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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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to say he called a large group of journalists, writers, muckrakers. according to the president, these people did not see anything good around them, they only delved into various types of dirt in american society, that is , in problems and vices, carefully and scrupulously recording everything and putting it on display for general discussion. and these people were mostly well-educated, with well-paid, interesting jobs.
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the objects, of course, were outraged, as was president roosevelt, but now this is the pride of american democracy. julian asanche, the most the notorious 21st century muckraker has been released after nearly 15 years of persecution and imprisonment. osanju is 53 years old and has spent a third of his adult life in prison in one way or another. first, i spent 7 years hiding with a cat in the ecuadorian embassy in britain, then another five. in a maximum security prison in a 2x3 m cell. the founder of wikileaks started out by being interested in programming, but very quickly became what is called a hacker. hacked websites and published information not intended for the general public, often from a sense of justice, for example, helped the police identify criminals who were stored on computers. child pornography,
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world fame came to asanju in 2006 in connection with the launch of the wikileaks website, made on the principle of wikipedia. anyone could leak dirt on anyone through it. the resource was reliably protected. it was impossible to remove published material from it, and the swedish company on whose site the main server was located gave a guarantee that the site would never be closed at the request of the court. in 2007, the guardian published members of the family of former kenyan president daniel sensational material about corruption among orapa moi. in 2010, american serviceman bradley mening sent wikileaks thousands of classified us army documents, including the iraqi dossier on torture at guantanamo bay prison. one of the videos clearly showed helicopters firing in the sky over baghdad.
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group of civilians. 18 people were killed, including journalists. the white house initially blamed the insurrectionists, but the video set the record straight. the next scandal was caused by the publication of the so-called diplomatic dossier. 250 thousand telegrams from american embassies and the state department on a variety of topics. it was the largest leak of confidential documents in history. in personal correspondence , american diplomats described the world. leaders without mincing words. they called vladimir putin, for example, an alpha male. berlusconi is a weak and ineffective leader who does not have time to sleep off after partying. nicolas sarkozy is a naked king, and the president of iran, ahmadi nijad, was compared to hitler. time magazine then named asandzha man of the year. shortly after the publication of the afghan dossier, two swedish women accused asandzh of sexual harassment. a court in
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stockholm ordered his detention. fearing extradition to the united states, asansh took refuge in the same ecuadorian embassy in london. when, after 7 years, he was expelled from there, according to some sources, for collecting incriminating evidence on the president of ecuador. london police put him in prison. the journalist was facing more than 100 years in prison, but the american offered him a deal and he chose freedom. asanch arrived in australia, reunited with his family after long ordeals. the end of the case was received with relief. washington demanded extradition to the united states, but the prospect of a high-profile trial did not arouse enthusiasm there. it would become another reason for irreconcilable battles, and there is enough polarization in an election year as it is. asandzh himself cannot be blamed for conciliation. he has long proven his integrity. and spending the rest of your life in prison
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for no apparent reason is a bright but meaningless choice, so admitting one charge in exchange for time already served once. a plea bargain is an interesting phenomenon , first of all, of american justice, which is accustomed to other legal cultures , it’s a little strange, one wonders, where is the justice? the volume of criminal offenses and, accordingly, their consideration in the courts is so great that it is simply very difficult to consider all cases, as they say, in the usual manner, that is, as provided for by the constitution, for example, with the participation of a jury, that is, they simply will not have time to consider them, so the point here is rather about saving resources, at least in this is the logic of this process, it should be said that in fact, approximately 90 and even more percent of criminal cases
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are considered in the order of this, which is called bargain, that is, transactions, this is the standard procedure for consideration with a jury or, for example, with one professional judge, like not strange, yes... has ceased to be standard, this is actually a minority of cases, a deal with the investigation does not imply that the investigation, yes, that is, the prosecution is absolutely free in what it proposes as punishment, it anyway, that is, this side of the prosecution is guided by the restrictions provided for by the current legislation from the point of view of, well, for what crimes what punishments can be assigned, we are simply talking about the fact that if there is a certain, what is called a fork on...
