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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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all political parties did everything possible to prevent its implementation. brexit was only nominal. they called it that because it’s worse now. i would say that the situation for those people who wanted brexit is worse now than it was before the vote. and brexit was so hollowed out, the concept itself was so hollowed out. that the people who wanted it didn't get anything, how can people use the word democracy to describe your country, no way, so my fundamental problems are related to the fact that we definitely have no democracy, i wonder when democracy left, i wonder how long it lasted, your guess, i really, god, in the moments when i'm most overwhelmed by thoughts of conspiracy theories, i think something started... after the war , i think
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the movement, i don’t know if it started then, but i think they went into overdrive then , in our country, after 9/11, and i’m not a muslim and i don’t intend to become one, i don’t agree with islam, but we were told again and again, everyone around me seemed to agree that muslims islam is our enemy, i don't know if you've had that experience in the uk, we definitely have and it's just interesting, again, it's all part of the strategy, sharing power, you're absolutely right, i just didn't realize it , you made me think about this, you spent many years in washington, 35 in total, nothing special, i admit my mistake and say that i grew with one hundred percent. and
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i thought that, you know, while the democrats in the west wing, you know, the cowboy in the white hats, keep order, god help me, i thought they were great and now i'm clutching my head, oh how, why could i even think that, were you in the den of the beast? what, what's wrong with these people? you know, these people, and i won't name names, these people who came in poor and come out with pockets full of money from lobbying and insider trading and so on, they have more money than croesus, they are still there in their insanity , what, what drives them, what motivates these people, obviously money is part of it, i'm just late to this understanding, you know... everyone
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we have blind spots, this is definitely one of mine, i just didn’t see the extent of corruption because i couldn’t imagine it, i would never say for money something i don’t believe in, never, it would never even occur to me, and i grew up with someone else, the idea of ​​people saying things they knew were n't true for the sake of money shocked me, it took me decades to understand what was going on, people said oh it's all money and i said the wrong thing. yes, we just have different views, ideologies, worldviews, no, in a lot of it was just about money and i just didn't realize it, but how much money does a multi-multi-millionaire need, well i agree, i 've never been like that, absolutely right, first of all, getting out of debt, i think that's a huge blessing, and if you can get rid of debt, you are not controlled, there is an inherent freedom and debt is slavery, we love debt in the usa, our society is based on debt.
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national explanation for transgenderism, they're just sterilizing children, there's no justification for it, they're doing it to kill people like the us government, i hate to say this as an american patriot, but it has been a killing force for a long time, i also think through the lens of time, it can be recognized as arrogance, it is the belief that you are a god, what do you have ... that they are more than people,
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this is how you destroy yourself in the society you lead, niloliver, thank you for the interview, thank you tucker carlson, the idea of ​​starting a business came from a childhood dream of becoming a pioneer. i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined that one day i will open this place to everyone, and i decided to have a hotel in the lighthouse, it’s good that my friends helped with the renovation, with the opening of the sber business, sber
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different ones; for money, your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. if we want to know about the main trends, then we turn to gerald silente. if nostradamus were alive today, he would not have kept up with him. about 15 years ago, the hosts of cnn, nbc, and fox news presented our today's interlocutor in exactly this way on their broadcasts. since then, gerald celente in his assessment the reality of the united states has only become more precise and merciless. the latter scared
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the american information mainstream. when federal american broadcasts stopped calling, celente became its own television. this is his path, years later, for example, tucker carlson will follow. but gerald, with his italian charisma, still doesn't imitate the bronx native. and also, who started out as a political consultant to celente, publishes a magazine called trends. headquarters, in this old mansion in kingston, in the hudson valley, a town, where they wrote the first constitution of the state of new york, as if the fruit of that passing america, the founding fathers, the roaring twenties, the great depression of the baby booms, the generation to which he himself belongs. but what does the us have in the distant future? and our conversation with him is not really about this. gerald, gerald, thank you very much
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for the opportunity of this interview, we have known each other for more than 10 years, and it is always a great pleasure for me to communicate with you. i can say that over the years i have been amazed at the accuracy of your assessments of trends in american politics and the financial sector. tell us about the trends 5 months before the us elections, and would you say that you are upset or concerned about these trends? i am saddened by the trends on the cover of the new issue of our trends magazine, which came out 2 days before the debate, it says: presidential reality show, great debate, donald duck and goofy, these are two cartoon characters. people don't want either candidate, look, this is a recent poll from june 14th, a record number of americans reject both biden and trump, the number of americans who have a negative opinion.
