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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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during the missile attack on sevastopol, 35 specialists were already taken to the hospital, this monday is a day of mourning in the city itself and throughout crimea, the terrorist attack took the lives of four people, 151 were injured. the united states is trying to silence the crime of the kiev regime against the civilian population in sevastopol, said our ambassador in washington. anatoly antonov emphasized that the us administration took the side of international terrorism, but it will not be able to escape responsibility. in dagestan , during the counter-terrorism operation in five militants were killed in makhachkala and derbent. they attacked two orthodox churches and a traffic police post. at least 15
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police officers were killed. there are casualties among civilians . the families of those killed in terrorist attacks in dagestan, as well as the wounded, will be provided with financial assistance. the authorities of the republic also thank everyone who has already expressed their readiness to support the victims and take part in the restoration of churches. now in sevastopol, where they are providing comprehensive assistance to those injured in a missile attack by the armed forces of ukraine, what? will tell you exactly what is being done correspondent oleg smirnov, he works in the city and gets in touch directly by phone. oleg, hello, what measures have already been taken? yes, hello, sevastopol today is mourning those killed the day before as a result of a missile attack on the city. mourning was also declared in the republic of crimea. information about those killed and injured as a result of rocket attacks is constantly being updated. the most recent data we have is information for 21 hours. yesterday from
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the governor of sevastopol mikhail razdazhaev, according to this information, four died people, including two children. more than 150 people sought medical help the day before and 82 people were hospitalized. the day before, the governor toured the hospitals where the victims were staying. but let me remind you that according to official data, the strike was carried out by the ukrainian armed forces during the day at 12:15 and it fell on the resort village of uchkuevko on the northern side of sevastopol, this is the place where it is located. a popular sandy beach, there were a lot of people there, including those who worked and helped spontaneously, so to speak, evacuate the victims, one of the drivers, who worked on the route, if possible, we can listen to his words, he worked on the fiftieth route, was driving from zakharov square towards uchkuevka beach, well, while driving down, explosions thundered.
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arrived downstairs , people with round eyes, scared, had already started running out of there , well, i arrived there and already started taking them out, and it was my decision, i already took out everyone i could, well, then i arrived, called the boss, explained the situation, well, the boss also said that let everyone leave, try, the more people you take, the better, well, that’s why it’s like that there were many casualties, the ministry of defense reported that four missiles were... damaged and another one deviated from the flight path, its warhead exploded in the air in the city and when the fragments fell, dozens of people were injured, they ask not to pick up the debris, they can be dangerous, but specialists were working on the site yesterday, the area was cordoned off, that is , work was being carried out there precisely on this issue, and according to the latest data as of this morning, also from governor mikhail razvazhaev, a combined brigade arrived in the city of sevastopol, this is 35 specialists, doctors from the federal center...
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disaster medicine, other moscow doctors, including psychologists, they were sent to the city on behalf of president vladimir putin, are already in hospitals to assess the condition of the victims and the need to also transport them to other medical centers countries. studio over to you. oleg, thank you, correspondent oleg smirnov was on direct communication from sevastopol. the shelling of sevastopol by american missiles showed that the us authorities took sides between them. people's terrorism, such a statement made by our ambassador in washington anatoly antonov. according to him, the white house demonstratively supports the kiev regime, condoning the attack on the civilian population in russia with western weapons. as the diplomat noted, the attack on women and children was targeted, and the united states is desperately trying to silence the terrible crime in the isu. all this, antonov emphasized, indicates the death of us foreign policy in the ukrainian crisis. strikes.
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there should be no american weapons in sevastopol. the only border that the pentagon must protect the us border. this statement was made by congress woman margery taylar green. how else did the west react to... the attack on sevastopol with western weapons is a brutal crime against civilians, which the western media are duplicitously hushing up. this statement was made by greek politician kostos isychas. the united states , by supplying ukraine with missiles to attack sevastopol, showed its true appearance, a maniac and hysteria. this is how they commented on the tragedy in pyongyang. german bloggers reminded who pays who initiates. used by ukraine, with the permission of joe biden and targeted assistance from the us military, to kill russian civilians. joe biden is leading humanity
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into the abyss. hungarian prime minister viktor orban said that the west is an affiliated party in the ukrainian conflict. according to the politician, russia should be part of the european system.
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at the same time, international structures continue to hush up even the facts of their own, supposedly independent investigations. rafael grossi, ceo of magate, stated: attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant must be stopped immediately, but the head of the international agency could not say who exactly was shelling the station. alek komarov, lead. the tourism business is also reacting to the situation in sevastopol, crimea and dagestan, this is not only in economic news. maria filipova joins me. mash minecon development encourages operators to be loyal. roman, yes, the recommendation concerns the cancellation of tours. the ministry of economic development of russia recommended that tourism not be fined for canceling tours in sevastopol and crimea after shelling of the beach from ukraine. the press service of the ministry reports this.
