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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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many displaced people talk about the prison they went through. my grandfather belonged to the emigrants from the western part of belarus, who emigrated in the hundreds of thousands. everyone knows about the first wave of emigration after the revolution. and there was another one and a half. belarusians from poland begins in 33-34. there was a lot of land here
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, tigers came by the legs and took them, here in paraguay, there were immigrants from eastern europe, there were a lot of foxes, the foxes themselves, so that they were accepted with pleasure, master, what your summer will be like, with huge discounts, summer will be delicious, everything for your summer. at the megamarket, for example, a set of kitchen knives from the giftful japanese brand for 1,599 rubles. attacked by credit card debt? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently pay off them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. try more this summer. free delivery delicious point in yandex food. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. i am. colored water for
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clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. does your business need acceleration? open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb helps with action. tadam. you don't eat mayonnaise, do you? now i eat it because the brand i love to cook has created a new pure mayonnaise. without sugar, without vinegar and without starch, it is just as tasty, mayonnaise is pure, bright taste, more useful, for the first time on the screens, meet, on avito, on avito, khvatamba has arrived and discounts to people from people, only up to 7 july hvatamba for so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito, investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open the first one.
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90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair, take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. this is not the opening of the swimming season, this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from ostrovok. book hotels and apartments take part in the drawing. magnet - the price is what you need. 1299. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can have 20,
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i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out that you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money you have your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit composition. 20%. financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. roman burger and roman chicken burger pairings at a great price. in italian delicious, period. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. all will proceed as booked. and with cashback and bonuses. the loyalty program with ber thank you has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every. choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10% per month. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with
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a subscription with berprime. now it's time for economic news. russia will soon become the largest gas supplier to china, announced head of gazprom alexey miller. so, next year supplies across siberia will reach 38 billion cubic meters per year. the far eastern route will be launched in 2027 and will add another 10 billion cubic meters. at the same time , the company sees great potential for strengthening relations with all countries that are interested in stable energy operations based on clean and efficient fuel. vtb received 16 billion rubles in profit from the sale of blocked assets, they were bought by another sanctioned russian bank, this is the first such transaction in the domestic market, said the first deputy chairman of vtb dmitry pyanov. the briefcase was sold at a discount; the top manager did not name the size of the discount. let me remind you that at the end of the year, vtb estimated its blocked
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assets at 900 billion rubles. the moscow exchange returned to brokers their clients dollars and euros stuck due to sanctions. currency is returned in full , with the exception of that. what is in foreign banks is stated in the message of the site. the conversion took place at the central rate of the national clearing center, 89 rubles. 20 kopecks for a dollar and 95 rubles 80 cop. per euro. let me remind you that on june 12, the us treasury added the moscow exchange to the sanctions list. after this, trading in the us dollar, hong kong dollar and euro was stopped on the site. and the eu candidate countries, georgia, moldova and serbia, did not join the decision on the transfer to kiev. income from frozen russian assets, said the head of european diplomacy, josep borel. under the terms of admission to the european union, the state is obliged to support all foreign policy decisions of brussels. therefore, the position of these three countries is irritating in eu institutions. it was economic news.
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short. in the united states, they are constantly analyzing the results of the debate between joe biden and donald trump, discussing not only who turned out to be more convincing, but also who will even run for president this fall. biden's candidacy is still in question, however, many are dissatisfied with trump, about what american politics has become, and what this means for the whole world, in the america program with valentin bogdanov, immediately after the advertisement, business needs acceleration, open current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. tab, let's help with business. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first. someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us.
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stay in cean for a daily stay. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out that you can open a deposit in different ones at once, for money you have your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange is not mating season of parrots, this is a promotional code for
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sberbank shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank application online, if my dream came true, such a life would come true. start a wonderful life with a sber prime subscription, get more cashback for purchases, and access to movies and music in sber is more profitable with prime. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. if we
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want to know about the main trends, then we turn to gerald silente. if nostradamus were alive today, he would not have kept up with him. about 15 years ago, the hosts of cnn, nbc and fox news presented our today's interlocutor in exactly this way on their broadcasts. since then, gerald celente in his assessment is indeed. the united states has only become more accurate and merciless, the latter frightening the american information stream. when federal american broadcasts stopped calling, selente became his own television, this is his way, years later it will go, for example, tucker carlson, but gerald with his italian charisma still doesn’t imitate the bronx native. and also, who started out as a political consultant to celente, publishes
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a magazine called trends. the headquarters is in this ancient mansion in kingston, in the hudson valley, the town where the first constitution of the state of new york was written, as if the fruit of that passing america, the founding fathers, the roaring twenties, the great depression of the baby boom, to whose generation he himself and belongs. but what does the usa have in the future, distant and not very distant, this is what we talk about talk. gerald, thank you very much for the opportunity of this interview, we have known each other for more than 10 years and it is always a great pleasure for me to communicate with you. i can say that over the years i have been amazed at the accuracy of your assessments of trends in american politics and the financial sector. tell us about the trends 5 months before the us election and would you say you're upset?
