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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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orders of glory have the right to travel free of charge on trains and carriages of all categories, twice a year on personal matters, once a year to the place of treatment and back, and heroes of socialist labor, awarded the order of labor glory of three degrees, were awarded orders for service to the homeland in the armed forces of the ussr of three degrees degrees can travel for free once a year. during the holiday season, russian railways provides a wide range of travel options for passengers of all categories. one of the popular areas is... however, a trip along this the route requires special preparation. in order to come to the kaliningrad region, you must have a legal passport. today, the lithuanian authorities issue a so-called simplified railway transit document, which is received by anyone who has an international passport, who actually buys a ticket for a flight to moscow kaliningrad or kaliningrad moscow or to other cities, and accordingly, he receives this one-time transit document a. which
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can, in fact, be used for crossing the border. regardless of the chosen destination, travelers always have the opportunity to save up to 20% of the cost by buying tickets in advance or with a non-refundable fare, as well as purchasing an entire compartment or sv. in addition, there are discounts for birthday people accompanying them, 10% on long-distance train tickets and 30% on high-speed sabans and swallows. the offer can also be used a week before and a week after your birthday. to everyone who is going on vacation in good weather, well , these were the results of the week in the federation council, before meeting on the air, see you on the senate program.
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hello, dear friends, friday evening, i’m alexander korievsky, let’s talk about some of the main topics of the week. vladimir putin made an important statement today at a meeting of the russian security council. we were talking about medium- and shorter-range missiles. let me remind you that 5 years ago moscow unilaterally declared a moratorium on their production and deployment, but now, due to the actions of the united states, a decision will have to be made. reconsider, we will consider today - the question of further steps of the russian federation regarding a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of ground-based intermediate- and shorter-range missiles. as you know, several years ago the united states, under a far-fetched pretext, withdrew from this treaty and announced that they would produce such missile systems. we
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announced in 2019 that we will not produce these missiles and will not deploy them until the united states deploys these systems in some region of the world. today it is known that the united states not only produces these missile systems, but have already brought them to europe for training. to denmark, just recently it was announced that they are in the philippines, it is unknown whether they took these missiles out from there or not, in any case, we need to react to this and make a decision about what we will have to do next in this direction , apparently, we need to start producing these strike systems, then, based on...
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the people for whom life is becoming increasingly difficult, the eu leaders are obsessed with the idea of ​​defeating russia, can at least something change in europe in the near future, we discussed this today with the acting permanent representative of russia to the eec, kirill logvinov. kirill mikhailovich, hello, thank you for finding the time, it’s an interesting time, there is something to discuss, as always, in fact, but this time especially, well, let’s start with the fourteenth package of sanctions.
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let's start, as i understand it, the fifteenth is already being prepared, but let's still remember what we were again limited in, well, just a few words, or maybe there were some surprises for you? alexandrevich, dear day, well, there was no surprise, probably the only surprise is that the european union continues to do what it loves, namely chopping the soup on which it sits, because the elections to the european parliament, the results of the elections to the european parliament, they, it would seem, should have become a kind of signal for the eu political elite that the local population had already felt.
