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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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a special board of the ministry of emergency situations brought to moscow 22 people who were injured during the terrorist attack in sevastopol, among them 12 children, including seriously wounded. immediately after the plane landed, they were hospitalized in the capital's medical institutions. our correspondent, maria valieva, is now working at the russian children's clinical hospital. she is in direct contact with the studio, maria, greetings, what is known about the victims at this moment? yes, dmitry, greetings, there are now four children in the intensive care unit of the russian children's clinical hospital, three boys and one girl, according to doctors, their condition is serious; as a result of the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on sevastopol, they received mine explosion injuries. the condition of the patients is serious and conditioned. specifically
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due to explosive fragmentation injuries, a computed tomography was performed, a full range of laboratory instrumental studies is being performed , further treatment tactics will be determined, in total, more than twenty victims were brought to the capital by a special flight of the ministry of emergency situations from sevastopol, according to the doctors, they endured the flight normally, there was no deterioration. employees of the main management. to the honor of russia , comprehensive assistance was provided to the republic of crimea for the transportation and delivery of seriously ill children on board the il-76; 18 personnel and eight units of equipment from the russian ministry of emergency situations were involved. during the flight , the victims were accompanied by specialists from the ministry of health and doctors from the spas center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. the board is equipped with all necessary medical equipment.
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i would like to note that for the reception of victims from sevastopol in the capital, careful preparations were made at zhukovsky airport for all those who... are in very serious trouble, who received very serious injuries, were transported by helicopter to various medical institutions of the capital, and the rest were transported by ambulance. on june 23, as a result of the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on sevastopol, more than 150 people were injured, 79 are in hospitals, they were injured when rocket fragments fell . attacks with
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an explosion in the air. immediately, to provide all the necessary assistance , specialists from the russian ministry of health, specialists from the center for disaster medicine flew out from moscow, and specialists from the yalta the multidisciplinary medical center of the federal medical and biological agency of russia promptly provided all the necessary assistance. dmitriy. yes, thank you about the victims of the terrorist attack in sevastopol, whom. delivered to moscow, said maria valieva. on the beach in uchkuevka, the consequences of a missile strike by the ukrainian armed forces on civilians are being eliminated. the shore has already been cleared of dangerous objects; the main work is going on at sea. report by yana cherbata. this is what vuchkuevka beach looks like now, it is still closed. explosive engineers and sappers examined the entire coast, and the main work are now being carried out at sea. traces of this terrible tragedy are visible all over the beach. here, for example, is a place where people fled from shelling.
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they covered themselves with furniture and later it was here that they received first aid. this crater, left over from the coset, is where the ammunition exploded and hundreds of small fragments scattered around. the bench was damaged, traces are visible on the wall, nearby, there are hundreds of traces from fragments, and there are them on the furniture, which stands a few meters from here. there may still be unexploded bombs in the water near the beach. cassette. divers work at sea. in the first seconds after the shelling , the vacationers themselves and the employees of the cafe came to the aid of the wounded . what happened, they all ran with children, carried someone on themselves, everyone who works in the bars here opened the doors, people were hiding there, and even hundreds of meters from the beach there were terrible images, abandoned, bloody children's toys, victims of the ukrainian terrorist attack - four died, another 153 people were injured, the doctors were great, they did everything possible, it was impossible, the children are poor, oh, i don’t know, it’s... scary,
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today , 22 wounded were sent by air ambulance from sevastopol to moscow, 12 of them children. the kiev regime fired at sevastopol with american missiles the day before. on the beach where the fragments fell, there were hundreds of civilians, women, and elderly children. a cynical and vile attack at the height of the weekend, when there are especially many vacationers. the cassettes flew straight across the sea, but that didn’t stop us, they ran up to help people, bandaged the wounded, helped drag them out of the sand on sunbeds here as quickly as possible so as not to waste time. i ran up to everyone, didn’t leave anyone, grandfather was with the through. for the wound, i quickly took out bandages, bang-bang, from that side, from that side, so that at least the blood wouldn’t flow out, we quickly called the doctors, yulia sannikova and her husband were among the first to provide medical assistance to the wounded, both of them were resting at the time of the shelling in uchkuevka, we were combing under control, suddenly someone
