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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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in this regard, i would honestly disagree about the fact that trump is there, i am a trump supporter, because trump is a direct path to civil war, united, will trump be no better than biden for us? no, he won't be better, but the fact is that he gave his last speech in philadelphia, if you are the last, no, i mean, in his election campaign, he now gave his last speech.
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states to power, then the democrats are already preparing a new ball, that is, a new one.
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it was purely samnam, a soul-tearing spectacle, the lie is preparing for an attack, i just really want everyone to understand the seriousness of us, the f16 is probably already geared towards ukraine, pilots.
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contract soldiers are the ranks of the armed forces, and clearly for us, i am sure that the military understands everything, so they should not be shy about saying what they need in order for this counter-nasal to be extremely unsuccessful, so we need to clearly understand this, we cannot relax for a second, the enemy is insidious, cruel as before, ukraine is an expendable part, these are the foundations, the foundation is the entire collective west. well, yes,
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firstly, today is really the holiday of the trinity, for orthodox christians this is a very important holiday, it is considered the third most important after the resurrection of christ and the nativity, and by the way, not only the orthodox are idle today. christians, but the majority of christians, so to speak, the whole world, one way or another, pentecost, yes, this is the day of the founding of the church, as a way to communicate with god, as a way to save one’s soul, that on this day, our enemies, i won’t even say whether it’s ukraine or someone else, our enemies struck sevastopol, for me personally, this is yet another confirmation that they are not just infuriated by the existence of russia as such, they want to destroy the orthodox church as well. christianity, because orthodox christianity, again, like it, don’t like it, like it, don’t want it, believe it, don’t believe it, but this is really the foundation of the russian original civilization, from which, yes, we all take these roots, even people non-believers, in fact, from this precisely from this, so to speak, from these roots, are nourished in their understanding,
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what is good, what is bad , what is good, what is evil, in my personal opinion, of orthodox christianity, except in russia, by and large, so to speak, and its fate is outside of russia, but it looks... quite sad, because everything that i know about this, yes, says that our enemies, as it were, well, the enemy of the human race, if you like, yes, is destroying orthodox christianity systemically, corrupting it from the inside, causing a split, so to speak , pushing people together, yes, well, with direct pressure, and so on and so on, that is russia is really the last, so to speak, cease, reliquary of orthodox christianity, in my opinion, this is the main treasure that we have, money, weapons, iron, everything else, all this can be done, others have it, yes, but ... there are such, so to speak, values, such things that others do not have, because what is money for, money for the sake of money, money as an idea, what is iron for, iron as iron, in itself, you understand that it can work for anyone, for any idea, that’s what we see so to speak in ukraine, yes, so it is important to understand, the real, so to speak, real
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stakes here, they are even higher than just geopolitics, this is even more serious, they want to destroy orthodox christianity in the person of russia, one way or another, not just let's attack, so to speak, directly... directly from the inside, from the outside and so on, this one, this attack, the barbaric attack on sevastopol, on this very day, for me this absolutely unambiguously confirms, as for the ukrainians in ukraine, all these conversations about ukrainian orthodoxy, so to speak, it seems to me, is a thing of the past, but by and large, yes, because we see, also as if to the question of, so to speak, not to beat and so on, we see that the ukrainian people recognize the supremacy of the usurper, yes, which zelensky is today.
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and therefore, as it were, worthy of, so to speak, what happens to him, including during military operations, zelensky is such a collective, unconscious, unfortunately, of the ukrainian people today, like it, don’t like it, yes, but it’s so, so it’s also worth proceeding from this, including, including, which means developing your own response measures, as if yes, in relation to , so to speak, those who carry out such barbaric attacks in relation to our citizens, so to speak , it produces peaceful ones, this is the first, second, well, i, so to speak, am also forced to support, or rather not to support, but to join this conversation, as it were. a lie, yes, which was started here, besides the fact that in a military situation any lie leads to tragedy, the death, that is, of military personnel and civilians, and so on and so forth, on top of everything else, i can say, through my charitable foundation, i often come across these stories, it also leads to this, it leads to the fact that for for those to whom
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war is their mother, a field is created for fraud, a field for, so to speak, theft and for everything else, if one lied to one, he lied to another, this one lied to a third, and so on. etc., yes, there arises such a, so to speak, dark zone, a gray zone, in which, so to speak, all sorts of scoundrels, how they do their business, that ’s all, yes, and this ultimately leads to a decrease in management efficiency, this ultimately leads to a lack of resources, to a mess of everything else, this is extremely important to understand, it seems to me that many things are still it is necessary to change, including, so to speak, in terms of coordination of actions there, i don’t know, the ministry of defense with those charitable foundations, i understand that maybe this is a drop in the bucket, but it’s not such a drop if you put everything together . i assure you that this is the same a drop, so to speak, that makes the weather, and by the way, regarding air defense, for example, yes, sometimes military units, so to speak, located there even in the depths, so countries say, we need, relatively speaking, give we have rap, electronic warfare, we need to protect the airfield, here we are next to the airfield, so to speak, it also means
