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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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may change dramatically. regina sevastyanova, ekaterina shamaeva, european bureau of vgtrk, brussels, belgium. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. and who are the gunners? kiev would not have been able to strike the crimea alone, who and how launched the fatal ms attacks on sevastopol. they extinguished the fire for several hours; a large weapons depot was destroyed in odessa. kiev propaganda passes everything off as a food warehouse, saying it was not ammunition that detonated, but popcorn air conditioners. terrorism on a new level. ukraine with
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with the help of naval drones began to mine the black sea. the regime media rejoices. but it’s interesting: they have already figured out how they will explain the bombings of civilian courts. they tried to evacuate from volchansk, but the ssu opened targeted fire from a mortar. an elderly man, his son and a dog, on whose hands this blood will forever freeze. rain, fog, blizzard and hail. it's the kremlin's fault. worldwide. the media readily picked up the story that russia was involved in the arson of a german metal plant, what is your evidence? we see absolutely barbaric attack and we understand perfectly well that not only ukrainian militants are behind it, and this is today’s comment by dmitry peskov in the wake of the attack in sevastopol uchkuevka, where.
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the kiev regime persistently asked its american masters for ballistic weapons and what openly terrorist goals were pursued by the formation of the armed forces of ukraine, but at the same time, as peskov noted and as the ministry of defense previously noted, to talk about responsibility for such attacks solely by the zelensky junta would be... completely wrong, because neither the launch of a long-range western missile actually cannot be done without the direct participation of specialists from nato countries, and they are the ones who are in charge of the targeting . there is already plenty of evidence of this, that washington’s not direct involvement, anton potkavenko will confirm, anton, hello, greetings, well, obviously to carry out such an attack on your own, even purely technically, is too difficult for the landowners, without any doubt.
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drones, there’s nothing to say, that’s why kiev , that is, it’s much slower about shock sought ms attacks, understanding what a difficult task it was for air defense to shoot down such ammunition, while four of the five missiles fired at sevastopol were destroyed, no matter how hard nato tried, flight missions are most likely carried out by crews who... are either
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part of composition, or is entirely made up of nato military personnel, that is , there are simply options possible, perhaps they are officially registered as vacationers or as civilians, but ukrainian employees either serve there, are engaged, provide external security perimeter, or there are some junior positions in the crew, junior positions for the armed forces officers, because let’s start. so the ms is not so simple, for example, missiles need guidance, so the rqu4 global hawk, an american reconnaissance drone, flies near crimea, looking for targets on the peninsula, kiev simply does not have such resources, the staff of the american mission in ukraine has expanded significantly, and these are not diplomats , these are exactly the military specialists in ms missiles who are working on it. preparing
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this missile for combat use. how does terrorism technology work? according to military experts, kiev now has several haimers complexes modified for missiles. with a reinforced chassis and missile guides, it is larger than the standard ammunition for this missile system. american specialists enter targets received from their own aerial reconnaissance into the otax launch program, and then the launch is unlikely to be done using the vseushnik remote control. the missile flies to the target on our territory, the global hawk drone corrects its flight in real time. if there is no reconnaissance drone, the accuracy will vary from the akms will drop significantly, but nato hawks are circling over neutral waters. we have experience influencing this equipment, these unmanned aerial vehicles, which means destroying them without touching them, that is, it could also be some moments related to electronic warfare, from flying past heavier equipment, which means that it
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accidentally drops fuel, but it seems to me that it’s time to shoot it down, the warhead that hit the crimean beach was a cluster warhead, that is , non-armor-piercing...
