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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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there was a time, you understand, yes, and i can roughly imagine how the body moved, it was not taken out into the street, it moved inside the car, well, i don’t actually know what was used to strangle her, but the examination, the examination, this is again all speculation, some kind of guesswork- either with tights, or a scarf, or some kind of cloth, or something else, then they changed her clothes, then they didn’t change her clothes, so, uh, the examination shows that most likely the hand killed her, and the body was moved, and the body was moved, obviously moved from the front seat to the... here's the gap they didn’t notice between the front and back seats, well, apparently yes, most likely in order to hide the body, because the rear windows in her car were tinted, tinted, but the front one was not, the front one was not, she was driving purposefully to this place, there arriving 13 minutes later, she turned out to be already dead, someone called her, as i understand it, someone called her, and the most important thing is that she was in a hurry for this meeting, because she had traveled a distance, say, from home to this place very -very quickly, well, usually like that she doesn’t drive, she’s generally very... so let’s say,
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she drove carefully, she drove quickly, she arrived in 6 minutes, i think that her meeting was scheduled for exactly 12 o’clock, that’s what i’m guessing, well, that’s guess, just a detective yes 0:0 meeting, 13 minutes to kill, 13 minutes to kill, thank you sber loyalty program has been updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as... before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. more profitable with a subscription with berprime. for the first time on screens. meet me. on avita, on avita. khvatamba has arrived. discounts for people from people,
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views. fool, you want to go where you want, light up, soon.
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state prosecutors stood firmly in their position, according to them, the former head of the ramensky district was involved in the murder of his mistress, he does not admit his guilt, citing his non-involvement in the commission of this crime, but according to the investigation, this crime was committed by kulakov. and the motives can be completely different; in this case, i cannot say what the motive of a particular kulakov was. we believe that the accusation against kulakov was brought justifiably, on the basis evidence collected during the preliminary investigation. however, then the investigation also formed its own opinion about
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the guilt of andrei kulakov. kulakov himself and his wife, during a polygraph test, were exposed in lies. kulakov. is involved and he knows the circumstances of what happened, his wife is not involved, but is also aware of what happened, this can explain her attempt to create her husband. moreover, isaenkova’s daughter and her husband, according to the polygraph report, give truthful testimony, the first reporting that the mother was texting with kulak, went to meet him, but her husband had nothing to do with it. further. we use the fact of kulakov’s early resignation after he became actively interested in the investigation, he became the full head and had the intention of leaving the russian federation. however
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, kulakov himself claimed that he had no intention of fleeing abroad. tickets to belarus were bought for his official wife and son, the official himself from the first days on... supposedly there was nothing. during the trial, previously unknown information was revealed the details of the deputy’s life and work with law enforcement agencies are hidden to him by the chairman of the public chamber of the ramensky district, evgenia saentova. some episodes surprised kulakov himself, namely dubious transactions related to real estate. have you learned a lot about evgenia at the moment? yes, i've learned enough. what surprised you? i was surprised by several things, well, taking into account the fact that, for example, she communicated - or rather, she carried out some kind of activity related, for example, to the acquisition of property, about this they told there, that means, witnesses, yes, or
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helped, or rather, in the implementation of some issues related to property there, and i didn’t know about it at all, that is, behind your back, behind my back, it turns out like this, which means she led negotiations with people who were with
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that yes, certain threats were entered into there. immediately after receiving a diploma of higher education, evgeniy saenkova began to pursue a career as an official, first working in the administration. udelny village, then she was briefly taken to the main department social communications of the moscow region. the initiative group of the udelnaya village sought changes towards improving life in the village. in 2015 , she returned from saenkovo ​​to the district level, as deputy director of the ramensky youth center. in this capacity, she ended up in the district public service. the chamber immediately took up the post of deputy chairman there.
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the thirty-nine-year-old woman had many connections. during the trial, it became known that shortly before the murder, evgenia communicated with suspicious subscribers who were written down in her phone as shish, mouse, ceiling, white sheet, turtle, carib and zhilvak. correspondence was conducted in a secret chat.
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i also have an assumption that she was under kulakov as an eminence grise, that is, she held an insignificant position officially, but at the same time she had quite a strong influence on politics in the ramensky district and on decision-making, i think that she had quite a lot of information not only against kulakov, but i haven’t heard that she had any enemies at all, there were a lot of unfriendly ones, let’s say yes, but in order... to kill, well, if
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only returning again to the question of incriminating evidence, someone, could kulakov be framed in this way, well, that’s also a moot point, because - as of 2019, there were quite a lot of questions for him, because there are quite a lot of cameras along the route to the scene of the tragedy and not a single camera was provided... information, so why did the state office have difficulties with the evidence base, and how did it happen that there are many inconsistencies in the case, for example ,
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with video recording, many wrote about it journalists, data from private and city
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surveillance cameras either completely disappeared or did not give a clear idea of ​​​​the routes of evgenia isaenkova and andrei kulakov. and in this area there are cameras of a safe city, in a specific area where a crime was committed, in principle there is none there, because, well, that is. a lot of controversy also arose around the apartment building where the ex-head of the ramensky district lived with his family. the investigation considered:
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magnet on magnet and then it’s audible, but when silence is audible, and then it’s a door, i don’t even i heard it was a door, but naturally, if he came with his family, he could go out somewhere and why commit such an action, this is 100% excluded, so for murder to be pinned on him, such a person cannot do this, employees the claim checked the testimony of the concierge and came to the conclusion that the woman, being at her workplace, could not see the person who used the emergency exit; the second door of the entrance was located outside her field of vision.
