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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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after they swept the polling stations after the elections, but this is what remains, but only the results, what the party did, yes, what the party is needed for, what, what socially significant results there are, so the projects are a very interesting thing, so we have now gathered those people who are already going to do party projects, federal, and regional too, as far as i understand, this party council was created after new people united with the party of growth, which is why it appeared now.
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yes, that was the way for them to be it’s interesting that they would be interested, but first of all, well, you said about the examination, yes , that is, it will be such an advisory body, these will be meetings for discussion, well, yes, especially since we are very friendly there with the stalypin club, one of its permanent such founders, that is, there is a whole series of connections in the project zone, for example , there is also viktor zavagelsky, who became my deputy in the central council of the party, which is leading the business against project.
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this is a federal program, not even just a project, this is me in action. right now literally only now the fifth season has ended, then 2 are already underway, they don’t start doing it, but they’ve been doing it for many years. this season we have another 35,000 participants who have completed, completed, yes , this educational program, in total there are already more than 130,000 students and about 130,000 schoolchildren who, well, schoolchildren are more like career guidance, what is entrepreneurship. these are the first businesses, because
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it is very important not to imagine, but something, because knowledge is not what you heard, or even what you read, but knowledge, what you can do to do, what you did, this is real knowledge, here are the guys there for the first pre-prandial tournaments, then the next one is a two-month saturation program, where you know what marketing is, what it is to make your own product, service, that’s what a product is, branding , how to name? how to protect this name, first sales, this is all very interesting, this is done by trackers, other students, and those people who fill them with content, large entrepreneurs, about a thousand entrepreneurs lead, help the guys, so to speak, take their first steps in business , and several thousand students are already mentors in this program 2.0, now people have been mentors, senior mentors, leading other students to... master the first steps in business - this is
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of course, not everyone will be its masks, well , of course, the very beginning, understand how it works, in soviet times there was such a program to eliminate illiteracy, you just teach to read, write, it doesn’t mean that it’s how to start a business and we see that a third of people say: and so here you need to know so much, they begin to study further, the third they say: listen, we will do our own business, but in 10 years, when we figure out the profession, someone starts, now we can continue right away, and we are already starting to make such programs in new cities, now the first city that new people are helping to build , mendeleevgrad will be our supporter near veliky novgorod.
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there with cultural centers, by the time you reach or get somewhere, night will already fall, that ’s why we’re making compact cities, the industrial era is over, and we’re still an area for work, an area for living, here we go go back and forth, no, this era is gone, we need to build differently, and new russia means new cities, made in a new way, including, by the way, the concept of cities is in many ways similar to what it was in the 19th century, that is , in a sense, this is a return. and not only traditions, taking into account the convenience of life , so that there is a human size, when you have a five-story house next to it, this is a human format, when it is thirty stories, well, skyscrapers are skyscrapers, and i’m small, that’s why we need such a country, we need a country to live in, that's
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there are many such projects, schools, now four entrepreneurs are starting to finance ordinary public schools, not a new school to be created not only in moscow, as far as i understand in the regions, not in moscow, but in the regions , yes, that is, you take it. for the school to its budget 100 million rubles, you add your personal 30 million, but not just as a one-off, as the boss gave the money there to do whatever you want, and you invest in teachers, first of all, in children, create full-day schools, this is also a big federal project, we'll talk about it later, but here it is just the beginning, yes, as far as i understand, you said four schools, or maybe you can name the regions, we will make a pilot, but these are lipetsk, krasnoyarsk, nizhny novgorod and chelyabinsk, that’s where we are now agreeing with our colleagues, we also need to agree with the school, this here you are...
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it's over, maybe the guys joined the party or were able to build a successful business, as they say, are there any cases, no, there is no goal for them to join the party, because yes, the party initiated this project, but this is done by the captains charity foundation, which i once founded, but the ministry of education and science, the ministry of education,
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rosmolodezh also supports this, and most importantly, vladimir putin supported it, i told you about this project a year and a half ago, there he allocated funding, and most importantly , that we...
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that we realized that even in sunny regions , children from zero to three years old, of course they need vitamin d, when doctors, thank god , prescribe it, well, you know that too, when a person there has a tendency to collapse a child there or something else, they prescribe vitamin d, prescribed, recommended in maternity hospitals, you know, but also the mother...
