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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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news in the middle of the hour, briefly: 22 victims of the terrorist attack of the armed forces of ukraine were brought from sevastopol to moscow, more than half of them are children, seven are in serious condition, all of them have already been admitted to the capital’s hospital, each is receiving all the necessary treatment. in dagestan, they announced the total amount of assistance to the families of those killed in terrorist attacks, as well as to those injured... 50 million rubles were allocated. a total of 26 people were injured and another 20 died. there are three days of trawls in the republic starting from monday. in the donetsk direction, the russian military thwarted an attempt to rotate units of the ukrainian armed forces to the advanced combat mission was successfully completed by the mortarmen. the crew of the vasilek automatic guns destroyed the infantrymen who intended to attack our attack aircraft. juliana sanch was released and immediately went to australia. american.
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claim that the journalist entered into a plea agreement with the us prosecutor's office and, thanks to this, was able to leave the uk. the high court in london granted asandzh bail. a military-social center will appear in russia to support participants in the special operation. this was stated by deputy minister of defense anna tseveleva. according to her, such a center will be launched in moscow in the next month, and then offices will be opened in all military districts of the country.
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arkhangelskoe in krasnogorsk near moscow, about 50 veterans of the northern military district took part in them, the guys received completely different consultants.
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take place here, help us to become more confident thanks to meetings like this, we understand that we are really still needed as people, as part of our state. brussels has not yet decided who will occupy the key positions of the heads of the european commission and the european parliament. negotiations have stalled due to conflict within the ruling coalition. our european correspondent will tell you the details.
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regina sevastyanova. viktor orban and giorgia miloni both believe that official brussels should be adapted to the demands of the european population. this means that the official appointments of the heads of the european institutions must be made taking into account the results of the pan-european elections. the head of the hungarian government is making efforts to unite the right of the entire spectrum into a super faction in the european parliament. on friday to radio he turned to giorgi meloni and marine le pen. the visit is aimed at achieving this goal. giorgia meloni represents the european conservatives and reformists, the eurosceptic faction. marine lepine - more radical identity and democracy. both political forces achieved success in the elections. already a week ago, the leaders of italy and hungary acted together at an informal dinner in brussels, where it was planned to finalize the appointment of the top officials of the european union. it was assumed that the christian democrats, who retained their status as the largest faction in european parliament, the heads of the european commission and the european parliament will receive key positions. for ursula
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fonder and robert mitsola. the european council will be given to the second largest faction of the socialists for the three-time prime minister of portugal, antonio coste. the place of the chief diplomat will go to the lost liberals for estrebino, who is opposed to russia, the prime minister of estonia, kaya kallas. negotiations stalled due to quarrels within the ruling coalition. viktor orban took advantage of the moment. he withdrew support from fondelaen, with whom budapest did not have the warmest relations. george miloni also rebelled. rome announced its conditions over the weekend: miloni will not stand in the way of the appointment if italy receives a key financial post in the eu, foreign minister antonio taiane said. strength gives us strength in brussels, and we want to have our representative as vice-president of the european commission a strong commissioner to carry out good european policies in the fields of industry and agriculture. the right turn has already taken place, but the earthquake can still be avoided.
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traditional political forces are in desperate in an attempt to protect their own positions, they are trying to make key appointments in record time, to divide power in brussels before early elections in france. the first round of which will take place on june 30. polls published over the weekend give the national rally some 36% of the vote in the first round of france's parliamentary elections, which emmanuel macron was forced to call after a spectacular defeat in early june. the president of the fifth republic again addressed the voters, this time through an open letter sent to the press. this third way is the best for our country, not only because it protects the french and prepares for the future, but because it is the only one. which will certainly be able to stop both the far right and the far left in the second round. the prospect is looking more and more real that, following the elections in france , jordan bardelot, a twenty-eight-year-old ally of marine lepine, whose program initially included confrontation with brussels, will become prime minister of the country. this will significantly complicate decision making
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at the level of the national government, this will completely undermine the weight of paris at the pan-european level. on monday , christian democrats again called on traditional political forces.
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critical moments of life, i am absolutely convinced, you are creative people here, and your feelings are always naked, and you feel the pain of each character as your own, feel the pain and joy of all the people of our country, and feel the pain and joy of all the people in the world, i want i wish you health and victory for our great homeland. heavy downpours could worsen flooding the middle reaches of the ob. now the main
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floods are observed in the khantomansi autonomous okrug, ksenia levitskaya will tell you when it will rain in ugra and what other regions will be covered by bad weather. the urals are in power. footage from kurgan: the weather here deteriorated over the weekend and has not improved since then. on monday, 14 mm of moisture fell in the city, a total of a third of the monthly norm in just three days. however, this time the flood became less of a problem for the kurgan residents.
