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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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documentaries. let's see. we look in the application or on the website. sergin chas news briefly. doctors and psychologists from moscow began providing assistance to victims of the missile attack on sevastopol. 35 specialists have already been taken to the hospital. this monday, in the city itself, throughout crimea, is a day of mourning. the terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces killed four people and injured 151. in dagestan , five militants were killed during a counter-terrorist operation in makhachkala-derbend. they attacked two orthodox churches and a synagogue at a traffic police post. at least 15 police officers were killed. there are casualties among civilians. in the donetsk direction, russian artillery disrupted the rotation of the unit. they detected
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the enemy's movement, passed the coordinates to the crews of the gvozdika self-propelled gun, and the nationalists were destroyed with precise fire. a state of emergency due to floods was introduced in the krasnoarmeysky district in a number of villages in primorye. heavy downpours hit the region. a month's worth of precipitation fell over the weekend. several villages were left without transport links. residents are being prepared to evacuate. now let's take a break for commercials, after we'll tell you what weather surprises await residents of different regions of the country in the coming days. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive super cashback on air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on the alpha travel website. not just profitable, alpha
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until july 7 khvatamba on so many things from smartphones to sneakers on avito. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming the first discoverer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone. and i decided to have a hotel in the lighthouse, it’s good that my friends helped with the renovations and with the opening of the sberbank business. at sberbank they supported me in everything at the start. they opened an account in one click and helped with accounting and legal issues. the cash register was quickly connected, all this was free, with support.
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starting a business is easier and faster. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. new - tekna pova 6 neo smartphone and sokolov silver ring with an 80% discount. on yandex market. forecasters warn of prolonged showers with thunderstorms in the urals. how long will they last? and should we expect new squalls in the european part of russia this week? forecasts from evgeniy tishkovets. the ural region is expecting weeks of incessant storms and thunderstorms. an extreme contrasting atmospheric front was localized in this part of the country. where will the heaviest precipitation occur today? how long will it last? how the temperature regime will change in the frontal section zone. meteo news time on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, presenter fovas center specialist. hello, in
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the urals you will be stormy all week, wow, it’s starting, damn it, it’s descended, wow, wow! residents of bashkiria are watching with alarm as a tornado forms right next to their homes. the funnel eventually sank to the ground and it was only by luck that it did not cause large-scale destruction. it was here that atmospheric fronts, which had previously tormented the european part of the country for 2 weeks in a row, arrived in the east of european russia over the weekend. on saturday, the main bad weather raged in the south of the urals. precipitation was accompanied by thunderstorms by the wind. there were blackouts in ufa. some high-rise buildings will require repairs after such a storm. on saturday, the storm covered
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a vast area, pouring water from the volga to the zaur. floods were observed in kurgan, saratov and the cities of tatarstan. this is, for example, what the underground passages in naberezhnye chelny looked like. absolutely appropriate. beautiful view. the day before, the precipitation became more localized. the chelyabinsk region was at the epicenter of the element. in just 12 hours , 26 mm of rain fell in the regional capital. and here is the result. along the streets of chelyabinsk it was possible move in a swim.
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there was public transport right on the roads. hundreds of homes were reportedly left without power. and here are perhaps the most terrible images from the city. streams of water washed away the soil and poured under the high-rise building. in place. and alas, such weather in the urals will last for a long time, the system of fronts was displaced from the european part of russia by an anticyclone, but there is now a center of high pressure over siberia, so the bad weather zone was sandwiched between two atmospheric giants, today the main showers. from large cities to the north of the urals ridge to the west of ugra, but this does not mean that you can relax in the metropolis. the frontal zone continues to experience huge temperature contrasts. in priobie, for example, the heat is +30 and above, while in the middle part, on the contrary , it is cool below +20, due to dense clouds
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and predominantly northerly winds, and such changes are a guarantee of strong thunderstorms, squalls and, of course, heavy rains . in this configuration from... the atmosphere will last until the end of the working week, when the anticyclone over the russian plain manages to push through the zone moving further east, this will be the end of the sunny idyll for western siberia. for example, in novosibirsk until thursday there is no precipitation and calm + 30-34 on thermometers; on friday a thunderstorm will occur and the weather will begin to deteriorate. but for the urals, the shift of the front will be a long-awaited release from the attacks of the storm front. in yekaterinburg all the nearest ones. it will pour like buckets for a week, today it’s still warm in the city +24, but tomorrow the temperature will drop to +16, then the air will begin to warm up little by little, and a steady trend for improvement will be established in the second half a week. as for european russia, the worst is already behind us.