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tells the second thing, for example, breastfeeding, you know that baby milk, i have my own five children, baby milk,
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mother's milk for a child, this is the best immunity for the future, the biggest capital, this is maternity capital in the full sense of the word, but many of our mothers stop feeding after several months of feeding, plus after six months , almost half of them don’t feed, because there are baits, these dry foods according to different indications, someone has health problems. as an outstanding person, whom we were literally also 3 weeks ago, said, this is a national federal center, where we have about 9.00 births a year, these are very difficult births, often with operations, he says, when a mother is pregnant, she has a little biological age seems to grow a little older, but the child takes a lot of bodies from the body, well, a lot of them are very nourishing , yes, but when you feed, then in a year of feeding you have this...
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to the moscow city duma, yesterday you avoided, on in the municipal elections in st. petersburg , your candidates will also participate, what is he like, this new person, a candidate from new people, describe perhaps the most prominent representatives or this type, really, what does your candidate look like, okay, let's go straight to yesterday , for example, there is elena lisovskaya, this is the fox who rules the block, she has more than a million there, i don’t know, maybe women have seen it too, but she understands more about cars than many men, a year ago she interviewed...
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other different topics, here’s recycling collection, yes the fact that i turned to the president was slightly corrected, the ministry of industrial trade did an excellent job, that is, there are things there. which is necessary not only, yes, not only once, you know, because i didn’t bother with this topic of cars, i have many other topics where i need to study, yes, but she says, if no one is studying, let me i’ll go myself, this is the principle of landing, no one except us, many people are also going, ksenia postovaya, i just told you about it, in our program, no, here, ksenia the guard, she is our head of the party health committee, she is the head of the program, the creator of a new healthy generation, she is also going to the elections in moscow now. because he wants moscow to be a healthier city for children, for example,
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there is school food, you know, moscow, and there are a lot of things there that are not entirely healthy, there are chips, some soda, let’s have money in moscow - that is, let's change the diet a little, what children eat, yes, what children eat, yes, there are a lot of such topics, these are people who know that they want to do it, there are our municipal deputies who are already in the region in their area. they realized that, as he sees, there are things of a higher level, they can be done all over moscow, these are also very pleasing people, in st. petersburg from interesting things, for example, also the former.
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people should constantly, as they should, we are interested in those who are constantly involved in their city, well, who are those who love russia actively, and not just like to talk about russia, this is a very big difference, they often think that politics is chatter, olga , this is not so, politics is always an activity, it is always what remains after you, well, you have active people, entrepreneurs, those who help entrepreneurs, of course not, there are many activists who are not even average entrepreneurs, so one of... by the way, about the regions, yes, in order to carry this agenda, we have now talked about moscow, st. petersburg, what are the plans on a federal scale for this election day, a single voting day, and will you take part in the gubernatorial elections, well, in general this year
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we are participating in elections in 50 regions, if you count the gubernatorial elections together. and metropolitan, and some municipal elections, 50 regions of the company, more than half of russia, and we are participating in seven gubernatorial campaigns, two of them include state duma deputies, in khabarovsk rosa chimiris, she is our deputy for the far east, vladimir plyakin is coming to samara, uh, this is a man who was born in samara, and the city worked there, studied, is now our deputy, understands industry. that is, of course - this is for we have an interesting opportunity and, first of all , to put the region in a slightly different light, when they held mayoral elections in moscow, when they held elections for the governor of the yekaterinburg region, yes, in 2022, you look at the region differently, because even at the city level , he’s like that, you know, he’s
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more about the land, when you look at the region as a whole, you, well, some kind of thinking begins to work. very inclusive, very helpful, the mayor's program we did last year, or the governor's program for the twenty-second year in yekaterinburg, in the sverdov region, they directly, you know, you can see how step by step we understand more, we grow, so any gubernatorial elections are a psychic view, you see what the region needs, people tell you, you can’t come up with something like this yourself, but it’s a completely different scale, a different scale, and it’s very useful, yes, the party is 4 years old, so here we need to recruit, recruit, for...