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according to the association of tour operators of russia, some organizations themselves decided to adhere to such a policy. however, there are also companies that will base their decisions on hotels. minek also called for no fine. and now the federal passenger company has announced the possibility of returning tickets purchased in this direction without deduction of fees; the return must be issued within three days, according to a message on the fpc telegram channel. head of international atomic energy agency for the first time hinted at who is constantly.
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committed last week, it has become almost impossible to deny the obvious. russian now that he has visited the site of the shelling, the army, in response to similar shelling by the vso, continues to strike ukrainian energy facilities.
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the first batch of liquefied natural gas this year was sent east along the northern sea route, rbc reports, according to its data, the cargo from the novotek company is transported by the ice-class tanker eduard tol, on june 21, he... from the port of sabetha headed towards asia. at the moment, the ship is located in the taimyr peninsula area. gas was sent from the yamal lng project, only 70 km away is arctic lng-2, which fell. under us sanctions. market participants consider the start of summer navigation to be a definite plus for the project, since gas from it can one way or another reach china and other asian markets, despite restrictions. french market participants are seriously concerned about the results of the upcoming parliamentary elections, the first round of which is due to take place on june 30. because of actions of president macron, paris lost its status as europe's largest market to london. so far the gap is not very big, but it is a trend. is clearly visible. within a few days after the announcement of the dissolution of parliament,
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the total capitalization of french companies sank by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars. the current consensus in the business community is that if macron's supporters win, the situation will continue to deteriorate. french business as a whole is ready for the arrival of right-wing forces, although only a couple of years ago this was considered unthinkable. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 87 rubles95. kopeck euro 94 rubles and 26 kopecks. novel. our thanks, now to the latest messages. doctors and psychologists who arrived from moscow work in sevastopol. they help victims of a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces. 151 civilians were injured. more than half are hospitalized. four more died. in sevastopol and crimea today is a day of mourning. in dagestan, law enforcement agencies are searching for terrorist sleeper cells. the republic is in three days of mourning following militant attacks in at least 15
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police officers were killed in gerbenda and makhachkala, and there were civilian casualties . artillerymen of the dnepr group are conducting counter-battery combat in the rabotin area, effectively destroying enemy nato equipment and multiple launch rocket systems, grad. crews fire directly from highways to avoid being hit by enemy drones. hungarian prime minister viktor orban spoke in favor. ceasefire in ukraine, he argues, if kiev did not have support, the conflict would have ended long ago. orbán also stressed the need conducting peace negotiations with conditions acceptable to both parties. in dagestan , law enforcement agencies are working at the sites of terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent. all the circumstances of these attacks are being clarified. the national anti-terrorism committee reports that a total of those have been liquidated. in dagestan , a three-day mourning has been declared since monday, as of this hour
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, at least 15 policemen were killed in an attack on two orthodox churches and a synagogue, a traffic police post, and there were also casualties among civilians. as a result of the two bandits were neutralized during a military event in derbent. makhachkala, three bandits. there are dead and wounded among law enforcement officers and civilians. the victims are provided with the necessary medical care, based on the facts of armed attacks, which resulted in the death of civilians and law enforcement officers, the investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the republic of dagestan has opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under article 205 criminal code of russia. among the dead was a priest, father nikolai, who served in the church in derbend for more than 40 years. the terrorists also set fire to a synagogue to ambush emergency workers.