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thunderstorms and stormy winds brought much more trouble. air flows accelerating to 16:2 m/s. ripped off roofs from houses, swept away a local fair. well and. due to lightning, part of the city and another dozen and a half surrounding settlements were left without electricity. look what ’s going on here, our lights have been turned off. kurgan the day before was at the very epicenter of a large thunderstorm, but it fell in other regions. precipitation was observed in prikam in the southern middle urals in ugra. the intensity of rain in some places reached 45 mm in 12 hours. the culprit of the prolonged bad weather in the ural region is an extensive cyclone. he spun on the wave of the atmospheric front, moved here from the european part of russia. further east there is a bad weather zone. passes the siberian anticyclone, so that the clouds rain on the same areas. the center of the vortex
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is still moving north, and today the main precipitation zone will shift to the polar urals, as well as to the middle ob region. if we talk about large cities, then perm will suffer the most from the elements. here it is not nasty who will peak in the first half of the day. the intensity of showers can reach 12 mm in 6 hours. due to the north wind it will be cold, no higher than +14. amount of precipitation in the capital with a kama, it will approach 20 mm by night, but in other regions the weather cannot be called calm, yes, the precipitation will not be extremely heavy everywhere, but thunderstorm activity is expected over the vast territory from the east of the komi republic to southwestern siberia, which means that in these areas , the rains may turn into hail, lightning will flash in the sky and the wind will pick up, so the weather will soon improve... the ural region should not count on the huge contrasts in temperature in the zone of atmospheric fronts will
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persist for several more days, which means thunderstorms with heavy downpours will continue to rage. moreover, at the end of the working week the weather will become even worse. another small vortex will flow into the cyclone zone from the south, which will lead to the activation of frontal sections. in kurgan, for example, today rainfall will again amount to about 20% of the monthly norm. moisture, and thermometers will show +20°. then for a couple of days the precipitation will weaken and warming will begin. on friday the air temperature will reach +30. but this is no reason to rejoice. in hot conditions, the atmosphere will become even more unstable, with intense showers again on saturday. now ours joint column with roscosmos: photo from orbit. and another alarming one. forecast for nizhnevartovsk. this city in the east of the khanteman autonomous okrug has not yet
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experienced heavy rainfall. but this evening the weather will deteriorate in a few hours and about 15 mm of moisture will fall. then a few days of light rain and more rain by the weekend. the reason for this extremely unfavorable forecast can be seen in the satellite image. the flood continues here. as of monday , a thousand remained flooded in nizhnevartovsk. personal plots and more than 300 houses, new rains may lead to a new rise in water in the middle reaches of the ob. that's all for me, goodbye. we have 1,500 branches, over 7 million customers and financial solutions to suit everyone. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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about the change in the trend in foreign direct investment in russia and not only in the economic news block in a couple of minutes. for the first time on the screens, welcome to avita, to avita, khvatamba came. discounts to people from people, only until july 7th khvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to car products on avito. more prizes in the magnit mobile application. buy with a card from the application, win summer prizes and a million rubles for a great summer. magnit, we dedicate convenient loans to our senior loved ones. great contributions.
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in the branch and online. special conditions, special relationship. collect auto entry without extra expenses on avito. mvidio and eldorado have a 50% discount on the second household appliance product. built-in dishwasher grunddik for only 22,900 rubles. when purchased as a set in mvidio and eldorado. do you do it professionally or do it yourself? for any ideas, mellan wallpaper adhesive is quick to mix, easy to apply, professionally hung. there are a lot of wallpaper ideas, the glue is always methylane, for the first time on screens, meet on avito, on avito, khvatamba has arrived and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito. the idea to start a business was born from a childhood
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people from people until july 7th. now economic news, masha, foreign direct investment in russia has begun to grow again. roman, a noticeable influx was indicated at the end of 2023. the outflow of foreign direct investment from russia has been replaced by an influx, this follows from a review of the un conference on trade and development. the document was presented in geneva. according to the calculations of the organization’s experts, if in 2022 foreign investors withdrew more than 15 billion dollars from our country, then... at the end of 2023 , an influx was recorded that significantly exceeded 8 billion. at the same time, on a global scale, last year foreign direct investment decreased by 2%. moreover, the decrease was recorded for the second year in a row. in addition, it is emphasized if we exclude significant fluctuations in the indicator in several european economies, the decline exceeded 10%. and in
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developing countries, china has the largest decline - -13.5%. but it caused particular concern among the authors of the report. the situation in general in europe and the usa. investment inflows to europe and north america decreased much more than in other parts, mainly due to the weakening of the m&a sector, and this, as we know, is very important for developed countries, so here the reduction exceeded 14% for europe and 5% for america. ministry of finance of russia paid the coupon on several eurobond issues at once, as is now customary. currency, the amount exceeded 34.5 billion rubles. in dollar terms, this is 394 million. the funds were transferred in full to the national settlement depository, which, by the way, recently , together with the moscow exchange, came under western sanctions, due to the bans previously introduced by washington and brussels on transactions in dollars and euros, coupons on foreign exchange government bonds are paid through a special ruble account
