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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 25, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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in dagestan , the republic will allocate 50 million rubles to support the families of those killed in terrorist attacks, as well as those injured, starting monday , a three-day trauma. juliana sanche was released after almost 200 days of imprisonment; us authorities actually forced the founders of pekelix to partially admit guilt. what's next for him? the state duma will discuss vladimir putin’s initiative to resume the indexation of payments to working pensioners. what changes are coming? a chinese probe has delivered soil samples from the far side of the moon to earth for the first time. the age of the material obtained for research may be about 4 billion years. six adults and two children brought from sevastopol to the capital’s clinic are in serious condition. the city authorities reported this. let me remind you that the day before the special. the ministry of emergency situations
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transported 22 people from among those injured in sunday's shelling to moscow. our correspondent, margarta semenyuk, is located near one of the clinics where the victims were brought. she's in direct contact. hello margarita, what do the doctors say? yes, vera, greetings, we are currently working in the center surgery named after pirogov. there is now one patient from sevastopol here. doctors assess his condition as stable. he endured the transportation quite well, he was provided with all the necessary medical care, i note that the man covered his ten-year-old child with himself during a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces, now the man is in the hospital, the minister of health mikhail murashka personally visited him, he also updated information about the victims who are currently undergoing treatment in the capital’s medical institutions. total in
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today in sevastopol in moscow there are 77 people injured in hospital treatment, 14 of them are in serious condition , 22 patients were evacuated yesterday by plane together with the moscow health department, and 12 of them are children. that, on behalf of mikhail murashk, four children are now in the russian children's clinical hospital, these are three boys and one girl, their condition is now assessed as serious, but stable. i would like to note that the nature of the injuries that children received during the missile danger - these are mine explosion and shrapnel wounds of the chest, abdominal cavity, as well as limbs, now they are receiving all the necessary care.
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to provide psychological support, this is exactly how everything was done for the patients injured in crocus, so today modern medicine is multidisciplinary, what was just said in relation to this center. we received four patients aged from 8 to 15 years, three boys, one girl, yesterday urgent examinations, computed tomography and a complex were performed.
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providing specialized oncological care in the center in full, combining radiation therapy, surgical treatment and drug therapy. faith? thank you margarita, our correspondent margarita semenyuk was in direct contact with the hospital in stalichny, where the victim of the attack in sevastopol is being treated. another 50 people wounded during the shelling remain in sevastopol hospitals, one of them is in serious condition. with details from crimea by yan
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cherbatai. at the moment , 57 people still remain in hospitals in sevastopol, these are both adults and children with various conditions, degrees of severity, and also with various wounds, of course, most of them are shrapnel. in sevastopol , a state of emergency of regional significance continues to operate at the moment, muchkuevka beach, where it happened. this tragedy is still closed for now. the fact is that there may still be unexploded cluster munitions there. it is known that the day before specialists finished examining the shore of the beach , divers are now working there. beach access will. is open only then, of course, when it is safe, but it is worth noting that during the tragedy in uchkuevka on june 23, people , of course, ran away from the beach, throwing everything they had, saving themselves, saving their lives, and today the headquarters opened, where people can come pick up their things. i will also note that cars were also damaged by shrapnel,
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a lot of glass was broken, a special commission has started working today, the damage is being assessed, after the damage has been assessed, and the government will accept applications for compensation and will begin payments to victims. yana cherbaty, andrey terentsev, news! crimea. in the belgorod region , a civilian was killed during shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. a shell hit one of the private houses in the village of belovskaya. the pensioner died on the spot. the yakovlevsky urban district was also under attack. the enemy sent six drones there. in the construction site, two civilians were injured, one of them was hospitalized. two apartment buildings in the village of bykovka were damaged, windows were broken in two private houses, and the roofs were cut. the city of sudzhiv , kursk region, was shelled this morning. a local resident was injured, another person was hospitalized with a heart attack. the acting governor, alexey smirnov, announced this in his telegram channel. after the shelling , three private houses caught fire; rescuers are now putting out the fires. the government of dagestan
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has allocated 50 million rubles to help the relatives of those killed and injured as a result of the terrorist attacks. meanwhile , 13 people remain in hospitals after the attacks; the situation in the republic is being monitored our correspondent sarkar magomedov. investigations continue, at the same time , work is also in full swing here, at the place where the terrorist attacks were carried out, these are in synagogues, i remind you that a synagogue and a church were attacked in derbent in makhachkala. we are now in the holy dormition cathedral in makhachkala, here volunteers are in full swing around me, regardless of nationality, religion, everyone has gathered to hold a cleanup day, remove garbage, something...
