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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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area three times larger than before with swimming pools, always two swimming pools, for primary school students, high school students, but most importantly, a personnel training program has been organized, today the education system of st. petersburg occupies a leading position, the experience is very interesting, that ’s what including training school teams that can be used
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to start a business, it was born from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer, i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i would open this place to everyone, and i decided to be a lighthouse, it’s good that friends helped with the repairs and with the opening of the sber business. sber supported me in everything at the start, opened an account in one click, helped with accounting and legal issues, quickly connected the cash register, all this is free, with sber support it’s easier and faster to start a business, we open the way to business, sber business, what will yours be like? summer, with increased cashback, summer will be active, everything for your mega summer.
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discounts for people from people until july 7, when you live at x2 speed, not sparing your stomach, it can let you down, open bespatalin duo for pain bloating, so as not to lose your... i have a question for you: do you clearly imagine your future? do such thoughts scare you? you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be, open your eyes to your future, start with the long-term savings program in the non-state pension fund, the future, my new invention for cleaning the toilet asbre. the easier way. bref
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colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. does your business need acceleration? exactly. open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help business! magnet! shebekinsky pasta 5299. magnet - the price is what you need! alexander nikolaevich, july 16th? no, i have ice delux. so, third? no, i have a beat. delicious calendar in a delicious way. every day, a new favorite super product.
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investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open the first one brokerage deposit account the best percentage in the sberbank online application. for the first time on screens, meet on avita on avita. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th. hvatamba for so many things from smartphones to sneakers on avito. enter an educational institution knowing for sure that after graduation you will be hired. targeted training provides this opportunity. how this mechanism works and how it has changed this year, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with what targeted learning is. for a student. it's free, he
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enters into an agreement with a company or organization and undertakes to work there for a certain number of years after receiving a diploma, and the employer or customer pays for the employee’s training. if the company or organization is state-owned, the customer is the state, and the university receives money from the state budget, the student is accordingly allocated a budget place according to a target quota, a separate competition is held for such places, the quota is set by the government every year. the customer can be any private company or individual entrepreneur, but if she is not on the list of employers for targeted recruitment, you will have to enroll in a university on a general basis. go all the way from finding an employer to... this year, in accordance with the federal law, which, in general, has already entered into force, we ensure the submission of applications for targeted education not only to universities, but also to colleges through public services, such a client path has already been implemented and will accordingly be launched with the start of
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the reception campaign. the university’s admissions campaign starts on june 20, and the path of the future student begins with finding the customer’s employer targeted training. this year's list of potential. previously, the state paid for training for employees of government agencies, government agencies, state corporations, state-owned companies, companies with state participation, as well as agricultural producers producing products from the list approved by the government. now personnel will be purposefully trained for private companies operating in priority development areas, special economic zones and territorial development zones in the arctic and free ports. east for residents of skolkovo, international medical cluster in moscow, innovative scientific and technological centers and the military innovative technopolis era podapoy. don’t forget about ordinary private companies and entrepreneurs who are willing to pay for training. finding an employer and establishing
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a digital connection with them has become easier. employers have their own path, a client path, they can start from may 1. log into their personal accounts on the work in russia portal, in fact, there they submit their applications for what specialists they need, they post there requirements, there they determine quotas for specialists, which means how many they will need in further work, here on the portal work in russia they see the applications received in response from candidates, and accordingly, they then conclude an agreement for targeted training based on the results of the competitive situation. one of the innovations in the reception area. this year's company can only enter into a targeted training agreement with one customer. the main parties to the agreement are the applicant, the customer as a third party who will monitor university performance. the employer can be included in the contract if the customer is not
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the same legal entity. after graduation, you will need to work for a minimum of three and a maximum of 5 years. another change: it is now possible to conclude an agreement on targeted training only after enrollment, but... before the start of studies, applicants entering after the competitive situation itself has ended, he receives a decision from the university that he is included there, accordingly in the order for enrollment , after this happens, he can actually sign directly on the government services portal, a tripartite agreement is signed there, or in the general case there is a four-party agreement, where the participants, respectively this is the university, where the customer of the targeted training and the employer, they, as a rule, still unite in one person, the student himself, that is, the student himself will be. .. the state key, this contract itself, is signed in the state key and sent to the university and the employer for signing. the contract should pay special attention to penalties for
