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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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condolence support vladimir putin receives reports on providing assistance to victims of a missile attack on crimea and victims of an attack by criminals in dagestan. more than twenty victims of the ukrainian armed forces attack will be transported to capital clinics for treatment in moscow and sevastopol. how do the wounded feel and what assistance do they receive? three days of mourning in dagestan. how is the investigation into the terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbint progressing? who could be behind these crimes? powerful series. explosions in ukraine early in the morning became known about cases of detonation in the kharkov area. a little later, the odessa authorities announced the explosions. what is known about the consequences? added intrigue. donald trump promised to name his vice presidential candidate at the debate. and biden is consulting with aides. how rivals prepare for an on-air duel. 22 victims of the attack on sevastopol will be taken to moscow for treatment. city ​​and
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federal centers, including 11 children. this was announced today by minister of health mikhail murashko. he also stated that 14 victims are still in serious condition. two are on ventilators. based on the results of medical consultations, a decision was made to evacuate twenty-two victims of the shelling of sevastopol, including 11 children. two of the patients who will be evacuated are on ventilators. total. currently , 77 people are undergoing inpatient treatment, 14 of them are in serious condition. a day of mourning has been declared today in sevastopol and crimea. there is a state of emergency in the region; the beaches that came under attack are cordoned off. experts believe that unexploded ordnance may remain there, unexploded. from sevastopol, reporting by rastislav kolmagorov. the entire beach park is cordoned off, and people continue to bring flowers to the elements.
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in the hands of the child, and the mother was lying next to her, too . then i saw the child with the mother, the father held him and provided assistance. kirill titorenko, co-owner of a cafe on the beach at the time of the explosion, says he was in the kitchen and immediately got his bearings. i served in the army, as it were, so i immediately ran there, well, they carried out children, women on deck chairs, loaded them into ambulances, they also brought a first aid kit to the establishment there, helped bandage people, well , they gave people water there, whatever they could, well , they helped with whatever they could, in general, the driver of bus number 50, alexander kyrpo, was just approaching the beach at the time of the attack, he immediately opened the doors and began to pick up people to take them away and return for others. people came out all scared. they shouted, well
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, i can’t put it into words, so i drove them, loaded them as much as i could, took them to zakharov square to the boats near the hospital, also if necessary, if asked, stopped. on social networks, people told the story of another, without exaggeration, heroes, a beach lifeguard who himself received a shrapnel in his hand, but continued to help others. a real rescuer and a resident of sevastopol. what can we say, this is our rescuer, it was not his shift, he simply, but simply all the people helped, this and he had to do this, so all the rescuers worked, i don’t want to say, some better, some worse, they worked everything, the military is working, the divers are working, everyone is working very hard now, until they are examined, but the whole sand some of it has already been completely examined, it was completed yesterday, now it’s the bottom that’s being traced, some of it is a piece of debris into a rocket. this is literally 500 m in a straight line from
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the beach, the hot fragments immediately set fire to the dry grass, it is clear that it was burning here, there and further away like islands. but the flames were quickly extinguished and the fire did not spread to residential buildings, the consequences could have been much worse, because the fragments also pierced the gas pipe, it turned out okay, the pressure was turned off in time, thousands of through holes are visible on the roofs of houses, on the facades of fences, these are the consequences of yesterday's arrival the spread of this cluster munition, a mechanic from a tire shop pulled it out for me as a reminder. this is an atakoms fragment, this is a crater, it looks like the cassette was probably cut, the whole trunk, went through the roof rack, a hole, all four wheels. damage assessment in such situations is carried out by a special commission. employees of the department of internal
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policy will be going door to door in the coming hours and drawing up reports. and after the experts give their opinions, the city authorities will begin to pay compensation for repairs. damaged property. rastislav kalmagov, sergey butorin, anastasia pepenko, news: sevastopol. let me remind you that the day before ukraine fired atak missiles equipped with cluster warheads at sevastopol. four missiles were shot down, and the fifth exploded over the city. four people died, including two children. 153 people were wounded, 82 of them are now in hospitals. with details, oleg smirnov. as a result of a missile attack on the city, this is already 153.