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much to the happiness of the lack of human hands on site, as we see, neither observed, in addition, yesterday at the press approach at the operational headquarters, the head of dagestan announced assistance of up to a million rubles for the families of the victims, depending on the degree of injury and how certain civilian law enforcement officers suffered, up to 500,000 rubles. and all this, of course, in parallel with a very important investigation. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdula magomedov, lead dagestan. “the indexation of insurance pensions for working pensioners will affect more than 7,800 people, the speaker of the state duma announced this vyacheslav volodin. today deputies are considering the corresponding bill in the first reading. let me remind you that the indexation of pensions for working pensioners was suspended in
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2016. it is expected that the amount not received over 8 years will not be lost; it will be restored when the pensioner stops working. according to the bill." vladimir putin proposed on june 7 at the st. petersburg international economic forum. investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application, for the first time on the screens, meet on avita , khvatamba has come to avita and discounts to people from people only. july 7 khvatamba for so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito.
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khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. wikileaks founder juliana sanch will appear in court on the island of saipan tomorrow. there, he is expected to partially admit guilty as part of a deal with american prosecutors. let me remind you that earlier, an australian journalist was released from prison and left the uk. alexander khabarov will tell you what punishment now faces the person who told the world about us war crimes. this short video is the first evidence that wikileaks founder juliana asanche is at large. he was released on bail by an english court from belmersh prison, where he had been held for the last 5 years, and boarded a private jet at london airport stanstet. julian assassin is free, having left belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of
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june 24th after serving 1,901 days. based on documents appearing in the british press, asansh is due to appear in court on the pacific island of saipan, which is under american jurisdiction. the island was chosen due to its proximity to australia, of which assange is a citizen. the founder of wikileaks made a deal with american authorities, pleading guilty to one charge of espionage. us prosecutors should seek prison time for him for a period of 5 years, as a result he will be credited for the years he has already spent in a british prison. announced an eighteen-count indictment from a 2019 indictment for his alleged role in breaking the law. in total, the maximum prison term could be 175 years. at the end of may, the london high court allowed assange to continue his legal fight against his extradition from britain to the united states. it is now clear that in parallel
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negotiations were already underway for his complete release. australian authorities took part in them, who made the appropriate appeal. the biden administration had to take action, because this is exactly what trump would do if he returned to office. so, why not do it now and solidify it as a decision of the biden administration, given how much time has passed. asanje's prosecution lasted more than 13 years, seven of which he was forced to spend in captivity in the london embassy
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of ecuador, from where he was taken out by british police in 2019 after his betrayal. former presidential candidate us vivi kamaswamy called the release a desperate attempt by the biden administration to win voter support. it's a disgrace that he had to rot in a foreign prison for doing what all reporters do on a regular basis, while he was the government operative who passed on classified information to him. series chelsea mening, obama commuted her sentence because she belongs to the privileged transgender political class. another us presidential candidate, robert kennedy jr., said that assange simply did not left with no choice, he was forced to make a deal. julian should have done this, he has heart problems, he would have died in prison. one way or another,
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assange won’t have long to wait for his final release. in the near future, he may see his children for the first time as a free person. chinese-6 delivered soil samples from the far side of the moon to earth for the first time. the device dropped the capsule by parachute and it landed in the province of inner mongolia. we will learn the details of the mission from our own correspondent in beijing, alexander baletsky. he's in direct contact. alexander, hello. how did the planting go and what is the value of the collected soil for scientists? well , this is truly a unique mission, and the chinese were the first in the world to accomplish it, they did not deliver samples of lunar soil to the earth, precisely from the far side of the moon, this closest, of course, natural satellite of the earth,
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so of course they were very much looking forward to the return and landing today of the chang e spacecraft - 6, and chan is such a chinese goddess.
