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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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on the beach in uchkuevka, the consequences of a missile strike by the armed forces of ukraine on civilians are being eliminated, the shore has already been cleared of dangerous objects, and the main work is going on at sea. the tragedy in sevastopol claimed the lives of four people and injured 153 more. about what happens at the site of the terrorist attack. report by yana cherbata. this is what vuchkuevka beach looks like now, it is still closed. explosive engineers and sappers examined the entire coast, and the main work is now being carried out at sea. traces of this...
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terrible tragedy are visible all over the beach, for example, the place where people fled from shelling and covered themselves furniture; later it was here that they received first aid. this crater, left over from the coset, is where the ammunition exploded and hundreds of small fragments scattered around. the bench was damaged, traces are visible on the wall nearby, hundreds of traces from fragments, and they are also on the furniture that stands a few meters away. there may still be unexploded cassettes in the water near the beach; divers are working in the sea. in the first seconds... after the shelling , the vacationers themselves and the cafe employees who stood along came to the aid of the wounded shores, there was already something there, they were all running with children, they were carrying someone, everyone who works in the bars here opened the doors, people were hiding there, and even hundreds of meters from the beach, creepy footage, abandoned, bloody children's toys , the victims of the ukrainian terrorist attack are four dead, another 153 people were injured, the doctors were great, they did everything possible and impossible, and the children are poor.
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today , 22 wounded were sent by air ambulance from sevastopol to moscow, 12 of them children. the kiev regime fired at sevastopol the day before with american missile attacks filled with cluster munitions. on the beach where the fragments fell, there were hundreds of civilians, women, and elderly children. a cynical and vile attack at the height of the weekend, when there are especially many vacationers.
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it became obvious that it was now necessary to urgently take them out, the beach staff met us halfway and opened an area closed to transport, taking away everyone who wanted to leave the beach, and there were many of them. people ran away from the scene of the tragedy, throwing everything on the beaches, this evening they were able to pick up their things, a state of emergency was declared in sevastopol, accordingly, we will also have payments to the victims... a commission to assess the damage has been organized, it has been created, it is necessary, which means that the corresponding applications there have been damaged property, again cars, and houses, well, we won’t list it now, in principle, everything is already there, after 112 all this is accepted, accordingly, so that the commission also promptly works and pays compensation, all sports and entertainment events in the city are canceled today, sevastopol residents bring flowers and soft toys to spontaneous memorials, there is great sadness in my soul something like this... yes, hopelessness, you don’t
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know how to help people, small children, i feel very sorry. mourning has been declared today in the neighboring republic of crimea, and the entire peninsula is mourning for the dead. yana cherbata and andrey terentsev alexander. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations brought to moscow 22 people who were injured during the terrorist attack in sevastopol, among them 12 children, including seriously wounded. immediately after landing, they were hospitalized in leading medical institutions. about how the flight went and the condition of the victims, material by maria valieva. in there are four children in the intensive care unit of the russian children's clinical hospital. boy and one girl. the schoolchildren's condition is serious; as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' attack on sevastopol, they received mine explosion injuries. a computed tomography scan was performed, a full range of laboratory instrumental studies is being performed, and further treatment tactics will be determined. in total
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, more than twenty victims were brought from sevastopol to the capital, including 12 children. according to doctors, the condition of the evacuees is satisfactory, there is no deterioration, the flight is still transferred well. employees of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the republic of crimea provided comprehensive assistance in transporting and delivering all seriously ill children on board the il-76. 18 personnel and eight units of equipment from the russian ministry of emergency situations were involved. during the flight , the victims were accompanied by specialists from the ministry of health and doctors from the spas center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. the board is equipped with all the necessary medical equipment and medical modules for evacuation are involved. specialists from the emergency psychological center assistance, doctors from the ministry of emergency situations of russia, as well as specialists from the ministry of health, the board is equipped with everything necessary both to provide assistance on the spot and during the entire transportation of a medical institution in moscow. careful preparations were made for the reception of patients from sevastopol;
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dozens of ambulance teams and several helicopters arrived at the airport to immediately fly to federal and metropolitan medical institutions. some of the victims were immediately transported from shupovsky airport by helicopter. days of emergency pediatric traumatology and surgery. medical assistance all victims, depending on their condition and the nature of the injuries received, will be treated in the largest multidisciplinary hospitals in the capital. the patients are at the yudin hospital, botkinskaya hospital, and the sklefosovsky institute. on june 23 , more than 150 people were injured in sevastopol, 79 are in hospitals, they were injured when fragments of a rocket attack fell and exploded. medical center of the fmba of russia, including leading resuscitators, anesthesiologists, traumatologists, psychologists and neurosurgeons, they quickly carried out a series of
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complex operations, we managed to save a girl born in 2018; now the child’s condition is stable. maria valieva, denis tsitseronov, alexander kutetela. governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glotkov reports that belgorod and the belgorod region were subjected to a massive attack by bupla, one resident was previously injured. the united states is directly involved in the terrorist attack in sevastopol using atakms missiles, stated russia's official representative to the un, vasily nebendze. according to him, this terrorist attack will be discussed on... all flight missions were developed by american experts based on us satellite reconnaissance data. an american unmanned aerial vehicle global hock patrolled the airspace over the crimean peninsula. the
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fact that the united states is directly involved in this crime is beyond any doubt. washington and its allies support and encourage the neo-nazi regime in kiev. recently, nato countries gave the kiev regime the green light to launch strikes deep into russian territory. mid russia made a demarche to us ambassador lyn trans tracy, who was summoned to smolensk square to point out the participation of the united states in a hybrid war against our country and the actual transformation of washington into the side of the conflict, since it is the americans who supply ukraine. various weapons, and are also engaged in pointing them at targets by entering flight missions. another evidence of this was the attack missile attack on civilians in sevastopol. in this regard, the ministry of foreign affairs recalled that encouraging the criminal actions of the kiev the regime will not go unpunished, retaliatory
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measures. quote: they will definitely follow. three days of mourning have been declared in dagestan after militants attacked synagogues and orthodox churches. security forces killed while repelling attacks. from the state award - said the head of the republic sergei melikov today. he also said that the regional government has allocated 50 million rubles. to help victims of terrorist attacks. according to the latest information, 26 people were injured.