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but, despite the fact that the investigation and government officials insisted on absolute guilt of the former head of the ramensky district andrei kulakov, the arguments of the defense and the defendant turned out to be much more convincing. on october 27 , 2021, five jurors and six believed that kulakov did not personally kill his mistress evgenia isaenkova. on the same day. the defendant was released from custody in the courtroom; we showed this footage at the beginning of the program. andrey, we knew, we knew, this is the reaction of kulakov’s official wife. i
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always believed and hoped for the best, so i can’t say that i’m surprised. i i knew that it will be like this, thank you very much, well, i told you that everything would be fine, i don’t care, i promised that everything would be recorded, we’ll see you, we’ll see you, yes. all the best. in this high-profile criminal case , the investigation and the government lost. kulakov’s defense turned out to be stronger, and the ex-official himself spoke to the jury in such a way that most of them believed him. many noticed that two experienced and highly paid lawyers worked for the defendant. they
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knew their business well. in this case, we can talk. that there is no direct evidence andrei nikolaevich kulakov’s guilt simply does not exist, i believe that in this situation, he, of course, would never have committed such a crime, no matter what happened, it was not by chance that i called this case a tragic and mysterious incident, because the answers to this there is no question, and maybe there never will be, because... you can only ask isaenkova herself, we will never ask this again, unfortunately, she died. on november 15, 2021, the judge of the podolsk themis, based on the jury’s verdict, issued kulakov acquittal. from this moment on, the former head of the ramensky district
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is considered innocent of the murder of evgenia saenkova. for us this was to a certain extent a surprise, since we were convinced that the amount of evidence that was presented to the prosecution was more than enough, what the jurors were guided by, their sympathies, whether any other factors were somehow influencing , it’s hard to say, the principle is very important there, of course, the obviousness of the evidence is not from a professional point of view from the point of view of even this kind of emotional perception, we are now working on this, we are developing the appropriate one for ourselves. training program, i hope that it will bring appropriate results. after the high-profile trial ended, andrei kulakov
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was almost constantly with his family, spending a lot of time in nature, enjoying freedom. now i believe that the main thing, well, the main task is to generally understand what happened, who, in fact, committed this crime, this is the most important thing. that's all the rest, everything else is already such a side effect that i have a very strong desire to find out who did it, why it all happened, what served as the basis for committing such a wild crime, to be honest, what was the reason, this is important to me, because it’s not understanding this, well , somehow it’s difficult to live peacefully, it’s really difficult, i most likely think. that this coincidence of circumstances just happened, by the way, i have questions for the investigation in this regard, why, strictly speaking , only the version that it was me was considered did, for 2 years not a single
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additional evidence was obtained that i could have committed this crime, not a single one, as for the family of the murdered evgenia saenkova, neither ex-husband alexander, nor daughter veronica, nor mother tatyana want to comment jury decision. relatives avoid communicating with journalists. it’s already been 2 and a half years since the high-profile crime was committed. however, the name of the killer is still unknown.
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on december 23, 2021, the moscow regional court upheld the complaint of the prosecutor’s office and canceled acquittal of andrei kulakov. during the examination of the case, gross violations were found. for example, one of the jurors had a previous conviction for fighting with police.
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so we saw the trial of the former head of the ramensky district andrei kulakov, this was our investigation from the moscow region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. the case of the former head of the ramensky district of the moscow region andrei kulakov was reviewed, but only the second jury assessors, according to i no longer believed the ex-official, the judges from among the people unanimously rendered a guilty verdict against kulakov, although they considered that he... deserved leniency. as a result, on march 18, 2022, the podolsk city court sent kulakov to a prison colony for nine years. years and
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6 months, after the ruler of the maximum security colony was punished, the only thing that can be said is that we can congratulate the real criminal, now he can sleep peacefully, that’s it, the former head of the ramensky district said that he will not appeal the court’s decision, it is understandable, when the verdict was passed, andrei kulakov still received a discount from the jury. but the next new board may not recognize him as deserving of leniency. thus, the guilty verdict against kulakov can be considered final.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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new shelling in the kursk region, as reported by acting governor alexey smirnov, the village of guevo was under fire, two local residents were shell-shocked, and last night drones attacked the village settlement, five people died there. details from angelika gurova. the victims were a married couple, the man was almost 70 years old, the woman was over 50. their son died right at the scene of the shelling at home. from the rylsk district , the couple was taken to the regional multidisciplinary clinical hospital in kursk. the victims are now in intensive care. the man suffered from shrapnel wounds and traumatic shock. a woman with second degree burns. the general condition is assessed by doctors as moderate. they were provided with all the necessary assistance at this stage to stabilize condition. and at the present moment of life and
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health. there is no threat to the cent.


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