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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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make a proposal for rapid response measures to nato provocations over the black sea equator. what other instructions did defense minister anariwal give to the general staff? pre-election debates of the us presidential candidate, how the verbal duel between biden and trump ended, what topics became central and who ultimately won, according to expert viewers. there are more than a thousand flooded people in the primorsky region. floods of houses and garden plots. the most difficult situation is in dalnerechensk. in seven settlements it is completely absent. transport connection. when the water goes down. purposefulness perseverance vladimir putin congratulated russian graduates on graduating from school. how russian schools prepare for graduation and what will surprise the organizers of scarlet porus in st. petersburg. defense minister andrei
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belousov instructed the general staff to make a proposal for a rapid response to the us provocation with drones flying over the black sea. this was reported to the russian ministry of defense. the military department noted that the activity of american drones is noticeable grew. they are used, among other things, to indicate targets for strikes with precision weapons. their flights increase the likelihood of incidents with russian aircraft, the ministry of defense noted, adding that this increases the risk of direct confrontation between nato and russia. responsibility of the case. in the zaporozhye region, russian intelligence officers discovered a fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces and then destroyed it, while our fighters continued observations, this helped to achieve new success when reinforcements arrived to the militants. report on the military show correspondent igor pikhanov. scouts from the southern military district are moving forward on a combat mission; the unit is searching for enemy positions in the orekhovsk direction. ukrainian militants do not stop trying.
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strategic points, our fighters methodically identify and destroy the fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces. in the gray zone, fighters lift a drone into the sky; here you can only use prepared equipment with special firmware, otherwise the militants can detect our drone. the copter surveys the area and locates an enemy observation point. information with the coordinates of the target is transmitted to the fpv drone operator, and soon the dugout is destroyed with a precise strike. all this is laid out and attached to the drone. take-off, search for the target is already reset, the bag opens, fills, aligns the projectile, and it fires accurately, hitting the target straight into the ground. a ukrainian pickup truck is approaching the destroyed dugout, perhaps it is reinforcements, an anti-tank gun crew is working on the militants, a guided projectile neutralizes the enemy, a special forces detachment regularly uses anti-tank systems, to their credit a burnt leopard and many other military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. both western and
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soviet-made. active actions are being taken here both on our side and on the enemy’s side. recently , more than five strongholds and observation posts were recaptured, and crews of anti-tank guns, heavy grenade launchers, and heavy heavy machine guns were destroyed there. as a result, they occupied a very vast area. after completing the mission, the fighters return to base: uav crews are constantly improving their equipment and developing new types of systems for dropping projectiles. ways to increase flight range. the center for the production of weapons is located in close proximity to the line of combat contact. we are improving, constantly, developing. and only intelligence helps us to be ahead, at least one step. therefore, we have come to the conclusion that we ourselves are already manufacturing various modifications of the vipiwe drone, from light to heavy, in order to hit objects.
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open objects, armored targets, we also print various types of ammunition on 3d printers, the use of drones in zone of special combat operations has become widespread, drones help our soldiers conduct reconnaissance, destroy military equipment, and deliver ammunition to the front line. the unit’s specialists were awarded departmental and state awards for their courage and professionalism. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. the first election debate of presidential candidates took place in the united states. joe biden and donald trump fought a verbal duel in the studio of the cnn television channel, the discussions lasted an hour and a half, which topics became central and who won according to viewers and experts, our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, will tell you. for the debate in atlanta, biden and trump arrived 2 hours apart, both straight from the airport.
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first question about inflation: joe biden looks faded, speaks slowly, in a dull and hoarse voice, accuses trump of leaving chaos in the country when they started talking about abortion, biden is the first to test the new rules of debate several times he tried to accuse trump of lying, but the microphone, like... in his headquarters turned out to be turned off. the insults began 25 minutes into the debate. biden gives in to emotions and, remembering his late son, whom his opponent allegedly once mentioned, attacks trump. my son was not a failure and a loser, you are a loser.