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rubles, and so on, depending on the need to provide additional services. as a sign of mourning, residents of derbent bring flowers to the monument to the friendship of three religions. among the victims of the terrorist attack is the oldest confessor of dagestan, father nikolai. for more than 40 years he served in the city church and taught at sunday school. the republican authorities have already promised to consider the issue of perpetuating the memory of the priest. anton potkovenko will tell you what kind of person he was. the rector of the pokrovsk church, father nikolai, nikolai kotelnikov, who is called the oldest orthodox priest in dagestan, apparently was one of the main targets militants who carried out terrorist attacks in derbent and makhachkala. here is a screenshot of presumably their chat, full of threats to infidels, which is very typical for radicals of this kind, in this chat there is a photograph of father nikolai, here it is in close- up.
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planned and carried out his brutal murder, these are people who are outside of any faith, they are driven by the enemy of the human race, the devil. the daughter of the deceased priest, olga lobova, said that the terrorists broke into her parents’ house on the church grounds silently, without shouting. nikolay kotelnikov and his wife were in different rooms, the militants started shooting. they went to his house, and at his house they shot at him. she was next to him. his my mother, no, they didn’t touch her, she managed to close the door behind her.
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after that, the militants set fire to the house and left. the identities of everyone who carried out terrorist attacks in the republic are known. in particular, these are the sons of the head of the sergokolinsky district of dagestan, magomed omarov, osman and adil omarov, as well as the nephew of the ex-official ali zakarigaev, who worked in the administration of makhachkala. omarov has already resigned, during interrogation, according to some sources, he confirmed that he knew that his sons were adherents of a terrorist group... but did not report this to the fsb. former mma fighter gadzhi murat kagirov, cousin of the ex-mayor of makhachkala musa musaev, could be the coordinator of a terrorist cell; he was liquidated in derbenti. the investigative committee of russia on the facts of armed attacks in derbent and makhachkala, as a result of which law enforcement officers and civilians were killed. a criminal case is being investigated under articles of terrorism act of illegal trafficking in theft of firearms. 15 law enforcement officers were killed as well. four civilians, including orthodox christians; during the suppression of criminal activities
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, five persons involved in the commission of crimes were eliminated. two perpetrators were killed in derbent, three in makhachkala, now the investigation is identifying other persons who could be involved in the terrorist attack in dagestan. why they took this anti-state path and who helped them remains to be determined by the investigation. residents by the way, the serga-kala region has always been opponents of terrorism. we do not... he is called the oldest priest of dagestan, he is very much loved and respected not only by orthodox christians, but also by muslim jews, i say this with all responsibility. once, i remember, we went to visit father nikolai in derbent, and he took us on an excursion.
