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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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22 victims of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces were transported from sevastopol to moscow. more than half of them are children, seven are in serious condition. everyone has already been transported to the capital’s hospital, everyone is receiving all the necessary treatment. in the zaporozhye region, russian artillery helped motorized rifles dislodge the ukrainian armed forces from a position north of rabotin. the crews of the hail multiple launch rocket systems destroyed the firing points of the drone operators' positions, as well as enemy fortifications and equipment. nasansh was
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released after almost 2.0 days of imprisonment high security prison, the high court of london released the journalist on bail, it is reported that the creator of wikileaks immediately flew to australia. in the moscow region, they are investigating the causes of a fire in the city of fryazino; on the eve , a multi-storey office building burned down there; trying to escape, people jumped from windows, there were dead and injured. at these moments, moscow doctors are assessing the condition of the injured patients. during the terrorist attack in sevastopol, a plane of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 22 people to the capital, including 12 children, among whom were seriously wounded. maria valieva will tell you how the flight went. there are four children in the intensive care unit of the russian children's clinical hospital, three boys and one girl. the schoolchildren's condition is serious; as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' attack on sevastopol, they received mine explosion injuries. a computed tomography scan was performed and a full range of laboratory instruments was performed.
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research will determine further treatment tactics. in total , more than twenty victims were brought from sevastopol to the capital, including 12 children. according to doctors' estimates, the condition of the evacuees satisfactory, no deterioration, everyone endured the flight normally. employees of the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the republic of crimea provided comprehensive assistance in transporting and delivering seriously ill children on board the il-76. 18 people were personally recruited. consisting of seven units of equipment from the ministry of emergency situations of russia. during the flight, the victims were accompanied by specialists from the ministry of health and doctors from the spas center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia. the board is equipped with all the necessary medical equipment and medical modules for evacuation , specialists from the emergency center have been hired psychological assistance, doctors from the russian ministry of emergency situations, as well as specialists from the ministry of health. the obort is equipped with everything necessary both to provide assistance on site and throughout the transportronsky medical institution in moscow.
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careful preparations were made for the reception of patients from sevastopol; dozens of ambulance teams and several helicopters arrived at the airport to immediately fly to federal and metropolitan medical institutions. at zhumpovsky airport, some of the victims were immediately transported by helicopter to the institute of emergency pediatric traumatology and surgery. medical care for all victims, depending on their condition and the nature of the injuries received, will be provided in the largest multidisciplinary hospitals in the capital. the patients are in the hospital named after. on june 23, more than 150 people were injured in sevastopol, 79 are in hospitals, they were injured when fragments of an atacoms rocket exploded in the air. a team from the disaster medicine center immediately flew to the city to provide all the necessary assistance. specialists from the yalta multidisciplinary medical center fmba promptly arrived russia, among which...
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tens of kilometers away, these vehicles of the central military district have to regularly search for new firing lines for the sake of safety.
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this time, in the ovdeevsky direction , not only attacking units are protected from air defeat; we provide cover for populated areas, counting many targets hit. ku, hammers missiles, guided aerial bombs, bayratar unmanned aerial vehicles at various ranges, heights, and speeds. position selected on open terrain, target indications of an approaching enemy air object have already been received. seconds pass before it is captured, a short accompaniment of precise defeat. this. the strike was carried out on an enemy unmanned aerial vehicle. buk anti-aircraft missile systems provide protection from air attacks, including mine clearance work. they are carried out in territories abandoned by the enemy by military
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engineers of the southern group of forces. a special device is electromagnets in order to neutralize mines with electromagnetic fuse. a magnetic field is created. impact on the mine, the mine is destroyed, there are also traps for certain mines that create interference; the mine clearing combat vehicle is made on the basis of the t-90 tank, but of course with enhanced armor protection, after which the sappers will go across the field. meanwhile, the air defense units of the central military district do not stop their work; buk air defense systems operate night and day. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, leonid sharkov, news of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line combat contact. in ukraine , general mobilization continues, while
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new examples of lawless violence on the part of the authorities are emerging. in lvov , military registration and enlistment office employees caught a man and pinned his legs under the door of a minibus. she could have done it a little more. "the founder of wikileaks, julian nasanche, has been released from prison and left the uk. the high court in london released him on bail after almost 2,000 days in a maximum security prison. it is known that the journalist is now in australia. american media claim that assange entered into a plea agreement with the us attorney's office and, as a result
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, was released. let me remind you that the states accused journalists of espionage for publishing official materials about soldiers in afghanistan and iraq. on these charges. mosange faced up to 175 years in prison. now economic news, maria filipova joins me. mash, good morning. the european union is preparing to transfer proceeds from frozen russian assets to kiev. good morning, roman, we didn’t hesitate to name the procedure legally and they even set the dates. the head of eu diplomacy called it legal to use stolen proceeds from frozen russian assets to finance the kiev regime. josep barel made this statement at a press conference.
