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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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cooperation at all levels in vitebsk there is a forum of regions of russia and belarus, what topics are being discussed and what statements have already been made, a political duel. the first presidential election debate of presidential candidates took place in the united states, what was the heated debate around and who won according to the audience? they distributed portfolios and promised assistance to kiev, how did the eu summit end, are all eu members happy with its results? congratulations and parting words vladimir putin congratulated the young people who this year finished school, how do they celebrate graduations in different regions? well, let's start with the latest news. minutes, vladimir putin signed a decree
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on monthly compensation payments to military personnel serving under a contract, and the president instructed the government to determine the procedure for making this payment within two months. 250 agreements and contracts worth 24 billion rubles have already been concluded within the framework of the forum of regions of russia and belarus. these figures were given by vladimir putin in his address to the participants. the president called the growth in trade turnover a record, and russia investment leader. about 800 delegates from most regions of both countries attended the eleventh meeting. read more about the work of the forum from our own correspondent anastasia sakhovskaya. there are 800 delegates in the hall, the absolute majority of russian regions, all regions of belarus, interregional ties, a strong framework of the union state. more than 60% of belarusian foreign trade transactions occur in russia. we are still the main partners and allies with a record trade turnover of $46.5 billion. along the line
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regions, a lot is being done historically and for the future about innovation, strengthening technological sovereignty and increasing defense capability, they say at all levels, right up to the highest, the presidents addressed the forum participants. the task of introducing new technologies into all spheres of economic life, the development of science-intensive industries and agriculture, is now being actively pursued in russia and belarus. it's necessary. in the period until 2035, russia and belarus will implement a number of joint high-tech projects for import substitution, launching new advanced production facilities and introducing competitive products with high added value to the market. belarus and russia
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have all the necessary conditions for this. we have preserved the best scientific schools, have a strong material base, are implementing a unified industrial policy and are forming a unified scientific and technological space. and most importantly, we have powerful human potential. russia and belarus are jointly designing satellite components groups are working to create a lung.
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and this document defines a whole range of promising areas of joint work, from the development of high-tech medicine and artificial intelligence, to innovative mechanical engineering and mega science class projects. this is not just recognition of the success and high efficiency of this format of cooperation, but evidence of the steady increase in its role in the institutional sphere. system of the union state in deepening the belarusian-russian integration construction. our countries continue to succeed develop, defending and developing union integration, taking into account national interests. a forum for three cities, two of the oldest in belarus , vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk, one of the youngest symbols of historical ties at the current stage of development, they talked about becoming even closer at a meeting with the heads of regions. traditionally, border regions cooperate closely, but they are already connected.
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at the moment , regional state programs in the field of scientific and technological development are being developed in pilot mode in twenty regions, and these programs set specific tasks, goals, indicators are measurable for the scientific and technological development
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of specific regions and formulate, in essence, the sectoral and technological specialization of the subjects. the investment climate turned out to be even better than predicted, with more than 250 contract agreements for a total amount of more than. organization, in the gomel region, the military found a cache with two kilograms of explosives. in the same area, air defense forces intercepted a drone that was reconnaissance of the situation in the border area. due to the current situation near the state border, the rszzo division polones went to the designated area with full ammunition. the first
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election debate of presidential candidates took place in the united states . joe biden and donald trump fought in a glorious duel in the cnn studio. the discussion lasted an hour and a half. what topics? the disagreement between them becomes clear immediately: both take their places behind the stands, without greetings, handshakes or even looking at each other. first question about inflation: joe biden looks dull, speaks slowly, in a dull and hoarse voice, blames trump for leaving behind
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the country is in chaos. when they started talking about abortion, biden was the first to experience the new rules of debate. several times he tried to accuse trump of lying, but the microphone, as they wanted at his headquarters, was turned off. the insults began 25 minutes into the debate. biden gives in to emotions and, remembering his late son, whom his opponent allegedly once mentioned, attacks trump. my son was not a failure and a loser, you are a loser. a quote about trump being a loser and a loser immediately appeared on biden’s page on social networks, and it was the most a harsh attack against trump during the debate, which was watched across the country by more than 60% of americans surveyed. trump looks great, but biden looks as old as ever. so far, biden is holding up well, but we'll see how this long debate goes. i think joe will perform poorly. biden is telling the truth, i think he is
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really good, on some issues he can delay faith. regarding relations with russia and the conflict in ukraine, the presenters ask a separate question: are trump and biden ready to accept the conditions?
