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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov. on our broadcast we will return to the main topics, this is a missile attack on crimea and terrorist attacks in dagestan. i welcome the connections of vladimir konstantinov, chairman of the state council of the republic of crimea. vladimir andreevich. hello. kind day. yes, a little later we are waiting for a communication from the state duma deputy from the republic of dagestan, abdolkhakim gadzhiev. but let's start with the situation in crimea. tell me, what is your latest data on the number of dead and wounded, what condition are the victims in? well, this is
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information from sevastopol residents, you need to keep in mind that according to our data, what we have from open sources is five people and there are 141 victims, the numbers are being clarified, it is clear that now it’s still the whole day, work will be done tomorrow and uh, of course, this is unprecedented, an unprecedented terrorist act, bloody sunday, as we call it in crimea, but you need...
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so to speak, to please your voters, to show that there are some successes, to please the western ones with your curator, perhaps some kind of strategy is working, approximately the same plan to drag the west into these crimes as much as possible, so that they could not later, as people say, jump off with this story, with peace, with peace negotiations and so on, so all this is unpleasant, but we are an assembled team, we are not... we have experienced this, we will survive this. vladimir andreevich, was this a targeted strike on the beach or some kind of tragic coincidence. well, it’s difficult, it’s difficult to say, they don’t stand on ceremony with this at all, you need to keep in mind that i have been saying many times, for many years, that there are no moral restrictions, some mythical red lines , and never have existed there. , they will do this because it makes sense for them and
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who cares what the goals are if these are all densely populated areas of the city, vacationers, all this is simply understandable, so we need to keep this in mind when we are dealing with them, as long as this quasi-statehood exists, threats to us in any form will come from there, in the form of attacks on the personal safety of any people in the russian federation on... i,
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of course, i don’t have this information, this information belongs to the category of the military - orders are given, you need to keep in mind how everything is organized for them, it is arranged approximately as follows: of course, there are curators who manage these installations and, but goal setting is everything, everything else - it's already theirs amateur, nazi, they need it, they need at least some small success with... despite the fact that there are no visible results at the front, all this irritates their curators, they need to show some success, well, look, we we are capable of something, so to speak, we are quite capable of creating problems for the russian federation, so in this regard everything is joint, i think this is
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a joint decision made, as for helping the victims, tell me, are there enough medicines, are there the necessary qualifications at the doctors? knew donor blood, where were the victims placed? we communicate with our colleagues from parliament, from the administration, they completely cope with everything, no help is required from the crimeans, we are ready to provide assistance, the head of the republic stated this, we have all the capabilities for this, but so far this is not required, we need is it possible to introduce some kind of tourist restrictions now, it is possible to close the beaches for a while, perhaps some additional security measures. well, they, they are just waiting for this, for our life to get worse, why are they doing these attacks on belgorod, on kursk, in other regions, will make people’s lives impossible, or so to speak, bad,
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bad, bad emotional, so that there is dissatisfaction with the authorities, uncertainty about the future , this is their goal, so we should definitely play along with this. it’s not worth it, we need to do our job, we are in the tourist season, today the numbers that we have at this moment indicate that it is a little better than last year, so we need to move in this direction, and let the military do their job, in in general, everything is working out for them so far, too, tell me, taking into account all the same such risks, is there a need, for example, to introduce some restrictions on visiting children’s camps? health institutions, yes, i think not, everything is working as normal, in normal mode, if something special happens, not yet, i think not, tell me, in general, the tourist season, how much this tragedy can affect the tourist flow and what your expectations from this
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summer, yes, expectations, tours, everything is sold out, people traditionally live with this in these systems , in these standards, a certain immunity on...
