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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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population in the regions, support for small medium-sized businesses, as well as lending to the real sector of the economy. the head of vtb, andrey kostin, spoke about the bank’s development strategy at a meeting with vladimir putin. according to kostin, current plans are being implemented successfully, the bank has completed its digital transformation and received record profits. last year it amounted to 432 billion rubles. this year , net profit will be even higher; the group has raised its forecast to closer to 500 million rubles against expectations. in the first 5 months, net
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profit according to ifrs exceeded 229 billion rubles. thus, the level of return on capital exceeds the targets set in the three-year strategy. at the end of last year, the supervisory board of our bank adopted a new strategy for the bank for the next 3 years. well, the main directions remain the same: lending to the real sector of the economy, primarily the high-tech sector.
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is present, a branch will appear in new regions this year. in addition, the range of bank services in crimea will significantly expand, among the priority areas, increasing the volume of lending to crimean and sevastopol enterprises. they plan to achieve these goals through the integration of vtb with the local bank rnkb. now it is the largest in the region, more than 200 branches, rnkb clients are over 2.5 million residents and about 100,000 legal entities. we have.
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residents of crimea will be able to access vtb financial products in the coming months, and the full transition to the vtb brand is planned to be completed next year. due to the expansion of the network in the regions, the number of bank offices in 3 years will increase by 40% and reach almost 2,000 branches. and by the end of 2026 the network will cover all 89 regions and 700 cities of the country.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 25 , 1783, antoine lavoisier, considered the founder of modern chemistry, announced to the french academy that he had discovered the composition of water. and that water is a complex element, as was believed in the 18th century. a molecule made of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. it was a sensation. true, the englishman henry cavindish came to this conclusion before him, but only after lavoisier’s report did this opinion take root in science. then lavoisier learned to produce pure hydrogen for filling balloons to synthesize water. he was the first to develop a scientific system of chemical compounds, but in order to maintain his laboratory he became a royal tax farmer, that is, he received the right to collect taxes. the people hated them even after the great war. during the french revolution, the scientist
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was arrested, according to one version from the submission of the famous jean paul marat, who believed in magnetism and mesmerism. this is a false doctrine, and lavoisier refuted them. he was accused of conspiring with the enemy. france was told that the republic does not need chemists. today the name is lavoisier included in the list of the greatest scientists of france, engraved on the ephel tower. today marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of vladimir kakinaki, an iconic figure in the history of our aviation. he was born in novorossiysk, had a difficult childhood, but eventually became one of the most famous test pilots of his time. in 1935, on an i-15 fighter , kakinaki climbed more than 14.5 km, setting a total of 22 world records. in 1936, he was the first in the world to perform a loop on a heavy twin-engine bomber. designs by sergei ilyushin. made a non-stop flight from moscow to the far
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east, flying 7,560 km, more than a day in the air and this was the first time. then a flight to north america, not through the north pole, as planned. and through finland, norway and iceland along greenland and to canada. after 20 years, this route became the official flight route. during the war, kokinaki ferried american aircraft through alaska and siberia, and then continued to test new aircraft. and in sixty-three he made his first flight on the new passenger airliner il-62. the international air transport association awarded vladimir kakinaki with a prestigious award - this is the chain of the pioneer of the wind rose. for the discovery of krach.
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supported by the ussr and china, and the republic of korea and the usa. the war began with a successful offensive from the north in response, as pyongyang stated, to the aggressive actions of the south. the united states passed a decision in the un security council on the creation of international forces, they were sent to korea for joint actions with siul, soviet fighter pilots and chinese volunteers began to fight on the side of the dprk. as a result, the front stabilized along the same thirty-eighth parallel and after 3 years a truce was signed. according to some estimates, more than 3 million people on both sides became victims of the korean war, and today, 70 years later, a peace treaty has not been signed, and tension on the peninsula remains.
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on june 25, 1975, another independent state appeared in africa, mozambique. it is a large country on the east coast of the continent, rich in natural resources. has been a portuguese colony since the 18th century, although after world war ii lisbon proclaimed it an overseas province, inequality between the indigenous people and white settlers persisted; in the early sixties , the national liberation armed struggle began, led by the frelimu liberation front. the ussr, china, cuba and the gdr helped with weapons, ammunition and money, but victory was achieved only after the carnation revolution in portugal. on this day he made a declaration of independence. frelimo committee, and its head samora machel, the country's first president, made a triumphal tour of the country. but civil war soon broke out in mozambique, the reconciliation process took a decade, and today mozambique is an influential country in africa and the global south. this is what this
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day in history was like. the parliamentary hour is on air. hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. the government has submitted a package of initiatives to the state duma: this is a law on improving the tax system, we are establishing new principles of fair taxation. for the first time, a decision is made on a progressive scale. it is important to ensure that the country is strong, developing, and people lived happily, their well-being grew.