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next month, another billion before the end of the year. we understand that this is legal, since one country did not take part in the decision making, and therefore does not have the right to participate in the decision about the purposes for which the money is allocated. the official, of course, hinted at hungary, budapest refused to take part in the discussion of the adventure with the transfer of income from frozen russian assets to ukraine and continues to block the allocation of 6 billion euros to kiev from the so-called peace fund. funds from which are planned to be used for the purchase of weapons. today the state duma will consider in its first reading a bill on indexing payments to working pensioners. according to the document, the review will be carried out in the same way as in the case of unemployed people, twice a year, as was the case before 2016. another nuance:
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older working people will receive insurance the pension will be paid in the amount established at the end of this year, and the indexation shortfalls received over 8 years will be compensated. after dismissal, according to experts, among other things, such a measure will still allow people with experience to remain in production. an increase in the size of pensions for working pensioners will most likely stimulate people. just continue and those who have already reached retirement age , continue to work and, so to speak, well , pass on your experience or something, so to speak, that is, such an element of mentoring and an element of interaction between generations in business, increasing its effectiveness. in russia , the procedure for providing subsidies for housing and communal services has been simplified; the corresponding decree was published on the government website. now it is enough to submit an electronic application through your personal one. office on the state services portal. government agencies will request the necessary documents through the
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interdepartmental electronic interaction system. at the same time, you can still apply for the service to the social security authorities or the mfc. let me remind you that citizens who spend monthly on utilities are entitled to subsidies. services above a certain percentage of income. each region sets this standard independently. the final exchange rate for the dollar today is 87 rubles. 37 kopecks euro - 94 rub. 7 kopecks roman, mash, thank you, right after the advertisement, to the latest news, but about the situation in dagestan after the terrorist attack in makhachkala and derbent. for the first time on screens, welcome. on avito, on avito. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from smartphones to sneakers. on avito. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple techniques. we collect all credit card debts into
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on screens, meet on avito, khvatamba has come to avito and discounts for people from people, only until july 7. khvatamba has so much everything, from cabinets to auto goods on avito, the best moscow. helping victims of the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on sevastopol. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 22 wounded to the capital, including children in serious condition, all have already been placed in moscow hospitals. the united states is directly involved in the terrorist attack in sevastopol using atacoms missiles. this was stated by russia's official representative to the un vasily nebendya. according to the diplomat, the crime of the kiev regime will be discussed at the next security council meeting on ukraine in july. russian pilots in the northern military district zone destroyed strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew of
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the mi 35m attack helicopter successfully completed the combat mission. the military received the coordinates of the targets from the ground aircraft controller. after the attack, he confirmed the exact hit rockets. forest fires are being extinguished in yakutia. there are 175 large outbreaks in the republic, over 500,000 hectares are burning. the most difficult situation is in the north of the region. in one of the areas, the fire is approaching houses, rescue. trying to stop the flame. the republican authorities allocated 50 million rubles in aid to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in dagestan, as well as to those affected. the specific amount of the sum will be calculated based on the severity of the injuries. a total of 26 people were injured. doctors assess the condition of the family as serious. another 20 people died. armed militants carried out terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent on sunday. they attacked a synagogue and two churches, as well as a traffic police post. among the dead is an orthodox priest
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who served in one of the republic’s churches for about 40 years. in dagestan, starting monday , there is three days of mourning. belgium strongly condemns the terrorist attacks committed in dagestan and expresses condolences to the victims. this is stated in a statement by the kingdom's ministry of foreign affairs. law enforcement officials have spoken out against violence against civilians in china. official representative the chinese foreign ministry said at a briefing that beijing condemns the acts of violence and expresses condolences to the families and loved ones of the wounded. the head of the eu diplomatic service also condemned the terrorist attacks and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. the head of the investigative committee is today waiting for a report on the causes of the fire in fryazen near moscow, a multi-storey administrative building burned down there the day before, the fire covered 5,000 km, people were trapped in the room, trying to escape, they jumped from the windows, there were dead and injured in order to knock down the flames. raised two helicopters (the chronology of the tragic events of emilie mersaev), emergency services