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cooperation between russia and europe with third countries, plus a legal framework is being provided to combat the bypass of already introduced restrictions, that is, well, in the fourteenth package we have seen that the blacklist of companies from russia and third countries has been expanded, plus additional requirements have been established in terms of compliance with no rusha close, but this translates as everything. with the exception of russia - this is a contractual clause that prohibits the re-export of sensitive types of products to our country, and in terms of individual sanctions, i certainly cannot resist saying that the inclusion of
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an international children's camp artek, well, in my opinion this says about the degree of real anger and hatred that here... some feel towards all ordinary russians, regardless of age. yes, kiril mikhailovich, this also surprised me very much, of course, the children have something to do with it, they would be better off paying attention to how children are taught russophobia, we are not in artek, ukrainophobia or someone else’s phobia, americanaphobia, european phobia we we don’t teach, but they do it regularly, we see it, they are not shy about it, they show, maybe they should have paid attention to... this is when humanistic ideas are propagated to children, almost from kindergarten onwards. kiro mikhailovich, after all, if we talk about the re-export of gas, you mentioned, they don’t seem to refuse to buy it for themselves, but
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we cannot resell our liquefied gas through the ports of europe, i understood the situation correctly, yes, that’s right, that ’s how it is, that’s what it is, well, that’s really such a distinctive feature of this accepted fourteenth. package, but again, it ’s not so simple, we’ve already done this many times we are discussing, and the europeans themselves know, that is , they are leaving themselves without russian gas, taking more and more measures that limit the export of russian energy to europe, while counting on some other suppliers, counting on the states there, on norway, but again -yet, by introducing these... restrictions, they know themselves, as it were, they will be obliged to pay a higher price, and all this on much more unfavorable conditions than was the case with russian gas, again,
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returning to the fact that what did i say, this is the same really affects the economic situation in the european union, it affects the well-being of the local population, but everyone here is so obsessed... so to speak, with this task, to inflict a strategic defeat on us, that no one here thinks about the cost of these decisions about the consequences, yes, but these emotions, political emotions, they... are bad advisers in such complex international affairs, but unfortunately they do exist, and as i understand it, it was precisely on these emotions that the decisions were made to begin negotiations with ukraine and moldova on joining the eu, because and more later comments that this list that ukrainians must correct in order to join the eu, it is so immense there, i so, as i understand it, this is another carrot in front of.
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has nothing to do with the expansion of a trade and economic association, which the european union once was in its pure form. in brussels, you noticed everything correctly, in brussels they do not hide the fact that if it were not for the west’s choice in favor of a long-term geopolitical confrontation with russia, in which both ukraine and moldova act as its instruments, then the european union... would not need - neither kiev, nor chisinau, since it needs it now, that is
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, this ideology of total confrontation with our country, it implies - the task at any cost, even at the cost of emasculating the original essence of the european project, but to keep all the european candidates in its orbit, that is, in principle, that’s all that will happen in the foreseeable future on the expansion track, including. ukraine and moldova, of course exclusively, well, i would say so, the excessive and , by and large, unsupported geopolitical and ideological ambitions of the european bureaucracy, i want to especially emphasize this point, because the european union, and unexpectedly for many, has developed this craving for positioning in the world based on ideology, a craving for... an approach to solving problems, challenges that
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the european union faces, a craving for ideological confrontation, it is through this prism that one should view, including negotiations with kiev from kishinev, about carrots, well look, there, then, in relation to your negotiations, the following should be noted that in terms of ukraine and moldova , the negotiation process there is based on several principles, which means the principle of fair and strict conditionality and the principle of reversibility, that is, in other words, some or advancement along the europath, it depends on the merits of european candidates, so, but we understand perfectly well that the criteria for assessing such merits are very subjective, and what , however, is shown by the experience of the western balkans and turkey, that is, once again this whole process with the moment the corresponding decision was made back in december last year, it is of such a subjective nature, but if
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at some stage, due to, say, internal political reasons, it will be beneficial for the european capitals not to force this process, then it can be slowed down and even frozen. turkey, in my opinion, has been trying to do this for several decades, now it seems like... this is an activity, but this political expediency, it is an interesting thing, because on the one hand, we understand that without ideology it is difficult to promote any projects, megaprojects, nose on the other hand, when ideology comes off the ground, as they say, goes completely somewhere into the idea of ​​beauty, this also ends badly, we see this in the soviet union and the noble idea of ​​​​building a just society, which at that time was not based on ... on earth, it ultimately led to great consequences and a very similar situation, by the way, is now in
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the united states, but this is a separate topic, and the security agreement, two words literally about this, which was also concluded these days, i’m there saw it at all some kind of fake in the sense that we will continue to give you weapons, money, and you are fighting with the russians, in my opinion, the whole agreement or not, well, look, this is most likely an agreement in principle. most likely, such a pr move, as it probably seems, is beneficial in terms of information for the european union and ukraine, which means that the most important thing you need to know is that it is not legally binding.