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needed help, in one of the guest houses we found a wounded mother with two children, the girl was four years old, probably five, the boy the girl is 10-11 years old. there were wounded shins, the boy had a penetrating wound, they were hiding everywhere in all the cafes, some of them only a little stronger, where the premises were completely filled with people, they took out a lot of local guys , they took out people with children, they filled full cars and took them out. bus drivers and people simply passing by helped evacuate the wounded even before the ambulances arrived, rescuers hid people from shelling, beach lifeguards helped people, just... hid them in a shelter if possible, showed people where to run, we are in the first in the middle of the day, a fairly large number of people were brought to the beach, it became obvious that now it was necessary to urgently
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evacuate them, the beach employees met us halfway and opened an area closed to transport, taking away everyone who wanted to leave. beach, there were a lot of them, people ran away from the scene of the tragedy , throwing everything on the beaches, this evening they were able to pick up their things, a state of emergency was declared in sevastopol, accordingly we will also organize payments to the victims, a commission for assessing the damage, it we were created necessary, which means that the corresponding applications were damaged property, again cars and houses, well, we won’t list it now, in principle everything is already there, after 112 all this is accepted, accordingly, so that the commission too... all sports and entertainment events in the city have been canceled today , sevastopol residents bring flowers and soft toys to spontaneous memorials, there is great sadness in their souls, there is some kind of emptiness, hopelessness, you don’t know how to help people,
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i really feel sorry for small children. mourning has been declared today in the neighboring republic of crimea, mourning for the dead the entire peninsula. yana shcherbatoy, andrey terentsev, alexander berezkin, anastasia zorina, valeria popova and daria podobedova. news: sevastopol. the united states is directly involved in a terrorist attack in sevastopol using atakms missiles, stated the official representative of russia to the un, vasily nebendze, according to him, this terrorist attack will be discussed at the next security council meeting on ukraine in july. all flight missions were developed by american experts based on us satellite reconnaissance data. american unmanned aerial vehicle global hawk was on patrol. the fact that the united states is directly involved in this crime is beyond any doubt. washington and its allies support the neo-nazi regime in kiev and encourage their puppets to commit terrorist acts against civilians. recently
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, nato countries gave the kiev regime the green light to launch strikes deep into russian territory. the russian foreign ministry made a demarche to the us ambassador, lyn trace, who. called to smolenskaya square to point out the participation of the united states in a hybrid war against our country, to the actual transformation of washington into the side of the conflict, since it is the americans who supply various weapons to ukraine, and are also engaged in guiding them to targets by introducing flight missions. another evidence of this was the attack by an atacom missile on civilians in sevastopol. in this regard, the ministry of foreign affairs recalled that encouraging the criminal actions of the kiev regime will not go unpunished. response measures. people, another 26 were injured, among the victims were 15 law enforcement officers. chapter republic sergei melikov promised to work as a result of terrorist attacks in dagestan, 20 were killed to identify all sleeper cells
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of extremists, so that they were eliminated, from dagestan, reporting by sarkar magomedov. here they are the main one. their goal was not just to kill, but to destroy. the building, apparently, also burned down, and here they killed the guard, here is his workplace, except for the guard, a muslim, by the way , there was no one in the synagogue, once here, the terrorists set fire to the building, and look what the main prayer hall turned into, not the terrorists acted less cruelly in the orthodox church of the city, they still set fire and shot, they were met and killed in cold blood by the oldest proteerian priest in dagestan, nikolai kotelnikov. everyone in the city loved and respected him, regardless of nationality and religion. as it turned out, nikolai
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kotelnikov was the target of the militants, perhaps because he united people, unlike terrorists, and called for tolerance. interfaith peace and friendship in derbent are expressed in this monument, in which judaism and islam are represented. an interesting fact is that the proteer nikolai kotelnikov, who was killed the day before, became the prototype for christianity. these flowers are in memory of... also, when there was a service, certain holidays, christian, representatives of three confessions came, and there was never a moment of privacy, yes, the closure of this particular temple, and the doors of his temple, and the doors of his soul and our hearts were always open to all residents, yes, here we are now sitting in the temple, our guard was killed, the attack on derbend occurred simultaneously with the attack on makhachkala, in whose targets also became a synagogue and... a church, the parishioners of the holy dormition cathedral managed to barricade themselves inside, while the security guard entered into battle with the terrorists and
