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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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wind and rain, we are waiting for our meteorologists in the studio. so, today in crimea and sevastopol is a day of mourning, state flags are lowered at half-mast, ponykhids for the dead and prayers for the health of the victims are held in all churches of the peninsula. the day before, four people became victims of a ukrainian armed forces missile attack, including two children, and over 150 were injured. at night she arrived in sevastopol from moscow on instructions from the president. doctors, they work in hospitals and prepare seriously ill patients for transportation to capital clinics. ours has all the latest information. correspondent in the region, yana cherbatoy, she joins me. yana, greetings, how do the doctors assess the condition of the victims? yes, alexander, greetings, sevastopol is mourning today, mourning has been declared in the city, at the moment there are still more than 80 people in the city’s hospitals. on the instructions of the president, doctors arrived in the city tonight.
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doctors, two children died during yesterday, yesterday's ukrainian attack on sevastopol. well, of course, the city residents could not stay away from this terrible tragedy, today spontaneous memorials are appearing in different parts of sevastopol, in different parts of the city, people come, bring toys, bring flowers, so i suggest listening to what they say. we are with all the residents of sevastopol, well, i am the same resident of sevastopol, well, each of us could have been in this place yesterday, well, in general. how to support
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relatives, support us all. today in sevastopol, all entertainment sports and public events have been cancelled, flags on administrative buildings have been lowered, the beach in uchkuevka, where the tragedy occurred is still closed. specialists, including explosives experts and sappers, continue to work. the fact is that the missiles that ukraine hit sevastopol the day before were filled with cluster munitions and they may still be in the sand or in the water, that’s why. it is, of course, necessary to examine this site of the tragedy especially carefully. let me remind you that the day before ukraine hit sevastopol with five attack missiles supplied to kiev by the united states. and at that moment there were several hundred vacationers on the beach, it was the height of the beach on sunday season, many, many vacationers, more than 150 people were injured during this attack. but i would also note that today mourning has been declared not only in sevastopol, but in the neighboring republic of crimea. the entire peninsula mourns along with sevastopol. thank you,
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our correspondent yana shcherbataya was in direct contact from sevastopol on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7, a delicious calendar returns to a delicious point, we are giving 100% cashback.
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16th buenos? no, i have ice delux. so, third? no. three days of mourning today in dagestan; according to the latest data , at least 15 policemen were killed as a result of attacks in makhachkala and derbent, and there were also casualties among civilians. the national anti-terrorism committee reports that five extremists have been eliminated, the cto regime has been abolished, now our own correspondent, sarkar, is in direct communication from the region magomedov. sarkai, hello, what is your latest information? hello,
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the latest information, you have already mentioned it, is that the counter-terrorist operation regime, which was in effect since yesterday in derbent makhachkala, has been cancelled, as a result of the liquidation of p... one of the regions of the republic, all this is being checked, and let's now let's listen to the comments of the national anti-terrorism committee. as a result of the military action carried out in derbent , two bandits were neutralized, makhachkala - three bandits. there are dead and wounded among law enforcement officers
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and civilians. the victims are provided with the necessary medical care. based on the facts of armed attacks that resulted in the death and injury of civilians.
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speaking about what happened, sergei melikov also noted that support will be provided to help the victims. let's listen to the commentary. for now on this one. now the active phase of operational combat activities in the cities of makhachkola and derben has been completed. subsequent operational search operations will be carried out and investigative measures until all participants in these sleeper cells are identified, which were certainly prepared, including from abroad. i would like to thank all the caring people who are already expressing their readiness to turn on today.
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a decision was made to provide mandatory financial assistance to all deceased victims, both police officers and civilians. at the moment i am in derbent and, of course, if you look at the situation now, it is radically different from the turmoil that reigned here yesterday, now everything is under control, of course, people have sad faces about what happened, and even during this live broadcast we saw how people came to the synagogue and offered flowers in memory of the victims, here in the synago... which, by the way, was muslim, the oldest
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priest in the republic was killed in the orthodox church, the authorities of the republic, now, and the city of aderbent, they have already announced, are going to do all the work for them in order to restore balance in society and prevent the penetration, so to speak, of various panicky mood, because just yesterday, when we were working, i was talking about the fact that law enforcement officers , like the authorities... warned that foreign information resources had become more active and began to actively spread fakes; cities were mentioned in which they were not even there were shootouts, but such fakes were spread that there were shootouts, police officers and civilians were injured, so they also promise to work in this direction, thank you, our correspondent in dagestan spoke about the investigation of the terrorist in dagestan region sarkar magomedov. the terrorist attacks in dagestan were strongly condemned by uzbek president shavkat. in a telegram to vladimir putin, he expressed his readiness to continue active cooperation in the fight against these challenges, according to
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the press secretary of the uzbek leader, he deeply sympathizes with the attacks, which led to numerous casualties. kyrgyzstan also expresses condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in dagestan, the press service of president sadyr japarov reports: the republic resolutely opposes all forms of terrorism and supports efforts russian authorities to ensure national security. a telegram with this text was sent to vladimir putin. condolences were expressed in kazakhstan. kasym zhamar takaev offered assistance in conducting operational search activities. according to the press service of the president of kazakhstan, the head of state strongly condemns this inhumane act. astana stands for the development of multilateral cooperation to combat terrorism, under the auspices of the un, sco and other authoritative international organizations. a series of powerful explosions occurred in ukraine, reports from local publications came from several regions. early in the morning it became
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known about cases of detonation in the kharkov area. judging by this information, everything happened in the suburbs. a little later, the odessa authorities announced the explosions. details about the consequences are also not provided. the ukrainian energy sector continues to lose energy infrastructure facilities. strikes against them by the russian army are a response to terrorist attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. result.