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a quote about trump being a loser and a loser immediately appeared on biden’s pages on social networks, and this was the harshest attack against trump during the debate throughout. put forward by the russian president to stop the fire and sit down at the negotiating table. i will stop this war between putin and zelensky as president, as a presidential candidate. people die completely unnecessarily . he claims that he would like to restore the soviet union. he doesn't need
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part of ukraine, he needs the whole country. the topic of ukraine came up several times during these debates. biden again scared that russia would attack nato, and trump again accused biden of corruption. ties with kiev, is that its administration has already spent hundreds of billions of dollars on arming the zelensky regime. biden gave zelensky $200 billion for the armed conflict, this is very big money. zelensky is perhaps the best salesman of any politician who has ever lived. every time he comes to our country, he leaves with $60 billion in his pocket. storming the capitol on january 6 and having sex with a porn actress, this is how biden tried to discredit trump. trump blamed biden for the migration crisis and drug addiction epidemic in the united states. by the end of the debate , it was already obvious that biden was losing this battle, not only in meaning, but in form. the republican recalled that he passed two mental ability tests, and the current president refused. during
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the debate, america realized exactly why. i took the cognitive ability test twice. biden has never done this. health, i every year. i check, i have it very good, i just won two golf championships, and he would n’t throw the ball at 50 m, i’m in better shape than i was 20-25 years ago. biden uttered his final words with his last breath; biden’s wife, jill, led him away from the podium. trump left the stage himself. will there be a second round of debates, who will take part in it from democrats? now, perhaps, the main question of the american election race. now there is real panic in the democrats’ camp, after all. urgently change to another candidate, but leading him to victory over trump 2 months
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before the election is almost impossible. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from atlanta, georgia. even his associates give such assessments of joe biden’s performance at the debates; as the political publication reports, one member of the president’s party is now discussing something that could not be discussed before, a replacement candidate. this information is confirmed by cnn, according to him, there is real panic in the ranks of the democrats. nbc believes party members have committed collective suicide, and the debate is the nail in biden's political coffin. political strategists note that the head of the white house looks tired, muttered and sounded hoarse. the real winner of the debate, according to elon musk, was internet memes. they have flooded all social networks, candidates are compared with recruits and they give their verdict. trump - quote: gave biden a good roast. and someone in the us president saw similarities with the main the villain from the simpsons, the elderly
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mantomeribers. today in new york, the russian minister of internal affairs held a meeting. working meeting with my sudanese colleague, i remind you that vladimir kolokoltsev is participating in the summit of heads of police departments, states, and un members. at a meeting with the head of the ministry of internal affairs of sudan, he expressed support. such as the un and interpol. when it is not possible to defeat the russian federation during a military clash, attempts are made to shake up the situation from within. that's why these terrorist attacks that we see which we prevent, which we suppress.
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we sympathize with the entire russian people, this is our human position, we cannot do otherwise in light of the sacrifices your country has suffered. as for cooperation between our countries, it is based on warm relations between our peoples and between the leadership of both states. we proceed from the fact that we are united by common positions at various international platforms and intend to adhere to this approach in the future. more than a thousand house plots. flooded leashes in primorye, transport links are blocked with seven settlements, they can only be reached by boats or
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special transport, the most difficult situation is in dalnerechensk, the operational headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations has been deployed there, additional rescue forces have been sent, report by maria yezhevskaya, kittens, kittens there, children, women they are leaving their houses, there is a lot of water already in the courtyards of private buildings in dalnerechensk, somewhere it has entered the houses, forecast, no precipitation, sun on the street.
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with this baby, so that here now , here, the second year, the second year, that’s how white the river was cleaned, it all started, there are no valves, it turns out that the metal workers cut it all out, there are just pipes there, as for the assessment of assistance to the victims, the region will certainly help, here is the municipality, and the lost property, which means the municipality will pass other acts, people are not paying attention they won’t stay, well, now the most important thing is to create all the conditions so that people can be helped in a timely manner. additional special equipment arrived in the city to
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eliminate the consequences; at night, work began to boil on the dam of the bolshaya usurka river. somewhere in this place, in this place, yes, yes, yes. a headquarters has been set up in dalnerechensk, the head of the region has set the task for local administration employees, together with rescuers, to be on duty on every flooded street in the city, to help people and prevent evaporation. drove by, looked, uh, there are enough such people, at the same time you are still there, you are
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there, you are there with people, not here, that means you are, monitoring the situation together with the rescuers, driving around, communicating with the residents, which means you bring them here in the evening - the results, as oleg kozhimyako noted, after the gathering water will conduct an analysis of what support measures need to be sent to agricultural producers, heads with commissions will work on helping the victims. maria yezhevskaya, news. primorye. in a video message, vladimir putin congratulated the students who are saying goodbye to school these days. proms are taking place all over the country. the head of state noted that the guys are in for an exciting one.
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accomplishments, outstanding achievements, victories. happy holiday to you. russian regions will be able to introduce a tourist tax starting next year. the ministry of development will soon present your suggestions. currently, such a mechanism is operating in our country as part of an experiment. alena logvinova will tell you what results it brings.