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died heroically. he shot back to the last bullet and helped us, that is, he gave us the opportunity to hide somewhere. both gangs - five terrorists - were eventually eliminated, but at the cost of the lives of police officers. they had to operate in the most difficult urban conditions, where there were many civilians around, whom they managed to take away under fire. and cover where they are i got hit in the hand, that there was a shrapnel there, bro, heroic behavior not only in combat, but in hospitals, from where many were eager to return, he said that i don’t want to stay here, i need to go there, my brothers are there, i have to to help them, in the end four or five doctors barely persuaded him to follow, most of the victims were law enforcement officers , but there were also civilians, the families of those killed in the terrorist attack will receive... a million rubles each and up to 500 thousand rubles depending on the degree of injury, included in
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for any person who has taken the oath, for such tasks, his main goal is to save, i repeat once again, the civilian population, even if for this he has to cover them with his chest or his body, which, in fact, happened, i believe that everything they are worthy of being presented with state awards of the russian federation and state awards of the republic of dagestan. those through whose fault the police and civilians gave their lives are dealt with by the special services, like why the children are the nephew of the head of the sergekalinsky district of the very one in which the hero of russia, magomed nurbagandov, was born and raised, they staged a monstrous terrorist attack, interrogations of the official will show, he has already been removed from his post, they are suspected of aiding terrorism, there are not even words that these guys turned out to be from sergokolinsk, as they say, they grew up before our eyes. and i can’t even believe what’s going on in their heads, what they’re even guided by, what’s going on, no matter what
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the criminals are motivated by, they never managed to create a split in society. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, lead dagestan. for the first time on screens, meet. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts people. from people, only until july 7th khvatamba for so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out it’s possible at 20%, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open it in different ones at once, for money your own marketplace , it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. will our money fly away too? yours are safe here, in any of 185
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friazin near moscow, firefighters extinguished an open fire in an office building, the ministry of emergency situations reported this. about 500 people were engulfed in fire. emergency services were able to localize the source of the fire only 5 hours after the start of the fire; it arose on the fifth floor and instantly spread to the neighboring ones, capturing and virtually destroying the entire building; the ministry of emergency situations employees, of whom eight crews used two cranes to extinguish the flame , units of the gas and smoke of the protective service made their way through the victims internal.
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postgraduate studies. the country's ministry of education will send students into the trenches , reporting that almost 70% of those admitted to graduate school are men over 30 years old, the number of years.
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otsk almost broke the legs of a man who was dragged into a car, military commissars are trying hard to close the door of the minibus, despite the fact that the man stuck his legs out and is screaming in pain, after mobilization torture the victim recorded a video message, what should i show you, in short, i want to show you, in short, as they politely asked me, in their words, that for they’re called culture, i had a lot of pain that evening, this is their first culture, that’s normal, yes, such a cultural badge, it’s really chaos, chaos is happening, and what they say there... in russia they’ll forge, damn it, i scary, not so much for themselves as for the people, and people fight back with cerberus in uniform, in the classic style of military commissars, in a crowd of one, in the inherent humiliating
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form. the ukrainians declare war without leaving for the front, the partisans burned three ttsk cars in a day in kamensk, in odessa, in nikolaev, at in this case, ukrainians who did not update the data on their vehicles in the tcc by june 20 will be... already, and there is simply no way to get there. it is likely that young men, who are now students under the gun of military commissars, will soon take this path. volyn universities will transmit lists
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of expelled students to the trade center. authorities hope to control draft evaders. rectors of higher educational institutions in volyn were involved in the discussion, who reported on the conditions for admission and announced statistics on the number of students currently studying at universities. besides they assured that there is a clear agreement with the regional tc and sp, which will submit the lists. whether these skills will help very young ukrainians, and everyone else who is being dragged to the front by force, not to end up along independence square with another memorial flag, of which there are already thousands, is a question. the people of kiev