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no one will elect you anywhere, they call it the government, and i call it a crime syndicate, that's how it goes, trump's company received $60 million from one person, the bbc reports. this man was billionaire conservative timothy.
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usa, you still have doubts about who is running the banquet. now let's look at the other side, billionaire michael bloomberg gave almost 20 million to biden, it continues like this, it's a big game. what are these elections all about? what are the most important topics on them for ordinary americans: economics, illegal migration? what else, what is most important? in '92, when clinton was elected, there was a phrase: "it's the economy, fool." this question is still number one. i call americans plantation workers in a slave country, and not only americans, but all of europe too. these pigs literally took over everything. when i was a child, there were private shops.
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they say that they donate to the election campaign, only idiots and imbeciles will believe this, because these are, in fact, bribes and kickbacks, politicians were bought in order to take them for themselves that's it, those who run this show need votes, nothing else, so they will talk about immigration, about the economy, about what concerns ordinary americans, but... as a result of the actions of the elite of the democratic party, we can be sure that biden will he even go to the polls? just think about
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what you just said: the democratic elite. elite, what is elata? this is political garbage. that's what. according to our forecasts, biden is highly likely to leave the race and a search is underway for someone to replace him, like democrat gavin newsam, governor california. to win the elections you need. get a lot of votes, this time a lot of young people will vote against trump, but they won't come to the polls if the second candidate is biden, by the way, this guy, he... take george bush, his father was president, andy cuomo, former governor of new york, his dad was a big shot in canada, it's all a club and they need to choose the best member of the club, although i personally can't stand any of them. i haven't gone to the polls since the late eighties because i
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don't vote for the lesser of two evils. yes now, in fact, it’s too early to talk about elections. usually people begin to become interested in them no earlier than september. it’s summer now, life is good, and people are not paying attention to what’s going on at all, things will start to heat up in the second week of september, that’s when real change will begin. elections are important, but what seems even more important to me is what happens after the elections. if one of the parties, republicans or democrats, does not recognize the victory of the other side. is civil disobedience possible? if biden goes to the polls and wins, everything will remain as it is now. if trump wins, we will have a divided states of america. a lot of people hate him, so the country will split again. however, it is already split. what will it be? civil war? no, no, there will be no civil war, there will just be more hatred, and the country will continue
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to see more. she is already losing power in front of the whole world. the middle class is dying out. figures show that it is already 11% less than in the seventies, the rich are getting richer, ordinary people cannot afford to buy housing, sales are falling everywhere, again, big business continues to take over everything, when i was little, banks were not allowed to operate outside their state, bank of america, for example, only worked in california, this changed in ninety-six under clinton, who abolished these restrictions and freed the hands of corporations,
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more junior ones, before and after him, do you agree with this and don’t you think that the consequence of such a policy could be a third world war. 2 days before the conflict in ukraine began, we predicted the beginning of the third world war and they said that we need peace. the third world war has already begun, to declare it officially, all it takes is some kind of attack under a false flag or something similar. the point here is not about neocons, there was such a person. general dwight esenhower, who later became president of the united states. during world war ii he commanded the allied forces. the five-star general then said that the american military-industrial complex is robbing the people, taking away their scientific achievements, workers' labor and future children. everything happened as he said. the korean war, vietnam, two iraq wars,
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the war in afghanistan. and obama, remember, is a nobel peace prize laureate, and yet... as soon as he assumed the presidency, he increased his military presence in afghanistan and demanded the overthrow of libyan president gaddafi, and then syrian president assad. and the war in yemen, antony blinken, who is now posing as secretary of state, he was sent to saudi arabia when they were bombing the houthis in yemen to provide the saudis with intelligence data and act as a strategic ally. the us refuels the saudi fighter jets that were destroyed. this is the mentality of evil people, when all other methods stop working, they drag you into war. remember what started after the great depression: world war. franklin roosevelt then seized all japanese assets in america. why did he do this? today historians
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tell us that these dirty japanese had the audacity to invade french indo-china. japanese. let's go to french indo-china, why the hell did the french forget in cambodia, laos and vietnam. oh, you say that the japanese robbed and killed, and the french, what did they do, and why should i, an american , care about that? and then, they say, these dirty japanese occupied the cameron airbase, which was only 800 miles from the americans, who were then based in the philippines in singapore. what the hell are the americans and british doing there, it’s not ours. the usa, the netherlands and britain blocked 3/4 of japanese exports and deprived them of 88%.
