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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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these are incentive payments so that employees can go to small settlements and cities, payments are also increased according to the zemsky, doctor, zemstvo felcher, and zemstvo teacher programs, this is all true, but you are right, no one can replace quality education, all proposals , which can be taken into account, we will be happy to consider; tatyana alekseevna, i think, we will give such instructions to both our ministry of health, and dmitry nikolaevich chernushenko, and, accordingly, to the ministry of education and science. regarding the personnel of the ministry of internal affairs the question is very important, it will be necessary there, of course, to look at all the possibilities, including purely from the budget, here anton geondovich, i ask you to look, in order to fulfill all the instructions of the president, we are additionally allocating the necessary volumes of budgetary allocations to the relevant ministry and department, including for the material system stimulation, well , we will consider all the proposals that we have and report, as you absolutely correctly said, then to the president of russia, because we can... move forward on the question of
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the practice of using federal property in the interests of the regions and business development, work is being done here to involve them in economic turnover. yaroslaval, i know this experiment is very important, they did a high-quality job, and here the inventory showed about 100 objects, 97, that are in poor condition according to the category of land, the type of permitted use, for all this, this work must be continued, fully supported, we have all suggestions. we honor yours on waste management, and the government works on an ongoing basis, including proposals from senators and deputies, in principle , we have quite good results, since 1919 we have put into operation 250 waste management facilities, eliminated about 80 landfills outside cities and 128 landfills in cities, but how much is not enough, we probably need to think about it and look, but in terms of legislation. a lot has been done,
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increased administrative responsibility for violation of legal requirements in this area, which means, on behalf of the government , rosprirodnadzor and rospotrebnadzor it is planned to carry out simultaneous inspections of the objects of circulation, but herelovich, i ask you to consider all the proposals that the bathroom, i hope, will give us and look at the general monitoring of the situation in the country, what is happening with this and be sure to take into account the feedback that people think, including on quality . what needs to be done regarding maternity benefits for women who leave a liquidated organization, this is an extremely important topic, of course, all payments should be provided to the expectant mother, your approach, i think is absolutely correct, therefore, given that the amount of most payments is related to the minimum wage, and we support this proposal, to speed up the process of adopting all changes, i will ask tatyana alekseevna to work out the wording together with her colleagues. please, that means,
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well, this is from a short comment on what you said, we’ll probably give the floor to your respected colleagues, yes , mikhailovich, just one comment on your opening speech, very informative, i want to congratulate you and anton germanovich selanov for supporting the program for the modernization of children's recreation institutions, 150 new buildings have been introduced, more than 100,000 additional children can already...
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let's look at the specific obligations, but in general everything that will be possible will be supported, thank you, then valentin ivanovna with with your permission , your colleagues, please say thank you, valentin ivanovna, dear mikhail vladimirovich, here is a continuation of the conversation about the protection of family and childhood, i want to note that the government of the russian federation, especially in a year, a huge amount of work and...
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in order to eliminate the need to present paper identification, the second is that social support for citizens has been and remains one of the key priorities in the work of the government, first of all, assistance is provided to people with low incomes, however, when applying for a subsidy for utilities -housing services need to be collected independently from various departments .
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and using the social treasury mechanism, certificates and documents. authorities can be requested proactively, all this will allow a person to save time, well, i would like to say and feel the nerves of care, thank you, thank you for the question, i’ll answer the first question right away, well, of course this must be done, and we will definitely do it, meaning that we and the id are in electronic we will make it universal in paper form, it all depends on the use, because it is used in different ways, but for... people it is not easy to collect a package of documents, this is especially true for large families, in cases where the family moves, goes on vacation, the child is being taken for treatment, so a single sample of a certificate that confirms this status of having many children will be decided,
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in everyday life in social organizations it will be possible to present it, and now regarding the second question, we have been systematically working for several years to create a social treasury system , this is its... the point is that, strictly speaking, all federal bodies and administrative authorities, organizations that in one way or another interact with the social treasury, provide all information in a simple and accessible way for a person, without the corresponding visits to the authorities, now in this way it is possible to arrange dozens of types of federal support, including additional payments, pensions, and maternity capital, sick pay, a number of others, this list... is constantly expanding, and now it will be supplemented with the possibility receive a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services, primarily for people who are in difficult life situations, including those with low incomes, people with disabilities, a resolution has now been prepared
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the government, which obliges authorities to request the necessary documents not from citizens, but independently within the framework of interdepartmental electronic interaction, is what we are making a statement. then the subsidy can be submitted through our personal account on public services, and the document clearly states the time frame for making a decision, this is two days 48 hours for data exchange between departments and 10 working days, if i remember correctly, for approval, that is, for this so that all elements of the state administration worked on time, and citizens must understand what they are entitled to and how they can protect their interests, we expect that this... registration procedure will help people get the necessary help faster and better, but the main thing is to notice the various public administration bodies as little as possible , but to see that the state helps them proactively, efficiently and quickly. these were footage from
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a meeting between mikhail mishusin and members of the federation council. the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point, we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards is dedicated to our senior loved ones, convenient loans, excellent deposits, in the branch and online, special conditions, special relationships, my new invention for cleaning the toilet. there is an easier way. bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. magnet. ice cream 48 kop. briquette klambir 1199. magnet - the price
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megamarket, just grow with us, investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open the first brokerage deposit account the best percentage in the sberbank online application. this is russia 24, the broadcast continues with the facts: two people died in a fire in the moscow region in the science city of fryazin. another victim is in serious condition in intensive care. two firefighters also responded to help. governor andrei vorobyov announced this in his telegram channel. and according to him, 12 ambulance teams arrived at the scene of the tragedy . and by this moment, inside the burning eight-story building of scientific research. of the platan institute, structures collapsed, the fire continues