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as the anticyclone strengthens, the weather will become better. in moscow today and tomorrow +22:23, cloudy with clearing, will pass on wednesday. a little rain, and then there will be fewer clouds in the sky and warming will begin. thursday-friday in the capital +24:26. that's all for me, goodbye. we have 1,500 branches, over 7 million customers and financial solutions to suit everyone. rosselkhozbank. more than you think.
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doctors and psychologists work in sevastopol, arrived from moscow, they help victims of a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces, 151 civilians were injured, more than half were hospitalized, four more died, in sevastopol in crimea today is a day of mourning, russian. called on the un secretariat to condemn the terrorist act of the ukrainian armed forces committed with the help of american weapons. maria zakharova also stated that the time and place of the shelling in sevastopol were not chosen by chance, calling the attack on civilians a ritual crime. in dagestan, law enforcement agencies are searching for terrorist sleeper cells. there is three days of mourning in the republic. at least 15 policemen were killed in militant attacks in derbinka and makhachkala. there are casualties among civilians.
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times the average monthly salary, then there are no restrictions on changing the rate.
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oil trading opened today with lower prices. in the first couple of hours, a barrel of the brand mixture fell below $84. now the losses have been recouped somewhat. hydrocarbon prices fell on friday. the rise in the dollar had an impact on the backdrop of positive data on business activity in the united states. they heightened fears that the fed will keep interest rates high for longer. here's the support. geopolitical risks in the middle east are caused by a reduction in fuel supplies from russian refineries. in addition , ecuador's state oil company declared force majeure due to heavy rains and landslides. production and export of heavy oil have been suspended. and the latest data indicates a reduction in raw material inventories in the united states amid a recovery in energy consumption. the prc will take all measures to protect the legitimate interests of its companies in connection with european tariffs. for electric vehicles from china, this was stated to german vice-chancellor robert habock during his visit to
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beijing, according to a statement from the state committee for development and reform of the people's republic, which indicated that the eu tariff policy not only violates market rules, but and contradicts the environmental agenda actively promoted by brussels. in beijing , the greenest minister of the german government was made to understand that it is in germany’s interests to convince european officials. the union has launched an anti-subsidy investigation against of chinese electric vehicles without any announcement from member states or the industry and announced the introduction of temporary anti-subsidy tariffs of up to 38% on chinese vehicles. china is extremely concerned and very unhappy about this. the european commission plans to introduce protective import duties on electric vehicles from china from july 4th. allegedly, beijing is providing serious support to the industry. support, giving chinese cars a competitive advantage. in response, the ministry of commerce of the republic
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announced the launch of an anti-dumping investigation into pork supplies from european union. the czech energy company faces a fine of almost 80 million euros in favor of gazprom export if it continues proceedings in an international arbitration court. the arbitration court of st. petersburg made a corresponding decision. the czech side claims in its claim that the russian counterparty. allegedly did not supply it with additional gas, and the fact that the european authorities themselves refused pipeline gas from russia is not taken into account. companies from germany, austria, and france are equally forgetful.
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artists, scientists, historians, masters of folk crafts gathered in binsk, among the spectators, even guests from japan, acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the cossack village, music, literature and theatrical performances. anna sorokina will tell you what else is on the program and what the festival is dedicated to. the alexander fortress festival temporarily turned the city of uslabinsk into a cossack village, where parks became stages, and history can be studied through folk crafts. on the square, masters demonstrate folk rituals that will attract people.
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well, give some of your own zest to today's holiday. all together, participants and guests fulfill the main goal of the festival: to protect our culture, our, i emphasize, our traditions, our traditions, of course, our faith, to protect, preserve and pass on to those who will come after us. this festival today is
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a very serious contribution to the preservation of cossack culture. entire families preserve cossack culture. at festivals and at home, in cossack gardens, schools, cossack cadet corps, on the front line in the zone of a special military operation. about 12,000 cossacks per advanced, at the same time. about 40 thousand cossacks underwent a special military operation, nine heroes of russia. today the history of modern russian cossacks is being written. the festival traditionally attracts several hundred participants and thousands of spectators. among them are distinguished guests from other countries. i've been studying for the last 2 days.