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our own correspondent, tsarkar magomedov, will tell you how events developed. the height of the operation in makhachkala, special forces have to fight their way into the territory of the assumption cathedral attacked by militants. one of the objects that was attacked by terrorists, the orthodox church, behind this cordon, it is very dense, there are so many people local residents, eyewitnesses, now can’t drive through here, can’t get through to the orthodox church, whose parishioners managed to barricade themselves inside. in the church at that time, thanks to the employees who took the fight, 19 people managed to close, and until the last, that is, they were locked in the church, but were safe, there were shootouts, people were taken out there, they were helped, there was water for someone, there for someone there. what, take it there by car. shortly before this, they set fire to a synagogue in another area of ​​the city and attacked police officers who were rushing to to the scene of the incident. the terrorist attack in the capital of dagestan occurred simultaneously with the attack on the synagogue church in derbebi. whose residents had to flee from the bullets, soon both
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gangs were blocked, their members were neutralized, the militants tried to escape, so in makhachkala the chase ended on the city beach, still two, here it is, like this, like this, work, brothers, three, three , three, work, brothers, work, there were casualties among law enforcement officers and civilians, more than 15 police officers became victims. today's terrorist attack, with weapons in hand, defending the peace and quiet of dagestan. a few more civilians as well. died, among them father nikolai, a clergyman for more than 40 years, who served in an orthodox church. the dagestan authorities are confident that the terrorist attack was carried out with the aim of splitting society and the interfaith world. the connections of terrorists both abroad and within the country are being checked. preliminarily, two of the attackers are the children of the head of one of the regions
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of dagestan. three days of mourning have been declared in the republic. sarkar magomedov, saleh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, vesti dagestan. the orthodox priest father nikolai, who died in terrorist attacks, always emphasized that representatives of different religions have nothing to share with each other; our correspondent anton podkovenko talked about the kind of person father nikolai was with those who knew him well. he served for almost half a century in the intercession church of derbent, the rector, father nikolai nikolai kotelnikov, was killed by terrorists on the feast of the holy trinity, he was 66 years old. known and loved in dagestan, journalist of the spas tv channel, alexander egortsev many times visited the priest, cannot talk about him in the past tense. he is called the oldest priest of dagestan. he is very much loved and respected not only by orthodox christians, but also by muslims and jews. i say this with full responsibility. once, i remember, we went to visit father nikolai in derbent, and he took
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us on an excursion to the jewish derbend synagogue. there jews and rabbis meet him, hug him, and say: “balchika, it’s good that you came to us.” and then father nikolai took us to the oldest in dagestan and in russia in general juma mosque in derbent, and the same picture. he was a very bright man, parishioners say; those who knew father nicholas personally call his death a martyr’s sacrifice. it is clear that this is a monstrous attack, that it is a terrorist attack. an attack that this is an attempt, in general, apparently once again, to disrupt interreligious, interethnic peace, this cannot be ruled out either, but the information, unfortunately, to the great, is confirmed about the death of the rector, brother nikolai kotelnikov, a man who served in the priestly service gave more than 40 years. father nikolai moved to
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dagestan from stavropol, and not only served in the church of the intercession in derbent, but also taught at a local sunday school. orthodoxy lessons. the law of god, lately, parishioners remember, it was difficult for him not only to walk, but also to stand, the priest was ill, but when he came to church, it was always clear how much he was loved here, the rector left behind a wife, three daughters and six grandchildren, i remember, of course , our last meeting, it was several years ago, he and his wife invited us to their small room, began to treat me to tea, sweets, started talking about families, this is such a priest, i remember his words that he once told me back in 2010, that we have nothing to share with muslims, we live side by side with them on one street, we go to visit them on holidays, they come to visit
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us, these are the sincere words of a priest who spent his whole life in dagestan, not... for the monument to the brotherhood of three religions on the pedestrian street of derbent, and this monument consists of three figures, ravina, priests and mules, so an orthodox priest was sculpted from nikolai kotelnikov, now this monument has become even more symbolic, because faith is stronger than terrorism. anton potkovenko, olga alvukhina, lead. now sports news in the studio ilya kostin, ilya, good morning, russian swimmer yulia efimova won the 100m breaststroke, but did not qualify for the olympics, why? and good morning, the fact is that she was unable to meet the time standard in order to qualify for the games in paris, so she definitely won’t go there anymore. now let's talk about euro football, striker of the albanian national team kazan rubins mirlenda daka was suspended for two matches of the european championship, the reason was the footballer’s offensive shouts towards the serbs and macedonians after the group
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stage game against croatia. on the eve of the euro , the last two matches of group a took place; the host team of the tournament, germany, played a draw with switzerland 1:1. the germans were the first to concede and were able to equalize only in stoppage time for the second half. the goal was scored by niklas füllkrug. thanks to this draw, the germans entered the playoffs from first place, the swiss from second. in another match, the hungarian team beat scotland 1:0. the hungarians scored the latest goal in the history of the european championships, excluding overtime. in the tenth minute of added time, kevin chobot scored. during the meeting it was scary. he collided with the scots goalkeeper and defender, after which he fell unconscious on the lawn. later it turned out that there was a fracture in arga. his bones will require surgery, but his life is not in danger. as a result of the meeting, the hungarians took third place in group a and have a chance of getting into the playoffs. scotland is the last and is on its way