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the number of americans who have an unfavorable view of the republican candidate, the democratic candidate at the highest level in 30 years, that's what the study says, they call it... an election we call it a presidential reality show, a debate between goofy and donald duck, two characters from comic books and cartoons. one character has gone completely crazy, and everyone around him can see it, and the other is only worried about himself, what about me, what about me, what will happen to me, this is not a democracy, this is not a republic, just look at the facts. here reuters writes:
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“gaming magnate adelson will lead financial support group for donald trump and mining tycoon.” casino owner. it's like that in america. if you don't have money, no one will choose you anywhere. they call it the government, i call it a crime syndicate. how do you like this? trump's company received $60 million from one person, bbc reports. that man was billionaire conservative timothy melon. melon comes from a family of bankers. and it is the bankers who control america. are you in doubt? then tell me, who headed the federal reserve, what was her name? jannette? yes, and what is she doing now? oh yes, he heads the us treasury department. you there are still doubts about who is running the banquet. now let's look at the other side, billionaire michael bloomberg gave almost 20 million to biden and it continues, it's a big game. what are these elections all about?
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what are the most important topics for ordinary americans: the economy, illegal migration? and what else? what is the main thing? in '92, when clinton was elected, there was a phrase: "it's the economy, fool." this question is still number one. i call americans plantation workers in a slave country, and i don't only americans, but all of europe too. these pigs literally took over everything. in my childhood there were private shops, host goods, groceries, pharmacies. now these are all retail chains that own literally everything. politicians sold this country. they say that... they donate to the election campaign, only idiots and imbeciles will believe this, because these are, in fact, bribes and kickbacks, politicians were bought to take everything for themselves, those who run this show need votes nothing more, so they will talk about emigration, about the economy, about what worries ordinary americans, but not about the war in israel and ukraine, because these questions are very
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uncomfortable, so yes, the main topics will be the economy and immigration. also the question: is biden capable of governing the country if he is out of his mind? it is very interesting. is it possible to say with confidence that donald trump and joe biden will be the candidates in the presidential election? or there may still be surprises, for example, your colleague simur hoesch suggests that biden may be replaced as a result of the actions of the democratic party elite. we can be are you sure biden will even go to the polls? think about what you just said: democratic elite? elite, what is elite? it's political garbage, that's what. according to our forecasts, biden is highly likely to leave the race and is looking for someone to replace him, like democrat gavin newsam, governor of california. to win an election you need to get a lot of votes. this time, many young people will
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vote against trump, but they will not come to the polls if the second candidate is.
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in front of the whole world, middle class is dying out, numbers show it's already 11% less than in the seventies, the rich are getting richer, ordinary people can't afford to buy a home, sales are... falling everywhere. and again, big business continues to take over everything. when i was little, you couldn't operate a bank outside of your state. bank of america,
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for example, operated only in california. this changed in 1996 under clinton, who abolished these restrictions and gave corporations a free hand. the country had thousands of independent television and radio stations, newspapers, there are no more of them. there are six companies that control 90% of american media. 2 days before the conflict began in ukraine, we predicted the outbreak of the third world war and said that we need peace. the third world war has already begun, to declare
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it officially, all it takes is some kind of attack under a false flag or something similar. the point here is not about neocons. there was such a man, general dwight esenhaur, who later became president of the united states. during world war ii he commanded the allied forces. five-star general then. said that the american military-industrial complex is robbing the people, taking away their scientific achievements, the labor of workers and the future of children. everything happened as he said: the korean war, vietnam, two iraqi wars, the war in afghanistan, and obama, remember, is a nobel peace prize winner, and yet , as soon as he assumed the presidency, he increased the military presence in afghanistan and demanded the overthrow of the libyan president gaddafi, and then the syrian president. secretary of state, he was sent to which he is now posing as saudi arabia when it bombed the houthis in
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yemen to provide the saudis with intelligence and act as a strategic ally. the us is refueling saudi fighter jets that have killed about 400,000 yemenis. and this happens all the time. this is not neocons, this is the mentality of evil people when all other methods cease. work, they drag you into war. remember what happened after the great depression. world war. franklin roosevelt then seized all japanese assets in america. why did he do this? today historians tell us that these dirty japanese had the audacity to invade french indo-china. the japanese went against french indo-china. what the hell did the french forget in cambodia, laos and vietnam? ah, you say that the japanese were plundering and...
