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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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1943, when this belarusian trading house was founded in paraguay, it is clear that it is usually associated with the second wave of migration, but no, and this is the same one and a half, but in the second part of our film about the sad thing that refugees... belarusians collided already in
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south america, and from paraguay we will once again look into uruguay, where for the whole of south america one very bad thing appeared in relation to the belarusian slavs in general. we are in the holy of holies of the uruguayan parliament, this is its lower house. and of course, we must remember that any elections here are always not only a choice, not only today’s political process. these, of course, are great, great memories that, fortunately, have remained in history, investing with sber is easy, receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. we don’t know exactly what’s behind your
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power, one’s own army, is better than someone else’s, just like a language.
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on a roof from a tree and slept there, so that the tigers would come and take them by the legs, the tigers - it must be assumed that these are local jaguars, jaguars in spanish, well, whoever, but the belarusians overcame everything, homely, they settled down, this belarusian hut was built just at
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that time, the house is of course small, but , however, after arrival it was possible to fill it nothing special, they brought property from their homeland, well, at most one chest for the whole family, this is... this country, paraguay. so, you drive here, you drive along an asphalt road, and then you turn, no, not onto a country road, but onto a cobblestone road, because here begins the former kingdom of the catholic order of the jesuits, who covered these lands with a network of roads and their mission monasteries.
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let's look into the world and neo-slavic south america. there are two views on what the jesuits did here, generally opposite. on the one hand, the jesuit order gave refuge to the indians, they were saved. smallpox when the jesuits were expelled, and paraguay later gained independence, a new test awaited him. in the second half of the 19th century , the republic experienced a terrible war with its neighbors, when the same argentina, brazil and uruguay. behind these epic battle paintings is the story of the war of genocide. paraguay then lost 90% of its male population. and who was supposed to cultivate the paraguayan lands? in other words, in paraguay it was the other way around. there is a lot of land, and look what kind of land it is, the most fertile red soil, there are few workers, so here in
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paraguay, immigrants from eastern europe were accepted with pleasure, develop, develop the lands, raise money, they began to open their own factories processing of agricultural products, although, as we see, of course, not all undertakings turned into eternal commercial success, well , news reached paraguay about the outbreak of the great patriotic war, oh... i actually went to where my grandfather left on a polish passport, all that wooded part, or rather so, specifically there is no forest there now, because when the nazi army came there in 1941, they cut everything down because of the threat they posed. by the time the new war came to their historical homeland, south american belarusians had no
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doubt who to support, classic for example, the uruguayan committee of solidarity with the red army, which bore the name of varoshilov, but by the way, the full name, the committee named after voroshilov, belarusians, carpathian ukrainians, that is, everyone who had previously fled not from the germans, but from the poles, by the end of the second world war, the great patriotic war, they decided that they needed to unite. then here are the signatures of all the participants, the names are russian and belarusian, ukrainian, yugoslav, czech, this is the story that
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happened then in montevideo, well, we got ahead of ourselves, at first it was still the thirty-ninth year, on september 17, the red army began, as it was called, the polish campaign in western belarusian and western ukrainian lands, from molotov’s speech at the subsequent session of the supreme council of the ussr. a short blow to poland from the early germans turned out to be sufficient. army, and then the red army, so that nothing remains of this ugly creation of the versailles treaty. at the same time, having signed a pact with rebentrop in the presence of stalin, and this was his secret protocol that made it possible to take the belarusians and ukrainians under their wing, in the fall of thirty-nine molotov could not afford to criticize germany. for example, outside the brackets of his speech was the fact that in poland the nazis freed the prisons of ukrainian nationalists, who immediately offered the nazis their pact with completely different goals. who's pro. became arrogant in europe. in europe, the soviet union suffered greatly back then. firstly, a mass exodus
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from foreign communist parties began, and in france, those communist deputies of the national assembly who remained in the party and supported moscow were first deprived of their mandates, in one case completely arrested exiles, deputies, arrested exiles in democratic france. however, isn’t it the french and british premieres, geladia chamberlin. wasn’t it they who, a year earlier in 1938 in munich, entered into an agreement with hitler? having given him another slavic country, czechoslovakia, to be torn to pieces , which, by the way, the poles joined with great pleasure, but in our old world it’s always like this, what they forgave themselves, they did not forgive our other europe, whether tsarist, soviet, or whatever also, in south america at that time we, as we have already said, i'm interested in the events in the uruguayan parliament. according to the constitution, the lower house of the uruguayan parliament has 99 deputies. and just imagine, the beginning of september thirty-nine, 98. they stand in solidarity with those who are waging war against hitler. but there was another deputy,
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the ninety-ninth, who said: no, i personally will remain seated. the only communist deputy in uruguay at that time, eugenio gomez, remained in prison. he said that the imperialist war, the war between all sorts of owners, capitalists, does not bother him, and he is very much behind the ussr. but why then for people he didn't catch it? firstly. this is us at the saturday market in ruins in montevideo, where at the beginning of the 20th century, in addition to belarusians, there were even more thousands of the poor, the poor.
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a university building in the capital and province of buenos in the city of la plata, where during the voting in the local government elections we rented a plot in the fortunately again democratic elections in argentina. well, in paraguay, from the subjective side, with what was considered communism, the story about the jesuits has long been connected here. beyond public spaces in such missions there were also what were called stores. there the indians demolished everything they grew.
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but when a dictator came to power in paraguay back in the fifties, accusing the belarusians of adhering to communism, an entire military contingent was sent against them, and what was discovered, what evidence of communism, the works of gorky’s mother were discovered, books on russian history were also found , they also found books by dostoevsky, well , this has nothing to do with communism.
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latin american countries were super poor, but there was no communist threat, well, more precisely , we had a communist party here, but what kind of party is like four people? so the general says: if we don’t have communists, we’ll invent them. soldiers from among ethnic poles, it was then that the majority of paraguayan belarusians were again forced to flee, however, this time closer across the river to argentina, or to the boats.
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spain is almost automatically given italian spanish passports so that these european countries have more of their own in latin america, moreover, immediately after the war and the ussr almost automatically. gave citizenship to his own, even though they initially came to south america as citizens of poland, well, how can you not remember from mayakovsky, i take out a duplicate of a priceless cargo from my wide trousers, read, envy, i am a citizen of the soviet union, but then they all received soviet passports, yes, and then...
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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we continue our news review. shelling in the kursk region, as reported by acting governor alexei smertnov , the village of guevo was under fire. two local residents were shell-shocked. and last night , drones attacked the village of the settlement, five people were killed there. details from angelika gurova. the victims were a married couple, the man was almost 70 years old, the woman was over 50. their son died right at the scene of the shelling, at home. from the rylsk district, the couple was taken to
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the regional multidisciplinary clinical hospital.
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areas, the government of the kursk region is helping the victims restore housing. anzhelika gurova, dmitry zenovyev, host kursk. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the article on a terrorist attack on the fact drone attacks on the village fortification. this was reported in the press service of the department. the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia has opened a criminal case under an article of the criminal code on a terrorist act following an attack by ukrainian armed forces on the village of the settlement of the relsky district of the kursk region. as a result of the criminal actions of the ukrainian armed forces , five people died, including two children. the investigative committee of russia is establishing the circumstances of the incident and...


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