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if before last sunday electricity was turned off in ukrainian regions for 4 hours, then on the last day of the week, a 12-hour supply break was announced. two weeks before, according to zelensky. in ukraine , 9 gigawatts of power and energy generation, or 80% of all thermal power generation, were destroyed. in the east of the country the situation is worse than in the west, although some analysts are confident that the scale of the problem should not be exaggerated. it is precisely this kind of overstatement that kiev is interested in in order to beg more from its sponsors. there are still four nuclear
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power plants in operation in the country, while half of the facilities are still operational hydroelectric power generation. today ukraine is left without electricity, this is not so, but the blows to thermal generation, as experts say, have disabled about 9 gigawatts of generating capacity, and today the total ability to produce electricity in ukraine is about 10 gigawatts there, if needed somewhere at 12, that is, a deficit of approximately 2 gigawatts, this is not a failure. and god knows what a hole in the energy balance, the measure does not concern critical infrastructure, however, some industrial facilities forced to stand idle due to blackouts, it is especially difficult for small medium-sized businesses to survive, this sector will obviously thin out - experts believe that there is a non-food retailer epicenter there that
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will install gas piston solar collectors in its shopping centers. there are plans for a new maximum of more than 33,500. the suppliers are poland, hungary, slovakia and romania in transit through moldova. experts predict that an increase in supplies to ukraine will deplete domestic energy markets and provoke a rise in prices. therefore consent europe to significantly increase the supply of resources is a big question. the more
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you have to give away and, accordingly , export to ukraine, the more. electricity itself turns out to be more expensive and scarce within the country, now the summer peak of energy consumption is coming, again for reasons, if the weather is hot and dry, they themselves generally have a shortage of electricity, their prices themselves are rising, and if also if you give a lot to your neighbor, then you are causing economic problems for yourself. in addition, electricity from the eu will cost expensive, so to speak, at european prices, while ukraine is accumulating debt and counting on... electricity for its own by one and a half times, but such a step will still not cover the funds, and they also plan to increase prices for import costs, experts are sure. ukraine faces challenges in the hot summer, when people will need air conditioning. it will become easier in the fall; you no longer need to cool the room, but it’s too early to heat it. but in the coming winter, analysts believe, the country may face the most
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difficult heating season in history. especially if the vso continues to provoke. retaliatory strikes. sasha, experts give such forecasts today. thank you, masha, it was maria filippova with a story about energy problems in ukraine. and now we will discuss the latest news from donbass with the head of the dpr denis pushilin, he is joining us. denis vladimirovich, hello. hello, alexander. how the dpr responded to the missile attack on sevastopol, an attempt by extremists to destabilize the situation in dagestan. alexander, yes, of course, with great empathy, especially for us such such crimes, unfortunately, we have been observing them since 1914, and of course, for the residents of sevastopol, this is a big tragedy for the whole country, this is a big tragedy, because the criminal ukrainian regime, with the support of western curators,
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has committed this next war crime, in day off. everything is clear, unfortunately, there are a lot of people, of course, people are not, there is no way to fully defend themselves, we had a similar situation back in the fourteenth year on august 13, where there was shelling on the beach with cluster munitions, where 13 people also died, 30 people were injured, but we see that the kiev regime does not stop, and civilians, of course, there is more vulnerability here. we also see that terrorist incidents in dagestan, of course, claimed the lives of law enforcement officers and civilians. unfortunately, here are only words of support, condolences to the relatives of the victims and, of course, a speedy recovery for those who were wounded, donbass
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fully participates in those words support that we now hear from all over the country, but last weekend there was active shelling in the ssu and a residential area of ​​the dpr, there are dead, that’s what? the donetsk region, partly the kuibyshevsky region, gorlovka and a number of other settlements are also under fire, well, we see that the
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further our military front line is pushed back, the calmer it becomes, but at the same time, of course, you need to understand that the enemy has long-range weapons , missiles that, unfortunately, can reach any area on the territory of donetsk people's republic. our youth, and despite the shelling, despite the risks, we saw that history, and of course, tribute to the memory of all those who
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died in the great patriotic war, who defended the interests of our country, of course, is paramount, here on saur the grave was very bright, one of the most striking events was held, where more than eight... thousand candles were lit, and of course there were guests who also visited the republic on this date and also took part with us in such memorable events, memorable there were quite a lot of events throughout the republic, monuments were ennobled, and of course there were many tributes; for us, the preservation of history is the most important.
