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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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she calls this one of the most pressing problems - the shortage of medical workers and teachers in the regions. it seems to me that it is necessary to raise the responsibility of medical universities not only for the quality of education, but for education, the formation of the true vocation of a doctor. the time has come to update state policy in this area, to find legal mechanisms so that, as a rule, there is at least 3 years of work after graduation from a medical school. medical institutions,
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there are such proposals, they need to be studied, look at the possibilities of their implementation. mikhail mishustin recalled that this year for the first time the federation council held consultations on the candidates proposed by the president for heads of federal executive bodies in the field of security, defense, internal affairs, foreign affairs, as well as justice and emergency prevention . all decisions were made professionally, promptly, and this is exactly how we plan to work with... this is already happening within the framework of government hours, which take place in the chamber, meetings relevant specialized committees or working groups on lawmaking and sectoral issues. the federation council always comes to us with the most serious and necessary initiatives. valentina matvienko noted the active work of the new government, which the cabinet of ministers began in all areas.
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united in a single document, which will be developed today in relation to each city, one of the biggest problems is the limited number of specialists in this matter, who today cannot provide that is, these are all issues that should be the simultaneous production of master plans throughout the entire territory of the russian federation, therefore, a sufficient number of large cities are now being determined according to certain priorities in order...
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to be implemented and how to optimize the work with sites that are able to carry out this work . as for the interests of the regions, how they are reflected in the master plans, what support tools are provided, and of course, they are interested in priorities in the united regions. according to the master plan itself, the regions will also have to allocate partial funding, because the work is complex, it is necessary to digitize absolutely all programs in each region that are provided for. development of this or that city, we discussed collecting it in a number of regions, these are about 300-500 programs that regulate the development of the same, say, regional center, they all need to be collected into a single document in order to build strategic planning, so this for regions, this is they are part of the task, for which quite a lot of time and preparatory work is allocated, and today they are all participating. in the so-called
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preliminary selection, there will be no competition as such, as the representative of the ministry of economic development emphasized, but cities will be ranked according to... let's say, the unsuitable urban planning state as a result of the activities of ukraine, master planning for them will be carried out first of all, this is one of priorities, because the russian federation has taken upon itself the time of rebuilding, rebuilding in many ways our cities, our regions, and today
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the government and the president are really paying very serious attention to the restoration of our new regions to everything that should follow. for the full integration of our regions into the russian federation. let's return to the issue of personnel, which was also discussed by valentin matvienko and mikhail mishustin. achieving technological sovereignty is impossible without preserving the basic industries that ensure the sustainability of the entire economy. this is the oil and gas industry metallurgy, machine and building instruments. and technical specialists are needed everywhere. at the same time, there are still clearly not enough graduates from engineering and technical universities to meet demand. we need to build a system of early vocational guidance in the schools of our country, and we are not talking about just pilot schools, which
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we have today in many regions of russia, but about a systematic approach to organizing such technological, engineering, classes in all schools of the russian federation, in everyone regions, it is necessary to prepare teachers, material resources, educational materials in order to acquire primary knowledge for a profession, a technical profession, which in the future will necessarily be the start for the student’s transition , a school graduate, transfer to... secondary technical institutions, but higher institutions in technical specialties, today we have, for example, in higher educational institutions an interest in engineering specialties are practically at the bottom of the list, and today almost no more than 20% of our graduates take
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special natural science subjects, such as mathematics and physics, we have good experience in the country in cultivating interest in technical specialties and i think this is good experience, it is 30-40-fifty years ago, but this is our experience, the experience of our country, and today it is necessary to develop the modern russian school with new requirements, and these proposals, these examples, this practice should be introduced by one of sections, the emerging national personnel project. the start of the national personnel project on january 1 , 2025 was announced by the president and the ambassador. federal assembly. the goals of the project are now being actively developed and mechanisms are being formed to achieve them. the main thing is that the national project must forecast the personnel needs of the economy for a five-year perspective. by the way, according to the ministry of economic development, by 2030 the number of jobs will increase by almost
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2.5 million, and some of them will move from industry to industry. this migration has already begun, which explains the unprecedented demand for retraining courses. is it easy to get? it’s not the most common profession among women; there’s a stereotype that it’s hard work that requires physical strength. in fact, this is not the case, because a milling machine processes not only metal, but also lighter materials, such as plastic or wood. this is taught to the students of the courses at the center by professionals, the group is mostly men, among them karen moradians, who, before he sat down at his desk again, made dental instruments for almost 30 years prostheses. tired of it. to be honest, doing the same thing, i decided to change my profession, also in principle, a different interpretation of what i was doing, also working with metals. koren has been receiving new knowledge for the third week, as expected, first, students are introduced to the theoretical part, so that they thoroughly
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understand the milling business and ultimately become first-class specialists. what is valued is, well , such technical accuracy, that is , accuracy in reading drawings, accuracy in understanding one’s work. in general i notice that the listeners are quite interested, that is, apparently, they came to study for a reason, that is, they listen, it’s interesting, they ask a question on the topic, in total there are more than 50 course retraining programs in the center. electrician the specialty driver of self-propelled equipment, that is, a loader, excavator and other construction machines, is in great demand. if a student is referred for training by the employment service, he studies for free. we have colossal infrastructure throughout the city. first of all, of course, i recommend visiting our center, the flagship, center of the profession of the future. our career mentors will take all other steps for you, they will conduct career guidance, and they will select the most suitable vacancies for you. the capital's center for the profession of the future was created as a response to the challenges of the labor market, the duration of one of
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the most popular programs, in which you can undergo training in 75 current specialties, does not exceed 3.5 months, it takes place directly at the production sites of employers and the percentage of employment after completion of such training is more than 80%. by the way, the center’s services are available not only to muscovites, but also to residents of other regions, a system of advanced training, a retraining system, a system. dmitry dombrovsky came to the education system from the car repair and maintenance business, now he shares
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his experience with college students and does it so professionally that this year he was recognized as the best industrial training master in moscow. i always try to give the guys the information that is current it is relevant for my students to introduce some innovations into production, into the service sector and further develop in this area. in the competition, moscow masters in his category dmitry beat out 43 competitors, in total this year in the capital... representatives of various professions, these are specialists in the field of information modeling of buildings, electric bus drivers are engineers, programmers, and if in the distant ninety-eighth , when the competition just started, we had only seven professions, but now there are already 40, and one of them, a master of industrial training, simply put, a teacher, each candidate for victory gave a twenty-five-minute lesson in his discipline, so in the classes we learned how to set lighting for
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through the creation of data centers, here, of course, russia has quite its own unique experience,
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the giz posiidon system was recently adopted and works very effectively, since 2019 many civil servants, most of whom work in the bc certificate system, of course, a scientific approach in assessing all risk-oriented transactions that are formed in budgets today.