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the bursting of the dotcom bubble, we are too do you want more evidence, how about they predicted, in the fall of ninety-nine we said that the market would collapse in the second quarter of 2000, then the nazdak exchange. i lost more than 70%, the money was simply washed away. america plunged into recession. george bush, the guy who portrayed the president, was hated. and then september 11th happens. suddenly the rules of the game change, and 90% of americans already support bush's attack on afghanistan. they support the little guy with a brain the size of peas. i assure you, they will find a way to ensure that 90% population. i would say that trump has
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more opportunities to change everything than anyone else, but again, look who trump, as president, chose as his associates, they were solid neocons, the secretary of defense then became a rabid one, he says. states, are there still healthy forces within the united states , i mean the anti-war movement, ordinary people, are they capable of changing something? yes, do you believe it? absolutely. one of our founding fathers, samuel adams, once said that to win, you need not a majority, but an angry minority, ready to work tirelessly and kindle the fire of freedom in the hearts
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of people, but the peaceful movement here will achieve nothing without money, that’s how it works here, and the billionaires don’t yet spend a cent on peace, not a cent, nothing, but they can easily give 20 -50-100 million dollars for politics for elections. in 2019, i was in hong kong, when they passed... they drove us under desks, sirens howled, and we hid under the desks, preparing for a nuclear explosion, in high school, when we could no longer
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fit under the desks, they forced us resting my hands on the wall like this, and they said that i shouldn’t look at the flash, but if i see this flash, then in the next moment i will die, and hide under the desk, as if this could save someone, they began to teach us to hate russians right away after the second world war, but then john ken'... before his speech then was dedicated to peace. he is a graduate of an american university. everyone said that we should not hate people from the soviet union, he said that they suffered much greater losses than we did in the second world war. he talked about more than 20 millions died, lost homes, factories, land. kennedy assured that soviet people are very highly developed culturally and technologically and said that there is no need to hate them. he ended his speech by saying
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that america would never fight again, it was june, a few months later kennedy was assassinated, and another 8 months later the next president lyndon johnson dragged america into the vietnam war. the same thing could happen to trump if he tries to stop the war in ukraine. of course they'll kill anyone, see over there photo, this is john connolly, the former governor of texas, who was wounded during the kennedy assassination, he wanted to meet me in '89, after i wrote a book about political trends in the united states, about the likelihood of a third party candidate winning, who... something like rosa pero. conoley told me then, you wrote a good book, but you have no idea what 's really going on, and ordinary americans don't understand either, because if they...
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions .
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let's return to the news review, new shelling in the kursk region, as reported by the acting governor alexey smirnov, the village of guevo was under fire. two local residents were shell-shocked, and last night drones attacked the village of an ancient settlement, killing five people. details from elizaveta boukreeva. today was a restless night in the kursk region; a residential building in the village was attacked by a ukrainian copter.
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