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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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hello, they will tell you about the main provo events of the day correspondents of the program will conduct the duty units and i maxim movchan. the home stretch of the financial pyramid case. the trial of alleged fraudsters has started in kazan. there are nine people in the dock in total, among them. one of the founders of the date, kirill doronin, and six other defendants. let me remind you that the total damages in the case exceeds 200 million rubles. of these, at least 160 were stolen from investors. from kazan alexander ostakhov. one of the founders of the finik financial pyramid, which is second in scope only to the well-known mmm, is bored together with the counterfeiters in a glass box of the vakhitovsky district court of kazan. fatigue takes its toll after a long journey. kiril doronin was transported from the capital's pre-trial detention center. the large-scale scam is being investigated at the central office of the ministry of internal affairs in moscow. several
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defendants, lawyers are sitting here, these are all the victims who came to the first a meeting on a high-profile case about a possible financial pyramid of dates. evgeny menshikov and his little son are visually impaired, a lot of money is spent on medicine, the income is small, so when the phoenicians continued to invest funds with an income of 2% per day, the man, without thinking twice, went to the bank for millions. how is this affecting your life now? well, it’s detrimental, of course, considering that you. i invested my last money at that time, having learned that everything was over, as if, naturally, it was stressful. debts still have to be paid to this day, but this not the worst scenario. elizaveta sin from sakhalin sold her only home to invest in finik. he really deceived me. i have three children. we sold the apartment. i invested all my money in phoenix.
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they brought their last money to finika, without receipts or documents, and gave millions to real money changers, which turned into the internal cryptocurrency of the service. the founders of the company were hardly talented traders and economists, but psychologists, according to many experts, were quite good at planned speeches around russia and convinced people that their scheme was working, four men almost choked each other up telling how their lives had changed, yes, that is, that he was not in such and such debts and so on, how important this was to him that he just broke through. they said that they used the depositor's money to trade on the stock exchange and pay the client a percentage; in fact, investigators are sure that it was a classic fraudulent scheme, bring a friend, get a reward; when the flow of people slowed down, the pyramid collapsed. kirill doronin, in an interview with our colleague eduard petrov, then asserted, and gullible investors were warned, i said everywhere, this is risky, there are no guarantees, but there is an opportunity, the opportunity can be used based on your level of risk, how you look at this life. kirill, hello,
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kirill, tell me, do you still consider yourself innocent? there is no trace of the former talkativeness left not only among the founder of finik, but also among the so-called stars of the company, namely. they shone in public, demonstrated their luxurious lives online, and lured people into company of more and more new victims. dina gabdulina, for example, received the status of vice president of the organization, which means she raised at least $10 million. i work actively, i have 3 and a half people in my first line. write it down in capital letters, at least 30. were you and the investors not talkative either? tell me, do you admit your guilt? well, how many investors have you personally attracted? of the founders , only kirill doronin is paying for the date, three of his partners managed to escape from the country, presumably they are in the emirates. the russian prosecutor general's office reported the detention
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of two of them, but it is unknown when the entrepreneurs will be extradited to their homeland. this week, the hearing on the fenik financial pyramid case will last until thursday. the judge will need more than one hour to study several volumes. cases and listen to dozens of accused victims, some came to kazan from other cities and still hope to get their money back. alexander astakhov, alexey urazaikin, lead the duty unit from tatarstan. in mytishchi near moscow , police detained a rowdy who gave chase from law enforcement officers. last weekend, on the square near the city administration, a man pestered passers-by and shouted various slogans, and did all this in the presence of his own daughter, whom he was holding in the car. when the security forces arrived on the scene. the citizen tried to escape, the police had to shoot. the police officers used their service weapons and fired several warning shots at the wheels and in the direction of the attacker, after which his illegal actions were
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stopped and the car was stopped. in fact encroachments by a police officer, as well as detaining a minor , a criminal case was initiated. when detained. security measures have been strengthened in schools, kindergartens and summer camps in dagestan after the terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbint. the night before , armed militants attacked two orthodox churches and a synagogue at a traffic police post. according to the investigation, 15 law enforcement officers and four civilians were killed. report by andrey romanov. surrounded in the intensive care ward of the republican clinical hospital of dagestan. now he is recovering from surgery; in total , 16 people were brought to the medical facility after the bandit attack, all with gunshot and shrapnel wounds. let's hope that
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little by little, little by little, the patients will be stabilized and further treatment will be carried out in specialized departments. these are photographs of those who gave their lives to protect the inhabitants of the republic. armed terrorists in the ministry of internal affairs have already officially confirmed the death of 15 employees; their names and ranks were published by official representative of the department irina volk in her telegram channel. also with reference to the head of the main department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the north caucasus federal district, sergei bachurin, addressed the personnel and families of the deceased police officers. we have lost real heroes, defenders, those who, at the cost of their own lives, stood guard over order and security, strength and patience for the families of the victims, for all of us.