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all patients are in satisfactory condition, even if they are in severe severity, there are not many of them, we only have two patients on artificial ventilation, who will also be evacuated. in the city , by decree of the governor, a regional emergency situation was declared , therefore payments in case of damage to health and death will be made in accordance with federal legislation, this was announced today. in the regional government, a special commission has been created and is working in the city, it is now assessing the damage to the property of citizens who were on beach on the north side at the time of the missile strike, and the governor today especially noted that the residents of sevastopol showed fortitude in difficult times and helped each other. we, thank god, turned out to have a lot of people
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who were able to maintain their presence, which means, accordingly, to show strong-willed qualities, to provide assistance to the doctors, and accordingly. just to people there, you know that the media have already told about many ordinary people who participated in this, where our rescuer dmitry received wounded, while continuing to provide assistance. well, just a few words about the place of yesterday’s incident, the territory of the ushkuevka beach, as well as the water area, are now closed, specialists are examining them for the presence of dangerous objects, because the missile is being contained by attack. just this cassette part, which poses a danger, as the regional government reported today, despite the fact that this place is popular, a place of recreation, it will continue to remain closed, at least until the end of the day, and access to the scene won't open. oleg smirnov, leading sevastopol.
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vladimir putin is monitoring how assistance is provided to victims of the attack on crimea and the attack of criminals in dagestan. the president is provided with reports in a timely manner. this was announced by the press secretary of the head of state dmitry. but he talked about who is aiming these absolutely technologically complex missiles at targets, that they are not ukrainians, who is providing these launches and so on, this is all perfectly clear, by the way, here we can probably address you as a media representative, just ask my colleagues in europe,
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especially in washington, press secretaries, why their government is killing russian children, just ask them such a simple question. the department noted that all this suggests that the white house is equally responsible for the atrocities with the kiev regime. russia will take retaliatory measures. the criminal case regarding the terrorist attacks in dagestan has been transferred to the central office of the investigative committee of russia. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, set the employees the task of restoring it in detail. picture of the crime, identify the organizers and bring them to justice . the day before, five militants
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carried out an armed attack on two orthodox churches and the dss post synagogue. almost 20 people were killed, including a priest, and the terrorists were eliminated. our correspondent, natalya khanbabaeva, is monitoring the situation in dagestan; she is now in direct contact with the studio. natalya, hello, tell us how the investigation is progressing and what is the current situation in the republic? hello. sky operation on territory of the republic has already been cancelled, today a three-day travail has been declared in the region, the corresponding decree was signed by the head of the region sergei melikov. starting today , national flags, cultural institutions and television and radio companies have already canceled various entertainment programs and broadcasts throughout the region. and now we are near makhachkala, near the cathedral church, caring people bring water here in the morning. and food for the relatives of the victims and employees of the ministry of internal affairs. at the moment this is the situation, also in the morning
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the head of the republic, sergei melikov, visited dzerben, where he inspected the synagogue and the orthodox church, and also talked with the clergy. for now, that's all the information. yes, natalya, thank you, we will follow the development of the event with you. unfortunately, the connection and sound quality was not very good. hopefully during the next live broadcast. to establish a signal, i remind you that our correspondent natalya khanbabaeva was in direct communication with dagestan. the president of kazakhstan called vladimir putin to express his condolences in connection with consequences of terrorist attacks in dagestan. also, kasym jamar takaev strongly condemned the missile attack on civilians in sevastopol. and the russian president thanked the leader of kazakhstan for his words of support and spoke about the results of his visits to the dprk and vietnam. in connection with... the terrorist attacks in dagestan , the president of tajikistan sent condolences to vladimir putin. imamali rahmon condemned this inhumane act of violence.