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failure to comply with the terms. and of course, you need to understand that targeted training is a big responsibility. if you do not master the program or do not work for the required period of time in the company, you will have to compensate the customer for everything. gatherings. let's repeat the most important things. on may 1 , changes to the education law came into force. they clarify the rules for targeted training. the list of employers by target quotas has been expanded. on the russia jobs portal, all employers have the opportunity to place their applications. an agreement on targeted training can now be concluded only after enrollment. and the third party to the agreement should be the university. the maximum period of service after its completion is limited to five years. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to get a sought-after specialty or job, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk to experts and tell you everything in one of the next editions of the instructions. your business needs acceleration,
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open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help business. 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because heptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired, it’s time for hyptral, order from pharmacies plus, this is not the opening of the swimming season, this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from the island, book hotels and apartments , take part in the draw, attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts we conveniently repay one loan within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple
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installment plans. your car can purr with pleasure when it has teboil diamond motor oil inside it. advanced motor oil synthesis technology provides long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under any operating conditions. teoil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. gold! at mvidio and eldorado, 50% discount on the second household appliance product. built-in dishwasher in grundik for only 22,500 rubles when purchased as a set. in emvidio and eldorado. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. turns out. you can get 20, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out
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you can do it in different ones at once, for money you have your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow magnit exchange, energy drinks flash up 59,999 magnet - the price is what you need. for the first time on screens, welcome!
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series and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with sber’s support it’s easier and faster to start a business, we open the way to business, sberbusiness.
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we arrived in the perm region, the basis of the local economy - chemical industry and mechanical engineering, 97% of russian fertilizers and 20% of the world's volume of rut fertilizers are produced here. another important industry is the forestry industry, where 7% of domestic plywood and pulp, 9% of paper and 11% are made. developed industry requires more careful monitoring of the environmental situation, so the region annually increases costs for environmental protection. perm ranks first in the ranking of russian cities with a population of over a million in terms of greening. among the regions, the region is in ninth place in the development of mortgages and fifth in terms of public-private partnerships. to learn more about sustainability projects, get started. we’ll go to an eco-technopark where plastic and other waste are processed, then we’ll look at
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pharmaceutical production. we will also attend a training for school directors and kindergarten leaders. and finally, we'll take a tour of the factory where smart robots are made. so here's the way. bumaticika company is engaged in waste collection and recycling, has been operating since 2002 and has managed to obtain the most extensive processing license in russia. the list includes more than two. positions of waste, for example, a washer in honor of the tercentenary of perm, it was celebrated last year, it is made from recycled plastic obtained from car tires. from the population we accept polymer waste, paper waste, cardboard, batteries, artout lamps, rechargeable batteries, equipment, waste paper, waste is carefully sorted, separated by type, then it goes through several stages of cleaning and processing, even separately collected waste,
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they have a large amount of contaminants, in order for us to process them into secondary waste, we need... the first waste is separated, the second is washed from organic matter, the third is washed from fats and other contaminants, here there is already crushed, crushed polymer, today it is ldpe, it we float up, all the organic matter and dirt, it all sinks, in fact it is a large washing machine, as a result we get a dry, purified product that can be granulated, this is a secondary granule, this is exactly what garbage bags for black subbotniks will be made from. from granules, depending on the composition and color, it is possible to produce a variety of goods, technical pipes of various shapes and sizes, tanks, barrels, tanks, canisters, bottles, buckets, containers for household chemicals, packaging and furniture, pnd granules are also used in the production of car parts. we collect at
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enterprises, industrial, even city-forming enterprises; all four containers are located at our location. there are about 700 pieces around the city, and points are also collected for a fee; over the past year, more than 500 tons of useful items were collected waste. to reduce the impact on the environment, industrial enterprises in the perm region are updating wastewater treatment facilities, monitoring emissions at metallurgical and chemical plants, and reforestation remains an important task. our latest initiative is to plant exactly the same amount, no less accurately, and therefore we can state that this year this is what will be cut down as part of logging investment projects as part of working with the population, that is, providing wood for
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harvesting firewood, the area of ​​cut down forest will actually be equal. another area of ​​work in the region is the development of medical services, including the treatment and prevention of cancer. in fact, this will be a multifunctional surgical center, these will be the most modern methods of treating cancer, with all the amenities, it will be a hotel for relatives of patients or those people who will come for examinations, the active stage of construction is being spent on private money, private investments, and we we count. that perm will still be such a center for medical tourism, so- called, so that people from all over russia can move here and engage in the prevention and treatment of health. perm has been working for a pharmaceutical company since the nineties, which began with the production of activated carbon. today the product line includes dozens of drugs. the pharmaceutical
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company medi produces analogues of well-known drugs - generics. together with... the work produces 110 million tablets in an assortment of more than 50 items, we make everything ourselves, that is, we have a full cycle from neokrov, from the beginning of development to sales and marketing, that is, we do everything within the company, including clinical studies, we belong to the third category in terms of environmental impact, that is, this is a minimal impact to the surrounding.