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they dealt with the guard, they killed the rector nikolai kotelnikov in the church, he served more than 40 years in this orthodox church, after the brutal murders the terrorists set it on fire. shooter with police shells, specifically battle goes, while the security forces were fighting the terrorists, the parishioners of the church managed to barricade themselves in the building, a temple guard armed with a gas pistol stood in the way of the bandits, he entered into battle with the criminals and died heroically. distracted the attention of terrorists.
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according to the doctors who provided first aid to the wounded policemen, law enforcement officers showed maximum dedication. in a battle with bandits, one of the rather seriously wounded policemen did not allow him to be helped, he said let him go, i need to go back there, these are my brothers. the counter-terrorist operation continued into the city until late in the evening. military equipment entered, fsb special forces soldiers joined the fight with the criminals. as a result , the armed militants were destroyed. the identities of the attackers were identified among the liquidated terrorists; according to media reports , they turned out to be osman and adil omarov, the sons of the head of the sergokalinsky region of dagestan, magomed omarov, an official who allegedly even wanted to resign, but did not have time. security forces detained him in his personal estate, surrounded by high. now omarov is under interrogation, according to the latest data, he has already been dismissed from public service. the investigation
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is identifying other persons involved in the commission of crimes. having heard a report on the progress of the investigation of the criminal case, the chairman of the investigative committee instructed to transfer it to the central office to ensure the most complete, prompt and objective investigation. investigations continue in religious buildings targeted by terrorists. the head of dagestan visited the site. and the temple, which suffered from the actions of extremists, was laid down in any person who has taken the oath, his main goal is to save, i repeat once again, the civilian population, even if for this he has to cover them with his chest or his body, which, in fact, happened, but i believe that they are all worthy presentation of state awards of the russian federation and state awards. republic of dagestan. sergei melikov also said that a decision had been made to provide financial assistance to the families of the deceased
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victims, this applies to both police officers, and civilians and guests of dagestan. three days of mourning have been declared in the republic since june 24. andrey romanov, sarkar magomedov. vesti duty department. chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko today raised the issue of personnel shortages in the ministry of internal affairs. according to her, the department's staff shortage is about 150 thousand employees. she announced this at a meeting of the russian upper house. what kind of quality of work can we talk about, while the salary they receive is absolutely
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non-competitive, it is often less than what a courier or taxi driver receives, these are people in the shape of. according to the chairman of the federation council, the issue of increasing wages and providing benefits to employees of the ministry of internal affairs has long been overdue and requires a solution. thus, valentina matvienko proposes to return the right to the regions to introduce additional payments to police officers, to allow repairs in police department buildings, to purchase vehicles and gasoline, and most importantly, to provide. precinct housing in the area sponsored by them. all these proposals have been submitted to the russian government for consideration. former acting minister of health of the tambov region they are again trying to prosecute alexey ovchinnikov for insulting government officials. a criminal case under article 319 of the criminal code was opened for the third time. this instruction was given by the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. why were criminal cases under this article canceled twice? details in the report by vladimir bazov. regional hospital for the former acting minister. health care of the tambov region alexey ovchinnikov is almost a place of power; in the institution where his former
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subordinates work, you can improve your health from to miraculously try to avoid unexpected illnesses and from public attention, and miraculously try to avoid questions from law enforcement officers. this is the third time he may become involved in a criminal case for insulting government officials. the chairman of the russian investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, ordered that the patient be taken out of the white room and into the investigator’s office. the head of the department gave instructions to the head of the investigation department of potombov. region to polshakov alexander nikolaevich for the purpose of an objective investigation into the establishment of all circumstances of the incident, initiate a criminal case and report on the previously established circumstances. the execution of the order is placed under control in the central office of the department. before this , the decision to initiate a criminal case was twice canceled by the prosecutor’s office of the tambov region, and the security forces had enough reasons to communicate with the main regional doctor, especially since the doctor was ready to demonstrate knowledge of the great and powerful language at any level. for example, he was still a minister at that time. makes small talk with traffic police officers, yes, i say this in obscenities,
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such complaints, i speak honestly, and you too, as follows from this short video, mr. ovchinnikov does not mince his words, is ready to surprise, is always honest and does not hide his place of work, and where you’re working, there’s something i didn’t look at, footage of this communication, in which many experts see insults to the police, spread across the internet and many media outlets in february of this... regional officers were used in some places by the indiscreet charm of an expert in strong words, and then a suspect in poaching, the doctor rushed to get sick and go to the hospital, where he managed to wait out another thunderstorm; for insulting government officials , ovchinnikov could become a defendant in another criminal case that was unpleasant for him. according to established tradition, he is now in the same hospital. last thursday, the former official was detained in lipetsk, where he
