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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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will lead us to victory, thank you, please remind me of your last name, yeah, duckman is one of the world's largest hydrocarbon deposits in the north, that's why i asked you to reproduce your last name again, well, i have nothing to add to that...
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tax services are systematic, which is now present in those industries that are high-tech, that is, we understand where we need to go, we understand what needs to be done and how to achieve it, that is , now there is an understanding, that is, that there are a bunch of small steps that seem would not be related with each other, they all go for the same goal, but where are you, where did you work before? i
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graduated from vmc, worked abroad in large it companies, then returned, was engaged in production and only then from production moved to the municipality, where, where to the municipality, and the municipality, the heads of nizhny novgorod before the mobilization as part of the mobilization left this position to the front, right? yeah, okay, okay, i want to wish you success, and we’ll talk with your commanders, with those who introduced this course, but it’s not in vain that you took it, somehow so that affected your future destiny, your activities, success to you, all the best to you, all the best, so please, who else? hello, vladimir vladimirovich,
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thank you very much and bow for the personnel reserve program, this is generally the best thing that happened to me in my life after my three children. thank you very much for the opportunity, but there is a question, we are in our sixth stream, with each stream there are more and more women, and we have a lot of girls, all of them are good, but it so happens that now there are no female governors in the country. what is the reason for this is priority given to men?
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and they work very responsibly, scrupulously simply study the tasks that confront them and very carefully and disciplinedly move towards the intended goal, these are, without any doubt, great advantages that need to be used, and i will definitely, definitely work with my colleagues on this matter, in including, keeping in mind the graduates of today's flood. thank you, and where are you, and where did you work? i am now a state duma deputy, relatively recently, and before that i worked on all federal federal channels, presenter to journalists, yeah, yes, yes, yes, that’s right, look, the face is familiar, and what are you doing in the state duma, in what direction, in information policy, but of course, that is, in your specialty, it turns out like this, okay, good, you are right, the number of women.
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not enough, but it seems to me that it would be a mistake in general at all levels of leadership in our country to do as is done in some... in some countries , selecting people for certain positions on the basis of gender, it is necessary to select, first of all, people based on personal and business qualities, so otherwise if if you do it like in some countries, then you can get the same result as in some european countries, when you think that there is some kind of minister, uh, it would be better to completely liquidate the ministry than to keep such a minister, that’s why - and not not from the point of view of our interests, from the point of view of the interests of the people and the state that this or that official is called to serve, but this is so from the outside i won’t point a finger here now, this is, in
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the end, not our business, but the business of those voters countries that i am talking about now, which i have in mind, but in general this is a question... that all the issues with kindergartens, but almost not in all regions, we need to further move along this path, we are working to ensure that young families had housing, so we maintain preferential mortgages for, first of all, young families, and so on and so forth, we are thinking
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about the topic of a woman after childbirth and for some time when the child should be next to her. must restore their, their, their level, their level of competence and return to the profession, and here additional steps need to be taken in order to create these conditions, in general, there is something to work on here, and you, as a deputy of the state duma, i hope, also think about this, you will advise the executive power, we only that they defended a large project on demography using the example of the kursk region, and are ready to use these developments at the federal level, at the regional level, by the way, i ran for governor of khabarovsk.