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and one of the days of the forum will be entirely devoted to the development of contacts with the brix countries. also at the forum, new women's projects will be presented, which are now the focus of attention of the ej council. there is very little time left before the eurasian women's forum. personal regions, public, women's organizations, human rights organizations, and of course, huge interest in the forum on the part of women from different countries; to date, representatives of 75 countries have already declared their readiness to participate in forum, everyone is ready not only
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to exchange experiences at such forums, but most importantly - to conclude new agreements, therefore... the new world agenda and economic reality in preserving the tradition of cultural diversity, and will also reveal the secret. in his message to the federal assembly, the president focused on measures aimed at increasing the birth rate; we will discuss them with senator zhanna chefranova. zhanna yuryevna, an important role in this issue is assigned to reproductive technologies, what
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programs are currently being implemented, to what extent are they available and how the quality of medical care provided is controlled. technologies, with regard to quality control, already in the twenty-third year , art was carried out only in those medical institutions that have experience of more than 100 cycles, this is the number, an assessment of the coverage of women suffering from infertility, these are successfully completed
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procedures, that is, the pregnancy that occurred and the number of births. i think that one of the functions they should have is maintaining a register of infertile couples, the whole point is that art technologies turn out to be both state and private medical institutions, and the ratio is this: public 30% approximately, private 70%, i think that
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a single database should be collected, there should be a single center where a woman or a man can go. can apply, i further believe that this center will take on the task of information support, this is very important, and various public opinion polls show that despite the availability of these technologies , there are problems of information, this must be dealt with seriously, that is, every person who has reproductive ill health , must know where to go, go on time and get proper medical care.
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in advance, this, by the way, is the right way - not to overpay. however, you can save on tickets now. marina pavlova has collected useful information on rail transportation.
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so, children under 5 years old travel for free if they share the same seat with their parents. children under 10 years old can travel by train with a discount of up to 70%. during the summer holidays, passengers aged 10 to 17 years old can travel for half price. for undergraduates, graduate students or cadets of scientific departments there is a 25% discount. also youth from 10 under 21 years of age can take advantage of a thirty percent discount when purchasing tickets for sapsan and some swallows. if there are three or more children in a family, where the youngest is not yet eighteen, then russian railways will provide tickets for long-distance compartment cars at a special rate. this promotion is for a large family, which is aimed at the possibility of travel, primarily for older families, the discount is 15%. and this year an additional promotion has been announced. travel with children, where it is possible to provide a fifteen percent discount when traveling with with one child allows you to take advantage of
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a discount when purchasing tickets for compartment cars - from january 1 to june 1, from september 1 to december 31. russian railways paid special attention to the older generation with a discount for passengers over 60 years old. roads, decisions have been made on free travel for veterans of the great patriotic war with their accompanying persons; last year we decided on free travel for residents
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of besieged leningrad and accompanying persons on all trains; 1,600 siege survivors and 900 accompanying persons have already taken advantage of the promotion. heroes of the soviet union, heroes of russia and full holders of the order of glory are eligible. travel free of charge on trains and carriages of all categories, twice a year on personal matters, once a year to the place of treatment and back, and a hero of socialist labor, awarded the order of labor glory of three degrees, awarded orders for service to the homeland in the armed forces of the ussr of three degrees, can travel free of charge once a year. during the holiday season , russian railways provides a wide range of travel options for passengers of all categories. one of the popular areas is kaliningrad, however, a trip. this route requires special preparation, and in order to come to the kaliningrad region, you must have a legal passport; today the lithuanian authorities issue a so-called simplified
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railway transit document, which is received by anyone who has a stolen passport and who actually buys a flight ticket moscow, kaliningrad or kaliningrad moscow or to other cities, and accordingly, he receives this one-time transit document, which can, strictly speaking, use for... regardless of the chosen destination, travelers always have the opportunity to save up to 20% of the cost by purchasing tickets in advance or with a non-refundable fare, as well as purchasing an entire compartment or sv. in addition, there are discounts for birthday people and their accompanying persons. 10% on long-distance train tickets and 30% on high-speed sobsans and swallows. the offer can also be used a week before and a week after your birthday. to everyone who is leaving. good weather, well, these were the results of the week in the federation council, see you in air, see you on the senate program.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, we got used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, all russian channels.
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tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations.
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vladimir putin held a meeting with program graduates. development of the personnel reserve, this is already the sixth stream, the project has been implemented since 2017, during this time more than 450 people have been trained, some have joined the ranks of governors, the president emphasized the use of new personnel located both in regional authorities, including in donbass and novorosiya, and in the federal government, as well as in the scientific and corporate fields. anastasia efimova will tell you what modern managers should be like according to the head of state.


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