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and he became a symbol of orthodoxy in derbent, an integral part of the orthodox community, and of course, this is a very big loss for the church, specifically for the makhochkala diocese, i remember his words that... he told me back then in 2010 years ago he once said that we have nothing to share with muslims, we live side by side on the same street, we go to visit them on holidays, they come to visit us, these are the sincere words of a priest who has been spent in dagestan, not without reason for
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the monument to the brotherhood of three religions on the pedestrian street of derbent, and this monument with... and so nikolai kotelnikov served as the prototype. now this monument has become more symbolic for the figure of the orthodox priest; believers of all faiths bring carnations and roses to it, because faith is stronger than terrorism. anton potkovenko, lead. the vtb network will soon cover all regions; additional offices are planned to be opened in new territories in donbass and novorossiya. the head of the organization, andrei kostin, told vladimir putin about this. according to him, hundreds of branches will open in the coming years; also during the conversation, we talked about the results of the bank’s work last year, where we are not today, we fulfilled all our plans, received a record profit, completed the digital transformation of the bank, today this is a completely different bank in terms of modern technologies, i must say that at
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the end of last year the supervisory board of our bank adopted a new strategy for the bank for the next 3 years. i would also like to say about crimea, we have a subsidiary bank there, it is the largest in crimea, called rnkb, we created it at one time, it has about 2.5 million clients and about 100,000 small-medium businesses, so it was decided that we would merge this bank because the challenges are growing. in fryazino near moscow, firefighters
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extinguished an open fire in an office building. building, this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. the fire was engulfed , water was dumped directly onto the roof, in addition, the authorities of the moscow region sent 16 ambulances to the scene of the emergency, one person was saved, he received noticeable poisoning, is now in intensive care , and we will definitely visit him, as
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for others the people who were in the building, according to various estimates, there could be four or five of them, two people died, and at least two more people, respectively, rescuers will continue the search. people found themselves blocked on the upper floors of the building, they were cut off from evacuation routes, the ministry of emergency situations said, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. investigators from the investigation department for the city of shchelkovo and the main investigation department from karas in the moscow region have opened a criminal case into the death of people in a fire. the interfloor ceilings in the building collapsed, the total area of ​​the fire. everything happened in a matter of minutes, eyewitnesses said. then the flame rose higher, the next floor was already you could even hear some kind of explosion, there was a strong explosion, i don’t know something, well, well, the upper floors were of course damaged, as you can see, it’s shown, there, there the fire was rising, the former building
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of the research institute caught fire payment on the territory of the friasen industrial zone, it became private property back in the nineties, there was... half of americans are confident that donald trump will win the debate with joe biden, that the current head of the white house is able to emerge victorious from a verbal battle with the former president, less than 40% believe. these are the results.
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don't tell me usa, usa, usa, go and vote on november 5th, that's the only way we can make our country great again. but in
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the historical capital, philadelphia, he treats his supporters to the famous philistaks, leaving 500 dollars in tip. without leaving the cash register, it also fulfills the dream of a teenager who so wants to be like his idol. famous from the films of the city of farga, duc burgom, the governor of north dakota, initially competed with trump in the primaries, but then like many fellow party members, he swore allegiance to him. the
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media are constantly attacking trump, citing the fact that he will rule the country single-handedly, but we see that biden was personally to blame for all the decisions of the current administration that led to inflation; he did it all alone, ignoring other branches of government. the recipe for trump's victory - says trump himself in the city where rocky balboa won is completely different, everything is based on the team. my strategy is very simple - make america great again, that's all, because our country is going to hell and we we're going to change that quickly. i'm looking forward to thursday, i know biden is locked in a log cabin somewhere.
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donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future, and is willing to sacrifice our democracy to gain power. our company is different and dedicated to the american people and the future we are going to build together. but biden, who at the end of his second term, if re-elected, will be close to 90. he himself doesn’t look much like guests from the future, he gets confused, stumbles, and has recently started to fall asleep on the move, or freeze. i demand. joe
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biden would take a drug test before and after the debate, especially for performance-enhancing drugs, he'll be at camp david for a week now, they're probably experimenting with dosages. ronny jackson, although a former white house doctor, is now primarily a republican congressman, is not bound by medical ethics. to listen to him, baidan is being fed a cocktail of drugs for alzheimer's and parkinson's disease and is even prescribed. what do i think about this? trump and his companies have absolutely nothing to offer the american people, so they resort to such nonsense. one way or another, the upcoming debate will be a serious test for the oldest president in us history, an hour and a half on his feet, no prompters, cheat sheets or tips,
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only the first lady from the audience. jill biden's wife always influences well, immediately after the debate both will go to raleigh, north carolina, but for the dimparty everything is just beginning, what if biden fails? why biden would not hand over the reins of government to another democratic candidate and thereby remove all questions about his mental state. first, joe biden has no concerns about his mental fitness, just as i have no doubts about it. this is a fake that our opponents are spreading. in the white house they now call everything a fake, and talk that the party elite in the person of obama, clinton, pelosia and schumer are seriously thinking about replacing biden and his constant blunders, apparently, include the data of the latter as fakes polls, because it’s also not in his favor. the rasmus and reports agency considered that in the so-called five-way race, where, in addition to the former and current president
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, the united states is participating. robert kennedy jr., corn west and jill stein, the republican is ahead of the democrat with a score of 46 to 39. moreover , the last jump in the rating in favor of trump occurred after his guilty verdict by a jury here in manhattan. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and maria egorova news from new york. in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it's a national holiday, we love traditions.
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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, easily.
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getting confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change it, we will expose all fakes, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.


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