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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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a way to destroy air defense targets is also the carrier of an electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare, communications station, these are also means of remote mining, this list will only grow. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news of the week, kharkov direction. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, the program is about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that
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russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is going on with production in general, raw materials , export, what is it? we will take on this matter, it will be fair.
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for us, if it’s sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then... we love traditions, honor
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our history, value family, strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more. at the exhibition russia. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's see. in the application or on the website. news sergei nachasa, briefly. doctors and psychologists from moscow began providing assistance to victims of the missile attack on sevastopol. 35 specialists have already been taken to the hospital. this monday. in the city itself and
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throughout crimea, a day of mourning. terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces killed four people, 151 suffered. the united states is trying to silence the crime of the kiev regime against the civilian population in sevastopol, said our ambassador in washington. anatoly antonov emphasized that the us administration took the side of international terrorism, but the american side will not be able to escape responsibility. in dakistan during the counter-terrorism. the crew of the russian k-52 helicopter destroyed a unit and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​responsibility of the north group. the strike was carried out by unguided s-8 missiles. after hitting the targets, the pilots carried out anti-cancer maneuver and returned to the airfield.
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the world karesh national wrestling championship ended in kazan as part of the brix games. athletes from 29 countries, including blue ones, competed for victory. military site of the world championship on roofs. the final of the fifth anniversary fight takes place in the open air. the scale of the event is confirmed by the numbers: 300 athletes from all over the world fought on belts for 4 days to confirm the status of batyr, that is, the victorious hero. foreigners also confirm the fact that
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sport is outside politics. geography of the competition - these are 29 countries of the world, including athletes from neighboring countries of belarus, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, and guests from other continents, including wrestlers from senegal, cameroon, turkey and others. kureysh is a wrestling that carries the traditions and customs of the turkic peoples through the centuries, and as the experience of recent years shows, the culture of this sport resonates in the hearts of wrestlers from all over the world. for example, there were few from africa, this year we have six or seven countries, before they were ours, they didn’t really know our struggle, now they they not only know the fight, they are already our competitors. an integral attribute in... national wrestling is a belt, also known as a sash, necessary for mutual convenience of grip, because the goal is one - to lay the enemy on his shoulder blades. this year, along with the usual fight in the ring, new variations of wrestling are presented, wrestling on the sand, on horses and even in virtual reality, in the final, but everything is according to the classics, there are 11 weight
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categories, only one absolute winner in the end. those who were just a little short are watching the decisive battle before triumph, but still ahead, and this is a good reason to be. sports arena. there should be a national sport, these traditions should not disappear, because they were established a long time ago, so this is a national sport, i believe that they are doing it correctly, believe me, there will be 50 countries and 70 at this championship, because everyone wants come show your best
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qualities. these are forecasts for the future, and the winner of this year has been determined, it is ranis gelezidinov from naberezhnye chelny. already in the status of batyr, the man notes that he began i have been wrestling with belts since i was 5 years old. in kazan, the completion of large-scale sports competitions was combined with the national holiday sabantuy, which surprised the guests, guzel zaynakova knows. the birch grove is filled with bright colors of the main
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national holiday, each guest is greeted with songs and dances. the opening ceremony of the holiday begins with a theatrical performance.
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huge trust of the leadership of the russian federation, guests from china, iran, united arab emirates, north korea, serbia, venezuela, brazil, great britain, german cup, switzerland. and of course, participants from russia for almost 2 weeks of competition, where politics has no place, that sport has no boundaries, once again proved here in the sports capital of the world. on behalf of the members of the organizing committee, i want to thank the republic of tatarstan, the city of kazan, the ministry of sports of the russian federation for holding such...