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parts of the coast closer to foros, everything ok, everything has been eliminated, in general, everything is already under control, when are the beaches planned to open in this case? well, the beaches are already open today here in the yalta area, next samples will be taken there to pharos tomorrow morning, i think everything will be fine there, there is a need to somehow clean the water area additionally, no, no, no, do you have an understanding of who is serving? lecturer, who can be held responsible if any consequences do arise? there will be no consequences, i think everything will be fine, it’s a normal accident, anything is possible maybe these are technical things, this happens to everyone, so today, today we’ll sort it all out. vladimir, vladimir
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andreevich, thank you for your comments, thank you for taking part in our broadcast, answering the questions, i wish you success in the recovery of those injured in the missile attack. let's move on to the second topic, these are the terrorist attacks in dagestan. we have connections with abdulkhakim gadzhiev, state duma deputy from the republic of dagestan, major general of the russian guard. received data on the dead, this is more than 15 police officers alone, who are like that in ninety
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in the ninth year they were the first to take the blow at the cost of their own lives, defending peace in the republic. i see the synchronicity of terrorist actions only in the presence of a common coordination center located outside the republic and russia. the goal of the organizers of the terrorist attack is to sow confusion. there is no coincidence, from the day the svo began
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, dagestan has been under pressure from outside, repeated attempts at destabilization have been made, and traces lead towards the ukrainian sbu of their curators from among the nato countries. telegram channels have been created that are trying to sow panic, spreading disinformation, the administrators of these channels are in the federal, even international. they are quietly taking refuge in ukraine and neighboring countries belonging to the nato bloc, they are well funded, and are recruiting our citizens. the terrorists chose the orthodox holiday of trinity for the attack, in addition, the attack was carried out on a synagogue. how strong do you think the religious component is in these terrorist attacks? well, it was not by chance that the day of the holy trinity was chosen, it was not by chance that they were chosen as interference, encroachment,
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places of worship, orthodox churches, synagogues. the goal of the organizers of the terrorist attack is to sow interfaith and interethnic discord in the country. this is a long-standing, vile technique that external forces have been trying to implement in the caucasus for a long time, but unsuccessfully. in your opinion, how... of the national guard, how well did the law enforcement agencies work? there was, of course, an effect of surprise. for more than 10 years , such large-scale terrorist attacks have not been recorded in dagestan. and this is the first in the last decade, a one-time loss of such a large number of law enforcement agencies. one of my assistants lives near a church in makhachkala. in front of his eyes there is a traffic police outfit, i am pursuing him. from the train station, terrorists were ambushed, according to him, our police, who are armed only with pistols, without
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body armor, most likely ordinary local police officers , boldly pursued well-trained, tactically armed bandits, armed with american rifles, they were actively helped by civilians, ordinary residents, showing the direction of flight criminals, filming all this on the phone, i repeat, terrorists have no and it won't be until... two of the dead terrorists are siblings, the rest are also their relatives.
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we are talking about members of the same family. why did they take this anti-state path? who helped them? is there an investigation to be made? residents of the sergekalinsky district, by the way, have always been opponents of terrorism. many sergekalinites and law enforcement officials died in the fight against terrorists. on the way out. from this municipality, the heroic, deceased son of my colleague and friend, state duma deputy, magomed nurbagandov entered eternity with his famous phrase: as for yes, apparently, we have lost contact with abdolkhakim kudbuddinovich, now i’ll try and ask the editors to restore it, there are still questions for the state duma deputy from the republic of dagestan. let me remind you that the attack by militants took place the day before;
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targets in makhachkala and derbent were attacked, as well as two orthodox churches . set fire to synagogues, a large number of dead and wounded, including among law enforcement officers, were monitored all night and all evening yesterday, how events developed in dagestan, today we are trying, together with experts, with our guests, to analyze, firstly, the motives of the criminals, and secondly, to understand why this became possible, and to analyze how the law enforcement officers worked .
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the hostage taking was not allowed, why was it possible to prevent the mass death of civilians at the cost of their own lives, dagestan? very simple, because the southern
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outpost of russia, the largest in terms of population and area. as a republic, it seems to russia's enemies that we have many nationalities and multi-confessionalism is our weak point, every time the criminals and their western curators make mistakes in 1999, now in the face of a threat, an external threat, all nations, all confessions of dagestan unite, together, give a decisive rebuff to terrorists, but we must take into account the factor that from dagestan on...
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this is the latest data from the investigative committee. according to preliminary data, the terrorist attack in dagestan killed 15 law enforcement officers, as well as four civilians, including an orthodox priest, and the investigative committee also adds, that five militants involved in terrorist attacks in dagestan have been eliminated and their identities have been established. now let's move on to other topics. donald trump. chose a vice-presidential candidate with whom he will run in the elections. he promised to mention his name at the debate with biden, trump is preparing for them at rallies with his supporters, and now the current owner of the white house has retired with his closest aides at his residence. then denis davidov watches how the us presidential candidates train for a televised duel.
