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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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you recently opened a school in nevsky, you opened the fnba center, you recently opened a perinatal center in the donetsk people's republic, so i want to say, for me , of course, the most important thing was to structure everything that i know, and put it on the shelves, all these knowledge, but i will probably say such a simple thing, here i will meet many of my friends, colleagues, from the federal level, and today it is much easier for me to operate the administrative... machine, and some issues, in a good sense, are resolved faster and easier. once again i want to thank all the teachers, all of them, truly our mentors, for finding time in their busy life schedule and passing on to us the good things they are doing today, and what we will continue to do. thank you. evgeniy aleksanovich, of course, the main thing today for donbass, in general, for novorosiya, is resolving issues. security, but as we
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well know, our guys on the line of combat contact are doing everything to solve this most important task, but postponing the solution of social, economic issues, the development of the region’s economy is absolutely impossible and impractical, these issues need to be resolved now in parallel with the solution of combat missions, so i really count on you to make every effort. in order to do everything necessary, of course, today, when the tasks that i mentioned have not yet been solved, namely in the field of security, it is much more difficult to solve other issues, but this is a challenge, including for you and for others regional leaders, for your entire team, you said that you were an installer in the old days, so it turned out that he started working and came.
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so i wish you all the best, thank you, thank you, okay, please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, my name is olga petrova, i am the deputy minister of science and higher education of the russian federation. vladimir vladimirovich, let me thank you for the system of social elevators that has been created in our country, and i am a shining example of that. confirming that the system is working. over 22 years of work at the university, i went from assistant to vice-rector, to in 2019, our university became the platform for the semi-finals of the digital breakthrough competition, russia is the land of opportunity, and for me this competition opened the door to my very social elevator. and a little more than a year later, i became the minister of education, science and youth policy of the nizhny novgorod region, and the project that i... am proud
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of was the victory of nizhny project as the first youth capital of russia. for almost a year and a half now, i have been working in the ministry of science and higher education, and i am responsible for the implementation youth policy and educational work in universities. and together with colleagues from universities, from rosmolodezh, movements of the first knowledge society and russia, the land of opportunity, we create opportunities that allow everyone to realize their potential. create the very environment conducive to many social elevators, and of course, the opportunity to study in the program of the school of governors of the presidential academy, for me it was a very great honor, and of course, it was a dream, a dream that became a reality, and as you have already noted, this the program is unique, unique in its speakers, each of them shared, shared, as you already said, professional experience with you, even talked about mistakes. what not to do, and of course,
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this program has made me stronger, and i would also note that this program has given me a community of such cool, wonderful classmates, and we are already implementing projects in the format of such short communications, i would note the flagship project of the ministry science and higher education university shifts, this is a project that allows schoolchildren from new regions undergo career guidance. to visit universities in our country for 10 days and get acquainted with the regions, with enterprises, and thanks to such short communication, we made it possible that this project was implemented in universities in the far east, it was such an amazing effect that even this year we were among the first our children went to the far east, and vladimir vladimirovich, we are your team, we love you, we look up to you, and
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we can definitely say that victory will always be ours in everything. thank you very much. olga viktorovna, right? yes, olga viktorovna. yes, olga viktorovna. not only for the nizhny novgorod region and for all other regions to share experience and knowledge on the higher education system, because in fact the higher education system is in many ways what it is.
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yes, you just mentioned that this should be a seamless education, so that’s what you see, as a minister today, how to combine this work of two ministries, so that education is truly seamless. vladimir vladimirovich, but now the government’s ties, which has been formed, all this is under one supervising deputy. government, and this already provides opportunities for us to hear each other more correctly and allow us to remove barriers in this format of rapid communication and solve the problems that are facing us, so this is even mutual, well,
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presence at joint meetings, this already allows us understand that we are all about the same thing, we speak the same language. and we quickly solve problems, because it is very important when these barriers are removed, these communications, which are actually built in the regions of our country, because in many regions the minister, like i was the minister of education, science, youth policy, oversees the entire block, when universities also participate and enrich the education system with their resources, then this is simply sharing resources to more quickly solve the problems that are facing, because of course...
