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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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it was like this in the garden, in the house there were already probably 40 centimeters, it was, in the house, in the house, there were 40 centimeters, last year we had 70 cm, now it will be spidery, that’s 10 meters, some of the residents of the area left their homes, they come here to check the water level or save some utensils, remove the swollen doors, lift light furniture and equipment higher, water began to flow into the area of ​​​​the white river a few days ago, the protective dam, which local residents built together, does not helped, now there are several dozen private houses in the flood zone. you can now navigate local streets either in a boat or in protective fishing equipment. the water has not yet overflowed the threshold of the house where yuri ignatenko lives, but it has flooded the entire adjacent area and outbuildings. behind the house, what is left of the vegetable garden is now more like a lake. the owner planned to harvest a large harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. there were watermelons growing there, i replanted a few trees, planted a cherry tree this year, and the cherries are all gone too. gradually the water is approaching
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the central part of dalnerechensk, today municipal authorities declared a local emergency. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are trying to provide targeted assistance where it is necessary, first of all, there is a threat of flooding of the electrical panel, so water is pumped out, and a tanker truck from our group for pumping out the reservoir is also working here so that the incoming water does not flood into this populated area. over 370 household plots were flooded, dozens of private houses , several apartment buildings, seven villages were cut off from transport links due to water overflows on the roads, there were people there today the first batches of humanitarian aid were delivered. andrey kolesnikov, sergey svestilnikov, dmitry popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. chinese. for the first time brought to earth
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soil samples from the far side of the moon. the device dropped the capsule by parachute and it landed in the province of inner mongolia. let me remind you that a rocket with a probe was launched into the earth satellite on may 3, and on june 2 the device landed on the moon in the planned area, collected soil in different areas, and after 2 days it took off from the surface of the moon. the chinese national space administration noted that the age the material obtained for research can be about four. years, now let’s turn around for a couple of minutes, in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, honor our
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history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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the primakov readings opened in moscow today; at this forum, as is tradition , the situation on the world stage is discussed in all its diversity. at the tenth meeting, the role is in the spotlight. it is not to shy away from pressing issues , but to look boldly into the future with confidence. the primakov readings are being held for the tenth time, 10 years in a row; during this time they have grown, become stronger and have rightfully earned the reputation of a flagship international platform for resolving the most pressing problems. but if previously, the focus was on the transformation
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of the world order, polycentricity, but today , for the first time in the history of the readings, the main topic of the forum was russia. our country is today in the focus of attention of the whole world, and despite... political turbulence and the disruptive work of anti-russian sanctions, our economy has shown fantastic stability. according to my estimates, not a single economy in the world, not even the chinese one, could withstand such aggressive pressure that we faced. the economy is alive, moreover, the growth rate this year is estimated to be the international monetary fund expects 3.6%, which is much higher. forecasts for the united states for the european union, so russia is in focus, russia in international relations, russia in the global economy, russia in eurasia, russia in brix. according to the established good tradition, pribakov's reading began with an agreement
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greeting the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. at one time in 2015, he actively and warmly welcomed the idea of ​​​​creating and holding these readings, he himself spoke at these readings in 2015 and...
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that to form a new european security, it will not be possible to mend its broken cup without the participation of russia. thank you, our correspondent, sofia sergeeva, spoke about the readings that started in moscow. now we’ll switch to advertising, and then the program “fifth studio” will be broadcast on russia-24. i say goodbye to you with this, see you tomorrow, good news. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. if only my dream would come true. such
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munitions on civilian objects in crimea, and even more so the strike on the beach where people, women, and children were resting, is, of course, comparable to the worst crimes of nazi germany, it has no equal, probably for a long time , the last 2 and a half years. so the reaction this is how we and all over the world expressed condolences and representatives of the united nations, unfortunately, the nato countries were a little modest in quotes, but conclusions will be drawn from this, because such an attitude towards civilian objects, towards people, 153 people were injured, four died there , on the beach, this is a mockery of common sense and
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in crimea is unbearable for our people, we will fight this, we will fight this with kindness and draw conclusions of a military-political nature, but on the day... holy trinity to inflict such a deafening, as you may say, treacherous stab in the back of the population, this is terrible, it has no analogues and such things cannot be forgiven. here is grigory borisevich, in connection with this question in the russian foreign ministry, the russian foreign ministry summoned the us ambassador, a demarche was expressed in our country,
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in addition, the ministry of foreign affairs stated that they bear equal responsibility for the terrorist attack in crimea with the kiev regime. if the situation had been different, kiev would have been forced to look for some other compromise options, negotiate and so on, but on the contrary, everything is happening exactly the opposite, the americans are supplying, dragging ukraine, which means that to all sorts of nato summits, which, by the way, will soon take place in the united states of america, they promise to give even
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more, they encourage this, well...