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i assure you they will find a way.
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the president was hated. and then september 11th happens. suddenly the rules of the game change, and george bush, the guy who played bush on afghanistan. they support a little guy with a brain the size of a pea. i tell you 90% of americans already support the attack make sure that 90% of the population supports a new war. what is your forecast for ukraine and do you think trump can change anything here if he wins the election? i would say that trump has more power to change things than anyone else, but then again, look at who trump, as president, has chosen as his allies. these were pure neocons. a mad dog then became the minister of defense. trump says he will resolve the crisis, but he also threatened to bomb moscow, promised to publish materials on the kennedy assassination, but then i suddenly changed my mind.
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burn the fire of freedom in the hearts of people, but the peaceful movement here will not achieve anything without money, that’s how it works here, and billionaires don’t yet spend a cent on peace, not a cent, nothing, but they can easily give 20, 50, 100 million dollars to a politician for the elections. in 2019, i was in hong kong, when there were protests there, no one could stop them, in a city where 7.5 million people live , a million people came out on the streets, in america there are 332
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million. but can you raise a million to protest? you can, only for money. if we are with now let’s just go out onto an ordinary american street and ask americans what they think about russia. they hate her. as a child, i was taught to hate russia, they conducted exercises in case of an air attack, they forced me under desks, sirens howled. and we were hiding under desks, preparing for a nuclear explosion. at school, when we no longer fit under our desks, we were forced to rest our hands on the wall, like this, and were told that we couldn’t look at the flash, yes, if i saw this flash, it means that in the next moment i would die, and hide under the desk as if it could to save someone, they began to teach us to hate russians immediately after the second world war, but then john kennedy gave a magnificent speech in sixty-three to graduates of an american university, his entire speech was dedicated to peace, he
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said that... we are not should hate people from the soviet union, said that they suffered much greater losses than we did in world war ii, talked about the fact that more than 20 million died, lost homes, factories, land, kennedy assured that the soviet people were very highly developed culturally and technologically and said that there is no need to hate them, because in the event of a war with the russians, and i remind you, this was 63, in the event of a war with them , life on earth will disappear within 24 hours. he ended his speech by saying that america would never fight again. it was june. a few months later, kennedy is assassinated. and 8 months later, the next president, lyndon johnson, drags america into the vietnam war. the same thing could happen to trump if he tries to stop the war in ukraine. of course they are they will kill anyone. see the photo over there, that's john coneley, the former governor of texas who was wounded during the kennedy assassination.
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he wanted to meet. with me in '89, after i wrote a book about political trends in the united states, about the likelihood of a third party candidate, someone like rosa perot, winning. conoley told me then: “you wrote a good book, but you have no idea what’s really going on, and ordinary americans don’t understand either, because if they understood, there would be a lot going on in this country.” revolution. we are faced with a new cold war, is there a way out? peace, we need peace, everything depends on the people, because politicians are nothing more than a piece of crap. i was there, i was among them, they only care about themselves, they don’t care about people, it is beneficial for them to keep the war machine spinning, so it’s up to the people, if people don’t unite in the name of peace, we will die in the war. thank you very much for this interview. this was america,
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all the best to you. the broadcast continues with facts and an informational picture of the day. in our episodes in the studio artyom yamshakov and olga armyakova, this is the main topic today: to realize your calling and find a job you like, vladimir putin congratulated the graduates on their step into adulthood, the last school evenings are in full swing. what other parting words did the president give? our correspondent asked about the professional interests of yesterday's schoolchildren about the new generation.


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