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tax changes, what changes your party proposes, maybe for the second reading, yes, what amendments, in general the bill is understandable, because money is really needed now, for a lot of things, we are proposing two of these, two packages of amendments, the first is related to the tax on individuals, the tax on wages, first of all, there are literally two big innovations, the first, if your family already has a mortgage for the main apartment, for the only apartment, and you scored three. four with the purpose of investing apartments in a mortgage, one is where you live, yes, then let’s leave them a tax, not 15%, but leave 13, for those people who earn up to 5 million, that’s very a small group, there are a million of them, half of them have mortgages, this is a lot of money, they say, let the rich pay more, people who receive more than 2000 rubles a month, yes 200 to 400, what is 5
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million, this is 4000 salary, these people get 250, 300, yes, come on. this same 13%, because these are not some, you know, some oligarchs there, these are workers highly, yes , we pay, engineers, yes, these are engineers, well, you know, even couriers can now earn there more than 200 thousand each there, that’s why these are these people, these are not some, you know, rich people, let’s leave it to them, this is a second mortgage, if you already have two children, then not only for those who have very little money, like for one and a half times, let's leave 13% for all of them. well, we want people to give birth, to raise their children, not just give birth, abandon them, give birth, raise them, all these are huge expenses, clothes, getting ready for school, clubs, this is a big expense. why do we become attached to them? this is the first package of the second package of the industry, i will not go into detail about everything that we have proposed, but look, there are so-called priority industries, this government
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called them priority, these are 13 industries, there were 11, now there are 13 industries, this is agricultural transport engineering, this is shipbuilding, automotive industry, this is, for example, chemistry, this is pharmaceuticals, medicine, there are so many categories, but, but, but not all industries, and indeed there is a huge restructuring going on there, people have already invested huge amounts of money there over the past 2.5-3 years, well, what is the proposal, what can be done, let’s leave a tax for these industries no profit 25%, but 20, because you know, in order for the industry to develop, of course, they don’t make investments anymore, so what’s the point of collecting taxes from them, especially if the interest rate on loans were 3%, 5 or seven, if not as before, the interest rate there is now under 20, because only the central bank rate is 16, loans. dears, you also have a tax, you can only develop from profit, now the tax is still taking money from you, let’s leave less for those who invest, here is our proposal, well, there is a discussion, now let’s see if it will be possible
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whether to make it or not, it’s an important proposal, i hope the ministry of finance will hear you and these amendments will be adopted. alexey gennady, thank you very much, thank you for taking the time, thank you.
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let's tell you how this day is remembered in history right now. hello. june 28, 1560.
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intensified contradictions with the russian kingdom. the polish-lithuanian commonwealth took part in the levon war, in alliance with the swedes, which led to the fact that russia was again driven back from the baltic sea. and in times of troubles , the polish-lithuanian army captured moscow and decided who would take the russian throne. the conquerors eventually had to leave, but the confrontation continued throughout the 16th century. but then the polish-lithuanian commonwealth weakened due to the lack of a strong central government, the willfulness of the gentry, and oppression. on june 28
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, 1914 , fatal shots rang out in sarajevo, today the capital of bosnia and herzegovina, which started the first world war. serbian high school student gavrila princip shot the heir to the austro-hungarian throne , ertz-duke franz ferdinand, and his wife. countess sophia khotok. was behind the assassination attempt serbian organization black hand, which fought for the liberation of the south slavs from the rule of vienna. the plan of the terrorists - the duke's killers on the road from the station to the town hall during the visit, misfired after misfire. the first and second did not dare to throw a grenade, only the third threw a bomb. the explosion injured 20 people, but the heir to the throne survived. already on the way from the town hall, gavrilo princip cut his hair. before his death, franz ferdinand repeated. turning to his wife: don’t die, live for the sake of our children, but her wounds were fatal. austria-hungary decided to punish serbia, but
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russia came to the defense of the small slavic country. which was supported by the allies, a terrible war began that reshaped the world. over 4 years , more than 10 million military personnel died in the first world war, and in russia there were even more than a million civilians. on june 28, 1967, israel annexed east jerusalem. 20 years earlier, the un assigned the whole of jerusalem, the holy city and the center of three world religions, a special international status. status as a separate unit under the control of this international organization, but after the first arab-israeli war, the western part of the city went to israel, and the eastern part to jordan. in june sixty-seven , a six-day war took place, in which the arab states suffered another defeat, and israel further increased its territories. and on this day, the knesset completed amendments to the legislative acts that expanded the municipal boundaries of jerusalem, now
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completely under control. by the majority of the world community, including the ussr, and then modern russia, which believes, like him, that the holy city should be the capital two states, jewish and arab, and open to followers of all three religions. on june 28, 1991 , one of the most successful international economic organizations of the 20th century, the north or council for mutual economic assistance, ceased to exist. the protocol on its liquidation was signed in budapest at the forty-sixth meeting of the organization. tsef was created in 1949 on the initiative of the ussr to ensure the restoration and economic growth of socialist countries as opposed to western europe, which was helped by the united states.
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at first. the organization included the ussr, bulgaria, hungary, poland, romania and czechoslovakia. then albania, later she left the organization and the gdr. it was these countries that suffered the most damage during world war ii. but already in the seventies they provided a third of world industrial production. starting with the coordination of mutual supplies, the federation council moved to cooperation in almost all areas of production, science and technology. for settlements , they created a common currency, the transferable ruble. and the international bank for economic cooperation, among megaprojects organizations, unified energy system mir and the oil pipeline-friendship. this is what this day in history was like.
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here, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and... relationships , we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more deeply at the exhibition russia.
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