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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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russia and belarus. the document emphasizes the highest level of strategic interaction and trust between our states and the readiness to deepen close coordination. the program of my visit to minsk does not end here. tomorrow there will be additional events, a meeting with the leadership of the republic. i will also speak
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to the students and teachers of the academy of management under the president of the republic of belarus, so i hope that based on the results of today’s negotiations tomorrow we will be able to state that we are contributing to the implementation into the life of the decisions made by our leaders. there is time for a few questions, then we will start with the guests of the ntv channel. ntv russian. good afternoon. sergey viktorovich, a question for you. a number of american officials in the pentagon and the white house immediately say that their agreements with ukraine on attacks on russian rear areas apply only to those places from where, as they say, russia could conquer even more ukrainian territories. do we understand correctly that permission for such attacks - this is actually so american.
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situations when we are faced with a western ultimatum, all the decisions that the president makes about our next steps are based on this. our good will is well known, we cannot take it from us; many times, starting with the coup d'etat in 2014, we have made a proposal to find a mutually acceptable solution to the situation that the west created in ukraine after the coup d'etat, we have been met with an invariable refusal to...
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analyze the prevailing reality, we are not conducting any underground negotiations with anyone, the west refuses to organize negotiations on a fair basis, and well, not to mention the fact that a man named zelensky has banned the entire ukrainian leadership from negotiating with the russian federation. speaking about the plans that are being announced to hold a second conference. all the formulations that
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the west spews on this topic are in line with the same ultimatum policy towards the russian federation and are unacceptable as such. stv. hello. tell me how you assess chance aggression from the outside.
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that those remaining there, even if in small numbers, are sensible people, people who have an instinct for self-preservation, will draw the right conclusions and will not cross the most dangerous line. thank you, let the newspapers know. hello, sergey viktorovich, i have a question for you. yesterday israel. the united states has already announced a possible response from iran, what is the likelihood of more countries becoming involved in the conflict in the middle east, and should putin’s proposed eurasian security architecture include this region? well, about the likelihood of getting more and more involved
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number of countries in the war in the middle east, we are doing everything to prevent this from happening. you mentioned iran, we know.
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yes, they are located on the continent of eurasia, so our proposal is addressed to all those who want to consider the prospects for creating a new security system on an equal basis, taking into account the interests based on the balance of interests of all countries of the continent, without outside interference, because it is the voice from abroad , so to speak, from abroad, from overseas.
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targeting many other citizens of the eu, cis and so-called greater eurasia. that's why we must also clearly understand that migration flows do not depend in any way on this kind of decisions, because today migrants use illegal border crossing routes, rather than legal border crossings. and they are fleeing from those countries where poland itself recently participated in military operations, so of course, in these conditions,
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the only path to de-escalation is the path to dialogue, if poland is ready for this, at least on border issues or on issues cross-border cooperation, cooperation that was curtailed on the initiative of the polish sides and other european partners, then we are ready to discuss these topics, but of course... on an equal, mutually respectful basis, that’s it, thank you, colleagues, you are done, this was a broadcast of sergei lavrov’s press approach, if mine had come true. dream, dream, such a life would come, then, if the dream,
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legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. as a result of major fire in fryazin, moscow region, there are deaths, several people fell out of the building window, two more were locked in the premises and could not get out, all floors are already burning, there is a threat of roof collapse. let me remind you that the fire engulfed the former building of ne platano at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, which was the reason, now mine is working at the scene of the emergency. colleague alexander katsuba, alexander, hello, we are waiting for the latest details from you, what is currently happening at the scene of the emergency? yes, hello, tatyana, liquidation of the consequences of the fire in freseno continues in these minutes, fire rescuers are doing everything possible, they are shedding, as they say, the buildings, but nevertheless, literally
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20 seconds, 30 seconds ago we heard powerful pops, open flames are again escaping from all... floors of this building, here we see, on the fourth floor a very large fire continues, it is now known that the ceiling between these floors has collapsed, firefighters say that it is possible that the roof will collapse in the near future, the roof of this nine-story building, here rescuers are using a special equipment, automatic ladders, and here, too , helicopters from the russian ministry of emergency situations are present and flying in the sky to put out the fire. with special devices that water the burning building from their baskets, black thick acrid smoke rises high up, but as for the causes of the fire, according to eyewitnesses, at about 14:30 they heard a powerful bang, a powerful explosion at about the fifth floor of this building, in one of the rooms of this building, the fire spread very quickly across
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the fifth floor, spread to the sixth, seventh, eighth, the people who were in this building, and here - representatives of various companies rent premises and work in this building, they were blocked on the upper floors and two people, at least men, could not escape, were blocked and were forced to jump from the seventh floor, unfortunately they died, now the investigative committee has begun to clarify all the circumstances of this fire. tatiana. yes, alexander, thank you very much. let me remind you that my colleague alexander katsuba is working at the scene of the emergency, we are monitoring situation for now to other news. the finish line in the case of the financial pyramid of finik, the trial of the alleged fraudsters has started in kazan, in total there are nine people in the dock, among them one of the founders of finik, kirill daronin and six more defendants, the so-called stars of finik. let me remind you that the total damage in
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the finik case exceeds 200 million rubles. and of these, at least 160 were stolen from... i went to the bank to get millions, how is this affecting your life now? well, it’s detrimental, of course, considering what you invested in that
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moment of the last money, having learned that everything was over, as it were, and naturally, it was stress. debts still have to be paid to this day, but this is far from the saddest scenario. elizaveta sin from sakhalin sold her only home to invest in finik. he really deceived me. i have three children, we sold the apartment, i invested all the money in finik. why did people bring their last money to finika, without receipts or documents, giving millions to real money changers, which turned into internal cryptocurrency service. the founders of the company were hardly talented traders and economists, but psychologists, according to many experts, were quite capable of traveling around russia with well-planned speeches and convincing people that their scheme worked. four men, almost in awe, tell each other how their lives have changed, yes, that is, that he didn’t have such and such debts, and so on, how important it was for him, that he just broke through, they said that the depositor's money is traded on the stock exchange
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, the client is paid interest, in fact, we are sure investigators, this was a classic fraudulent scheme, bring a friend, get a reward, when the flow of people slowed down, the pyramid collapsed, kirill doronin in an interview with our colleague eduard petrov, then claimed, and gullible investors were warned, everywhere i said, this...