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issues including including in conflicts, the reaction we see is that in the most pressing ones there may be, but no real action follows this, well, we stand for these organizations to remember why they were created in 1945, i mean united nations organization, as well as organizations like the organization for security and cooperation in europe, where we have traditionally... for 2 years simply not been allowed to plenary sessions, assemblies, parliamentary, we draw conclusions, our position is strong, we are for the world community to live in a -well, in a more or less predictable way, discussing pressing problems, looking to the future, but god knows,
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the western community has gone crazy, it’s just... betting on proving its will by force. such things do not work out with russia and have never worked out in history. grigory, there are quite a lot of topics that i would like to discuss with you, so if possible, i would ask you to answer some so succinctly, in particular the topic of supplying ammunition from serbia to third countries with their subsequent supply to ukraine. the russian foreign ministry stated that they will discuss security threats to serbia. related to military supplies, how do you assess this situation in general and how can belgrade’s behavior be assessed? outwardly it certainly sounds threatening and unpleasant, but i know that the russian ministry of foreign affairs is now vkontakte with belgrade, with colleagues from serbia, are discussing this topic, asking questions, receiving
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answers, so i hope that in the coming weeks we will have complete information and be able to evaluate it. this is true, the new package of eu sanctions against our country, how sensitive it can be and how it will affect our economy, what do you think? the fourteenth package of sanctions no longer surprises anyone, we are accustomed to this package, they sound scary, but in fact our country has come together, society has joined forces for in order to live in new... difficult conditions, and it seems to me that we are moving forward in this sense, so packages of sanctions are not the language that should be used to talk with the russian federation, people are... combative, people are achieving results in production, independent production, everything they need for themselves, people are trying to live
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in hopes that common sense in international affairs will prevail over time, and we will defend our strategic security, and somehow the situation will return to normal, predictable course. the director has already shown an article that the eu has entered into force a ban on access to a number of russian media, we see that this practice has been widely used for quite a long time, but there are new restrictions in this area, what should be the response steps moscow, what do you think? well, i think that the retaliatory steps are predictable, but the fact is that what our media bans abroad shows only one thing: that the west is striving for a monopoly on people’s minds, it is afraid a counter flow of information, counter comments, an honest exchange of views on
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existing problems and events that happen day after day, hence the closure of all our television channels, agencies, uh, closure, i would say, of the access of citizens of the western world to... constructive the opinion that comes from russia, which was created by the minds and hands of russian journalists and political scientists, this is very dangerous, any monopoly on the minds of people leads, sooner or later leads to the collapse of the entire state system in any country, we don’t have long to wait, and we see rapid processes taking place in a number of western countries.
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radios and so on, but we live in a new world, we, as you know, have modern means of communication in electronic networks, so to speak, in others, other sources of information, so people can search and find answers to questions that interest them living in the russian federation, the same can be done and that means citizens living. in foreign countries, but in this case, so to speak, it was organized boorishly banning the broadcasting of channels from your own countries
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is a sign of weakness, it is a sign of the weakness of your own positions. another topic that we wanted to touch on with you is that the eu has begun negotiations with ukraine and moldova on their membership in the european union. how do you assess the prospects? and then, perhaps, i’ll add a question about the summit. nato, which is due to take place in july, what are the expectations from it? well, with ukraine and moldova - this is such a complex long-term game that the europeans and washington and the anglo-saxons, as they are commonly called, are not the first to play ten years, these are carrots that are hung around, and so to speak, those who want to bite are invited, those who want to digest not so much, the same applies to the upcoming nato summit. which will celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the creation of this defense, so-called military-political bloc, then i think that this bloc has done a lot of troubles in world
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history over its 75 years, and now continues to firmly follow this absolutely unpromising path, this path has begun, when the block began to advance into deception on oral data, that means our promises... i think that i think just a minute, yes, gregory, the connection is breaking down a little, yes,
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if i can answer this question first. although she, of course, has recently been quite angrily towards the russian federation and announces through the mouth of barel and others a lot of things, it’s even difficult for me to choose a decent expression for strange statements, but the european union is rather an organization with an economic bias, therefore here you have to think, but at the same time the european union
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has turned into... gregory, we have a minute left until the end of the broadcast, a question that we also cannot help but ask about the fate of julian asandzh, we know that he was released from prison, he is heading towards right now, as far as i understand, to the island of saipan, this is not incorporated organized territories of the united states, where the trial is to take place, what do you see as his future fate, well, asansh served 5 years of imprisonment, he agreed.
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is already on its way to australia or has even arrived there on the green continent. what's next? this time will be credited to him as time served. he will continue to live as an ordinary citizen, is that so? well, apparently, my personal assumption is that the americans simply removed such a heavy burden on the eve of the upcoming presidential elections, so that it would not interfere with polemics on other issues. the question is ripe.
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served a five-year sentence, so nothing prevents the american administration from turning the page, as it were, and at the same time finding out from asanje some information that he should provide now, when this process begins on the american island, i think i i think we won’t wait long for results, they will appear very quickly. grigory borivich, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering the question. live, it was a fifth studio program. twenty-two victims of the terrorist attack in sevastopol were brought to moscow for treatment. more than 50 people remain undergoing treatment in the hospital in sevastopol itself. what is the condition of the wounded? in dagestan
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, 50 million will be allocated to support the families of those killed in terrorist attacks, as well as those injured. the united states actually forced the founders to partially admit guilt, what awaits him next? the state duma will discuss vladimir putin’s initiative to resume the indexation of payments to working pensioners. what changes are coming? chinese. soil samples from the far side of the moon. the age of the material obtained for research may be about 4 billion years. six adults and two children brought from sevastopol to the capital’s clinic are in serious condition. the city authorities reported this. let me remind you that the day before, a special flight from the ministry of emergency situations delivered 22 injured people to moscow.


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