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it is important, and this is one of the traditional competitions at any sabantuy, bag fighting. the participant
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has to climb onto a log; not everyone succeeds. well, where are the lack of satisfying dishes, they treat you to pancakes from the oven, fresh chakchak and other national dishes. according to tradition, on this day it is customary to set rich tables and invite guests. guzel zaynakova, eldar galyudinov, lead tatarstan. forecasters warn of prolonged downpours and thunderstorms. in the urals, how long will they persist and should we expect new squalls in the european part of russia this week? forecasts from evgeniy teshkovets. the ural region is expecting weeks of incessant storms and thunderstorms. extremely contrasting atmospheric conditions were localized in this part of the country. front. where will the heaviest precipitation occur today and how long will it persist, how will the temperature regime change in the frontal zone. time for weather news on channel russia 24. i'm evgeniy. leading specialist of the fovas center. hello, it will be stormy in the urals all week. wow!
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it's starting to go down, damn it! residents of bashkiria are watching with alarm as a tornado forms right next to their homes. the funnel eventually sank to the ground and it was only by luck that it did not cause large-scale destruction. it is here in the east of the european russia. at the weekend, atmospheric fronts arrived, which had previously tormented the european part of the country for 2 weeks in a row. on saturday, the main bad weather raged in the south of the urals, precipitation was accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds. in ufa , there were power outages due to lightning flashing in the sky. roads and the local airport went under water due to short but extremely intense downpours. some high-rise buildings will require repairs after such a storm. on saturday, the storm covered a vast territory, watering from the volga to zaur,
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floods were observed in kurgan, saratov and the cities of tatarstan. this is, for example, what the underground passages in naberezhnye chelny looked like. city residents are asking absolutely relevant questions. this is how much water, yes, it turns out that the entire underground is completely covered, we answer, only on saturday, according to the weather station in the east of the russian plain in the urals, up to... view from above, beautiful view, the day before the precipitation became more local, at the epicenter the chelyabinsk region turned out to be a disaster; in just 12 hours the capital of the region received 26 mm of precipitation, here is the result: it was possible to move along the streets of chelyabinsk in a swimming pool, public transport stopped right on the roads, hundreds of houses
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were reportedly left without power supply, here is perhaps the most terrible footage from the city: streams of water washed away the soil. and poured under the high-rise building. a repair team has arrived on site. residents in comments to the rabbit expressed concern that atmospheric moisture could compromise the integrity of the foundation. damn, why does all the water go under the house, or what? and alas, this weather will last for a long time in the urals. from the european part of russia the system of fronts was replaced by an anticyclone, but there is now a center of high pressure over siberia, so the nastya zone is sandwiched between two atmospheric ones. today, the main showers will move from large cities to the north of the ural ridge to the west of ugra, but this does not mean that the metropolis can relax. the frontal zone continues to experience huge temperature contrasts. in priobie, for example, the heat is +30 and above, while in pridural, on the contrary, it is cool, below +20. due to dense clouds and
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predominantly northerly winds. and such drops are a guarantee of strong thunderstorms, squalls and, of course, torrential ones. in this configuration, the atmosphere will last until the end of the working week, when the anticyclone over the russian plain manages to push the storm zone further to the east, this will be the end of the sunny idyll for western siberia. for example, in novosibirsk until thursday there is no precipitation, calmly + 30-34 on thermometers, on friday there will be a thunderstorm, the weather will deteriorate, but for the urals the shift of the front will be a long-awaited liberation from the storm's axes. in yekaterinburg throughout the nearest it will pour like buckets for a week, today it’s still warm in the city +24, but tomorrow the temperature will drop to +16, then the air will begin to warm up little by little, and a steady trend of improvement will be established in the second half of the week. as for european russia, the worst is already behind us. as the anticyclone strengthens, the weather
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will become better. in moscow today and tomorrow +22-23. cloudy with clearings, on wednesday there will be a little rain, and then there will be fewer clouds in the sky , warming will begin, on thursday friday in the capital it will be +24.26. that's all i have until now dates, we have 1,500 branches, more than 7 million customers and financial solutions that suit everyone. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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for the first time on screens, meet on avito, khvatamba has arrived and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to car products on avito, dedicated to our senior loved ones, convenient loans, excellent deposits, in the branch and online, special conditions . on relationships. dear magnit store passengers, please fasten your seat belts. a journey into the world of chips awaits you. welcome to melon-colored, bright papeki. fiery tomsk thai, unforgettably spicy mexican, new flavors of chips in a magnet, fly into the summer, fly into a magnet,
