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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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sent at the enemy, so the hammer flies for a kilometer through the forest belt, it covered and it turned out that we were sort of cutting through the forest so that the assault detachment could jump on through the locking gate, it was a beautiful idea, at least he didn’t control the gun himself, together with them, like it’s not on my own, if i came up with it, i have to tell you, well, that’s why i feel like we’re not saying something, no, no, i was with them, but considering that i threw the lesson, that is, from about 800 meters. yes no, probably closer, even closer, 600 meters, probably, that’s it so, well, i understand, no one was going to die, well, considering that you are professional people, you understand what would have happened, and if so, then there are risks, well, that’s why you went yourself, that’s why not only did you go yourself, so you need the science of sending , maybe even death, it is not given to everyone. be able to manage, so
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you need to read to the maximum all the risks , set a task for your subordinates so that they complete it and still remain safe and healthy, this may be our science, this is our gallery of a fight in the city, a fight in a trench, such a combined exercise.
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it’s hard for everyone, well, we have this specificity, you know, we help, it’s as hard as possible, yes, that’s one of the mottos that i don’t know, we say, yes, we are where it’s difficult to find out, well, here you can play out any situation, in the sense that, for the light flamethrower to say, he understands where he is needed, that is, this is the trump card that the group commander has in order to break through the dugout there, yes, cover, for example, well, that is, this is what they are working with, and what principle, show me, three shots are loaded, the grenade is like a dump it turns out that it’s variable, that’s it, it’s like pumps are reloaded and launched, that is, you have three there with you, you also drag a bull onto it, that’s right, 12 pieces, 12 pieces of bc, yes you can.
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take two sides, as much as you carry, let’s say, heavy, well, not particularly heavy, let me see , around 3 kg, no, i can guess the product itself, no, the product itself is clear why they are needed, in enclosed spaces you can work, fight in the city, be in the trenches, without fear of defeat, airborne strikes are often in great demand, and well, it’s aimed at sensations, but why is that it he’s coming, yes, yes, i see that... he throws you up to how far, not about 100-150 m, but this is the most effective, here we already have a battle in the forest, the so-called mp-155, yeah, here are the guys working as flamethrowers, well now all action battles are practically reduced to combat action.
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psychological preparation, well, that’s what psychological preparation can do if this beauty causes fire on herself, when was it, august, yes, or july, august, august twenty-second, and what happened, the coin set the task of taking the height, the most he selected personnel prepared for moral and business qualities and physical readiness, interacted with artillery, with a tank unit and went to take the height, because the ethereals were hanging along the greenery,
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so that they would not see us, we had to make short dashes, we discovered what a distance there was 1.380 m, that is, well... in 7 hours, yes, we saw the blockage, called two engineers, the engineer tore up the blockage, after that we moved on, i decided to break it up, the blockage was under shelled artillery, after that there was a mine field at the intersection, again i called the engineers, the engineer cleared the mines and climbed directly into the passages communicating with the cotton. there was a lot of enemy, well , i didn’t count, they knew that we were going into the stronghold, but i didn’t think that there would be a company stronghold there, that is, they had already used up all this ammunition, they started throwing grenades , i’ll ask a tactless question, but you’re not storming,
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this is it wasn’t their task, they were preparing for me, they completed it, but come on, handsome guys, i remember i read the report when they started to pass you around from left to right in the corn field, so then we have fire, andryukha bagleyev received it earlier, yes the three hundredth, but he received it and you make a decision, call the fire on yourself, and during the retreat, when they began to leave the greenery at the corner, at the intersection, they began to enter from the rear from a different height, they started to cut off, there was no other choice, but how many guys were with you, nine, they understood what decision you made, here i make such a decision, the battle, i led the battle myself. i asked the soldiers, i said, ready, ready, the commander is behind you, let's go, let's go, already a major were either a captain, a captain, that is, the guys completely entrusted their lives to you, it happens , i was also under hail at that moment, where from afar you hear the exits, shufu,
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that’s it, then for about two seconds they start clapping, at that moment sideways i jump, bang, everything tears up, you are thrown in this trench from the left, from the right, i start to raise my head, a tree falls from above. it hits me down in my head, i start to get up again, the ground is scorched, i get up, i hear exits again, woo-woo, i dived in there again, that was the third salvo, when the hail stopped, to the left to the right of me there were these burning fireplaces, that is, they lay very close, at night i will often dream about this, but no, at first it was there, it was twitching, then i walked, it was normal, that is, the next task, when i had to go.. . no doubts appeared, no, i’m ready, it’s time, there is a command staff that determines the assigned tasks, this is the plan, well, you still go with the guys yourself, yes, now i have the position of commander of the nbch battalion, now i’m responsible for eliminating the consequences of accidents. lpchs, that is
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at my base, in my battalion, there will be a contract service battalion that will be directly responsible for the salvo, and a number of other tasks that we perform in our area of ​​responsibility. three nuclear power plants and his battalion was trained in the event of an accident or destruction from enemy drones and to carry out measures to eliminate the consequences, which is why his battalion was completely contracted for this particular task, but there was no feeling that what happened then actually happened then what was your whole life for? i am human states. she told me, she says, a long time ago, when i was still a child, she said, she says: i will give birth to three sons, one for myself, this is the father, she calls him son, brother for some undefined tasks, and the third son, that is, me for the state, but i am a man
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of the state, i will carry out the assigned tasks of the state, and the fact that i was honored with the supreme, highest award, for me, yes... this is what they brought out, showed that there is such a thing, and among our searches for the kbz, well i did my job, so it’s not like i i’m a hero, i won’t perform any tasks, it’s just a reward for me, and you say, a man of the state, do you want to stay in the army or not, but all your life, a lot of work, you need to transfer experience, you need it. work, we need to build up in order to beat the enemy, we need to beat him with weapons, they are now trying to attack us with unmanned aerial vehicles, we will build up, we will take these, the war
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has shown that it is effective to use light flamethrowers together with grenade launchers, the essence of the attack is simple, a flamethrower works on a tank , he won’t... finish him off, but he’ll disrupt their dynamic protection, in the same place the grenade launcher, they will spawn a tank, yes, the topic is not new, we just remembered about it, it’s really effective, especially in urban battles, close ranges for destruction. the tank there is 200 m 300, now what we see is that the riflemen went forward, to ensure the passage of flamethrowers to the firing line, flamethrowers, machine gunners pulled up, yes, yes, they are already starting a specific battle, the flamethrowers went, and the next one left, this is... than did he pay? this is pdm rpo pdm, and this is rpo a bumblebee, come here guys, laugh,
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laughed, dared, let's go, well, like them, great, i look at very different ages, yes, that 's right, you are the youngest, you're 20, you didn't serve for a long time, you served, signed six months later, or a year later, yes.