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to spread rapidly. the area of ​​the fire by this minute is about 4,500 km2, two k-32 helicopters from the moscow aviation center were sent to extinguish it. according to operational services, there may be six people inside the building, there is no contact with them. previously, one person was able to be taken out via the stairs; the work of rescuers was complicated by high temperature and severe congestion. nii platan produces electronic parts and radio components, but most of the building was rented out. a telephone call took place conversation between vladimir putin and president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. the colleague of the russian leader expressed deep condolences in connection with the death of civilians and law enforcement officers as a result of terrorist attacks in dagestan. the heads of state also discussed. development of bilateral cooperation, taking into account the agreements reached following
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the recent visit of the russian president to tashkent. monstrous crime and inhumane acts of attack. foreign leaders and the russian public strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in dagestan and express words of condolences. according to the latest data, more than 15 police officers, as well as several civilians, including an orthodox priest, became victims of the attacks. twenty -fourth in the region. russian leader dmitry peskov. according to him, the president monitors how assistance is provided to the victims and gives the necessary instructions. he added that in the coming days the head of state will continue to work on these issues on a regular basis. the russian leader continues to receive data on the situation on how assistance is provided to the wounded during an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in sevastopol and
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during terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent. the president expressed his condolences. belarusian alexander lukashenko, on behalf of his people, he strongly condemned the inhumane attacks on religious sites, stated that the goal of the terrorists was an attempt to intimidate people, sow panic, and disrupt interfaith peace and harmony. he wished a speedy recovery to all those injured. sadyr dzhaparov, the president of kyrgyzstan, visited in connection with the terrorist attack in dagestan support for russia in its efforts to ensure national security and noted that his country. strongly opposes all forms of terrorism. zhapparov wished fortitude to the relatives of the victims, as well as a speedy recovery to those injured as a result of the tragedy. in connection with what happened in makhachkala and derbents, the leader of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev sent words of support to vladimir putin to the entire russian people. he, of course, strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and expressed his readiness
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to continue active interaction between the relevant structures of the two countries in the fight with terrorist threats. challenges and threats. the president of abkhazia aslan bzhzhanne was deeply shocked by what happened in dagestan and also expressed condolences to the president of russia. bzhzhanni said that the republic strongly condemns any form of terrorism and expresses words of support to the victims and relatives of the victims. kazakhstan condemns what happened and advocates the development of cooperation in the fight against terrorism under the auspices of international un organizations.
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the efforts of the peaceful community to fight and eliminate this evil live on. also a telegram from turkey's ruling party sent condolences to the russian president. it states that the republic regrets the terrorist attacks. the turkish people convey words of support to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the injured. armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan sent a telegram of condolences to the russian president. he asked on behalf of the armenian people and on his own behalf to convey words of sympathy and support to the relatives, victims and wishes for a speedy recovery to all victims. pashinyan added that armenia condemns the terrorist attacks and considers any manifestation of violence unacceptable. secretary general of the shanghai cooperation organization can ming said he was shocked by what happened. after all, the tragedy occurred on the day
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when the orthodox celebrated the bright holiday of the holy trinity day. he stressed that terrorism cannot exist. no excuses stated that the sco will continue to persistently strive for the complete eradication of such criminal phenomena as terrorism, separatism and extremism. well, according to the chairman federation council valentina matvienko, after the tragedy, it is extremely important not only to help the residents of dagestan, but to remind all russians, despite the enormity of what happened, to be restrained, and quote: not to break into an emotional reaction, not to follow the path of interethnic escalation. and interfaith tensions. matvienko noted that the security forces will certainly identify everyone who ordered the terrorist attacks. the russian orthodox church commented on what happened in dagestan. as the head of the synodal department for relationship between the church and society and the media , vladimir ligoyd, society and the state must do everything to ensure that such
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terrorist attacks are excluded. an attack by clergy or... places of worship, no matter what religion they belong to, has no justification. it is better, of course, to have armed guards, at least at the main temples, because a guard with gas and a pistol , unfortunately, will not fight off a gang of terrorists, only at the cost of his own life, he will gain time, as happened to makochkale. yes indeed this security is needed, although this will require the diversion of forces, but yes, the temple is... the number of deaths in the terrorist attack in dagestan has increased to 20 people, the regional ministry of health reported this ; three days of mourning have been declared in the republic. the operation in the republic was completed by morning, six militants were eliminated, their identities were established, now investigators are working in makhachkala, derbent in the area where the militants come from. from dagestan,
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reporting by sarkar magomedov. here they made the main blow. to the head of dagestan they show the consequences of an attack on the main jewish temple of derbent. derbent synagogue. now it looks like this. part of the building burned out, the main one, where they passed through. services and prayers, in addition, are broken through the gates themselves. at the time of the attack , none of the parishioners were inside, only the guard, whom the criminals killed and set the building on fire. go away, go away, go away. then they fired at the police and went to the church, where proteer nikolai kotelnikov died at their hands. according to nak, there were two terrorists, both were eliminated. the investigative committee continues investigation of a criminal case regarding terrorist acts in the republic of dagestan. june 23 participants. organized groups carried out armed attacks on religious buildings located in makhachkala and derbent. during the suppression of criminal activities, five persons involved in
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the attacks were eliminated. their identities have been established. the attack on derbend occurred simultaneously with the attack on makhachkala, in which a synagogue and a church were also targeted. the parishioners of the holy dormition cathedral managed to barricade themselves inside. the security guard entered into battle with the terrorists and died heroically. he shot back until the last bullet and... several more civilians also died, among them father nikolai,
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a clergyman who served in the orthodox church in vdermenti for more than 40 years. the authorities of dagestan are confident that the terrorist attack was carried out with the aim of splitting society and interfaith peace in the republic; the connections of terrorists both abroad and within are being checked. preliminarily, among the attackers there are children of one of the heads of the districts.