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its consequences are constantly in the regime vladimir putin receives in real time. by personal order of the president , a special board of the ministry of emergency situations, doctors of the ministry of health and specialists from the disaster medicine center were sent to sevastopol. meanwhile, employees of the investigative committee are carefully studying all the circumstances of the criminal attack. from the city where mourning is declared today. report by yana sherbaty. this is what the beach in uchkuevka looks like now, it is still closed, explosives experts and sopers have examined the entire shore and the main work is now being carried out at sea. visible all over the beach traces of this... tragedy, for example, the place where people fled from shelling, covered themselves with furniture, and later it was here that they were given first aid. this crater, left over from the cassette, is where the ammunition exploded and hundreds of small fragments scattered around. the bench was damaged, traces are visible on the wall, nearby,
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there are hundreds of traces from fragments, and there are them on the furniture, which stands a few meters from here. there may still be unexploded cassettes in the water near the beach. divers work at sea. in the first seconds after. oh, i don’t know, it’s scary, today 22 wounded were sent from sevastopol to moscow by air ambulance, 12 of them were children. the kiev regime fired at sevastopol the day before with american missile attacks filled with cluster
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munitions. on the beach where the fragments fell, there were hundreds of civilians, women, and elderly children. a cynical and vile attack at the height of the weekend, when there are especially many vacationers. the cassettes flew straight across the sea, but that didn’t stop us, they ran up to help people, bandaged the wounded, helped pull them out on deck chairs. sand here as quickly as possible so as not to waste time, i ran up to everyone, didn’t leave anyone behind, grandfather was wounded through and through, i quickly took out bandages, bang-bang, from that side, from that side, so that at least the blood wouldn’t flow out, we quickly got the doctors they called, and one of the first to provide medical assistance to the wounded was yulia sannikova and her husband, they are both doctors. at the time of the shelling, we were resting in uchkuevka, conducting a control comb, in case someone needed help, in one of the guest houses, we found a wounded mother with two children, the girl was probably four years old or five, the boy was 10-11 years old, the girl had
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wounds to her legs, the boy had a penetrating wound, they were hiding everywhere in all the cafes, who were only a little stronger, where the room was completely filled with people, a lot of people were taken out. local guys took people and their children out, filled cars full and took them out. bus drivers and people simply passing by helped evacuate the wounded even before the ambulances arrived, rescuers hid people from shelling. rescuer. a sufficiently large number of people, we brought them to the beach in the first half of the day it became obvious that it was now necessary to urgently remove them, the beach staff met us halfway and opened an area closed to transport.
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the sky is almost completely covered in black, a column of black smoke rises up and is visible for many kilometers, the picture is complemented by powerful tongues of flame and a building captured by fire with a video from odessa, thanks to which you can understand the scale of the morning fire in one of the city’s industrial zones. according to russian media, an ammunition depot there was hit, but immediately after the arrival odessa authorities hastened to announce the strike. on a purely civilian object, and the mayor of the city , as an illustration, even published a tearful photograph with an employee of the operational service and the mongrel, who apparently ended up in the fire zone. well, in general, this is an obvious attempt to put pressure on emotions and hide the true state of affairs, but in this case it is unlikely to work, since there are other shots taken by odessa residents themselves, not published in local public pages, so it will not be difficult to restore the picture and clarify which it was the target that was hit that did. well, did it arrive at the right address? yes, again
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the legend of ukrainian propagandists is being broken with a video shot by odessa residents. the consequences that the whole city saw, it is impossible to hide this, so the local authorities, on the orders of kiev, stated that the russians allegedly hit a civilian warehouse, a grocery store, a lie that the square repeats thousands of times, always when russian missiles hit objects sensitive to the vzo, this they couldn’t put it out for several hours, the blast wave was from the secondary one. clearly audible such a series of pops, i would recognize them as cartridges, cartridges that were in the fire and triggered accordingly. the kiev-appointed authorities in odessa reported that. there were no civilian casualties , although according to russian news agencies
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, up to ten foreign military personnel serving western-made missiles came under attack? as a rule, these goals are indicated, i won’t say agents, the local population, the local population in odessa very actively reports - where, what, why, where, what was brought, precisely for these reasons... on monday in the morning, the russian ministry of defense reported the destruction of a large logistics center in the ssu, where western missile weapons were stored, among other things, without specifying the location of the strike. representatives of the local resistance reported that a warehouse with supplied missiles had been hit in odessa. all this happened in the area of ​​the former krayan heavy crane manufacturing plant, one of the oldest.