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home. russian tennis player anna kalinskaya, who had five match points in the deciding set, lost the final of the tournament in berlin. the russian woman took the first game in a tiebreak, but lost the next two sets, the last one also in a tiebreak. dutch driver max verstapin from the red bull team became the first at the barcelona grand prix; this is his seventh victory in ten races this season, according to verstapin. the main aspect of the victory was the tire work. it was very hot in barcelona, ​​which caused the car to slide a lot, he said winner. british mclaren driver landa
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noris finished second at the catalan grand prix, another briton, lewis hamilton from mercedes, was third. the next stage of formula 1 will take place in austria, the grand prix will be held from june 28 to 30. pilot of the lada sport rosneft team kirill ladygin distinguished himself twice at the fourth stage of the russian circuit racing series. the competition took place over the weekend at the kazan-ring circuit in the capital of tatarstan. in friday's superproduction class race, ladygin started from third place, but already left the first turn the leader of the race pushed his ladovesta 1.6 car to the finish line in second position. the successful race performed by his partner leonid panfilov allowed lada sport rosneft to take the team cup of this race. the saturday race followed a similar scenario, starting from sixth place. by the end of the first lap ladygin was among the leaders, and at the end of the race the spectators saw a brilliant fight for victory. nikolai vikhansky eventually rose to the top of the podium, and ladygin again
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took the silver cup of the competition. ahead participants of the smprsk series will have a short pause. the next stage of the russian circuit racing championship and cup will be held at the egora drive circuit in st. petersburg on august 23 and 24. this was the most noticeable sports news up to that moment. roman, you have the floor. ilya, thank you. we continue. the offensive of the assault groups in the southern donetsk direction is actively supported by drone crews from the kamchatka marines brigade. strike drones destroy enemy strongholds and firing points. work as a copter operator you have to face a hail of shells, maintaining an icy calm in order to accurately guide the device to hit the target. we have the latest information from the front lines. the body of the high-speed buggy seems small, but it contains all
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the equipment and ammunition, a repeater antenna, charges and up to twenty attack drones, the crew includes an efvedron operator and an engineer, the latter has only 5 minutes to equip the weapon, this is a target sensor, a console it works out for us, we draw plus and minus wires from here with an electric detonator. and connect directly to the drone. the practice of combat use has shown that the most reliable and easiest option for attaching a charge is ordinary stationery tape. from the moment it takes off into the air, the drone turns into a highly accurate and effective weapon. sometimes you are already looking for a target, you fly out on a free hunt, you fly along routes where their equipment mostly travels. now crews of the marine corps brigade from kamchatka are supporting the offensive of the assault groups in the southern donetsk direction. any obstacles to... advancing troops are swept away by shock troops drones. the task was to support the infantry and work on a strong point. the task was completed, all my birds flew 100% on
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target, the vsushniks who remained alive abandoned their position and ran away. the fpv drone can carry out raids deep behind enemy lines. this german leopard tank was camouflaged in a forest belt 18 km from the front line. this became his last stop. the turret flew up, the tank caught fire, with one charge, of course, if it was destroyed with one charge, it means that most likely there was an ammo. kamis drones are active the enemy also uses it, so our equipment is being prepared to meet a swarm of enemy drones. the tanks that are now entering the special operation zone are already made with experience in conducting it, for example, this vehicle is completely protected from kamikaze drones all-round and even has this special factory grille that protects the engine and transmission compartment. as the efficiency of fpv drones approaches 90%, drone operators are a priority target for enemy guns, fingers may tremble because
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shells are falling nearby, and you are in flight. you’re sitting there and you understand that you need to complete your task, you can’t leave the drone to run away. during this shift alone, the crew accounted for two enemy support positions and a machine-gun firing point. after replenishing ammunition, the platoon of attack drones will continue to support the murpekhov in the southern donetsk direction. sergey samokha, oleg sokolchuk, lead. residents of several coastal areas are being prepared for possible evacuation due to flooding. a state of emergency was introduced in the krasnoarmeysky district and a number of villages. the region was hit heavy downpours, a month's worth of precipitation fell over the weekend. in the central western regions , the water level in the rivers rose to one and a half meters. several villages were left without transport links, and a boat crossing was organized. residents are supplied with necessary food and medicine. overflows on roads were recorded in nine municipalities. they are increasing the number of rescuers in the dalnerechensky district. there is already flooding in private plots.
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the roads are flooded. the water is pumped out. with the help of pumping stations, a point was organized for people temporary accommodation. in the fire district of one of the villages, a dam broke. according to authorities, there is no threat to residents yet.
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the app or on the website, sergina news the hour is short: doctors and psychologists from moscow have begun to provide assistance to the victims of the missile attack on sevastopol, 35 specialists have already been taken to the hospital, this monday in the city itself, on all... a day of mourning, a terrorist attack in the isu killed four people and injured 151. in dagestan , five militants were killed during a counter-terrorist operation in makhachkala-derbeng. they attacked two orthodox churches and a synagogue at a traffic police post. at least 15 police officers were killed. there are casualties among civilians. in the donetsk direction, russian artillery disrupted the rotation of the unit.


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