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our country can handle the tasks, and the fact that you have such a powerful personnel reserve is not at all leaves no doubt about our new victories, and special thanks for the opportunity to communicate with the guys from the time of heroes program, you know, they all changed us a little, and maybe even a lot, thank you very much, alexey, thank you very much, everyone, everyone , participants in our meeting. and this platform we are talking about, and this educational stream, congratulations on the completion and wish you all success, of course, each of you will one way or another be in the sight of the government and the presidential administration, all the best, see you
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dates, this was footage from vladimir putin’s meeting with graduates. the event was held via video conference. so, vladimir putin signed a decree on additional payments to military contractors. we are talking about those who take part in a special operation and received a long-service pension. the payment, which was suspended after the conclusion of the contract, now this category of military personnel will be paid monthly compensation in the form of 100% of the pension. and taking into account compensation. after the suspension of payments, the presidential decree was published on the official website of legal information and comes into force on the first of july. temporary defense reported a tightening of the american multiple launch rocket system in the kharkov region. the
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n-270 missile system was discovered by reconnaissance drones. from the air it was possible to track its movement to the hangar, where vehicles with ammunition, as well as specialists, were located. for system maintenance, after which the coordinates were transferred to the crew of the iskander complex, which launched a missile strike on the targets. now. advertising, we will continue later, stay tuned. i have a question for you: do you have a clear picture of your future? such thoughts scare you. you can just close your eyes, but you know what the outcome will be. open your eyes to your future. start with a long-term savings program in a non-state pension fund, the future. for the first time on the screens, meet on avito, on avito,
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khvatamba has arrived and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to car products on avito, magnit, energy drinks flash-up 59,999 magnet, the price is what you need, business needs acceleration, definitely open it! current account for and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb helps with action. what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket. with free shipping, summer will be carefree. with increased cashback, summer will be active. with huge discounts, summer will be delicious. but for me the main thing is the mood. summer will be fun. what will your summer be like? everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example,
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licata hair spray for 299 rubles. dedicated to our senior loved ones, convenient loans, excellent deposits, in the branch and online, special conditions, special relationship 50% discount on the second household appliance product built-in dishwasher in total. 2,500 rub. when purchased as a set in mvidio and eldorado. magnet - the price is what you need. meddvizhonok guys 799. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out that you can do different ones at once. it turns out that there is a marketplace for money. open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone
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will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at a megamarket are changing the world, a megamarket is just to grow with us, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time. hurry up to connect unlimited megapowers before the end of summer so that the internet doesn’t run out. only. in a megaphone. investing with sber is simple: receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. so, today the winners were awarded. all-russian digital marathon competition, the competition was held by sberbank together with school
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21. participants were able to test the level of their digital skills, some took their first steps in it, and more experienced experts presented ready-made digital products. this year the competition was held for the first time; more than 90 thousand people from all over russia took part in it. anastasia ponko will tell you who ultimately reached the final. in the hands of mikhail perevalov, the main prize is a certificate for a million rubles. he became the best in digital marathon, otzber competition and school of 21 educational projects that prepare world-class it specialists. when i came here, i met many guys, talented, smart people, and learned a lot of new things from them. i thank the entire team of sberbank, school 21. for this opportunity to participate, to come to moscow, i
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haven’t been here for a very long time, i am delighted with moscow and this competition. mikhail won the expert category in the most difficult area of ​​the competition, it is for graduates of specialized universities, heads of digital departments, experienced it specialists. everyone chose which category to participate in themselves. the difficulty of the tasks and the reward in the final depended on this. there are three nominations in the digital marathon. human. herman is one of them. these were atypical school or university assignments; on the one hand, they were creative, but on the other hand, they tested your specific knowledge in this area. not only the difficulty differed, but also the type of tasks. beginners worked with algorithms, data, programming languages, more experienced participants analyzed real situations that arise when development of digital products. if your
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motivation was enough to reach... the finals in such a difficult competition as a digital marathon, this is a sure sign that everything will be fine in your life, you will definitely have a job offer, you will definitely be able to choose the trajectory along which you want to move further, because your base is very powerful, mastery of digital technologies is the key to success in the modern world, and this project is a unique platform for everyone who wants to develop...