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alexandra, this is an echo of the transition period, unfortunately, such moments became possible based on the fact that it was necessary to adopt regulatory legal acts at certain moments in order to be fully able to transfer a number of objects, including apartments, into state ownership, but it should concern there were only state and... private property, but unfortunately, given the insufficient information, taking into account the fact that the ukrainian regime did everything possible to prevent the lists from being saved, some of
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the objects were private property, well, of course it ended up in the field our lawyers' vision began to be worked out, the work took a fairly long period of time, because taking into account russian legislation it was necessary to find an appropriate solution so that without damaging... the interests of the state, however less so, the rights of respectable apartment owners were protected, so in fact those who re-registered an apartment from this list, or entered into an inheritance there, or tried to sell apartments there, but now the situation can be considered legally settled, and i signed the corresponding decree last week. number 307, which now allows the collegial body to quickly enough check all the information and directly here the rights of our citizens
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will be observed, i also think we will connect, we will connect a number of public organizations for speed, because for our citizens, of course, it is very important to have the shortest possible time so that this issue is closed, all the necessary recommendations and action algorithms will, of course, be published as much as possible in our local media, and the regional one has also now been determined... gasification operator and supplier of natural gas in the territory of the dpr, the issue will be handled by the chernomor neftegaz company. what are the main tasks here? we have to decide, in general, what are your plans for gasification in the near future? alexander, yes, this is one of the next moments of the transition period, and now work begins on july 1, and the new regional
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operator, but... at the same time, the important thing here is that in order to provide gas to the population of our enterprises, work here will be without any interruptions, so the primary task, in these conditions, of the operator , together with the relevant departments, is to ensure a smooth transition, so that there is an opportunity without any costs renegotiate contracts, and this work. it will begin in full from the first of the month, and moreover, there are plans until the thirty -third year, i would say so, the plans already include gasification of our settlements, and moreover, those settlements where there has never been gas, i’m saying i’m not talking about damage here, which is restored quite quickly, but i’m talking about gasification of our new areas of
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settlements; i won’t name the list yet. taking into account safety measures, but the work is quite extensive, quite ambitious, but this will definitely be able to improve life, in terms of providing gas to our people, our settlements, our residents will be able to see a certain kind of improvement, but now i am still concentrating on ensuring that there is this smooth transition, so that people do not have difficulties with where pay, how to pay, to which accounts, what to do, if there are debts, how to which ones? send funds, but on the contrary, some have overpayments, some take such approaches so that these overpayments do not burn out anywhere, so that they are taken into account, so this is such a certain concentrating the efforts of our relevant departments so that this transition is as painless as possible for people, and you often see with your colleagues from other russian regions, so the day before there was
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a meeting with the governor of the tomsk region, how... what joint projects are you going to develop and, as far as we know, you have agreed to expand cooperation in the field of education, right? yes, of course, alexander, interaction with the regions of our huge country is very important for us, which i’m not happy about, and especially here i also want to emphasize this, because there are much more opportunities, if we talk about the atomic region, here was the opportunity to meet with my colleague, communicate, discuss those. developments that are already in progress, i’m also talking about combining efforts in terms of the production component, and this work is being carried out in terms of the production of mining equipment, and here, in cooperation with the tomsk region, with kusbass, the donetsk people’s republic managed, let’s say well, not like some new ones create new equipment there, but simplify,
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improve, and of course. to have prospects for our enterprises, including the machine-building plant, well, for us this is a plus, but in this case we concentrated more with vladimir vladimirovich, with my colleague, on discussing interaction in the field of education, and it is no secret that the tomsk region is included among the top three leaders in technological re-equipment, and of course we, for our part , are also concentrating ours. strength just on our educational institutions, including higher educational institutions, which should play one of the most important roles in terms of the restoration of donbass, about changing the structure of the donbass economy, and of course the scientific component, which should be absolutely of an applied nature, that’s...


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