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it’s burning, you can’t approach it and put it out, this is only for one simple reason, which means there was some kind of weaponry there, that’s what, well, after this object caught fire, poses a danger to firefighters there, ukraine throughout the conflict constantly hides militants and equipment
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on civilian objects, hiding behind the local population, in schools, kindergartens, shopping centers, this tactic is used by the enemy from the first. on the ukrainian side , the so -called shuttle system of supporting troops on the front line is very organically intertwined, when in the delivery of everything necessary, not only regular military means are involved in the transportation of ammunition, food and other goods in the interests of armed forces, but civilian transport is also used quite widely, from... cars of the new post office, the so-called, right up to ambulances, under the cover of all this , cargo for military purposes is transported, when another military warehouse in the city center comes under attack, ukrainian propaganda resorts to the standard song, saying that the russians again hit civilians or chips and soda. in kiev they believe that such lies are still effective when
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they try to pass off the secondary detonation of ammunition as almost popcorn explosions. evgenia nipot an accurate strike. over the course of 24 hours, in the zone of responsibility of the western group of troops near the border of the lpr with the kharkov region , up to 220 ukrainian militants, a tank and a german long-range gun panzer howitze were destroyed. more than 600 more enemy personnel were dropped out of action on the donetsk front, where units of the southern group occupied more advantageous positions. yes, in the avdeevsky sector, the russian military is systematically improving the position of the front line, destroying the enemy. reporting by pavel prokopenko. the place is disguised so that, despite its dimensions, neither the barrel nor the body is visible. 2.02 is not only the design of the self-propelled gun loader, but also its growth. professional athlete, children's volleyball coach. the legs are strong, the arms are strong, so the snayads are easy to carry. in the crew of the msta s howitzer, all mobilized, all from
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one city, the ural kachkanar. we are very close friends and communicate. just like that, i have a charger with call 202, his mother, my class teacher, so also a huge hello, if he hears him, he sees him, during the work, the crew asks us to move away from the gun, gun, shot, among the artillery targets are imported equipment, abrams, leopards and bradleys, after work we sit around the fire, talking about how the day went, they asked who they were working on. they said: abram. the crew is ready to adjust the fire, but at this time an enemy copter arrives to take the first shot. our cameraman sergei truskov managed to catch an enemy bird in the frame. he circles very low, looking out where the shots were coming from. the crew is armed with anti-drone guns, but the shooting they don’t open so as not to give themselves away.
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the drone is being hit from neighboring positions; there is a characteristic porous bird next to it. the scout can direct enemy fire, it is unknown whether the copter spotted us, but our fighters do not stop, the cutter sends a second shell into the barrel, here in the forest belt above the place where... the enemy area has just been fortified, a column of dust smoke rises, ural guys got the job done. pavel prokopenko, sergey truskov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead: donetsk people's republic, avdeevsky direction. the ministry of health of dagestan this evening reported an increase to 20 people, the number of deaths as a result of yesterday's terrorist attacks, according to
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the latest data, 26 were injured, seven of them were hospitalized in serious condition. against the backdrop of what happened, the head of the republic promised to work to inform everyone. sleeping cells of extremists so that they are liquidated, but in addition, today sergei melikov spoke about the plans of the regional authorities to perpetuate the memory of the priest killed by terrorists. father nikolai served in the city church of derbent for more than 40 for years he has always advocated interfaith harmony. our regional correspondent sarkar magomedov has details. here they are the main one. their goal was not just to kill, but to destroy. in front of the derben synaga, part of the collapsed casing. they killed a security guard, here is his workplace, except for the security guard, a muslim, by the way, there was no one in the synagogue, there was no one else inside, once here, the terrorists set fire to the building,
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and look what the main prayer hall turned into, the terrorists acted no less cruelly in the orthodox church of the city, everything they were also set on fire and shot, they were met and killed in cold blood by the oldest priest in dagestan, archpriest nikolai kotelnikov, he was loved in the city. respected by everyone, regardless of nationality and religion. as much as we respect everyone in gerbeiki, he is the only one who is as he is. as it turned out, nikolai kotelnikov was the target of the militants, perhaps because he united people, unlike terrorists, and called for tolerance. that is why flowers are brought to the memorial today not only by those who knew about the theory personally, but by almost the entire city. interfaith worlds.