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the final overall result and competitiveness of the country depends on the level of education, on the ability to use the achievements of science in practical activities. what else can i do do for you? vladimir vladimirovich, i’m just already happy, this happiness is probably already overwhelming me so much that everything is just very good. you and the minister also think about it, if there are any proposals, i am speaking quite seriously, about improving the work of the entire bloc, you please also formulate this to the supervising deputy prime minister, please
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send these proposals to both the prime minister and me, we must constantly think about how to structure the work of administrative structures in such a way that so that they are directly connected in the most living way... with real life, with production, with the achievement of the final result. thank you, please, alexey borisovich smirnov, regional governor of the kursk region. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i want to express my gratitude for the trust shown in appointing me to this position, and also thank you very much for the opportunity to pass. training at the presidential academy, this is a serious educational institution, professionals from the government of the russian federation, from our business, social activists, here i met my colleagues from other regions, from
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ministries, departments, and we have already become friends, in fact, we solve many problems as a team, i liked it here... the lectures of andrei bezrukov, our intelligence officer, sank into my soul, he is in simple , in systematic language, he spoke about the role of russia in the world, made forecasts for development, many, by the way, are already coming true, we have a huge country, in terms of territory, in terms of natural resources, someone is trying to take possession of them, of course, they will not succeed, we all we will do this, but our population is not large enough now, so we all ardently support the national goals that you indicated,
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the safety of people, the development of the economy and, as a result, the growth of well-being and comfort of life. i am sure that we will succeed, i will direct all my skills and experience to solve these very problems, because i want our country, as it is now, to remain a great power, so that our children grow up here, new generations appear, and our traditions and our values ​​were preserved here. dear vladimir vladimirovich, thank you
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very much for giving russians such an opportunity. yes. when you said about the russians, you meant yourself now. i meant myself, my friends, everyone who lives on the territory of our large national country. alexey, alexey borisovich, and we are all together. indeed, for the entire russian people, when i said everything together, i meant our extended management team, which certainly includes all of you, everyone is included, especially people like you, who - who will have to lead the regions, i hope that people will trust you in september, especially since you are an experienced person who knows the situation, you mentioned that the kurdish region has become
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a border area. this sounds very strange, but we have returned to the situation , in my opinion, some 15th or 15th century, when the borders of russia pass through the kurovo region, incredible, but true, we must proceed from these realities, and uh. this, of course, introduces serious features in the development of the territory today, but the kursk region is one of from time immemorial, belongs to the core of the russian state, therefore, even despite the fact that today it is not on the border, as a border territory, i sincerely want to wish you success, the kursk region is very good...
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during this time it was possible to work in different positions, these are water utilities and the administration of the city of cherlyabinsk, this is the government of the chelyabinsk region, uh, khantamansi autonomous okrug of the ministry of construction of the russian federation, now the head of mias, i take this opportunity to say hello to all mias, uh in in the near future i am heading to the city of lugansk, thank you for your trust, i was recently introduced as the chairman of the government of the lugansk people's republic, uh. it’s a very serious choice, a responsible position, i think that the rehabilitation of new regions is one of the main tasks for today. as for the program, this is certainly a great success for me, the program really made it possible to make from very different people, from different regions, already established professionals, a truly team of like-minded people, and today i would even
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said, comrades. therefore, i thank you, the presidential academy, the entire team where we are studying today. for a perfectly organized process, this is truly a personnel reserve school, which allows us to train people who will work for the benefit of our homeland in the future, thank you, that egor viktorovich, yes, yes, yes, egorich, i understood correctly that you are going to the lugansk republic , as chairman of the government, yes, that’s all true, yes, it was presented 3 days ago, you know, i want to sincerely wish you good luck, there is a huge field there activities over the previous decades, unfortunately, very little was done in terms of the development of this territory, now i will not talk about the reasons there, well, apparently those people who made decisions regarding this area, they did not believe that it was
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organic, inseparable parts of their country.
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people gathered that you can solve all the problems facing the region, bearing in mind your experience, both life and production experience, you worked in the construction system, housing and communal services, this is all that people who live in the lugansk people's republic need now republic, there is very good industrial potential, development has already begun, it has begun no matter what, despite...