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at nsd. due to new restrictions, foreign investors, through the efforts of their own officials may soon be lost. and this way to profit from investments in our country. today , eu sanctions on russian liquefied natural gas and financial messaging systems come into force. this is within the framework of the fourteenth european package of anti-russian restrictions adopted the day before. brussels prohibits transshipment of russian lng at eu ports for supplies to thirds of the country. however, this measure does not apply to imports. at the same time, a ban on new investments is introduced. and technology transfer for completion of russian gas liquefaction projects. as for the financial messaging system similar to swift, european companies not operating in russia are now prohibited. use it, the fourteenth package also included a clarification on russian diamonds: restrictions will not apply to diamonds that were located in the territory of the european union or
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a third country other than russia, or were cut in a third country before the ban on russian diamonds came into force. brussels in the fourteenth package sanctions began to hit hard on their own people, so the new restrictions were commented on by the permanent representation of russia to the eu. european business said in a statement. in essence, we were faced with a choice: whoever is not with us is against us, and the profits of european companies should now be determined not by economic calculations or ideological dogmas, the representative office emphasized. in fact, europe did not hesitate to copy what it had accused the soviet union of doing for 70 years. russian diplomats are confident that even after the end of the ukrainian conflict, various restrictive measures will not go away, and not only in relation to moscow. completion of dollar exchange rates today. 87 rub. 37 kopecks, euro 94 rubles. 7 kopecks that's all i have. novel. mash, thank you. next on the air is a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on june 25 , 1783, antoine lavoisier, considered the founder of modern chemistry, announced to the french academy that he had discovered the composition of water. and that water is not... a simple element, as was believed in the 17th century, and a molecule made of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. it was a sensation. true, before him , the englishman henry cavendish came to this conclusion, but only after lavoisier’s report did this opinion take root in science. then lavoisier learned to produce pure hydrogen to fill balloons and synthesize water. he was the first to develop a scientific system of chemical compounds, but in order to maintain his laboratory, he became a royal tax farmer, that is, he received the right to collect taxes. they were hated by the people even after the great french revolution of the scientist arrested, according to one version, at the instigation of the famous jean paul marat, who believed in magnetism and mesmerism, this is a false doctrine, and
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lavoisier refuted them, he was accused of conspiring with the enemies of france and was told that the republic did not need chemists. today , lavoisier's name is included in the list of the greatest scientists of france, engraved on the ephel tower. today marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of vladimir kakinaki, an iconic figure in the history of our aviation. he was born in novorossiysk. his childhood was difficult, but he eventually became one of the most famous test pilots of its time. at 35 on i-15 fighters. kakinaki climbed more than 14.5 km. in total he set 22 world records. at 36 , he was the first in the world to perform a loop on a heavy twin-engine bomber design. ilyushin made a non-stop flight from moscow to the far east, flying 7,560 km, more than a day in the air, and this was
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the first time. then a flight to north america, not through the north pole, like kuchkalovo, but through finland, norway and iceland, along greenland and to canada. after 20 years, this route became the official flight route. in during the war, kokinaki ferried american aircraft through alaska and siberia, and then continued to test new ones. aircraft in sixty-three made its first flight on the new il-62 passenger airliner. the international air transport association awarded vladimir kakinaki a prestigious award - this is the chain of the pioneer of the wind rose for the discovery of the shortest air route from europe to america, along which planes fly today. on june 25, 1950 , the korean war began, one of the largest conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. korea was captured by the japanese in 1945, it was liberated by the red army, but the americans insisted on dividing the country along the thirty- eighth parallel. as a result
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, two states arose in the north and south, at war with each other. the democratic people's republic of korea was supported by the ussr and china, and the republic of korea by the usa. the war began with a successful offensive from the north in response, as pyongyang stated, to the aggressive actions of the south. the united states passed a decision in the un security council on the creation of international forces. they were sent to korea for joint actions with siul, soviet fighter pilots and chinese volunteers began to fight on the side of the dprk. as a result, the front stabilized along the same thirty-eighth parallel and after 3 years a truce was signed. we agreed on a demarcation line and a demilitarized zone 4 km wide. according to some estimates, more than 3 million people on both sides became victims of the korean war. and today, 70 years later, the peace treaty has not been signed, there is tension. persists on the peninsula. on june 25, 1975, another one appeared in africa independent state - mozambique. it is
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a large country on the east coast. century was a portuguese colony, although after the second world war lisbon declared it an overseas province, inequality between the indigenous inhabitants and white settlers persisted in the early sixties , the national liberation armed struggle began, it was led by the frelimu liberation front, helped by the ussr, china, cuba and the gdr, with weapons , ammunition and money, but it was possible to win only after the carnation revolution in portugal. this is what this day in history was like.
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22 victims of the terrorist attack of the armed forces of ukraine were brought from sevastopol to moscow, more than half of them were children, seven were in serious condition, all of them had already been transported to the capital’s hospital, everyone was receiving all the necessary treatment. in the zaporozhye region, russian artillerymen helped. motorized rifles to dislodge the ukrainian armed forces from a position north of rabotin. crews of the grad multiple launch rocket systems destroyed the firing points of the drone operators' positions, as well as enemy fortifications and equipment. julian asanche released after almost 2.0 days imprisonment in a maximum security prison. the high court in london released the journalist on bail. it is reported that the creator of wikileaks...


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