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was hiding from the investigation, and taken to tambov, where he again became ill. we still managed to visit someone who was sick. the ex-minister himself was unable to explain to us that for now he will be under a written undertaking not to departure and wait to see what diagnosis will happen in his life. i must say, he still has a lot of chances to face a new old criminal case. vladimir bazov, lead, duty department. russian interior minister vladimir kolokoltsev arrived on a working visit to uzbekistan. he was met at tashkent international airport by the head of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic,
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pulat babajonov. such a warm welcome once again emphasizes that the two states have centuries-old relations. vladimir kolokoltsev has a busy program on tuesday. plans include a working meeting with the minister of internal affairs of the republic, at which the parties will discuss the prospects for bilateral relations in the law enforcement sphere. cooperation is already underway in various areas. in addition, the russian delegation will visit the monitoring coordination center of the department of public security of the ministry of internal affairs of uzbekistan, which began its work in march 2024 as part of the strategy for developing the public security system in the country. in the vladimir region. he is an athlete who was suspected of beating a member of the svo, however, although the story was resonant, this did not happen immediately after the emergency. why did the aggressive citizen feel so free for a whole month, and how did they manage to get the ball rolling? report by ekaterina lekhamanova. a month and a half later, martha levina, the wife of a serviceman who was brutally beaten outside a nightclub, no longer visits the local
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police department. and he’s waiting at the aleksandrovsky city court when the preventive measures are brought for the elections. i couldn’t think that i would end up in the temple of themis. i i admit my guilt partially, for the fact that i specifically did what i gave an explanation for, and for this i am ready to bear punishment. according to mart, it was this man who attacked alexander levin on the day when he and his husband, who had come on vacation from a special military operation zone, headed to a local nightclub. now
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the main suspect turned out to be not just a local hooligan, he was professionally involved in fighting without rules. you can clearly see how the athlete practiced techniques on alexander, a pass to the legs, this throw asphalt, here these are the blows, these are the finishing moves. doctors recorded a closed craniocerebral injury in alexander, numerous injuries to the bones of the face, a contusion of the right eye, a rupture of the cornea and lacerations on the hands. the man spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital, another three in rehabilitation. he's a sapper, it's possible . after this he may be removed from service due to health. it would seem that the list of injuries and such aggressive behavior could be the basis for a criminal case, but not for the local law enforcement system. in march itself i had to provide the police with cctv footage. representatives of a public organization and a city deputy got involved in the case, but even with their help nothing moved.
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but during our own investigation we managed to learn a lot of interesting things about the detainee. the police can conduct an investigation for a month and a half, in 2 hours the investigative committee can transfer a case from an administrative to a criminal one, they say that they have connections in law enforcement agencies, we even found confirmation of this, it’s possible he uses them, since nothing has been done for so long, nikita suchkov is indeed a well-known character in the city, in a private conversation the residents of aleksandrov told us that he is in charge of everything. police on the main street, then he stated that he had nothing to do with beating the man. niki, well, tell me your version of why you beat the man? i don’t understand, it didn’t happen,
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it’s not the first time i’ve heard this, i don’t know what i went through to say. suchkov behaved impudently, obviously he was sure that everything would go wrong, but according to us information, nikita was detained immediately after this footage was broadcast. investigators from the regional department of the investigative committee took over the investigation. on the same day, based on the results of additional verification activities. the investigator opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in part two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. a group of young people, guided by hooligan motives and showing obvious disrespect for society, caused bodily harm to a participant in the special military operations. during the court hearing , it seems that they replaced him, he behaved modestly, constantly looked at the floor, obviously he was scared. you understand the preventive measure and its duration. the recordings show that suchkov did not act alone; alexander was attacked by the crowd. investigators also need to find out who else was involved in the fight. it is possible that during
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this time some of them managed to escape. it can already be said that the investigation into this high-profile case was taken under personal control by the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. while investigators are looking into everything circumstances, nikita suchkov will be in pre-trial detention. he could face up to 7 years in prison. ekaterina likhomanova, vitaly kaydanovich and ivan knyazev, conduct, duty department. the first death from batulism was recorded in castram. a twenty-one-year-old local resident fell victim to a dangerous disease. it is known that he ate lobio salad, which he ordered for delivery from a kitchen in a neighborhood in nizhny novgorod, where he was visiting for the weekend. let me remind you that an outbreak of infection caused by poor-quality beans sent hundreds of people to hospital beds in different regions of the country. manufacturers and distributors of dangerous products are under arrest. and today it became known that in the kitchen. in the area, salads that caused an outbreak of infection opened a case of violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. the entire operational feed of legal
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news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe, also our investigation and daily releases on the look platform. go to the tab broadcast, turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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yesterday dagestan experienced one of the most terrible days in modern history. terrorist attacks in two cities at once, makhachkala and gerbent. the militants shot policemen, attacked churches and synagogues, killing 20 people and injuring 46 more. among the dead and... the main
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target of the terrorists.


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