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trump blamed biden for the migration crisis and drug addiction epidemic in the united states. by the end of the debate , it was already obvious that biden was losing this battle not only in meaning, but in form.
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even his associates, according to the political publication, the president’s party members, are giving joe biden a speech at the debates; they are now discussing something that could not be discussed before. replacement of the candidate. this information is confirmed by cnn. according to journalists,
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there is real panic in the ranks of the democrats. nbc believes that party members have committed collective suicide, and the debate has become a nail in biden's political coffin. political strategists note: the head of the white house looked tired, muttered and sounded hoarse. the real winner of the debate, according to elon musk, was internet memes. they flooded all social networks. candidates are compared. with repellers and give their verdict. trump - quote: gave biden a good roast. and someone in the us president saw a resemblance to the main villain from simpson in the elderly montgomery burns. as the american media write, the debates raised concerns not only among biden’s party members, but also among democratic party donors. let’s ask maria slobodyanskaya about who finances the biden and trump campaigns and whose interests lie behind them. maria, hello, what are the budgets of these companies? hello, both candidates already have more than $350 million.
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we need a new candidate. after today's debate, members of the democratic party began to actively discuss the possibility of replacing joe biden. the politician writes about this with reference to his source. and one of the key reasons is the dissatisfaction of sponsors, because victory in american elections have long been ensured not only by the sympathies of the electorate. behind each candidate there are certain structures, businesses and other organizations that give. money to support them with the expectation that if he wins , he will promote their interests, and until recently , almost all the largest it giants were bidens in the country, we are talking about technology corporations alphabet, microsoft, amazon and many others. if we talk about trump, then even during the last presidential race his country was dominated by the country’s military-industrial complex, the postal national business service. this time , oil and gas corporations actively joined the company. on biden's side, this is the alphabet company, which includes google, and this is
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microsoft, amazon, this is the banned facebook, this is apple, universal pictures, netflix, paramount, uh, sony, the same walt disney, uh, the pharmaceutical company merk and a number of others if we take trump, then trump is supported by the ministry of defense, the army itself, and the post office. states, new york stock exchange, walmart. as the american media write. the main reason why these large corporations are supported by democratic candidates - this is a loyalty to their activities, in particular some tech giants, whose actions under trump have led to antitrust investigations, hope to maintain their influence if biden wins. when looking at which ceos are backing candidates, none of the 500
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are backing the republican candidate , a historical anecdote that harkens back to the days of william teft, calvin coolidge and ronald reagan. nevertheless, usually a representative of the republican party had 40-60% support, now it is zero, and the same situation was in 2016. and yet , now, as the new york times writes, even ... individual companies that are very strongly inclined to support biden, since they are democrats in their views and to them, this candidate, but it must be said that in terms of promoting
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interests business, companies will now strive to invest in both biden and trump in approximately equal proportions. according to the open space portal, by the end of may in biden's committee had $231 million, funds raised from outside were about 158 ​​million. trump's official committee turned out to be a little more modest, $195 million, almost the same amount was raised through alternative sources, and a significant increase in private investments began to be observed in the last couple of months. after the debate, in principle, on the issues, well, somewhere, probably, 2/3 still gave victory to trump, that is , it seems to me that his victory in the debate is obvious, but he is generally pragmatic about business, that is, businessmen, they they understand perfectly well that in general it is necessary to support the person, yes, behind whom
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the majority stands, in this sense, of course, administrative resources. trump allocated less than a third for this article. however, after today's debate, analysts agree that even large investments are unlikely to help biden maintain his position. image in the media. according to cnbc, some of the leading donors of the democratic party contacted the editorial office 15 minutes after the start of the broadcast, their concerns about biden’s condition, and therefore the safety of their interests, can significantly change the course of the company. for headaches, there is ascafen p at
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to sber from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sber subscription. defense minister andrei belousov instructed the general staff to make an operational proposal. responding to nato provocations over the black sea. the military department notes that the intensity of flights of us strategic drones has increased noticeably. drones capable of reconnaissance and indicating targets for strikes with high-precision weapons are supplied to ukraine by the west. each such flight greatly increases the likelihood incidents with our aircraft. this in turn increases the risk of direct confrontation between nato and russia. in the event of such a development of events, the ministry of defense places responsibility on the alliance countries. employees of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices attacked one of the residents of kiev, they tied him up right on the road, not paying attention to passing cars, one of them could easily hit people, but