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investing with sber is easy, receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get 20%, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open a deposit in different ones at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial. from the moscow exchange, what we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, the avito trip will all go as booked, with cashback,
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bonuses, we reveal the secret of an excellent grill, when you buy mirotork pork kebab, you will receive mohei ketchup for 1 rub. magnit, price, what you need, it’s a simple loan, only in a soviet bank, we take out loans, no extra ones. discounts to people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito. now economic news, mash loans with a floating rate will be issued much less frequently. roman, in only two cases and more on that later. russia will limit the use of floating interest rates on
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loans. the document signed by vladimir putin was published on the legal information portal. the purpose of the initiative is to limit the risks of people and micro-enterprises from such loans. the changes will come into force on september 1. now banks will be able to issue floating rate loans in essentially only two cases: first. if this is a mortgage loan for a period of no more than 20 years in the amount of 200 to thousands of average monthly salaries, the rate can be changed by no more than four percentage points. the second case is if it is a consumer loan, the amount of which is 200 times the average monthly salary. then there are no restrictions on changing the rate. oil trading opened today with lower prices. in the first couple of hours, the barle brand mixture dropped below $84. now the losses have been recouped somewhat. carbohydrate prices. nations fell on friday, affected by the rise of the dollar against the backdrop of positive data on business activity in the united states. they have increased concerns that the fed will keep interest rates
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high for longer. but the market is supported by geopolitical risks in the middle east and a reduction in fuel supplies from russian refineries. in addition, ecuador's state oil company declared force majeure due to heavy rains and landslides. production and export of heavy oil have been suspended. and the latest data also indicates. reduction in raw material inventories in the us amid a recovery in energy consumption. the prc will take all measures to protect the legitimate interests of its companies in connection with european tariffs on electric cars from china. this was stated to german vice-chancellor robert habyk during his visit to beijing, the state committee for development and reform of the people's republic said in a statement. they pointed out that the tariff policy of the european union not only violates market rules, but also contradicts what is being actively promoted. brussels environmental agenda. in beijing, the greenest minister of the german government was made to understand that it is in germany’s interests to convince european officials. the european union has started
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anti-subsidy investigation into chinese electric vehicles without any statements from member states or industries and announced the introduction of temporary anti-subsidy tariffs of up to 38% on chinese cars. china is extremely concerned and very dissatisfied. the european commission plans to introduce protective import duties on electric vehicles from china from july 4th. allegedly, beijing provides the industry with serious government support, giving chinese cars a competitive advantage. in response, the ministry of commerce of the republic announced the start of anti-dumping investigations into pork supplies from the eu. the czech energy company faces a fine of almost 80 million euros in favor of gazprom export. if. it will continue the proceedings in the international arbitration court. the arbitration court of st. petersburg issued a corresponding ruling. the czech side claims in its claim that
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the russian counterparty. allegedly undersupplied it with gas, the fact that the european authorities themselves refused pipeline gas from russia is not taken into account. companies from germany, austria, france, etc. are equally forgetful. the netherlands, britain, switzerland, poland and slovakia. all of them were prohibited in russian jurisdiction from prosecuting gazprom export in foreign courts. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 87 rubles. 95 kopecks. euro - 94 rubles 26 kopecks. i have.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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during the missile attack on sevastopol, 35 specialists have already been taken to the hospital, this monday is a day of mourning in the city itself and throughout crimea, a terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces claimed the lives of four people, the united states is trying to silence the crime of the kiev regime against the civilian population in sevastopol, said our ambassador in washington. anatoly antonov emphasized that the us administration took the side of international terrorism, but it will not be able to escape responsibility. in dagestan , five militants were killed during a counter-terrorist operation in makhachkala and derbent. they attacked two orthodox churches,


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