan, where the who regime was in place, i’ll now read out what the news agency tapes report, the clash between
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law enforcement officers and militants in derbbent is now continuing, this is data from the press service of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs across the republic. chief of police doug ogney, who arrived to help his derben colleagues, he was seriously wounded. that a series of terrorist attacks is happening. the bottom, that is, there is a blow to the economies of the regions, all this should lead, according to plan , because there is such a multi-sphere organization of customers to
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push russia into conditions that are unacceptable for russia to freeze the conflict in ukraine, that is , what the west is pushing. it is now extremely important for the west to get a break before the elections, that is, so that there is no active hostilities so that washington can do this claim it as your victory. plus pump up the armed forces of ukraine with weapons, give them the opportunity to form an additional army, recruit more meat, so to speak, demolish them with weapons to restore the combat effectiveness of the armed forces, accordingly, all these tasks of punishment contradict the goals of russia and, in fact, this buildup of this whole situation with the help of terrorist attacks, it as they say, apparently , this is the addressee.
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what is necessary, yes, natalya, unfortunately, the connection is not very good, well, it is clear that when the cto regime is introduced, but problems with communication are obvious may arise, natalya khanbabaeva. managed
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to tell us that they managed to get people out of the church and that they managed to eliminate four terrorists, and it literally just became known that the head of the sergokolinsky district was detained, whose sons could be involved in the terrorist attacks, he is now under interrogation, about this riya novosti reports, citing a source in law enforcement agencies. we will, of course, return to this topic, now about the situation in the special operation zone that the russian army carried out this morning. hit the spot training of flight and technical personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. all objects are hit. in total , the enemy lost almost 2.0 militants during the day. 75 ukrainian drones, 33 khaimars, vampire and alha missiles, as well as an arst air defense missile launcher made in germany were destroyed. in the kharkov region, where fierce fighting is currently taking place, our military has used a new type of weapon. it is more accurate and therefore much more effective.
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this is an airline. with a universal planning module, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny found out the details. so russian aviation operates in the skies over the kharkov region. this is a strike from a su-34 bomber. hugas aerial bomb on the temporary deployment point of the formation of the kiev regime in leptsy. fierce fighting continues near the village in order to deprive the enemy of combat stability, the pilots carry out strikes. three-ton bombs with planning and correction modules. in general, this is the first combat use of aircraft ammunition of this caliber with a planning module. application successful. after the explosion, the radius of continuous damage is slightly more than 200 meters, the bomb fragments themselves retain lethality within a kilometer radius. in addition , aviation, using such ammunition, has a strong impact on the moral and psychological state of
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enemy fighters. some units simply refuse to take positions on the front line. fpivedrons in the kharkov direction, and perhaps in the entire zone of a special military operation, the main factor that determines the nature of military operations: sticky battles, slow advancement, a consequence of the fact that there is constantly a huge number of kamikaz drones, ours and the enemy’s, so small, maneuverable, and inexpensive. destroying enemy infantry, this is also a way to destroy air defense targets, not only counter-battery weapons , it is also a carrier of electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare, communications stations, and
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remote mining equipment, this list will only grow. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week. kharkov direction. the ssu suffers catastrophic losses at the front, comparable to the loss of an entire military brigade per day. this was reported by former cia analyst larry johnson. even disabled people are subject to mobilization. he will tell you how the zelensky regime methodically exterminates ukrainians. margarita semenyuk. residents of odessa burn military commissars' cars under cover of darkness. this time , the car of an employee of a primorye shopping mall caught fire. they are trying to put it out. judging by these images, the police are confiscating personal vehicles for burned military commissar vehicles. you would just want it that way, right? in chernivtsi , police officers are blocking the wheels, waiting nearby tow truck. i know everything. i want, i can't get there.
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they are also tightening the screws on ukrainian refugees in europe and germany, independent citizens must work or go home. the head of the csu opposition party in the bundestag calls on ukrainians to look for work. must be offered.


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