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arrows from foreign-made shells from nato countries, two children were wounded, how to protect minors, we’ll tell you in the story: energy drinks are not for... children, the state duma will establish a ban on their sale until the age of 18. our task is for adults, politicians, to protect little ones, those who do not understand what they consume. penalties for violators will also change. and also about amendments to the budget, the common educational space of russia and belarus, the status of the russian language in cis countries, anniversaries of gennady zyuganov. about this and more, see our program. tax changes. the state duma adopted in the first reading the amendments introduced by the government to
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the tax code. they are aimed at improving the tax system. in addition, we are talking about bills on indexing pensions for military pensioners and introducing a tax deduction for families with two or more children when paying personal income tax. my colleague maria burkova has details.
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business has heard that the tax system will be stable, it is important to ensure that the country is strong, developing, and people lived happily, their well-being grew, this is the problem we will solve, one of the most discussed amendments. which was included in the legislative package - the establishment of a five-stage progressive personal income tax scale. an increased personal income tax of 15% will begin to be paid by those who earn more than 2,000 rubles per month, and the maximum rate will be 22% for those whose income is over 50 million rubles per year. it is important that the increased tax will not be levied on the entire amount of income, only on that part that exceeds the base 2.4000 rubles. first turn, it's balanced. this is what the president spoke about, that we must
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balance, that we must accurately calculate our expenses, we must accurately calculate our income, when he said that our social proposals are calculated and supported by finances, this is in fact the law that we have today we are considering this as a source for social payments, which is why the state duma considered the initiatives as a package: there will be no need to explain to anyone why we are collecting additional taxes, where we are going to send them, here are two bills, this is exactly the right one decision, this is exactly how bills need to be considered, that if there is a bill to raise taxes, then accordingly there is a bill where these taxes then go in the form of taxes and benefits for families with children, families with children, pensioners, veterans, those who have the most needs state support, there will be an opportunity to receive financial assistance, all additional income that will appear: in connection with the implementation of a progressive tax rate scale will be directed to support these categories
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of citizens - noted the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, one of the amendments in the legislative package increases pensions for military personnel and law enforcement officers by 5.1%. i would like to emphasize the consistent position of the government, which listened to the wishes of the state duma deputies, year after year - the size of the pension, pensions for military personnel, it increases due to an increase in this very coefficient. thanks to the amendments, 4 million families with children will receive an annual tax payment. the support will concern citizens who have a monthly income of one family member is less than one and a half times the size of the mouth. finally, we were heard, the criteria became softer, not one living wage, but one and a half, because one living wage, which is the criterion for payment. benefits have already cut off 62% of families with children from receiving this benefit; per
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year the state will compensate them for part of the personal income tax paid, and it will lower the income tax rate, according to the application of adult family members, from 13 to 6%. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are not just considering all this as a set, since the tax deduction - these are, after all, expenses of the federal, primarily budget, and this money needs to be taken somewhere, therefore. by improving the tax system, based on the principle of fairness, we at the same time, based on the basic principle of social policy, the principle of need, we determine those families who need funds. will return. good news for small businesses. the income threshold for applying the simplified taxation system will be expanded to rub 450 million. all simplified businesses will apply basic rates of 6 and 15% instead of the increased rates of eight and twenty. but at the same time, companies with income of more than 60 million rubles per year will be required to pay value added tax. at the same time
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, it does not follow from the draft law how vat will be calculated when the sixty million threshold is exceeded. of the entire amount or of the amount exceeding this threshold, at what point will a person be recognized as a vat payer? the previous financial period will be taken. everything that will exceed 60 million rubles. will be additionally subject to a vat rate of 5%. government amendments were supported in the state duma unanimously. the second reading of the initiative is ahead. the changes are planned to come into force on january 1. 2025. maria burkova, sergei vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. it is necessary to increase federal budget expenditures by 522 billion rubles this year. these funds will primarily be used to implement the president’s message to the federal assembly and his instructions. this week
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, amendments to the budget for 2024 were adopted in the first reading. my colleague will tell you more about the package of initiatives. amendments to the budget budget code the government introduced at the same time, these documents are aimed at financially supporting the tasks set by the president during his address to the federal assembly. the expenditure side of the country's budget this year will increase by 522 billion rubles, said vyacheslav volodin. minister anton siluanov named the main beneficiaries of these amendments. to solve the housing problem of families with children, this is a family mortgage, payments of 450,000 rubles at birth. 114 billion rubles are allocated to subsequent children. this will improve the living conditions of about 106,000 families and provide paying about 200,000 families. funding is also provided for doubling payments for classroom management, increased wages for teachers of fundamental disciplines, the creation of
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a satellite constellation, as well as payments to advisers to educational directors. the president singled it out specifically. he said. the task for the next period is for 6 years, and it is better to plan for 12, the president said in his message, but there are issues that need to be resolved already in twenty-four, these are the issues that need to be resolved in twenty fourth year, this is the content of this law. consideration of amendments to the main financial document of the country is always extremely open. almost all regions of the country gave feedback on the bill, each faction of the state duma had it. the opportunity to ask your questions to the minister, including about other instructions of the president. there is another order from the president to increase the salaries of medical workers. an experiment should take place in the twenty-fifth or twenty-sixth year. unfortunately, there are no budget changes in the draft budget yet. in in the next budget cycle, money will be allocated for this experiment. the deputies were also interested in issues of control over government procurement, increasing consumer
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demand and increasing payments from the budget to oil refineries. you propose to increase the dotir. amendments to the budget code provide for the accumulation in the federal budget of funds that will be received from the introduction of a progressive tax scale. it is assumed that the center will redistribute them to low-income regions. also introduced
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writing off 2/3 of the debt on budget loans to the regions, provided that they use the freed up funds. implementation of infrastructure projects and investment support. we are talking about an impressive amount of more than 1 trillion rubles. it is very important that the subjects of the russian federation will be able to use the released funds to create industrial parks, the infrastructure of areas in need of development, to update housing and communal services systems, build roads and bridges, modernize public transport, resettle emergency housing for the event city ​​master plans. in the budget code. there will also be a rule to limit the costs of constituent entities and municipalities for servicing concession agreements. parliamentarians noted that this will help get rid of many hidden budget debts. changes are being introduced. legislation is positive, because the constitutional agreement is really our big pain and 200% of the existing debts of regions and municipalities.
