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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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palace bridge, look how beautiful it is, we see the tricolor, the flag, this is just an incredible spherical show, of course, the largest pyrotechnic show in europe, today in the northern capital, today is a truly magical night, this year this sailboat has an unusual route, for the first time this year, it sails under two bridges.
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the first is, of course, according to tradition, the trinity bridge, now it is currently floating under the palace bridge, after that it will turn around and float along, along the embankment, along the peter and paul fortress, emotions, of course, are overwhelming, let's listen while the brig is unfolding, just now, what emotions the graduates had, allah and sails were waiting. it’s very exciting to wait, because 4 years were not wasted in vain, freedom, yes, guys, shout something now, dear friends, but right now brit is unfolding, we will show this amazing show, now i’ve approached several graduates, guys, how you?
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dmitry, well, this is such beauty, i want to share it live as long as possible, but i understand that unfortunately it is not eternal, and we we see how the moored sail is now unfurling, i will remind you that for the first time it entered the waters of the neva in 1968, it was renewed, the sails and sails were renewed after 2005 and now every year, this is such a good tradition, where graduates...
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details in margarita's material semenyuk.
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flight, the dog turns its head, where the flight came from, and the deaf-mutes already understood where to run, so she saved, saved their lives. behind every frame of the film there are poignant stories of the residents of avdeevka. for two years nina burakova could not contact her family, travel it was dangerous because of the fighting. immediately after the liberation of the city, the authors helped nina find her mother. they said that they would be in ovdeevka. i asked if they could stop by the stack to show or look at it. that there are
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actually whole houses alive or, well, that’s how i found out that my mother is alive, my brother is missing, such human destinies formed the basis of 13 documentaries that... are being staged at the second international festival ertidok the time of our heroes. it takes place at the russia exhibition. ertidok time of our heroes collected more than 60 thousands of viewers around the world. screenings took place in seventeen countries. we are already holding the festival not only in moscow. and not only in different regions, but in different countries. you will also laugh : our festival has already reached nato countries, where it is also being held with success. we will, of course, develop this, because these are the points.
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a retired us military intelligence officer, he is convinced that such films should be shown in the west, because films will help change people's minds. i think these films show war crimes against humanity and not only what ukraine directly does against russian citizens. this shows the world that the authorities behind ukraine are entirely responsible for the death, blood and destruction. all this is the fault of the ukrainian nazis, which is why the united states under joe biden and the democrats is guilty of war crimes.
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i saw that people came out, walking there 20-30 at a time, i experienced a lot of emotions when people were cleared, i did not expect that there were many people living there under such heavy bombing from the enemy. they'll show six on saturday. documentary films, among them i'm going home, directed by vladislav rydkov and author andrei yashchenko. the film tells about the liberation of artyomovsk. margarita semenyuk, alexey korpukhin, andrey sorokin, lead. donald trump, in his first speech after the pre-election debate with biden, said that russia, china and north korea will cease to be america's enemies if there is a smart president in the white house. speaking at a rally of supporters in virginia, trump noted that the leaders of these countries do not respect biden. he
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also expressed the opinion that the leaders of these states are much more effective than biden on the world stage. we have external enemies: china, russia and north korea, but they will not become enemies if you have a reasonable president, if you have a reasonable president, then there will be no problems, we can succeed with their help. i think debate night was an important moment for those who want to make america great again. meanwhile, joe biden, after a debate with trump at a rally of supporters in north carolina , looked, to put it mildly, lost and exhausted, although he repeated it. that trump will destroy american democracy, so first lady jill biden had to take voters herself. friends, i may not walk as easily or speak as smoothly as
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i used to, i may not debate as well as i used to, but what i do know is how to tell the truth? president, with the clarification that the democrats will not force biden to leave the election race, but this does not mean that they are not looking for a replacement and will not persuade the elderly us president to voluntarily leave peace, about the televised debates that could cost biden a second term, to dmitry melnikov’s report. with a shuffling gait towards his own. puni president biden walked like a scaffold. trump appears second on the podium. they haven't seen each other for 4 years since the last debate. and the degree of mutual hatred is immediately visible. biden and trump take their seats without greetings or handshakes, or even looking at each other. biden is not delaying his main