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this is the privacy, yes, the closedness of this temple , and the doors of his temple, and the doors of his soul and heart were always open to all residents, it was a symbol of the city, exactly, yes, here we are now sitting in the temple, our guard was killed, an attack on derbent occurred simultaneously with the attack on makhachkala, in which a synagogue and a church were also targeted. the parishioners of the holy dormition cathedral managed to barricade themselves inside, while the guard entered into battle with the terrorists and died heroically. he fired until the last bullet helped us, that is, gave us the opportunity to hide somewhere, leave, and distracted the attention
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of terrorists, and thanks to him we remained alive, both gangs - five terrorists, were eventually eliminated, but at the cost of the lives of police officers, they had to act in in the most difficult urban conditions, where there are many civilians around, whom they managed to take away under fire and cover, where they are, it hit the hand, that there is a shrapnel, bro, heroic behavior not only in combat, but in hospitals, from where many were eager to go back, he said that i don’t want to stay here, i need to go there, my brothers are there, i have to help them, what should i do here, i’m fine, i’m not injured, everything is fine, let me go, just for 5-10 minutes, this conversation continued, well... in the end, four or five doctors barely persuaded him to follow. most of the victims are law enforcement officers, but there are also civilians. seven victims of the terrorist attack will receive a million rubles each
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and up to 500 thousand rubles depending on the degree of injury. all these attacks were carried out vilely, from around the corner, from a brace, it is inherent in any person who has taken the oath, a law enforcement officer, a military man, in such tasks the main goal... he has to save it, i repeat once again, the civilian population, even if for this you have to cover them with your chest or your body, which, in fact, happened, i believe that they are all worthy of being presented with state awards of the russian federation and state awards of the republic of dagestan, the topic for whose fault the police and civilians gave their lives is being dealt with by the special services, as why the children of the nephew of the head of the sergekalinsky district... the very one in which the hero of russia magomed nurbagandov was born and raised, staged a monstrous terrorist attack, interrogations of the official will show, he has already been removed from his post, they are suspected of aiding
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terrorism, there are no words even that these guys turned out to be sergokolintsy, as they say, they grew up before our eyes, and i can’t even believe what’s in their heads, what they are in general guided by what's going on? no matter what the criminals were motivated by, they failed to create a split in society. quite a revolution in modern warfare, such pretentious headlines today can be found on the pages of american and european newspapers, which allegedly learned about the know-how of the sbu in confronting our fleet on the black sea, they say a gang of punitive forces has found a new use for their unmanned boats, that previously used purely as a kamikaze, but specifically succeeded.
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well, in some century ukraine had a reason for pride, a new form of terrorism has been invented. knowledgeable media with undisguised joy reprint the wall street journal material. it turns out that the sea drones of the sbu have been sowing the black sea with bottom mines for many months now. in the first few weeks, a dozen and a half explosive devices were installed, and only the terrorists themselves know how many of them there are at the bottom of the sea. in
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this case. these mines can be installed on ports, on approaches to ports, naval bases, as well as on intensive shipping routes, and accordingly, the forces of the black sea fleet must do everything they can to counteract this kind of action; they have experience in combating these weapons. ukrpatrioto is especially proud of the fact that it is poisoning the water area, the ukrainian in quotes drone cie baby, but ukrainian. of course, only on paper. the technology was provided by the british. the mines are also obviously nato. bottom mines are relatively small explosive devices by naval standards, which are placed at shallow depths of up to 80 m. when sensors detect the passage of a large target over the ammunition, the striking element is fired upward. how does the electronics understand whether a military ship or a civilian is passing over it, but nothing.
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this is an indiscriminate weapon. no matter who passes, who will be that sixth, a civilian ship or a warship? where exactly the kiev regime is crap is not revealed. the article says that the drone traveled thousands of nautical miles, hiding from radar in high waves. this means that mines can be located literally anywhere, as long as the depth is... at the same time, it’s stupid to expect that the sbu shared maps of mining with the captains of ships that sail in dozens along the black sea waters, and is there any sense in such maps when an explosive device at any moment can be disrupted by the current, as was the case with the mines installed by the kiev regime near odessa, they were later found near the coasts of turkey, romania and bulgaria, the claims are all preserved, of course, the sea is the sea, there
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are storms there, there are there. if the kiev regime had not tried to mine the black sea. it's very much their style. we remember how in the beginning special operations, high-tech soldiers sowed the donbass with mine petals. then they ran out and the terrorists had modern ammunition at their disposal. but the tactics have not changed. the ukrainian nazis are still sowing mines on the peaceful rear. here is a fragment of material from our colleagues from shebekin, belgorod region, a cassette with anti-personnel mines
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equipped with it arrived here. the destruction of as many people as possible and as many victims as possible, this is the goal they have, this is exactly the goal set by the western western master, as you can destroy more of everything around lives, territories, transport corridors.


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