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were able to localize the fire only 5 hours after... the start of the fire, it broke out on the fifth floor and instantly spread to the neighboring ones, capturing and virtually destroying the entire building, emergencies ministry employees, of whom eight crews used two cranes to extinguish the flame. the gas protection service team made their way through the internal medical route. the firefighters' work was complicated by high temperatures and dense smoke. there was a fire the third level of complexity was assigned, aviation was working, two amphibious k-32 helicopters dumped water directly on the roof. in addition, the authorities of the moscow region sent 16 carriages to the scene of the emergency soon.
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well, the upper floors of course were damaged , as you can see, there is fire there and rising, the former building of the plot research institute on the territory of the friasen industrial zone became private property back in the nineties, 30 individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises related to light industry. the building has not been inspected for fire safety since 2017, followed
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by the spark contractor inspection system, and then serious violations were identified, which apparently occurred over the past year. were never corrected, and therefore the prosecutor’s office initiated an inspection of the tenants to determine how these standards were observed. emil mirsaev, eva fedotova, dmitry shestukhin and anton odarchenko, lead. now there is footage from china, where powerful downpours hit the southeast of the country. look now, eyewitnesses publish, this is what is happening in the underground passages, now on your screens, the basement floors of residential buildings and parking lots have gone under water. i’ll show you footage, eyewitnesses, motorists are filming, these are the consequences, several metro stations are completely flooded, local media reports, several hundred rescue teams are working in the most dangerous areas, evacuating people from flooded houses, taking them to the hospital, here’s more footage, look, now i’ll show you what it looks like in the subway or some interesting
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footage, that’s what’s obvious now being filmed on yours screens. sports news, in the studio ilya kostin. ilya, good morning, russian goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky still won the stanley cup. yes, roman, good morning, sergei bobrovsky’s florida still defeated edmonton in seven matches in the final, less than half an hour ago the decisive seventh meeting ended, it ended with a 2:1 victory for florida. we will tell you more about this match in the next issue. well, for now about football, at the european championship one of the teams saved again. italy scored against croatia in stoppage time in stoppage time minute, this match ended in a 1:1 draw. in the 54th minute , croatian midfielder luka modric missed the penalty, but that was all. a minute later he scored the first goal in this match. matcha dza kakanye scored for the italian national team. the croatians eventually finished third
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in group c with two points. they retain their chances of reaching the playoffs, but they are minimal. let us remind you that among the eight teams that finished third in their groups, the four with the best performance will advance to the next stage. the italians scored four points and took second place in group b, in the 1/8 in the final they will meet with the national team. switzerland. the winner of group b was the spanish team. in the final match of the preliminary round , the spaniards defeated the albanians 1:0. the only goal was scored by midfielder ferran torres in the thirteenth minute. note that the spaniards, compared to the first two meetings, which they also won, changed 10 players. the pre-guaranteed first place in the group allowed the head coach of spain, luis dela fuente, to test the reservists. announced the transfer of two football players to st. petersburg yuri gorshkov from samara wings of the soviets and sergey volkov from krasnodar are traveling. the amount that zenit paid for the
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russian national team midfielder gorshkov is not specified. the contract with the twenty-five-year-old football player was concluded for 3 years with the possibility of extension for another season. gorshkov himself noted that he was very happy and playing for zenit was his childhood dream. volkov signed a contract under the 4+1 scheme, a twenty-one-year-old defender who. the most massive race in the arctic took place in russia; it was officially included in the country's book of records. trail routes started 43 km from the coast of the barints sea and ran through the territory of the kola wind park, along existing roads and developed areas, in order to minimize the impact on the unique northern nature.