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by, well, or often, in any case, we are talking about the fact that he will be given a punishment that he has already served during the investigation. it’s okay to unload the fimida, but when we’re talking about such high-profile cases , isn’t it too easy? in fact we are talking about confession is, in fact, a classical, generally medieval thing, when a person, when confession is the queen of evidence, this procedure itself is very seriously debated. in their united states, including, because many believe that this is a violation of what the constitution protects, because by and large a person is giving up his constitutional rights, his constitutional right, including to have his case considered jury, situation, for example with assange,
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there is no doubt that his defender is knocking out for him, what is called the best option for resolving the issue, here... there is no point, another thing is that this creates new precedents, because asandzha is accused under an article related to espionage, and that very circumstance, that his case was not tried there with a jury, for example, and sange actually admitted his guilt in this, this creates a not very pleasant precedent, because in fact it turned out that what was previously considered normal... on the one hand is bad, which is kind of like he was brought in for this article that creates such a precedent, on the other hand, in fact, a precedent in the legal sense was not created, because
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the court did not consider this case, it is not a court, it means it approved that yes, we now consider this a criminal offense, therefore the situation here is very ambivalent; on the one hand , it’s bad for journalism there. well, in general, for freedom of speech, on the other hand, it is good that at least he was not found guilty in this case by the court itself, for example, so that this does not become a precedent, that is, a legal political-legal, so to speak, point of view, this of course creates a lot of questions about the procedure itself, not so much even about the procedure itself, namely about its application to such cases that may become, yes, many people say this, journalistic activity has been equated with espionage, there is not much of a precedent, but hand on heart, is detached truth-seeking really possible in the conditions of an acute cold war? is it doomed to be perceived as sabotage by the enemy, or not? our
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interlocutor today is olga baisha, she knows all the ins and outs of the modern crazy media world, explored it in different countries. hello, olya! hello, well, asansh , as a symbol of such courageous opposition to the american state, evokes sympathy and a warm feeling among many, but let’s imagine a mirror situation, that such a whistleblower. we also have an exceptionally sincere idealist, we probably won’t really welcome his activities, how should we treat this phenomenon now? the idea was to provide an opportunity to any people who they want to extract their governments, their secrecy, their inaccessibility of any information to residents, to the citizens of their country, to provide the opportunity to actually dump, hand over, leak this secret information, so at first it would be
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helicopter pilots shooting iraqis, including civilians, there were not only civilians, there were armed people, but also civilians, including children, and they were not just shot, but also mocked at this, this undoubtedly has the right to be published, because this is military crimes in accordance with any laws, and frankly, i have doubts here, the russian authorities would have resisted, for example, if such an discovery had appeared, there are doubts, in fact , maybe not, i don’t know.
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that is, here, to be honest, i don’t see how you can protect him, where is the journalism, in fact, he just took the materials that mening provided him and leaked them to the internet, these are very confidential conversations between diplomats who really have something to do with the security of the country , v any country would have condemned him, in any, it is believed that in america the situation is somewhat different, because the first amendment protects editors, journalists from...
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the participation of the lyndon johnson administration in as well as evidence of the direct escalation of the conflict of misleading the us congress. for disclosing state secrets , ellsberg faced 116 years in prison, but under public pressure the court acquitted him. a year later, in june 1972 , during the election campaign in washington , police detained five people who they installed wiretapping in the office. us dem party at the watergate hotel. among those arrested were former cia agents and employees
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of nixon's campaign headquarters, and although the news did not influence voters and nixon was re-elected, the scandal developed. a washington post source under the pseudonym "deep throat" claimed that the trail leads all the way to the top. the president recorded all conversations in the oval office, when the investigation demanded to provide the tape, it... george w. bush started the war in iraq on the basis of deliberately false intelligence. in 2002 he went to niger, where he became personally convinced that saddam hussein had no intention of buying yellow uranium to produce weapons
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of mass destruction. but the white house deliberately did not make this information public. a week after the article was published, an act of revenge followed. the press released material that revealed the identity of his wife, undercover cia agent valerie plame. this put an end to her career and endangered her loved ones. the white house denied all allegations. in november 2009 , before the un climate summit in copenhagen, the so-called climate gate. hackers leaked correspondence from employees of the university of east anglia.