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them on the basis that is available, if this is not enough, we will help you and we will support you, we will do everything, thank you, success, dear vladimir vladimirovich, eduard sosnin, mayor of the city of perm, platform russia is a country of opportunities, as olya said, it is truly a unique social life that absolutely any resident of our great country can take advantage of, back in the twentieth year i was ordinary. an entrepreneur in the small town of lysevo with a population of 60,000 people won the competition for the leader of russia, to my surprise the governor offered me the job. the post of minister of economic development of investments of the pern territory to deal with the economy of the entire region, having worked for 3 years, a new
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offer was received to head the city of perm, a city with a population of over a million. you, vladimir vladimirovich, have repeatedly said that municipal service is a very complex but important work that is aimed at improving the life of each individual citizen. thank you so much for... supporting the preparation and holding of the tercentenary of our beloved city, which was in 2023, for personal participation in the russia sports power forum in october last year, thanks to the support of federal funding, the city of per has changed extraordinarily, and we have no right to stop at achieved. at the school of governors, as part of our training, i especially remember andrey’s lecture. fursenka about the development of the education system in the country, and so it turned out fortunately that the director of infrastructure development
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of the ministry of education of russia, irina shvartsem, studies with us , with whom we talked, she told us, involved her in the state program, and now vladimir vladimirovich, 22 schools, 19 kindergartens in the city of perm will be overhauled, and this is very cool , here on the program i met maxim oreshkin. invite him, drag him to the city of perm, together we visited a defense enterprise, visited the tests of the pd-35 engine, looked at a work equipment enterprise, again we were convinced that perem is one of the most industrialized regions of our country. vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much for these programs, for this opportunity to exchange experience, best practices, the programs prove social elevators in russia. work thanks to the fact that the municipal authorities are fully involved in solving all-russian problems. perm is the stronghold of the state, vladimir vladimirovich, permians
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are always with you, we are working for victory, victory will be ours. eduard olegovich, right? yes, yes, eduard olegovich, allow me a few comments: firstly, of course, you have a very difficult job, being the head of the city. this is more difficult than being a governor, but lower down, being the head of a municipality, even lower than a district, is more difficult than being the head of a city, this is always the case, why? because the closer you are to people, the more acute the problems, i mean, i’m not joking, even, i’m speaking absolutely sincerely and innocently, but i’m sure you can handle it, you said that you were ordinary.
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the result that we are now demonstrating is 3.6% growth last year, over the first half of this year there will be five, well, the first quarter was 5.4, in my opinion, we’ll see what happens in the next six months, but somewhere around five there will be an increase in the country’s industrial gdp, including thanks to the business community, because our entrepreneurs not only allowed
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a large number of small medium-sized business entrepreneurs to achieve this effect. by the way, in the equipment industry, these are also not only our large-scale, large-scale enterprises that have distinguished themselves, but everything related to their activities, suppliers, and small medium-sized ones the enterprises showed good results, all this together makes it possible. tells us that - our entrepreneurial community has not only developed, it has become more patriotic, has become more state-
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oriented, i said that... that we must create and support this new generation of entrepreneurs and from them create this one, well, i don’t want to use the word elite, well, nothing else comes to mind right now, but nevertheless, you understand what i’m talking about, so we need to support them, we that’s what we’re doing, we’re trying at the federal level, and you, as a former entrepreneur , definitely do it at the level of large municipalities and cities like pern. well, i hope that this will also happen at the level of the federal subjects, well, you mentioned pd 35, but i can’t help but say that this is still in the plans, but i also have no doubt that these plans will be implemented, then we will have our own engine for wide-body long-haul aircraft, but i’ve already done sub-14, this is already a huge, huge achievement
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for decades.
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all the best to you, thank you, good afternoon, we met a year ago, i then came to you as the winner of the competition for the leader of russia, told how i moved from business to the municipality, became the first deputy head of nizhny novgorod, then, after mobilization, went to front, well, after this meeting, the social elevator made its loop, that is, i came to study at the school of governors. now i remain here as a graduate of this, this program, and this year that has passed, thanks to my commanders, me they were released from the front line to study, it’s 1500 km in one direction in a uaz, but it seems to me that after all, it was all not in vain, the teachers who taught us, they didn’t just teach, they tried to explain how they made their decisions , shared with us not only their victories, but their mistakes and
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the conclusions they drew from these mistakes, two lectures were especially memorable, lectures by daniil egorov on the digital transformation of the tax service, and dmitry chernyshenko on artificial intelligence; as a former it specialist, they were very helpful to me interesting because that they showed how new technologies are changing the structure of the state's economy, now , in parallel with us , the guys from the time of heroes are actually studying here, we had several joint events, and what is important... they are taught to make decisions using the same textbooks, the same teachers, who teach us that in the future it will give us the opportunity to trust and understand each other more, their internal strengths, energies, plus our experience, all this will probably together give us the opportunity to bring public administration to a slightly new level, at the request of our fellow soldiers, i would like to wish you health and strength, because only a strong leader will lead
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us to victory. thank you. you, please remind me of your last name, and ilya shtokman, uh-huh, yes, shtokman? shtokman is one of the world's largest hydrocarbon deposits in northern russia. that's why i asked you to reproduce your, your last names again. well, i have nothing to add to what you said, you just mentioned. about the guys who are studying next to you from the time of heroes program, well , you yourself could very well get into this program, but ended up here, i hope you don’t regret it, what are your immediate plans? it’s not up to me, i am now, and you are the supreme commander-in-chief, of course, that is, you continue.


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