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as a financial partner of this enterprise, we are jointly financing this project, and we have a dynamically developing enterprise that is aimed at import substitution, a priority area now in the medical industry, so we , together with our medical specialist, are keeping pace with time with the needs of the medical market yet. the direction that the sbr is developing in the perm region, educational projects. perm is implementing a training project for heads of educational institutions, conducting trainings and intensive courses with them. business games that help improve management skills. last year, 60 people completed the program, and this year another 40. today we will introduce you to ned herman’s personality typology. anyone
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even know ned herman? we have been watching closely for a very long time. is necessary today for the head of an educational institution in order to lead his team exactly in line with the times. and what and what skills should a leader have? in order to do this correctly, we have been cooperating with business for a very long time, including seeing how much useful information can be taken from business leaders, so our next partner was sberbank, which trains its employees a lot, organizers, administrators, bureaucrats in the best sense this word. the project confronts participants with non-standard tasks, stimulates thinking in new ways and approaching solutions in a non-linear way. qualified experts work with the participants, analyze their actions and decisions, and then, in a coaching format , work out areas in which they still
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need to grow. the training format is full-time, it involves the development of effective negotiation skills, public speaking skills, presentation skills, we also provide tools for effective feedback when working with teachers, and conducting skills. effectively take on complex management decisions solutions, and in completely different situations. another area of ​​sber’s work in the field of sustainable development, the introduction of technologies
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based on artificial intelligence into the work of government agencies, and the search for innovative, smart solutions, is also occupied by small medium-sized businesses. the robot manufacturer promobot is engaged in development in the field of mechatronics, electronics, artificial intelligence and neural networks. the products of this brand can be found in forty-four countries around the world. high five. that's all i said, high five. and i have five fingers. such robots can actually replace a living employee. he communicates with people, answers questions and advises, moving freely in the room. business as a promotion naturally buys hotels, airports, medical robots, and stands in clinics. they contain an evaluation algorithm.
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we go through absolutely all stages from the idea to the production of metal parts, painting, molding, assembly, testing, and also each of the participants will be able to reincarnate, become our robot alex, implant hair, we have an experimental subject to whom we need to add a couple of hairs, yeah, so we need to take a hair from... choose the place where you want to add it. oh, did it work? yes, but mine is long, i'll have to trim it a little. tourism
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is becoming an increasingly profitable source of income in the perm region every year. in the twenty-third region, more than 1 million guests visited. the goal by 2030 is to increase the number of tourists to 2.5 million. they plan to attract tourists, including a rich cultural program. the event line-up of events, part of the culture is quite large, it is essentially examples of our theaters that are constantly nominated for the golden mask, we have up to six premieres at the opera and ballet theater a year , this is a wonderful drama theater that also produces constant examples. an important event in the cultural life of the perm region is the dyagelev festival. every year it attracts many tourists, so in the twenty-third year during its holding there was a flow of tourists. 15%. we will tell you in new issues what socio-cultural and environmental projects are being developed in other regions of the country. next time
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let's go to krasnodar.
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russia and congo aim to develop cooperation in all key areas, from economics and finance to defense and security. and certain sanctions cannot prevent this. such statements were made today in moscow at a meeting between vladimir putin and the president of the african republic , denis sunge, who received. a high russian state award for his great contribution to strengthening bilateral relations. details of the visit are in the material by alexey konopko. for many state visits this is already a tradition. behind aurus is the motorcyclist escort for the guest around the kremlin. this time under the congolese flag. over the past six months, this is the fourth african leader’s visit to russia and the current one is more than long for top-level visits. an honor guard greeted sasonge vnukov on tuesday evening.


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