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weapon, criminal charges against trump . trump responds by recalling the president’s son hunter and corruption biden family scandals with ukrainian burisma. his son, a convicted criminal in a very serious case, will probably be convicted many more times, and should have been convicted a long time ago. and joe himself could become a convicted criminal, he's done so many terrible things. he told the ukrainians that they needed to change the prosecutor who was leading the investigation into his son’s case, otherwise they would not receive billions of dollars, this man is a criminal. already at the thirtieth minute of the debate, it becomes clear that neither biden nor trump are going to talk on the merits. answering questions the presenters prefer to accuse each other of all mortal sins; the scandal with
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trump’s extramarital affair, although unproven, according to the calculations of biden’s team of advisers, should have unsettled the enemy. how many more billions of dollars do you have to pay for publicly harassing a woman, for all these things, for sex, it's debatable with a star, and this is when your wife is pregnant, you have the morals of an alley cat. i didn't have sex with a porn star, let's start with this: people know that this is all a scam, and this guy is trying to deal with his a political rival, because he can’t honestly win, even during trump’s speech everyone is closely watching the president’s reaction, biden stands without blinking, directing his empty gaze somewhere to the side, periodically freezes with his mouth open, the most vivid outburst of emotions of all debate time when the president blames trump. in disrespect for the dead american soldiers, while again getting confused about the dates and dragging in his
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son boo, who, according to biden, died in iraq, although in fact he died from a serious diseases. he refused to honor the memory of the fallen servicemen. he said, "they're a bunch of losers and failures." my son was not a loser or a loser. it's you, the loser and loser. firstly, this is a made-up quote about losers and losers, they came up with it themselves. what do you think? standing in front of the generals, i would say about losers and losers, 19 people confirmed that i did not say that, all this was made up, just like rumors about russia, russia, russia. another serious mistake biden made in this fight is afghanistan, for some reason he starts lying that there is nothing with him one american serviceman abroad did not die, and thus disowns the thirteen military personnel who died in the same afghanistan during the disastrous withdrawal of american troops. the topic of migration, trump’s favorite weapon, when it comes to discussing the millions of illegal immigrants who have entered
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the united states, biden is already noticeably losing ground ; in the end, no one understood his incoherent tirade. and i'm going to continue until we have a complete ban on this whole initiative related to what we're going to do so that we have more border crossings. there are more patrol officers. i honestly didn’t understand what he said at the end, i think he didn’t understand it himself, magic training pills were already helping biden badly by this point, talking about healthcare in front of the audience was a painfully familiar, stuttering president who himself needed urgent medical attention . we need to be sure that every single person claiming what i can do.
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which remains the main instigator of bloody conflicts around the world. the topic of ukraine and the confrontation between russia and the west ran like a red thread through all the election debates, although to understand what biden meant,
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huge money, i don’t think anyone has ever seen this, every time zelensky comes to us, he leaves, taking with him 60 billion dollars, he is the greatest trader in history, we should not have spent so much money on this war. the american voter watched this fight between two elderly candidates, periodically relapsing into childhood, with longing and bewilderment; in restaurants and bars across the country, supporters of biden and trump organized so-called debate parties.
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the screen and stories about the cheerful president turned out to be an unsightly political reality, now the democrats are in real panic, because this debate, which for some reason they had such high hopes for, biden failed miserably, even a cnn poll showed that 2/3 of viewers won the this fight was given to trump, which means that in august at the democratic party convention, biden will have to be urgently changed to another candidate. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from atlanta, george. to the fire in moscow region the hostel, where five people had previously died, could have caused an emergency operation of the electrical network, a two-story building caught fire in balashikha, it is specified that three people were saved, they required medical assistance, another 10 were evacuated, by this moment it is known that the fire was completely extinguished, area the fire was 40 km away. the investigative committee became interested in the emergency
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and a criminal case was initiated. the chinese formula for international consensus, this is the role that the five principles can play in the 21st century peaceful coexistence, which were formulated in china back in the middle of the last century, this was stated by the chairman of the people's republic of china sizenping at the ceremony dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the proclamation of these principles, on their basis the philosophy of modern china is built, this is the concept of humanity of a common destiny developed by sizemping, what a standard.