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this time we’ll find out from the ninth al prus from my colleagues dmitry akimov, he is in direct contact with us. dmitry, greetings, what is happening now, what do you see, how is the atmosphere? yes, colleagues, hello, well, let me start with the weather, in the northern capital today it is extremely hot, and the temperature has risen above 30°, weather forecasters say that the night,
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which is expected to be the warmest in the entire history of observations. well, of course, graduates. which we are now waiting for on the palace square will also add color and emotion to this night, now behind me you can see the stage, it is 23 m high, you can see that it is such a wavy structure, this tree, it symbolizes commitment to the roots and it is on this stage that the total area of ​​​​100 km will unfold in just a few hours. the new show started at 8 pm . we are also waiting for graduates here on dvortsovaya at the same time, i will say that 130,000 tickets were printed for scarlet and sails, of course they are not for sale, they are all personalized and will be awarded to graduates, but from this figure we can judge the number viewers who will be there today here, these are graduates from 38 regions and
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sixteen friendly countries, in particular , 500 teenagers will come to us in the northern capital from the twin city of mariupol. the concert program will begin at 8 pm, first young bands will take the stage, there was a very tough casting, a very tough selection, in the end they chose several of the best bands who will begin to warm up this already hot venue, and the official start of the holiday at 10:00 pm will be given by the governor city ​​alexander beglov. and of course, on stage today we will see such artists as amirchik, iowa, st, tosya.
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russia, which, by the way, will take part in this holiday for the fifth time this year. we will definitely follow all the events and will tell you about everything in the next broadcasts, but i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the best view of aly and the sails is on the tv screen; tourists should not come to the city center, it is all blocked off and today the entire center of st. petersburg given to the main one. the characters of this evening, of course, are the graduates. colleagues, we give you the floor. thank you very much indeed you will be able to see aly purs on television, there will be a live broadcast on russia 1, don’t miss it, and we’ll move on to other topics. today the three-day forum of regions of belarus and russia ended; for the first time it was held in three cities at once: vitebsk, poltsk, novopoltsk.
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the chairman of the council of the republic of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, natalya kachanova, spoke about the importance of the form and development of the union state in an interview with our channel. good afternoon, natalya ivanna, i thank you for finding time for us in your busy schedule. now the schedule, especially since. the forum has just ended, the eleventh forum of the regions of russia and belarus, and my first question will be related specifically to it, it is clear that the effect and effectiveness of this event is no longer in doubt, are you satisfied with how this forum went and what you were able to discuss with a colleague, with the head of the federation council of russia, good afternoon, i am sincerely glad that i was given the opportunity to actually give you an interview, because this is indeed a very significant event for us...
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the city of polotsk is the oldest city in belarus, 862, the year of founding of this ancient city, these are our origins, the origins of statehood, the origins of orthodoxy, so, of course, we have identified some of the sections that worked in the city of polotsk. the city of novopolotsk is, in general, i think, such a living monument to our friendship between belarusians and russians, why? because in 1958, when it was announced.
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we also wanted to show that friendship, which and the roots of our friendship, but vitebsk, of course, is the closest region to russia, which borders the russian federation, this city is 1050 years old, it is just symbolic that these days they celebrate their birthday, but the most important thing is that these days we celebrate the liberation of our belarusian territories from the nazi invaders, like this coincidentally, just these days everything came together and here we are spending this.
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in general, absolutely all spheres of life were touched upon in relation to innovative development, a plenary meeting was held, we traditionally met with the governors, such a meeting when we meet with the governors of the russian federation, with the governors of belarus, when in their speeches they talk about those issues that perhaps still need to be resolved somewhere, perhaps supported by some kind of legislative acts. and share the questions and suggestions that they have, and besides, of course, we heard how this cooperation is developing, and you know, it’s
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worth a lot. i once again understand that this platform for the forum of regions, it gives its excellent results, because the governors know each other, they work effectively with each other, and the tasks that the presidents of our countries, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, vladimir vladimirovich putin set for us in terms of the integration development of our countries on the basis of the union state agreement, which was signed 25 years ago, this year we are also celebrating the anniversary.
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laws are being adopted, parliamentarians are working on them, decisions are being made at the level of our governments, they are set, designated clear tasks by the presidents of our countries, which are discussed on an ongoing basis at the supreme state council and the strategy for our development is determined, so we have once again said that 28 programs have already been implemented in full, plans have now been outlined for the next 3 years, programs have been developed to implement these tasks.
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