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that such and such enterprises give quite serious names to large companies, i ask them, so to speak, but you don’t go to these companies tried to contact you if you so to speak, they also need to be covered, and so on and so on? so to speak, relatively speaking, there ten, fifteen years ago is simply impossible, wrong, this applies to everything, yes, but moving on to the topic that i would initially like to say, so to speak, to say, yes, this is connected with our diplomacy, yes, i’m usually skeptical about our diplomacy, but in this case i really have to admit, these two visits to north korea and vietnam, they are really very effective, as for vietnam, it seems to me personally very important is the conclusion of an agreement on non-alignment between vietnam and russia. in those alliances that may have some kind of mutual, so to speak, threat, this is extremely important, given that the americans in this
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region are constructing, trying to add, strengthen their huge number of all sorts of alliances, they are building new ones there, so to speak , some object, and so on and so on, by the way, indirectly, this meets the interests of china, which has bad relations with vietnam, well, complicated relations there, let’s say, yes, it’s clear that we are not we lobby for the interests of the chinese, but if the vietnamese promise not to join alliances that could pose problems for russia, then this... almost automatically means that they will not be assigned to alliances and those that pose a threat to china, it seems to me , this is also important, because it actually forms, so to speak, these structures, and even unites countries that have complex relations with each other, we know that china and vietnam have quite complex historical relations and so on and so forth, i think that this is very, well, a good move, a strong move, but in fact, regarding the brix of what is to come, in my opinion, in my opinion, but this pseudo one has passed. a peaceful pseudo-conference, so to speak, in switzerland and so on and so on, in my opinion, after all, these two visits
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were so proactive, we need to intercept initiatives in diplomacy, definitely, not wait for them to carry out some kind of there is a conference, and then, so to speak, discuss it, so that’s how it is, so to say, it was a conference, somewhere it worked out, somewhere something didn’t work out, and so on, first we discuss there for 3 months that it will happen, then we discuss that this is what what happened to her and so on and so forth, we need our own formats, including for discussing issues of war and peace, that’s not what i’m saying...
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and this is the destruction of the world, the whole world, why have a world in which there is no russia ?
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russia, russia, so to speak, yes, it should not just go to the end then, listen, we should, so to speak, turn to to the world with a simple thing: the west wants to bury us all, what kind of ukraine, what kind of ukraine, so to speak, this is the same thing, there are such and such missiles there? the west is ready to bury the whole world, the entire world civilization, it is ready to bury it, because either it has come down. this is satanism, what is satan? this is a complex image of evil, so to speak, what is evil? robbery, death, murder, meanness,
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deception, rape, all kinds of lawlessness, that’s what it is, today they personify this worship, they want to sacrifice the whole world to satan. yes, i understand that for some, for some it sounds, so to speak, very abstractly, but it really is so, the effect turns out like this: do you believe, do you not believe, by the way, speaking as for you believe, you don’t believe, you know, many people say, well i don’t believe in... stupid, look at the people who do evil not for money, but just because it gives them pleasure, because they, for example, get pleasure from how they destroy people, or, for example from the way they bully people and tell me looking at these scum, you know, there is no such evil, it’s all because of money, but there’s not a damn thing like that, if everything was because of money, it would be much simpler, everything, everything
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is much more complicated, today’s west is consciously moving towards worship. evil in everything, in everything, absolutely, in the small, in the big, and so on and so forth, they want to devour the whole world, they want to sacrifice it, in this black place of theirs, russia must tell the whole world about this, and talking to him at the brix sites, somewhere else doesn’t have any no significance, but i believe that here we need to raise the bar in these diplomatic efforts, move from, you know, from the regime, well, as before, but a little more intensely, so to speak, to raising the issue from the point of view. the west has not been able to offer the world a new idea of ​​management, let’s say, leadership, that would truly take into account the interests of different countries, different people, different cultures, it is leading the planet to destruction, the west is leading the planet to destruction, they have either gone crazy, so
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to speak, do they think that they are the most smart, it doesn't matter, they consciously worship destruction, consciously worship evil. this is evident from the way they live, what laws they adopt, this is evident from their mass culture, it is evident because they demand everything from everyone else, as if yes, this is obvious, so here we are, realizing this, we cannot allow ourselves to be led like a bull on strings, so to speak, to be slaughtered on this satanic altar, you know, and this , among other things, must be told to the whole world, this, if you like, is russia’s mission in this russia's global mission, although everything else is also extremely important.