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clu is already getting closer and closer and is preparing to reveal itself by 2030, and therefore the next mission, se and eight, on which there will be barriers, the base modules of the lunar station will be carried out practically, and on-site research of lunar resources will be carried out , which will be verified using, including 3d printing, modules for the base in general, the active center is now abandoning outer space but is developing tuna along with these resources offers earthlings, after all, are also together , first of all, by the country, even the western one. who is usually not inclined to get excited about chinese successes, has already written that since the first mission of chiang, in it was 2007, the exploration of the whale moon very significantly reduced the technological gap and... alexander, thank you, our own correspondent in china, alexander baletsky, was in direct communication. connect to
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it turns out that your marketplay is different for money, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. for the first time on screens, welcome. came hwatamba. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7 hvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to auto products on avito. the death toll in the fire in fryazene near moscow has risen to six people. this morning, during an inspection of the burnt building on the seventh floor , four more bodies were discovered.
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the investigative committee cites faulty electrical wiring as one of the causes of the fire. the fire occurred in a room on the fifth floor. the fire spread quickly. a gas cylinder exploded on the sixth floor. as a result, the structure began to collapse, people were trapped inside the building. the area of ​​the fire was: the open fire was extinguished by 11:00 pm, and all premises were rented out. one possible version is a wiring fault. to date , six deaths have been reported. it was also established that the fire occurred in a room located on the fifth floor of the building, after which the fire spread to the largest area inside the building, which resulted in the collapse of the ceilings. according to the investigation, all premises. were rented out to various organizations, of which there are about 50,
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were searched in the places of residence of the directors, the organization managing the buildings, as well as directors renting premises. interrogations are currently being conducted, and now there are urgent messages from the news agency, and as the ministry of emergency situations has just reported, the fire in the former platan building, flyazin near moscow, has been completely extinguished. now it's time for economic news. in a recent report, the bank of russia named the main conclusions from the crisis of 2020 . strict sanctions and panic in the markets restrictions on the movement of capital are necessary, this helps reduce the negative impact of external shocks. anti-crisis measures can be strengthened by monetary policy, in particular by raising rates. it is also necessary to proactively reduce dependence on foreign financial infrastructure. sanctions are significant abroad. in may, russians took out a record volume of microloans for a year and a half, almost 6.5 million for 81 billion rubles. growth per year.
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about 42%, rbc writes about this with reference to data from the scoring bureau. according to market participants, microfinance organizations are trying gather as many clients as possible before tightening regulation. from july 1 , the conditions for calculating the debt burden of borrowers will change. experts call such results organic; the demand for microloans remains consistently high. alrosa's proven diamond reserves will be enough for at least 30 years of mining. at the end of the year this volume. increased 1 billion times, the company reported. 3/4 of the reserves are concentrated in yakutia, the rest in the arkhangelsk region. the day before , the european union allowed the import of some species diamonds of russian origin. the sanctions do not affect stones exported from the country before the ban was introduced. and polymetal has applied for delisting from the moscow exchange, the last day of trading is september 30, the company said in a statement. the decision was made due to
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us sanctions against. trading platform, the company called its further presence on it inappropriate. the polymetal has no russian assets left; the gold miner called on shareholders to exchange the securities for new ones issued on the exchange in kazakhstan. on these news, polymetal shares on the moscow exchange collapsed by 27%. it was economic news. short.
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welcome to asia, it's beating here. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived at the palace of independence in minsk, where he will be received by the president of belarus.


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