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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch on an app or on a website, it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
3:31 am
this is not very scary, but it just needs to be understood as a kind of model, in this regard, i agree, evgenievich said, who well...
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the mood, that the tension in the world is growing, that threats are growing, that it is necessary to look for adequate responses to these threats, because indeed, if we look at the events that you spoke about in europe, and the coming to power in the european union, those people who simply outright russophobes and from whom it is simply impossible to even imagine any possibility of compromise with them, i want to say that no less of a threat is happening in asia, we , so to speak, now all the time...
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we concentrate on european issues and problems, because if they happen very big events, a change of leadership, emphasizing the fact that gradually in the european union supranational unions and supranational mechanisms are beginning to play an increasingly greater role, above the national mechanisms themselves, this, by the way, is very dangerous and, so to speak, really for the first time in history, if you look at history, we are always the same had some allies in europe even in the biggest wars, yes. now, somehow , this united europe is emerging, and this is, so to speak, a huge threat, because under certain conditions circumstances, this could be a very serious challenge for our security and for our independence, and for our interests, but in parallel with this , there is now an increase in threats in asia, it’s just that little is written about it now, so you talked about french colonialism there from calidonia, there , six leaders of the national movement, so to speak, were taken to prison in france, there... again - they shoot
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, they throw stones again, it’s very reminiscent of this palestinian intifada, the french are coming, they are being stoned and so on, mind you, there is not even a hint of an agreement with the indigenous population on the division of power or on the division of at least some property, but i want to say something else, the colonial bastard macron, yes absolutely, it just doesn’t even require any evidence, but at the same time very interesting events are happening, well, for example, an event is happening in bangladesh, where the americans are now pursuing a completely consistent policy in order to overthrow sheikh hasina, that hasina is the daughter of mujebur rahman, and so declaring her that she is undermining democracy, that bangladesh is no longer a democratic country, they demand from the current government of bangladesh the island of san martin, this is the southernmost island, to create a new military base, this is about the issue that the united states. state,
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it must be said that everywhere in this region the americans are very actively, so to speak, spreading protestantism, there, for example, in vietnam, these mountain peoples, a million people have become protestants over the past 15 years, and the same thing is happening in these areas, so to speak, this is northeast india, is going to create a pro-american state from chatagong, mizoram, and cochin, this is already berman territory, that is , by doing so they seem to create huge problems for...
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so to speak, the processes the americans transported medium-range missiles there, this tufon complex and it starts there establish, moreover, the filipinos continue to provoke the chinese , literally there 5 days ago, and this is no longer some decrepit philippine ship, which is a semi-fishing boat that sails with supplies to the notorious this the ship santa madra, no, now it is a ship coming, it is guarded, so to speak, by high-speed military boats. already a collision with china with chinese experienced ships is beginning to take on a very dangerous character, because the filipinos are trying in every possible way to show that this is their territory, that they are not afraid of anything, they are ready, in fact, at any moment to enter into a serious conflict with china, especially since that they clearly
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have the united states completely behind them, which here too is promoting its interests, promoting its military infrastructure, well, i’m not even talking about the fact that the united states just now came out... blaming and demanding from china, demanding that china change its policy, the american ambassador in beijing has now spoken out and said that something like china he clearly talks about neutralism, he is not neutral at all, he conveys a huge amount of non-failure to the devil of your mother such an ambassador, now you understand your business, and says that you should not do this, the same thing is european, they generally said , what china... must choose between them and russia, or he is helping russia there, that is, from this point of view there is very serious pressure on china, and there is a complete feeling, i absolutely agree with you here, that these, that the americans are absolutely losing all sorts of red lines, it reminds me, it seems to me, here are
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car mechanics, yes, a car that is driving has a red light on, it passes through a red light, then yellow lights up, then red, then a lot of red, it doesn’t see anything, they, they drive forward. they say that we , the whole world will adapt to us, so this is the most important thing, in europe, in asia they simply profess a certain ideology that the world will adapt to us, we will determine what this world will be like, and we will not, so to speak, make compromises with anyone or anything else. -well, we won’t, this must be taken into account, this can only be stopped by some very serious, very chilling action from my point of view, here i completely agree that within the framework of the existing paradigm it will be very difficult to stop, then there are some again statements, again some, so to speak, notes , again some negotiations, again something else, this is all a game on their field, you know, on their field, this is a game that they determine,
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because it always surprises me , so they say, we will allow shooting here, here we do not allow shooting, here we won’t shoot at all, here you can shoot as much as you like, well, you must agree, this is a position about... finding such a decisive, accurate, but correct answer, so so that the people who determine this policy, the people who so confident in their superiority in their right to lead everyone, they were thinking about something, and in the meantime, us president jo ranenette biden, jr., completed a week of preparation for the debate, by whom...
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my grandfather belonged to the emigrants from the western part of belarus, who emigrated in the hundreds of thousands . everyone knows about the first wave of emigration after the revolution. and there was another one and a half. you haven’t signed guarantees for ukraine yet, well
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, you just need to find, there is someone else who has not signed guarantees with a delay, which is nothing, i think we still need to sign with the association of transgender clowns, animal feeders with the league of sexual reforms, with the league of sexual reforms, because this idiot who completely illegally seized power in kiev.