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he also noted that tajikistan stands for active cooperation in the fight against terrorism, both bilaterally and within the framework of international and regional structures. in connection with the terrorist attacks in dagestan , azerbaijani president ilham aliyev also expressed condolences. he is deeply shocked by the news of the death of civilians by law enforcement officers. “we strongly condemn these bloody crimes and support the fight against all forms and manifestations of terrorism,” noted the head of the republic. the terrorist attacks in dagestan were also condemned by the president of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev, in a telegram to vladimir putin, expressing his readiness to continue active cooperation in the fight against these challenges. according to the press secretary of the uzbek leader, he deeply sympathizes with the attacks, which led to numerous casualties. kyrgyzstan also expresses condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in dagestan, the press service
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of president sadyr japarov reports that the republic resolutely opposes all forms of terrorism and supports the efforts of the russian authorities to ensure national security. a telegram with this text was sent to vladimir putin. the prime minister of armenia also sent condolences to vladimir putin nikola pashinyan, speaking in a telegram about the terrorist attacks in derbint and makhachkala, he noted that he took this tragic news deeply. the republic, he said, strongly condemns these terrorist attacks. pashinyan, on behalf of the people of armenia, personally conveys words of sympathy and support to the relatives of the victims, and wishes a speedy recovery to the victims. belarus condemns the attack on religious sites in dagestan, the purpose of which was to sow panic and disrupt interfaith peace. this was stated by the country's president alexander lukashenko. he i am convinced that all those responsible for committing this serious crime will be identified and punished. deserved punishment. the ukrainian armed forces' attack on
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sevastopol indicates nato's intention to unleash a total war, says the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot. but he noted that the attack on civilians was carried out with the help of the united states and called on paris to stop any military supplies to kiev, as well as to leave nato. details from artyom krosulin. while western politicians and leading media pretend that nothing happened, the crime of the kiev regime in sevastopol condemned on social networks. the entrepreneur is confident that washington is directly involved in the deaths of civilians. imagine what the reaction would be if there was a russian-controlled cluster munition missile. satellite, would kill americans on the beach in miami. this is what biden just did to russia. every american must understand that joe biden is putting american lives on the line. russia is a nuclear power. this view is shared in kihenyane. they stated that the united states, having supplied ukraine with atacoms missiles, with which they struck in sevastopol, showed their true appearance.
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maniac and hysteria. and the greek politician kostos isichos, in turn, noted that the attack was on the russian one. the city is a brutal crime against civilians, which is duplicitously hushed up by the western media. british politician nigel farage argues that it is time for the white house and its allies to admit mistakes. according to him, moscow’s reaction to the aggressive rhetoric and actions of the west was inevitable. we, of course, tried to weaken russia with sanctions, but they found a way out. the west has historically foolishly provoked moscow for many years. i felt like there was constant expansion. russia to take a reciprocal step, and so far there have been no reasonable and substantive negotiations. the fact that the west is an affiliated party in the ukrainian conflict is indicated by hungarian prime minister viktor orban. according to the politician, russia should be part of the european security system, but this is only possible through bilateral peace negotiations, which
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moscow has repeatedly called for. in washington, in the opinion head of the cabinet of ministers, interests are different. the usa is the only person in the universe who could make two decisive calls: to kiev and moscow. i don't care about the interests of ukraine or russia. most of all i want the war to end and there to be a ceasefire. in the end, we are talking about a new european security architecture in which we can live peacefully. not wanting to stop the ukrainian conflict, brussels is forced to negotiate with the original budapest and even look for loopholes. the press writes that the european union has created a legal framework allowing the bloc to bypass hungary's veto over distribution. were from frozen assets in russia and ukraine, the head of european diplomacy, jose borel, will allegedly announce the first tranche to kiev from this money today. but it seems that ukrainian refugees are not welcome in europe. the head of the opposition faction in the bundestag said that if migrants have not been able to find work in germany for 2 years, then they should return to the safe areas of western ukraine.
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simply put, the politician hinted that many ukrainians came to germany for the sake of general civil benefits and don’t even try to do work.
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5% of vacationers who go to crimea, they do not go to the sevastopol zone, and not to sevastopol. sevastopol is, first of all, rather a city for excursion tourism, that is, those who come to relax in crimea, during their vacation come to sevastopol for a day, some of the people who were thinking of going to crimea, maybe now they will take some pause to think or they will refuse the trip. in this high season , more than a thousand accommodation facilities operate in crimea, including 91 sanatoriums, there are more than 340 beaches. the demand for holidays in crimea among tour operators this year has increased by 20-30% compared to 2023, when the peninsula
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was visited by more than 5 million tourists. as for sevastopol, last year the tourist flow there exceeded. people, the ministry of development asked tour operators to be understanding about the possible cancellations of tours to sevastopol, crimea and dagestan, and recommended canceling or rescheduling tours without penalties, the same request was addressed by the minek to hotel owners, here are the comments we received from industry participants. we guaranteed a 100% refund, as far as i know, our colleagues also basically adhere to the same position, minek’s recommendations. yes, as it were, we saw it, yes, but the company made the decision on its own, it is favorable for tourists, if it refuses, even there are a few percent of tourists for this industry... these are completely insignificant losses, since the flows are huge, there will certainly be some the pause is connected with the fact that tourists are thinking and deciding on their plans, but they will still go somewhere.