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deputies supported the proposed bills of the budget package unanimously, they will be finalized by the second reading, including the instructions of the president given during the st. petersburg economic forum. alexander shavyrin, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. about crimes. in kiev , the whole world will learn about the shelling of peaceful areas, the abduction of minors, their use in sabotage activities, and the sale of organs. the report of the state duma commission, which conducted its investigation for a year, will be sent to the world’s parliaments and international organizations. deputies summarized the collected evidence into a single document. this week the state duma approved. see the story for details. 24,340 children were injured, about 300 were killed, a thousand were injured, they were and are blown up by mines, they receive serious injuries
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incompatible with life, those who still manage to be saved are literally collected piece by piece. the stories of young patients who suffered from the kiev regime are shocking. roma, from evgenevka, a six-year-old boy, was injured as a result of a shell landing in the yard of their home; his arm was almost completely torn out at the level of the shoulder joint. the team of doctors managed to save roma stubbornly shows the child’s hand, through pain and effort, his fingers work, no matter what. everything hurts, it hurts here when i touch, well, no. shoots through, that's good. summing up the work of the commission to investigate criminal acts against minors by the kiev regime, vyacheslav volodin outlined: it is important
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to do everything so that children stop suffering. it is important to involve the international community in this work. many people's eyes will probably be opened because information is being suppressed. the world is one-sided, ban on freedom of speech. many children were taken to european countries. they analyze children's organs, what is this? children end up in families with non-traditional orientations, all this exists, and we must talk about it, because except for the russian federation, except for those who are now dealing with these issues, no one in europe even pays attention. terrifying examples and terrible figures are in the final report of the commission, it was presented by deputy chairman of the state duma anna. lugansk first shelling of foreign-made shells from nato countries, injured
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there were two children, i was in their hospital, it was a shelling of a residential residential area, the scattering of shells was colossal, dear colleagues, today we must once again carefully analyze to see the reasons for the silence of international organizations on this matter , holding nato- made shells in their hands. will never know what childhood is like. about the crimes committed by the kiev regime against everyone, but first of all children, each of us must simply sound
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the alarm at all levels, we have a different way not today. today’s report contains specific conclusions; it is a roadmap for the work of each of us. the state duma, the federation council, all local leaders, law enforcement agencies, everyone, the whole country. what we must do today to protect our children. children and teenagers were sold for organs, and experiments were performed on them in hospitals in lisechansk and mariupol, in rubezhnoye and severodonetsk. they were raped, tortured, recruited, and introduced to drugs. the nazi regime not only kills, maims and rapes children. another goal of kyiv it becomes a battle for the minds of our children. during the investigation of our parliamentary commission , we saw that 14, 114.
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it was clearly established that ukraine violated all articles of the convention on the rights of the child of 1989, therefore we agree with the proposal of the parliamentary commission to recommend the general prosecutor's office of the russian federation to initiate recognition of the structures of the kiev regime as terrorist organizations. a year of work is behind us. the parliamentary commission prepared 64 proposals and recommendations. these are support and rehabilitation measures, determining the legal status of victims, improving protection from foreign influence. it is necessary to initiate the development of a new convention document on combating terrorism against children, involving children in destructive activities, the evidence base has been collected by deputies, but the work will not stop there. elena zholnina, vladislav alekseev, duma tv. parliamentary hour. no energy drinks. the state duma will prohibit selling them to children. the corresponding bill was adopted in the first reading.
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he is expected to act...
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initiative, the state committees will prepare legislation in accordance with the legislation on security and anti-corruption. another order of vyacheslav volodin has been carried out: to remove energy drinks from the shelves of the state duma store. in the second part of our program, see: more teaching staff, a camp for children of the union state, how else russia and belarus intend to develop the common educational space. status of the russian language. russia, about this at the exhibition dedicated to his anniversary.
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sports sometimes have records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how... the country is ahead, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in an application or on a website, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, in the pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change your voice.


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