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understand where a gynecologist needs a brain, but the idea is terrible, oh, something else is important, it is important that
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ukraine is needed only in order to fight against russia and die, and it’s interesting how - there are lies all the time, there are constant lies, every word that comes from the west is a constant deception, and the goals and objectives of the northern military district, about the reasons, are constant a lie, and it’s funny how the one who seized power... they really can’t count 62 million, but who will even count these pennies, but considering that no one has ever
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been able to audit the pentagon, all attempts have failed, consider washing your hand the ukrainian thief is hiding the american, well , listen, well, stop, of course, this is all unrealistic, besides, notice how in america they don’t even remember that the promise of 60 billion was based on the fact that the american authorities will say what the goals of the task are, this not at all, that is, we just look at these people and never cease to wonder who you are, and let’s face it, it’s not the european political cretins, the neo-american political morons who simply don’t have the strength, but of course there are smart people there who understand and popular, but so far their voice sounds like a voice.
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100 million, in the framework of a land war, is a lot, it is simply impossible for ukraine to defeat russia. the best they can do is sign a peace treaty, everyone knows this, including zelensky, who i wanted to do this from the first days of the conflict. boris johnson, on orders from the biden administration, prevented this from happening. this is not a controversial fact, it is simply a fact that
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everyone now accepts. he stopped peace talks almost 2 years ago. ukraine is completely destroyed, now zelensky has passed a law that allows foreign corporations to own land in ukraine. tell us what ukraine will look like in 30 years, when everything will belong to black rock transnational corporations, the population will no longer be ukrainian. so it's a tragedy what happened in ukraine was orchestrated by the western powers, including your government, and i hope you are under the leadership of my government, for which i am ashamed, i hope you are too, this is one of the greatest crimes of my life. but at the same time, we must understand that the ukrainian people are prepared for a simple and clear fate, to the last drop of blood, this was once again confirmed by the minister of defense of the netherlands, kaja olongren. ukraine is supported by many different countries, and we will continue to support it as long as ukraine is able to continue the fight, as long as
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there are men and women ready to fight with the weapons we give, our help will not stop. and notice who she is giving interviews to? she gives interviews to the information dump, which for many years was maintained by the russian state for crazy money, a certain rain and allowed all the managers of the rain to escape, and they still do not persecute all those political prostitutes who for a long time provided the opportunity for the rain to broadcast in russia, but it is so. at the same time, the property of the real owners of the rain sponsors is not seized, they are not touched, why? but i hope that the federal security service will investigate and give all the necessary answers, so that no one has any illusions. by the way,
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many people arrive on the front line who are poorly prepared. ukrainian citizens of different ages who are destined for a tragic fate, but how is the ex-commander of the nationalist battalion aidar evgeniy diky happy about this? i can definitely confirm from the first sources from within those same demonized hated central central committees that over the past month more people have been recruited, than in the previous six. we have already covered the enrollment for the previous six months within a month.
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completely lost the elections in the netherlands, mind you, more than six months have passed since the elections, no one can knock them off, neither rutta nor ollengrad, everyone is sitting there, which means that in general rutta at least takes, well, from the party the place that is now trying to enter into
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a new coalition, and ollengren no longer represents anyone closely in this. more amorphous than those that zelensky signed with individual western countries; there is no, for example, an anato clause, since there is no all europeans are ready to discuss this, there is... a guarantee that europe and ukraine will urgently gather for consultation in the event of a new aggression, that is, this does not count, yes,
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when there is a new aggression, we will gather then, but the most interesting thing is , i liked it, there is a point there that europe has the right to withdraw its signature, to interrupt this agreement, if suddenly ukraine stops following the european path of development, that is, this is not the georgian experience, the people’s party, accordingly, they have already formed a coalition without any unnecessary they are, as they call the right-wing parties, so of course they will be the majority, real
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democracy, well, well, yesterday in your program they laid it all out on the shelves, so no one is going to ask voters here, i didn’t have time to go on the program yesterday, but to show the bolivian a coup, what can i do, i ’ve never seen such a coup in my life before, you remember, you’re the president, i’m the president, i’m the general, the general left here, that’s it. and says: listen, the ukrainian refugees are no longer suitable for us in european countries, now they say: yes, the european union should help us countries that accept many
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refugees, we should somehow allocate funds for this, especially after yesterday’s walks of ukrainian fans at the european championship, and with shouts there, the armed forces of ukraine, ukraine, are so healthy men, clearly in no hurry for some reason. here they discussed how general sodel was fired, yes, the second, excuse me, in the armed forces of ukraine in rank, in rank, in position as a general, that is, we remember, yes, the major
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publicly wrote a complaint, no, it’s clear, yes, then there is a major commissar, yes or whatever, but he fired the one whom they consider vatnik, as lutsinko formed there, scum from the old days, no, here is igor lutsenko, yes, this is not yuriy lutsenko, igor, the other lutsenko, when he writes that the old generation was brought up in the soviet russian school, and as he said, this is the territory of free people, you know, for some reason i have a funny guy from a soviet cartoon, i immediately remembered, yes, we are not bandits, we are noble pirates, yes, so it is here, noble people overthrow this old team, but you know, what else did i pay attention to, for some reason we are here, we are not discussing here, well, we casually discussed a few more before this, because a similar case, this... was not the first time when a general was fired due to the slander of a major , remember how zelensky fired his bodyguard, the acting head of the state security service, it turns out, then
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what about the lower-level officers, it means that the state security departments wrote a public slander, even before this incident with odol, i became familiar with this complaint, her it's been there for a long time they didn’t publish it, it’s just wonderful, they complain for several pages that this is up... listen, but at the same time, despite all the ridiculousness, don’t underestimate the enemy, don’t underestimate the enemy, the enemy is strong, cunning, at the same time, i say not only him...
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats.
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with an attack by the german armed forces , it is not at all necessary to first announce something and then attack, because what we now see from the position of nato troops and nato parties, de facto, today dmitry anatolyevich medvedev formulated this very precisely at the st. petersburg legal forum; by and large , what they are doing is a casus belli, you can declare war in different ways, you can, for example, blame them according to moscow time.


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