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they grabbed the so far, only kirill doronin is paying for the date. three of his partners managed to escape from the country, presumably they are in the emirates. the russian prosecutor general's office reported the detention of two of them, but when the entrepreneurs are extradited to their homeland, unknown. this week, the hearing on the fenik financial pyramid case will last until thursday. the judge will need more than one hour to study several volumes of the criminal case and listen to dozens of accused victims. some came to kazan from other cities and are still hoping to get their money back. alexander astakov, alexey urazaikin, vesti duty unit from tatarstan. so, now we will contact clients from the news agency tapes. chairman
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of the federation council valentina matvienko proposes to discuss the possibility of allocating to the regions additional funds for the needs of the ministry of internal affairs. this was reported by the honest detective telegram channel. at a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishusin and senators, she recalled that before the 2012 reform, the constituent entities of the federation had the right to introduce surcharges. allocate official housing to district police officers, repair the police station and purchase transport. valentina matvienko also noted that at present, district police officers receive, i quote, an absolutely non-competitive salary, so the approach to remuneration of employees of internal affairs bodies cases requires a review at the state level to increase funding. according to the chairman of the federation council, it is also necessary to analyze the situation in the ministry of internal affairs due to understaffing. and wear and tear of premises. now to other news, the chairman of the russian funding committee took personal control of the investigation
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of the criminal case of beating a member of the svo in the vladimir region. we talked about this story the day before in our final broadcast. in the city of alexandrov, vladimir region aggressive thugs beat up a serviceman who came on leave after the svo. according to the wife, she herself had to stop the victim. aired, about an hour later they called me from the investigative committee and said that everything had been transferred to the investigative committee,
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nothing for a month and a half. there was no movement, i went to the police so many times, asked for help, they did not take any action, this is the same nikita suchkov, who 3 days ago could not think that he would end up in the temple of themis, i admit my guilt partially, for what specifically i did, what i gave an explanation for, i am ready to bring punishment, according to mart, it was this person who attacked ...
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alexander has a closed craniocerebral injury, numerous injuries to the facial bone, a contusion of the right eye, a rupture of the cornea and lacerated wounds on the hands. the man spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital, another three in rehabilitation. he is a sapper, it is possible that after this he may be removed from service due to health. it would seem that a list of injuries and such aggressive behavior could become the basis for initiating a criminal case, but not for the local law enforcement system . marta herself had to provide it to the employees. police records from surveillance cameras, representatives of a public organization and a city deputy got involved in the case, but even with their help nothing moved, but during their own investigation they managed to learn a lot of interesting things about the detainee: it can take a month and a half to conduct an investigation, the police in 2 hour the investigative committee can transfer from an administrative to a criminal case, they say that they have connections
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law enforcement... agencies, we even found confirmation of this, so perhaps he is using them, since nothing has been done for so long. indeed, nikita suchkov is a well-known character in the city. in a private conversation, residents of aleksandrov told us that he is involved in dark affairs and has many influential connections. after the fight in the club, he continued to lead a riotous lifestyle; even before his arrest, we still managed to communicate with him. we met nikita late in the evening right in front of the local police department on the main street. then he stated that... that had nothing to do with beating a person. niki, tell me your version of why you beat the man? i don’t understand, it didn’t happen, it’s not the first time i’ve heard it, i don’t know what was going on in this. suchkov behaved impudently, obviously he was sure that everything would go wrong, but according to our information, nikita was detained immediately after these shots were aired. investigators from the regional department of the investigative committee took over the investigation. on the same day, based on the results of additional verification activities, the investigator initiated
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a criminal case on... grounds of a crime provided for in part two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. a group of young people, guided by hooligan motives and showing obvious disrespect for society, caused bodily harm to a participant in a special military operation. during the court hearing , it seems that they replaced him, he behaved modestly, constantly looked at the floor, obviously he was scared. suchkov, you understand the measure of restraint and its duration. the recordings show that... he was not acting alone, alexander was attacked by the crowd. investigators also need to find out who else was involved in the fight. it is possible that during this time, some of them managed to escape. the investigation of this, one might say, high-profile case, was taken under personal control by the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. while investigators are looking into all the circumstances, nikita suchkov will be in pre-trial detention. he could face up to 7 years in prison. ekaterina lekhomanova,
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vitaly kaydanovich and ivan prince. conduct the duty department the entire operational feed of legal news in our telegram channels conduct the duty department and an honest detective follow with us. that's all for now, tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30. the third increased level of complexity of the fire in the fryazino region near moscow, the building of the platan research institute was engulfed in flames, four floors were completely destroyed, the flames were rapidly spreading further. extinguishes from the ground from the air. according to the latest data, eight people became victims of the fire; they were trapped on the upper floors.


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