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and various small circles, as well as against forcing other countries to choose one side or another. sedzenping's words sound very chinese in the sense that the world is one a big village, or a big boat, and the countries sail in it together. the five principles of peaceful coexistence were spelled out by beijing back in 1954, in a joint sino-indian agreement, and today are used by beijing as the basis for its entire foreign policy doctrine, and these rules , according to the head of kenping, can now be used in the construction of the whole.
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russia is often mentioned in the hall on the international stage; moscow and beijing act together. firstly, we are talking about collective security, this is the most important thing, that is, they they understand perfectly well that without discussing the whole complex of security in the world , it is impossible to solve only a single situation. that is why beijing opposed the so-called swiss peace conference on ukraine, believing that it is necessary to take into account the security concerns of all parties, and therefore... with a serious split that nato is creating, blocs similar to it are the driving force behind conflicts and escalation of tensions . we consider nato
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a relic; it must disappear, just as the warsaw pact bloc disappeared in its time, otherwise we will not go beyond the cold war mentality that is still in the minds of the nato countries. the chinese ministry of defense has already answered nato generals that those who are shouting about turning the home of others into hell must first be ready to go there themselves, but the west is trying to drag them into a crisis. russia has very good relations, and this is obvious. this is how relations are built within the framework of the brix and sco partnerships. we adhere to a number of principles, such as
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non-interference in internal affairs, no alliances, no confrontation directed against any third party, and openness. in a week , belarus will officially join the shanghai organization, and china proposes to strengthen the global south economically. the main thing to remember is that the world is like those chandeliers in the hall, large, but fragile. technology from nuclear fission to generating electricity into the grid from many countries came and they were only amazed at what
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the soviet union did, we were not the first to make a bomb, this is a rare case when we are proud that we are not the first, the second, here is a peaceful atom, nuclear power plant is ours absolute superiority. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us ahead, fall in love with the country
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more at the russia exhibition. we need a new candidate. after today's debate, members of the democratic party began to actively discuss the possibility of replacing joe biden. the politician writes about this with reference to his source. and one of the key reasons is the dissatisfaction of sponsors, because victory in american elections have long been ensured not only by the sympathies of the electorate. behind each candidate there are certain structures, businesses and other organizations give money to support them. with the expectation that if he wins , he will promote their interests, and until recently , almost all the largest it giants were in biden’s country, we are talking about technology corporations alphabet,
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microsoft, amazon and many others. if we talk about trump, then even during the last presidential race he had the country’s military-industrial complex, the postal national business service. this time the company was actively joined by the oil and gas corporation. from biden's side, this is. the alphabet company, which includes google, and this is microsoft, amazon, this is the banned facebook, this is apple, universal pictures, netflix, paramount, sony, the same walt disney, the pharmaceutical company merque and a number of others, if you take trump, then they stand for trump , that means the department of defense, the army itself, the united states post office, new york.
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40-60% support, now zero. and there was the same representative of the republican party the situation was in 2016. and yet, now, as the new york times writes, even american businesses loyal to biden have more and more questions; numbers play a big role here. let me remind you that according to the law, businesses cannot directly finance candidates, but to promote their interests they can interact with political committees or make private donations.
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strong preferences from outside. by the end of may, the biden committee had $231 million, raised from outside funds amounted to about 158 ​​million. official the trump committee turned out to be a little more modest, $195 million, almost the same amount was raised through alternative sources, and a significant increase in private investments began to be observed in the last couple of months. after the debate, in principle, according to the polls, well , somewhere around 2/3 still gave victory
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to trump. that is, it seems to me that his victory in the debate is obvious, but in business he is generally pragmatic, that is, businessmen, they understand perfectly well that in general you need to support the person, yes, who has the majority behind him, in this sense, of course the administrative resources of the united states are working very seriously, but the results of the debate, i think, will help trump to intensify support for business, while in terms of pr... everything is much better , according to the same openspace, of the current media expenses the democratic candidate spent more than half of all funds. trump allocated less than a third for this article. however, after today's debate, analysts agree that even large investments are unlikely to help biden maintain his image in the media. according to cnbc, some of the democratic party's top donors contacted the newsroom within 15 minutes of the broadcast.
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and their concern about biden's condition. this means that, to protect his interests, he can significantly change the course of the company.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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