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are publishing comparative images, this is what the field looked like in june twenty-two, and now in 2 years the number of flags has increased from several tens to hundreds of thousands, with such a pace of mobilization there may not be room left for a memorial symbol. margaret semenyuk, lyubov storovoytova, news. svo participants will receive assistance even more quickly and efficiently. for this purpose , a special military-social center will be created in the near future, deputy minister of defense anna tseveleva spoke about this. according to her , they plan to open the first such center in moscow in the next month, after which similar institutions will appear in military districts, and assistance there will be provided through a one-stop system. now we are faced with the question of building the same structured system. support - these are existing in the near future we will launch the work of a military-social center, which will be for military personnel, and we are now literally
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engaged, i repeat once again, with active military personnel, this is a one-window system, with its own digital platform, with its own digital system, so that we can quickly and efficiently track everything those social support measures that the state provides for... these guys, and i think that literally within, probably even this month, we will already launch this center here in moscow. international youth industrial forum engineers of the future 2024. it is held in the format of a summer educational camp, in total about a thousand people from 70 countries will take part in the event, 520 speakers will speak and participate in the rich forum program.
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rostec and other accomplices, who today act as co-organizers of this event, by and large did not even guess, but perspicaciously considered the goals of the significance of this forum at the present time, and today the president of the russian federation announced new national goals, voiced the tasks that the country faces today, these are not only technological sovereignty, but also technological leadership. the minister of foreign affairs of hungary accused the eu of war hysteria and violation of the rules of the european community, this is how official budapest reacted to the new package of anti-russian sanctions and the decision of the european union to allocate money to ukraine bypassing the hungarian vet. at today's meeting, the eu foreign ministers approved the use of proceeds from frozen russian assets to help kiev. the first tranche may arrive already next week. will the opponents of such decisions be able to defend
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their position? i wondered.
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everything looks like the same ruling coalition will remain in power. i don't feel happy about what's happening now. europe needs better leadership. realizing that nothing will change after the elections, the outgoing european commission continues to calmly throw away other people’s money, old goals, ukraine. before the meeting of the eu foreign affairs council in luxembourg, josé borel announces to the whole world. repossession scheme. the theft of frozen russian assets has been invented. the first tranche will go to kiev next week. the decision has been made: we will use the proceeds from russia's frozen assets to increase our military support for ukraine. with the same ease as they figured out how to steal other people’s money, brussels also came up with a scheme to circumvent the rule of those who disagree. the rules, statutes, what a united europe has been creating for decades can be thrown away.
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trying to pull out the project from ukraine, which is not even a member of the eu, the eu is going into the zone lawlessness, creating dangerous precedents one after another, hungarian minister sejjártó called the decision to bypass the budapest veta crossing red lines. the eu's top diplomat, josep barel, told the financial times that because hungary had abstained from an earlier agreement to release funds from russia's frozen assets, it should not be part of the solution. about the use of this money, he added that this workaround is complex, like any other legal solution, but it works. the same, more with the old composition, the eu council managed to put an end to yet another project that had stalled due to the resistance of dissenting countries; the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia was adopted, as reported on the website, in the next list of 116 individuals and organizations. children's camp artek and three-time
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olympic champion marya were included in it. kiseleva, mother of ramzan kadyrov, public foundation named after akhmat kadyrov, singer shaman, ural airlines, working on the package was not easy, but pleasant, the minister of foreign affairs of finland shares his joy. i am pleased the steps we have taken regarding russian frozen assets. i appreciate the fourteenth package of sanctions. the eu will work on the fifteenth package with a new composition, and this is the last week of negotiations. about who gets what in brissel and how much it costs. the 83 seats that miloni's deputies got in the european parliament is at least the post of vice-president of the european commission, but you can count on more if you behave well, and do not irritate ursulla fondelaien, and keep your distance from the far right and those whom politicians in brussels call.


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