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women passing by quickly came to the man’s rescue; after a short verbal altercation, the security forces had to release the victim. but in ivanofrankovsk a little earlier, it seems the story turned out differently: the man called for help for a long time, but the passer-by at first walked by without concern. and the crowd began to gather only when the military had almost pushed the future conscript into the room. into the car, judging by the footage, eyewitnesses could no longer help. the process of appointing key positions in the eu resembles a coup d'état. this assessment was made by italian deputy prime minister matteo salvini. he recalled that millions of europeans voted in the elections to change europe, but instead they got the same faces. how reacted in the old world to the nominations, our european correspondent, regina sebastianova, will tell you. she is in direct contact with the studio. regina, hello. are there those who? did not support the nominated candidatures, hello, it was the prime minister of italy, giorgia meloni , who showed integrity and refused to support the candidacies of alberto costa and kai
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callas, among those appointments that were agreed in advance by six of the 27 eu countries. regarding the reappointment of ursula fonderlei to the post of president of the european commission, here she abstained, despite the fact that several european leaders before the start of the summit tried to persuade milone to soften his tone. did not do this, that here they perceive something unequivocally similar in the person of the prime minister of italy, another opponent has appeared in brussels, which in the future could seriously complicate the dialogue between official rome and brussels, while melonia herself stated that these appointments, which the day before were the majority approved by the leaders of the european union countries, are essentially incorrect in form, and italy, according to her, will still receive what what it deserves. a proposal formulated by the european people. party by socialists and liberals about the new european leadership is incorrect in method and substance, i decided not to support it out of respect for the citizens and the result obtained in the elections. we will continue to work
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to finally give italy the weight it deserves in europe. mark rueton, for example, said that voting against it is, in principle, normal. once every 5 years , the leaders of the european union countries make a decision not by majority consensus and a manifestation of another glance is acceptable here. however, diplomacy on mark's part.
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the discussion of appointments took place without callos and ursula fondean, the women had to leave the room, ursula vonderleen still has to endure a vote in the european parliament, it is scheduled for july 18, then she needs to get half the votes of the european parliament plus one, the federal chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, for example, expressed confidence that she would succeed, but he did not specify whether the socialists would support her candidacy, which he himself represents as to. by the way, he will not have any more votes, but there is another obstacle directly in portugal, the investigation is currently ongoing, antonia costa is suspected of influence trading, so far no official charges have been brought against him, but at the final press conference, neither charles michel nor ursula fonder did not answer this question, but
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the current prime minister. european council, this is a huge responsibility in times of geopolitical tension. there is a war going on in europe, growing instability throughout the world, which is also a major challenge for european foreign policy. my goal is to work for european unity, to protect european interests and values ​​in a tense geopolitical situation, and to build a global partnership. the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán also voted against the reappointment of ursela
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fondelien, abstaining on the issue. the appointment of kai kallos and supported the appointment of antonio costa, while the position of hungary is now especially important, at the summit there was a symbolic transfer of the presidency of the european union from belgium to hungary, while belgian prime minister alexandre droz could not resist commenting, saying that by receiving the presidency of the european union, nevertheless, you do not become the boss of europe - he told viktor orban. the issue of appointments, as the most important one at this summit , was discussed last; by this time the leaders had already discussed finances. questions to argue around the strategy proposed by berlin and paris from strategic changes in the european union in the next 5 years abandon statements about new defense spending , in particular taking out new loans for defense issues, especially since, for example, ursuna fondern stated that in the next 10 years defense investments will cost the alliance 500 billion euros, while it is not clear whether these amounts include figures for the transfer of weapons for
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ukraine. yes, regina, thank you for your detailed story; our european correspondent regina sevastyanova was in direct contact. now there is a short pause and we will continue, do not switch. if we have sports, then with records. if a holiday, then a folk one. we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more
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achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. we watch to understand the world. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake, change your voice.


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