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this candidate has neither saturdays nor sundays. trump manages to visit in one day... in a matter of days, as you prepare for the debate, president biden is at the camp david base, you hold election rallies. this is the best strategy.
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parathas, addressing congress, now he will be at camp david for a whole week, they are probably experimenting with doses, they should treat his cognitive abilities, give him something to make him think better. the former white house doctor, now a republican congressman, suggested that biden was being given drugs for diseases alzheimer's and parkinson's, stimulants taken by military pilots during long flights are also on the possible prescription list. what do i think about this? trump and his company have absolutely nothing to offer the american people, so they resort to such nonsense. biden is being trained by 15
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people at once. at camdavid he has assistants, speechwriters, and who is acting as a physical trainer is not revealed, but the oldest president in american history is being prepared to be able to defend the entire duration of the debate, which is an hour and a half. on stage with him there will be no cheat sheets or prompters, without which he cannot perform in principle. why doesn't biden hand over the reins of power to another democratic candidate and thereby remove all questions about his mental state? firstly, joe biden has no concerns about his mental fitness, just as i have no doubts about this, this is a fake that is being spread by our opponents. the candidates will meet on thursday in atlanta in the cnn studio, which means that biden will play on his own field, maybe the presenters will play along.
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has lost support among latinos and blacks, and polls show him trailing trump in six swing states that will determine the fate of the election. on thursday, the president will have no room for error, otherwise his own people will be taken out of the race for the white house. denis davydov, polina fedorova, lead. now to the situation with forest fires in russian regions. the area of ​​the fire in yakutia has grown to 470,000 hectares. involved in extinguishing them. on
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the border with yakutia and the irkutsk region, several large outbreaks are also being eliminated, they originated from dry thunderstorms. aviation forest protection personnel are fighting the fire. four light aircraft and two an-2s are monitoring the fire situation. the state of emergency due to... fires introduced in one of the regions of buryatia, there is no threat to populated areas, four large fires have been recorded in the region, more than a thousand hectares have already been covered by fire. meanwhile, in the khabarovsk territory, the area of ​​forest fires decreased five times over the weekend. small outbreaks in the north of the region. but in primorye, after heavy rains, we were immediately left without transport links several settlements. the region received a month's worth of precipitation. in krasnoarmeisky. a state of emergency was declared, the road was taken away by the supply, the situation in the dalnerechensky district was difficult, local residents were warned about a possible evacuation. temporary accommodation centers have been prepared;
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overflows and flooding are noted in several more municipalities. employees of the ministry of emergency situations organize boat crossings and also deliver necessary products. kazan said goodbye to the brix games participants in an unusual way. completion of a large-scale sports events united on... from every corner, they sing along in chorus. almost
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90 flags of different countries of the world flutter in unison on the main stage of sabantuy. the holiday annually brings together hundreds of people, because its main message is friendship between peoples and meeting with loved ones. and this year there were especially many friends, from almost 90 countries. i would like to thank the guests who came to these competitions. for us it is.
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for holding such unique games, when the decision was made to hold these games, we had no doubt that the games should be held in kazan, and you confirmed this, dozens of farmsteads were opened on the sabantuy site, reflecting the traditions, everyday life, culture of the tatar people, the rais of the republic of tatarstan, rustam minikhanov inspected them, so in the territorial district they held a wedding with...
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energy, friendly, truly so friendly, it’s clear that people do it from the heart, and it really charges you with this energy, you want to go , they sing, they rejoice, they dance, everyone like that organizes holidays in their homeland, and as it turned out, the award records are not it’s always a guarantee of victory, it’s a lot of fun, i really liked it, it’s great that they value national traditions here and don’t forget about them.
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in sevastopol, a state of emergency was introduced due to attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the corresponding decree was signed by governor mikhail razvazhaev. beaches that came under attack are closed until further notice. the day before, ukraine fired missiles at the city in response to attacks. cluster warheads, four missiles were shot down, the fifth explosion occurred over the city, four people were killed, including two children, more than 150 suffered, doctors from the capital arrived in crimea to help them, including resuscitators, anesthesiologists, surgeons, and traumatologists from leading moscow clinics. if necessary, the victims will be transferred to the capital of all relatives who will arrive in moscow along with the wounded in sevastopol.


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