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documents, after which he fled to hong kong. there he described how american intelligence agencies spy on internet users and eavesdrop on conversations of foreign leaders. this caused a series of international scandals. snowden confirmed that back in 2010 , the us government authorized hacker attacks on foreign political parties and organizations. in the united states, he was charged in absentia with espionage. snowden asked for political asylum and stayed. russia and got married. in march, at the height of the discussion about the feasibility of supplying kiev with long-range taurus cruise missiles, recordings of secret video meetings of the bundeswehr command, including a recording of a conversation about a missile attack on the crimean bridge, were leaked online. the officers wondered how many missiles would be needed for the attack. in germany they are inclined
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to believe that the recording is genuine. here. they won’t pay attention, because, firstly, they are fed up with it all, and secondly, these are enemies, it’s all dispersed, i agree with you, here, well, firstly, it was time it’s interesting when san in 2010, so to speak, made all this information public, basically everything was in 2010, what time it was, america was very tired of the iraq war, that
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is, it had already lasted 7 years at that moment, it was very an unpopular war by that time, obama came to power in 2009, he... have the right to sort out all this informational rubbish, well, actually, who will, well , there are no willing ones among the masses, so to speak, the population, so he turned then in 2010 year to mainstream media mass media, the washington post, the new york times and so on, who went to, say, cooperate with him, because they really thought that it was very important, but they began to frame, edit, but actually bring everything to
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the same denominator, to which, so to speak, our modern humanity is accustomed, let’s imagine that today... the same thing happened , firstly, the mainstream media, after this story, will no longer play these games, they won’t, we know that for sure , new york times, washington post, garden, they don't they publish nothing that runs counter to the interests of the american state today. the second aspect, today we are really immersed in the world of the internet, where for any such information there will be 101 versions of other information, where they will say that this is a fake, this, and so on and so forth, and they will also fabricate videos that will contradict what you are saying. .. everyone says post-truth, that is, if , in simple terms, emotions and personal views are more important than facts, we kind of frame it
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or, so to speak, adapt it to our views, what we read, and we simply ignore the rest, it turns out that exposure simply loses its meaning in this environment, in a sense, yes, yes, in a sense, yes, well, let it be true, it’s not so it’s just that we deny facts, but... well, we love emotions, no, everyone’s facts are different, that is, there are categories of people to whom no matter what you bring, no matter what fact, you tell, and you definitely you know that these are facts, they still won’t believe it, because they will be sure that it’s russian propaganda, on the other hand, the same thing, these are absolutely two non-overlapping worlds, this is actually post-truth, why do emotions speak, emotions in the sense that we are emotionally committed to some kind of truth, that is, which one do we believe in?
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something else, this is not something that people sit here, people come up with and throw in, in any case it is considered an information war, because well , actually, information is what you force your opponent or your supporter to believe, it is of great importance, but information in this sense decides everything, that is, you can win with missiles, but actually lose in public opinion, which is extremely important, well, this is understandable, it seems to me, that is, in this regard, i would not say that this denies the idea of ​​information wars, it’s just...
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thank you very much, olga baisha was our guest. this week, dramatic events took place in different parts of the globe.
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an attempted military coup in lithium-rich bolivia failed, and unrest broke out in kenya so severe that president william root had to withdraw from the austerity package approved by parliament. the situation is classic, but so bright, yes.
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