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discounts for people from people until july 7, millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort of rehau windows, dedicated to our senior loved ones, convenient loans, excellent deposits, in the branch and online, special conditions, especially relationships,
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thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will be created. they are standing in the apartment, someone is going on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us, our friday is white and white, because only we have white cashback discounts on white equipment, even if it is red, it will it will come to you itself, white friday with cashback discounts - dazzlingly profitable, mvidio eldorado, chief expert on business. techniques pairs roman burger and roman burger with chicken at a bargain price price in italian, delicious and full stop, the idea to start a business was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone and decided
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to have a hotel in the lighthouse. it’s good that friends helped with the repairs and with the opening of the sber business. sberbank supported me in everything at the start. an account was opened in one click, they helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with sber's support, starting a business is easier and faster, we open the way to business, sberbusiness, for the first time on the screens, meet on aviita on aviita, khvatamba has arrived and discounts for people from people, only until july 7. and there is a tamba for so many things, from cabinets to car products on avito, then on
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our broadcast there is a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 24 , 1717, the first great masonic organization was created in england. london and westminster lodge. the foundation of freemasonry was laid by the medieval guilds of masons. they built cathedrals throughout europe and were considered free and privileged classes. enlightened representatives of the nobility, architects, and artists also joined the organization. they called themselves freemasons or freemasons. their objectives were the dissemination of knowledge, democratic and liberal values, moral development of the individual and philanthropy. but they gathered secretly and developed special rituals. symbolism was worshiped by a certain great architect of the universe as the highest deity, the church could not accept this and persecuted the free masons, like many governments,
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who saw secret societies as an undermining of foundations. their activities are surrounded by myths, but the freemasons were major cultural figures, politicians and scientists. balter, mozart, goethe, kutuzov, pushkin, masonic lodges still exist today, including in russia. june 24. in 1812 , napoleon bonaparte's army invaded russia. in addition to the french, the army of six hundred thousand included poles, prussians, saxons, austrians, and italians. this armada took almost a week to cross the neman river. the cossacks discovered the enemy on the first day and reported alexander i. he offered to resolve the matter peacefully, but bonoparte refused. he accused alexander of violating the continental blockade of england and stated that he intended... to put an end to the disastrous influence of russia, which she had been exerting on european affairs for 50 years. truly disastrous, the french emperor soon became convinced of this.
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russian commanders surpassed bonaparte in military skill, and the entire people rose to defend their homeland. the war became domestic, the aggressor did not expect this. napoleon failed to win the general battle of borodino, and the capture of moscow became a feasting victory for him. the retreat along the old smolensk road for the conquerors generally turned into... on june 24, 1927 , the u2 took off for the first time - the most massive biplane in the history of aviation, a legendary aircraft. aircraft designer nikolai polikarpov created a machine for training pilots, cheap, all-weather and easy to operate. at first glance, unpretentious from... its plywood, it had excellent aerodynamics. u2 did not fall into a tailspin, and if this was done on purpose, he easily came out of it. before the war on it trained about 100 thousand pilots. the plane
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was used in agriculture as a postal ambulance; it was nicknamed the corn maul because a small field was enough for it to take off and land. at the front, the u2 served as a reconnaissance aircraft and a night bomber, it flew at extremely low altitudes, it was difficult for anti-aircraft guns to hit it, and it carried a substantial bomb load. and the germans were terribly afraid of him, christened him rus plywood and gave him an order if they managed to shoot him down. a women's air regiment was formed from kukuruznikov. these are the famous night witches. after polikarpov's death in in 1944, the plane was renamed po-two in honor of its creator. and they were released before the mid-fifties. more than 32 thousand of these cars were produced, and many of them are still running. on this day, 65 years ago, june 24 , 1950, nikita khrushchev promised to show kuzkin’s mother to the americans. in conversation with us vice president richard nixon at the american national exhibition in
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sokolniki in moscow. they were presented there. cars, household appliances, washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, everything that most soviet people could only dream. khrushchev was up for it, and he exclaimed: “we’ll show you kuska’s mother.” the translator was confused and translated literally: “let’s show kuzma’s mother.” nixon did not understand anything, and khrushchev was dissatisfied, so when he came on a visit to the united states, he made a second attempt. this time he had a more experienced translator with him, viktor sukhadrev. according to his recollections, it was not voon as it is now. they often write that in the car with the americans, sukhadrev translated how to demonstrate his strength, and khrushchev explained later, quote. victor again, problems with kuzka’s mother. tell simply what it means is to show something they have never seen in their life. in the west, they decided that khrushchev, by kuskina’s mother, meant some kind of secret weapon of the russians. and this is just one of his pearls that horrified translators. this is what this day in history was like.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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ukraine hit civilians with american missiles, and assistance is being provided to the families of the victims and victims. terrorist attack on makhachkala and derbent. active phase of elimination action films have now been completed. the united states will not be able to silence the attack on sevastopol. what an international reaction and unexpected words in the american congress. counter-battery fighting in the rabotina area. our artillerymen thwarted the attempt.


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