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now dagestan, according to the travelline hotel service, more than 80% of the total flow goes there during the summer months, the peak season of july-august. more than half of the tourists come from moscow and the moscow region, they also come from st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, sverlovsk region of the krasnodar territory. tourist flow to dagestan in recent years has shown an increase of 17% annually. in the twenty-second, the region was visited by more than one and a half million tourists. in the twenty- third there are already 1,750,000 - reported the regional ministry of tourism. how tour operators report that excursions around dagestan are carried out as planned. so far there are practically no cancellations of tours. in cases of refusal , tourists are promised to be provided with compensation in accordance with the actual expenses incurred. as for the possibility of a return, all those tour operators, hotels and inns that operate legally in the legal field
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provide a full possibility of a return, one hundred percent, if in some cases, taking the opportunity, if in some cases such difficulties arise in the return, i i encourage you to contact our ministry, we have... posted information about the hotline. this year, tourist flow throughout the country during the summer months may exceed 44 million trips. both crimea and dagestan are among the most popular tourist destinations, but if desired, russian tourists will be able to find alternatives, at least in the direction of the black sea, experts are sure. tourists heading to crimea have the opportunity to go to the krasnodar region. uh, that means, first of all, this is anapa, from the point of view of at least proximity, transport accessibility, of course, tourists traveling to dagestan will find it more difficult for them
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to find alternatives, but still, an alternative can be found, i am sure that both chechnya and kabarzen balkaria are those regions that can provide a similar amount of impressions. means states. not only tours, but also tickets. as reported by the press service of the carrier grand service express , ticket refund fees have been waived for passengers on trains traveling to the republic of crimea and sevastopol, as well as in the opposite direction for 3 days. yes, anna, thank you, my colleague anna lazareva told me about the opportunity to adjust plans. the russian foreign ministry said today that moscow has no doubts about washington’s involvement in the attack on... vladimir chizhov, first deputy chairman of the defense committee of the federation council, also made a statement in sevastopol. the fact that target designations for these missiles, for missile
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launchers, they are formed, of course, if not directly by the americans, then with their active participation, and it is no coincidence that this is how once in the same time. minutes and hours, when this terrorist action was being prepared, an american drone, reconnaissance, heavy, global hawk was circling over the corresponding water area of ​​the black sea, so what can we talk about the responsibility of the united states. there is every reason. vtb bank is actively expanding its network. hundreds of new offices are set to open in the coming years.
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the head of the organization, andrei kostin, told vladimir putin about this. vtb services will become available to residents of all regions without exception. also during the conversation turned to the results of the bank’s work last year. we have fulfilled all our plans. we made record profits. completed digital transformation. federation, and in about 700 cities, this is the plan for the next 3 years in donbass and novoro, we heard, we heard your call, we are opening
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this year. and i would also like to say about crimea, we have a subsidiary bank there, it is the largest in crimea, called rnkb, we created it at one time, it has about 2.5 million clients, and about 100 thousand small-medium businesses, so here it is it was decided that we are joining this bank, because the tasks are growing, now there is economic news, the european union has adopted the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia, they will affect the energy sector. financial sector and trade, this is stated on the website of the eu council. in total, 116 individuals and legal entities were subject to restrictions. now the transit of liquefied gas through european ports and 27 vessels of the oil fleet are under sanctions. in addition, european companies were prohibited from using the financial messaging system of the bank of russia. in the same time the european union has allowed the import of certain types of diamonds of russian origin. as
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stated in the explanation for the new package. sanctions and restrictions do not affect stones exported from the country before the ban was introduced, and the eu has also allowed the temporary import or export of jewelry for exhibitions or restorations. on the news about russian diamonds, alrosa shares went up and immediately added more than 3.5%. the first tranche of profits from russian assets will be transferred to ukraine next week, said the head of eu diplomacy, josep borel. he is not clarified exactly how much... kiev will receive, but earlier it was about an amount of one billion 400 million euros. the second part, more than a billion euros, should arrive in a few months. let me remind you that more than 200 billion euros of russian assets are blocked in eu countries. most of the funds are held in the belgian depository eurocler. and the former mercedes-benz plant in the moscow region will produce chinese excit cars. the assembly of crossovers will begin in july, and the first
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shipments are scheduled for august. a businessman writes about this with reference to sources. the assembly will begin with the exit vx car. expected cost from 5 million 700,000 rubles. in february next year, another model will hit the production line. it was economic news. short.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. the head of dagestan sergei melikov today visited the st. pension cathedral in makhachkala, he also visited


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