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starting next year, tourist taxes can be applied throughout the country. minecon development together with representatives of hotel chains and russian.
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they asked that there be smooth paths, that the lake be landscaped, that children would not get into the mud, and so on, so it was precisely for the improvement of this territory that we approached this complex, starting initially with lake, the lake was landscaped, clay approaches to the lake were removed, natural stone finishing was done, a pier was also made, from january 1, 2025, regions will be able to decide whether or not to install a resort fee on their territory, as well as the size of the rate. the basic offer is 6,000 rubles. per quarter per room, that is, a little more than 65 rubles. per day. at the same time, regions will be able to use a reduction factor from zero to one, depending on seasonality and occupancy. what is important is the tax amount is immediately included in cost of living. due to this, the hotel owner will definitely not be able to transfer funds
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past the cash register. now the tourist pays the fee separately. hotels are very closely interconnected with development. accommodation, the tax will help compensate for the deterioration of the infrastructure, it turns out that the regions will improve exactly what tourists and local residents need, and therefore contribute to the growth of the flow of travelers. the tourist uses the city’s infrastructure, depreciates it, and of course, it is necessary to restore, create new opportunities,
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modernization or introduction of navigation to make it more convenient for tourists to travel, creation of various guidebooks or electronic means of transmitting information to make tourists comfortable. tourist tax on hotel rooms is levied in many countries around the world; the rate offered in russia is one of the lowest. alena logvinova, vesti. the most popular place in the village of yantarny, kaliningrad region. the central beach may be left without vacationers and it’s not a matter of weather. authorities demand removal from the area numerous cafes. as an entrepreneur roman brazhnikov filed a statement of claim demanding that the federal property management agency remove catering outlets from the central beach in yantarny. at the request of the prosecutor's office of the kaliningrad region, the territorial
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administration sent to the arbitration court of the kaliningrad region a statement of claim against the administration of the municipal formation of the yantarny city district, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for the obligation to vacate part of the land plot that is the property of the russian federation. federation by dismantling non-stationary retail facilities. that is, we were brought in, since we had an agreement concluded with the municipality, an official agreement, yes, which we had concluded from the first year of our existence here, we, as third parties, were brought to court so that we, so to speak, would demolish our buildings and move away from here , all the cafes on the central beach of yantarny were built from scratch, the entrepreneurs thought that their business was serious for a long time, but now 26 cafes are under threat of demolition, about 500 people could be left without work. these are mainly residents of yantarny and donskoy. many owners are still paying off loans, regularly paying taxes, and improving the quality of service. simon manukyan
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involved the whole family in the business from the very beginning. everything was created on our own and everything was done with our own hands. every year, winter, summer, it doesn’t matter, yes, well, uh, they made it more beautiful, more comfortable for people, created infrastructure here, so to speak, then with a colleague. they pulled water and sewer here, this is the only thing we have, well, it’s like taking everything away. an ambiguous reaction from the federal property management department was caused by the fact that contracts for the placement of non-stationary cafes of entrepreneurs were concluded with the municipal authorities of the amber plant; the state land was already leased from the amber plant. according to the intended purpose, in this place, where we are now, amber mining should take place, and this has been going on for... there, for 10 years, how long this site is being rented out, it has never been done, before there was an amber quarry at this place, after the reclamation of the territory not used by tenants for about 20 years,
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entrepreneurs have a hard time believing that they are going to start mining solar stone again. the statement of claim from the federal property management agency speaks only about the demolition of retail space and not a word about the promenade, toilets, rescue towers; it is not clear how amber will be mined here if part of the infrastructure remains.
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located in state municipal property based on the layout scheme. the layout scheme falls within the competence of executive authorities and is approved by the council of deputies of the amber city districts. the entrepreneurs themselves hope that the controversial situation will be resolved by a settlement agreement, which will be beneficial for the plant, small businesses, and the village itself. vladimir gladyuk, stanislav berdnikov, lead kaliningrad. musicians under the vaults. the second international art forum maqom has opened in uzbekistan. artists from eighty countries came to it. maqom is an ancient vocal-instrumental genre
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whose compositions form the bulk of the musical heritage of many muslim peoples. among the participants, winners competitions and the famous jizzakh ensemble. the program includes not only music, but also scientific conferences, and guests will also be introduced to the local way of life and traditions. will show national costumes, art objects, handicrafts. to the opening. connect your sberm subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to films and tv series wokko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70%.
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