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in the tragedy in uchkuevka at the memorial sign of sevastopol on the alley of hero cities there are many flowers of toys, caring townspeople bring them here today, today is a day of mourning in sevastopol, everyone knows what tragedy happened yesterday, the memory of how we are with everyone in sevastopol to support our relatives, to support us all, there is some great sadness in our souls such emptiness, hopelessness, you don’t know how to help people, there’s a kind of emptiness in the city, a kind of emptiness that ’s slipping from... a sphere of great sadness, great sadness, i really feel sorry for the little children, in the city of mourning the administrative buildings are lowered at half- mast
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flags, all entertainment and sporting events have been cancelled, dozens of people are in hospitals, and 153 victims of the ukrainian missile attack, more than eighty are hospitalized, including children. how are you feeling? thanks to the doctors, ours especially, of course, i would like to say words of gratitude to the fourth hospital. took the lives of four people, two of them children, i heard this one - bang, it was just, you know, indescribable, i raised my head,
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i looked... in the sky, well, there was something, smoke, some voices from the smoke, i i was very scared there was a lot of panic on the beach, the beach lifeguards provided assistance to people, covered them up, hid them in a shelter, if possible, showed people where to run, the ukrainian military hit sevastopol with five missiles in an attack that was supplied to kiev by the united states, as the ministry of defense noted, flight missions for missiles are being introduced american specialists based on their satellite intelligence data. that is why washington primarily bears responsibility for the deliberate attack on civilians. the russian ministry of foreign affairs stated that they will seek a response from international organizations to this crime. yana cherbaty, andrey terentsev, lead sevastopol. for the first time on screens. meet me. on aviita, on aviita.
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khvatamba has arrived! and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito. investing with sber is easy, receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. looks like an allergy. renewed networkrezin renewed. we trust. renival, we choose renival. real hunt - this is when the loot is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. you are a great audience, bye everyone. you owe the bank.
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do you still owe the bank? i have already ordered a rosbankrot anti-credit card from valders on the yandex market. on avito khvatamba. discounts for people from people until july 7th. now is the time for economic news: russian airlines increased passenger traffic by 7% in may, more than 9 million people used their services, reports the federal air transport agency. on on domestic flights, the number of passengers increased by 15%, on international routes by 28. the majority of passengers belonged to the aeroflot group; it accounted for half of the total traffic volume. in russia, they began trading
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pork on the stock exchange; the auction took place last friday, the national commodity exchange reports. the organizer was dymovsky sausage production, and the winner of the auction was tambov bacon. in total, based on the results of the auction, 52.5 tons of frozen chilled pork were purchased. it is possible that in the future the exchange will begin sell chicken meat too. the former mercedes-benz plant in the moscow region will produce chinese exit cars. the assembly of crossovers will begin in july, and the first shipments are scheduled for... august, a businessman reports this with reference to sources. the assembly will begin with the exit vx car. expected cost from 5 million 700,000 rubles. in february next year, another model will hit the production line. and the heads of the european union foreign ministry decided to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets. kyiv will receive 400 billion million euros for the purchase of weapons. this was stated by hungarian foreign minister peter szijarta. he noted that the money had been allocated. the input
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of the opinion of his country, and this is an unprecedented shameless violation of the red lines and rules of the european union. according to eu diplomacy head joseppe barel, the second tranche, which is more than a billion euros, should arrive in a few months. it was economic news. short. the investigative committee opened a criminal case into the death of people in a fire in the moscow region in the town of fryazino. in operational services reported that two people jumped out of the window, trying to escape from the fire, all victims of the tragedy according to preliminary information.


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