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ski racing of russia, multiple olympic champion elena väalbe, silver medalist of the winter olympic games in skiing alexander panzhinsky and russian football champion in spartak artyom rebrov. now about tennis, let's talk about russians ekaterina blinkova and diana schneider , who beat the tournament champions at the bathomburg competition. grand slam. the sixty-sixth racket of the world blinkova was stronger than the us open 2019 champion bianca andree sku, who represents canada. our tennis player needed two games to win (6-4-6-2). in the second round , blinkova will play with brazilian beatrice haddat mayeya. diana schneider defeated the former first racket of the world, german angelique kerber, in the opening match. schneider also managed two games, 7-5-6-3. the russian will play in the next round. with dayana estremskaya. this was the most notable sports news for this minute. roman, you have the floor. ilya, thank you, we continue. in yakutia, they are expanding their team
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to fight forest fires; their area is rapidly growing; over 500 thousand hectares of taiga are already burning. to date , 175 large outbreaks have been recorded. most of them are in the northern regions. rescuers are trying to prevent the fire from reaching populated areas. ground troops and aviation are working. reporting from yakutia by vitaly prokopyev. black charred marks on the body of the earth look like burns from a height you can clearly see where the fire is heading. the air firefighting team is on its way to advance. experts do not immediately approach the burning forest. first, the fire must be localized. for this purpose , a high-power detonating cord is used. firefighters are laying it a couple of kilometers from the edge.
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hills, swamps and sharp cliffs, it takes a lot of time to get from point to point. we walked somewhere for 5-6 days, at the beginning we walked a kilometer, and then the long distances there are due to the remoteness of the hills, mountainous terrain and no water. if possible, they try to set up a camp closer to water bodies in order to quickly replenish reserves of liquid in backpacks, because it rains infrequently in these parts. the sun is at its peak now. its activity and in the northern regions it practically does not go beyond the horizon; its powerful rays constantly heat dry moss, which is abundant in swampy areas, which is why the number of forest
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fires is growing. so fast. today delivery of twenty is planned, and pkhs to zoriyanka. we are increasing our forces in the tatinsky district by 12 pdps. we are also expecting the arrival of 17 pdps from buryatia to aldan, for their subsequent transfer to the legmen region. joint thanks to the efforts of ovelesookhrana and the russian ministry of emergency situations, the pressure of the fire can be contained. all information is quickly transmitted to the operational headquarters. all possible measures are already being taken here. and a decision to ensure that the fight against forest fires in the region is carried out as efficiently as possible. vitaly prokopyev, alexander knyazev, ilarion fedorov, news: yakutia.
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, a competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what’s more... how
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tense they were inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why is it necessary now observe observe? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects. yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the general situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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news from the middle of the hour, briefly: 22 victims of a terrorist attack in moscow were transported from sevastopol to moscow usu, more than half of them are children, seven are in serious condition, all have already been admitted to the capital’s hospital, everyone is receiving all the necessary treatment. in dagestan, the total amount of assistance to the families of those killed in terrorist attacks, as well as those injured, was announced; 50 million rubles were allocated for support. in total, 26 people were injured, another 20 died in the republic since monday ’s three-day grass. in the donetsk direction , the russian military thwarted an attempt to rotate ukrainian armed forces units on the front line. the mortarmen successfully completed the combat mission. the crew of automatic guns vasilek was destroyed infantrymen who intended to attack our attack aircraft. juliana sanch was released and immediately went to australia. american media.


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