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for which the european union is ready to use, during which the european union is ready to use ukraine for the purpose of long-term confrontation with russia, yes, well, it seems to me that they are ready, of course, these are not their soldiers, they are dying there, these are ukrainian soldiers, they don’t feel sorry, this is understandable, there was still a lot of talk about the new leadership of the eu, as i understand it for us, horseradish is no sweeter, everything will be the same, only for another
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5 years they will watch how wood will be broken in their name in the sphere of foreign policy and security policy of the european union. kirillo mikhailovich, this european bureaucracy, the transatlantic bureaucracy, somehow there is still a chance to somehow move it, so big elections are coming in france, there are a lot of all sorts of comments, the country is divided and so on and so forth, the opposition may almost come to power, then there may be some kind of revision of some points. and so on, is it possible to somehow count on this in your opinion? you know, i don’t see it in this situation, again, we had elections to the european parliament, and the main thing is that the current political system, it has passed the test of strength, by the way, yesterday’s decision, which is on the candidates that we only what's wrong with you discussed, this is a second test of
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strength, and the current political system also passed this test quite successfully, that’s what the statement is about. macron and many others, you know, i think this is most likely a tribute to modern political fashion, again somewhat reminiscent of the ursula fondeen election campaign, which was built around the slogan, vote for ursula or lose, that is, in brussels we also we are seeing such a conscious and demonstrative inculcation of such panic sentiments, but as for directly elections in france, then... well , macron’s decision to dissolve parliament, in general, it was perceived here like that, it was accepted enough, it was received quite coldly, because, well, everyone thought that the french president essentially, so to speak, made an additional advertising to extreme right-wing forces throughout europe, put in general got excited, well , got excited, put in an awkward position, in an awkward position those governments that
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also showed, whose parties also showed poor results in the elections, in general, according to eu logic, if not for macron’s decision, then everyone here should have forgotten about the disastrous results, for the results that were disastrous for the current eu elite. to power. well, let's see how events develop. kirillo mikhailovich, thank you very much, all the best. thank you. vladimir putin signed a decree on additional payments
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to military contractors. we are talking about those who take part in a special operation and received a long-service pension, the payment of which was suspended after the conclusion of the contract. now this category of military personnel will be pay monthly compensation in the form of 100% pension. and taking into account compensation after the suspension of payments. the presidential decree is published on the official website of legal information and comes into force on july 1. the personnel management reserve program has proven its effectiveness over the years. most of its participants are taking a new step in their career. vladimir putin spoke about this during a conversation with graduates of the sixth stream. what qualities, in the opinion of the president, should.
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reserve for graduates of the school of governors big request, i know that a number of participants already in your sixth stream, even in
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the process of training, received a new assignment before its completion, will be able to prove in practice what they are capable of, i am sure that you will not look for easy ways for yourself, this is not the first meeting of the president with graduates of the program, and a year ago... to achieve results at the front, in civilian life, i have no doubt that you have the same fighting spirit, i am sure that in the future, in
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the upcoming work, you will act together, in one team that is already here i hope that with the graduates of the program there is a time of heroes, your own - you will coordinate your actions and interact with them, well, as far as i know, among you there are people who... also visited the zone of a special military operation, in general, the school of governors appeared in 2017, the current this is the sixth stream already. over these years, 57 participants became heads of regions, seven received the posts of federal ministers, nine of their first deputies, the geography of those studying from kamchatka to the leningrad region, from khabarovsk to donetsk, i like a person who worked his way up from a foreman, then was a foreman and worked... as an installer, today i work as the chairman of the government, we install facilities, educational facilities, and healthcare facilities, the main ones today for donbass
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as a whole, for novorussia - this is... solving problems security, but as we well know, our guys on the line of combat contact are doing everything to solve this most important task, but putting off until later the solution of social and economic issues, the development of the regional economy absolutely impossible, impractical, these issues need to be resolved now in parallel with the solution of combat missions, you said that you were an installer in the old days, it so happened that...
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was presented as the chairman of the government of the lugansk people's republic, a very serious choice, responsible position, i believe that the rehabilitation of new regions is one of the main tasks for today. i want to sincerely wish you good luck, there is a huge field of activity over the previous decades, unfortunately, there is very little that was done in terms of the development of this territory, there is very good industrial potential there.
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and the government, and the presidential administration, and not only, i am always at your disposal, the head of state repeated these words today several times and emphasized, without any jokes. now a short advertisement, and then we will continue. here was the heart of the obnensk nuclear power plant. my father told me that after the shift they wrung out their shirts
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because... we were not the first to make the bomb, this is a rare case when we are proud that we are not the first, the second, here is a peaceful atom, atomic powerhouse, our absolute superiority.


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