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centralization of power. there is an anonymous, faceless cabal of people whose names we don't know, whose faces we don't recognize, who centralize power. and for the first time, technology is allowing it to go global. they want every person to turn away from their parents and their family. and in the same way they want to cut people off from their national roots, their sense of belonging, their sense of being british. this is how you cut people off, cut them off from their roots. i have noticed that this process also aims to make people ashamed of their history, be it their family history or national history, so that there is nothing in the past but things to be ashamed of. so you force people to renounce the past, to renounce their parents, to renounce
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their family, to renounce the nation in its understanding, then these people are just dots on a spreadsheet. these are just flickering dots on the screen that you can place anywhere, and now you have there is a global population that doesn't belong or feel connected to anything so they can be moved anywhere because they have no roots they use the same tools to disconnect people until you are just a lonely person who ready to put on the uniform to do something new in the face of a utopia, you know, an ideal future that doesn't exist, it's easy to sell to people because it doesn't really exist. sergei alesanovich talks about the essence, but here he is already talking about technology, the embodiment of this evil. alexandrevich, very good interview, this is exactly what i wanted to talk about or in this direction, but is there such a concept of morality of society and is it even possible to say that society can be moral or
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society can be immoral, and if these concepts exist? , then how can this be applied, let’s say, to society. and his government that we continue to supply weapons, if others use them the way they use them, it doesn’t seem to concern us very much, and well, we can limit something there, well, that’s of course
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slyness, because there are certain rules, i won’t even talk about international ones, there are certain rules for trade and in general for the use and transfer of weapons in germany, they are very tough, very cruel, i would even say, and there are always... the so-called protocol for sale or protocol for transfer, which very clearly regulates what can be done with these weapons, that is, there is no such thing as we sold the weapons, we, i mean the germans, we sold the weapons, then what. do it if you want, if you want, go work as pirates, if you want, fight against someone, if you want, send taurus to your targets in russia, this does not exist, that is , the german government initially, when it sells absolute priority in all this..
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all these are a lot of different changes, by the way, the leading role in this was played by the party, the green peacemaker party played, then jishka fischer, who later became
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the minister of foreign affairs, played one of such decisive roles in ensuring that germany moved from this. internal pacifism in external aggression, that is, i want to say what this means, it means that germany, until a certain period, not only did not have the right, but generally should not have taken part in any military actions. it is impossible to sell weapons worth 800 million euros, as indicated, and not understand that they can end up in ukraine, which means that on the one hand, serbia is, well, maybe not an ally,
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but a partner closest, the closest country, people, probably to which is treated very warmly in russia, it’s clear for what reasons, on the other hand it goes absolutely, well i would say, i will call it a betrayal, that is, from my point of view, this is a definite betrayal in relation to...
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in the creation of two systems, two german systems, the gdr and the federal republic of germany, they kept telling me all the time, so i have been living in germany, they talk about it all the time, but the federal republic of germany, the german democratic republic - it was still a country that was under the yoke of the soviet union, they told me about germany’s guilt, the germans did not repent, they lived in a socialist camp, they had this system of denunciations at each other, in west germany everything was different for us, we we repented, we admitted our guilt. we had everything as it should be in a democratic society, then the following happened, then there was, well, betrayal on the part of the soviet union, moreover, i now
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have information. about the fact that it happened much earlier than eighty-nine and ninety, that is, we are accustomed to saying that it happened precisely during this period, nothing of the kind, there was one more moment that i think i will be able to tell more about in the future , in the eighty-fifth year gorbachev begins his all these movements for a new reorganization of the world, peace initiative and so on, in germany at this time they are already aware, they already have information, in the gdr there is information that the socialist camp will be destroyed, in the year eighty-six colonel general markus wolf leaves retired, the most outstanding intelligence officer, i think, of the last century, who, in principle , everything rested on him, all this powerful gdr rested on him and partially, i think, the soviet union, realizing that he could no longer in any way contribute to the preservation his own country, he
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retires, he was only 63 years old. after that, he lived another 20 years of a long, long life, when they tried to judge him, when they pulled the names of his agents out of him, which , strictly speaking, he never did, but in the year eighty-six, that is , 3 years before, when they officially began to say that germany and germany could unite, he already knew about it, that is , long before all these events, in the bowels of gorbachev’s regional committee or the central committee , this idea was already maturely ready, and yes, they sold the gdr, so.
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time entered this new life, she was categorically for western values, 35 years have passed, now those youth who were born in ninety-five, ninety- six and later are entering the stage, and these youth, who did not know the socialist camp, they did not know the gdr, she did not know the soviet union, she did not study russian, but these youth are now the majority in the elections of the alternative for germany and the union. vagant, they have the largest number of young voters, what attracts these people to these parties? i do not say that they are pro-russian, these parties are not at all pro-russian, not pro-russian, but at least they are pursuing some understandable policy in terms of war, in terms of sanctions, in terms of relationships, self-determination, values, that this youth to this to these people or to these the parties are now leading, yes, i think the same thing that we should talk about now, that
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in fact the injection that... was given to the soviet union, to these eastern lands, to the east germans, it has not gone away, it will last a generation, now it worked again, that immunity appeared, which it turned out we lost after the nineties in east germany, look at this map of the elections to the european parliament, which we see today, but absolutely clearly we see west germany and the german democratic republic, well, for these words i can seriously get hit on the cap in germany, but i will say them because it is the truth, and we must always speak the truth. now it’s advertising, we won’t continue after that, if we have sports, then with records. if
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it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. go, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.


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