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well, not exactly, but closer, power failure, than i like these cars, that they are made for people of gigantic stature, so, well, let's go, that is, three people work here, yes, this is my first time sitting in it, you see how a lot of crust association? once i opened the door in 1920, when they were at the parade for the first time, it was an anniversary parade,
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then for the first time they were presented to the world, so they solemnly walked along red square and then i saw it for the first time, of course, the stage of evolution is one, at what speed can it go at its maximum? and when fully loaded it can accelerate to 120, seriously, and... what is the range? about 500 km, well, that is, it’s normal, if you can quickly leave and work on something, that’s right, yes, usually the three of us or something? three of us, commander, gunner, driver, the cabin is armored, yes, but there wasn’t enough money for an air conditioner, look, it works, well done, just like in the office. that is, you can fight in comfort, yes quite well, in the summer in
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thirty-degree heat you put on a bulletproof vest and helmet, turn on the air conditioning and after 5 minutes you feel quite comfortable, you’ve already worked with it in the zone, yes, it’s my standard car, well , how do you like it most often? satisfied with this car, why did you choose this particular line of activity. in 1984, my father graduated from the chemical defense school, in 2010, my brother, and accordingly, my choice was gone, and there was nowhere to go, but i’m not the only hero, yes brother serves, brother serves, also a specialist in the nbc protection troops, well, it’s true in other troops, but still i haven’t been to this training ground for 4 years, the last time i was in 2020, i was with the team of the western military district , a beloye field training competition was held here the sun among the crews of tos-1a, our crew of the western
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district proudly took the penultimate place on the fire-assault line, the fighter twisted his leg, while performing a fire mission the bead broke, it all took a very long time, i saw how angry the commander was, you can already say it was boiling, but he kindly gave us time to work, to work on the error. as a result, from the team that took the penultimate place here, everyone has more than one state award and two heroes of russia, what did the hero receive for? were breaking out of encirclement, were in a very tight ring, the command came to the head of the nbc protection service to remove the wounded, this was the very beginning of the war, yes, this was the very beginning of a special operation, the month of march, that’s when we loaded, well, how we loaded, someone himself i was able to climb in, someone was loaded in, 17 people were leaving in the car, but
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it was todina, we drove out simply due to the armor and the same driver, who... surveillance equipment saw two enemy tanks driving behind us, they could not do anything, but what was your role directly, commanded, well , these were your fighters, these were mine, we started back in the syrian-arab republic, with the same personnel, so the coherence was simply at the highest level, when we came out of the spin, we just looked at the car, a log was hanging on one mount it was cut off by a piece of shrapnel, the bag was pierced on both sides.
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the mechanic fell ill, was wounded, anyone that the crew must take the car out of the fire, evacuate the enemy at a safe distance, this is the instructor we have, now the instructor is a trainee, a trainee, a full-time mechanic, a driver, so who are you? commander of the year, that is , of course, you had a lot of them, you trained them, you miss them now, yes, that is, i can show you a master class, you’re not jealous, no, of course he’s jealous, he’s already nervous, he’ll probably say, here’s the parquet, now how it sits, it will break, i love my wife, but the safety requirement,
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the car is a beast, the car is a beast, and you couldn’t bear it,
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your hands remember, your legs remember, of course, but i don’t remember anything with my eyes, but my hands.
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it is already more accurate , with fewer adjustments, and the drone operator is observing the second gap, now at the point of permanent deployment we are training crews, increasing professionalism and bringing us closer to... overall victory, your first tos works almost directly at direct fire, but no, how long is it up to throws at six, well, direct fire. uh, it’s not quite the right name, but when you work, you observe your own breaks - we try to work in cooperation with
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the division control, electronic warfare and reconnaissance work for us, that is , if an enemy’s reconnaissance equipment is identified and it becomes a fact that there is no way to work it out, then we change the time. training, now this platoon is ready, ready to go on a business trip, you will go with them, now not, now i am recruiting a platoon, there was an expansion of staff, our number has increased, the number of military equipment has also increased, this is 1m 15 guides, that is, this is the future , which has become the present, this is the future, but... you don’t need to stand still, you need to constantly move only forward, i myself worked from one of these, i myself didn’t, when i started, it didn’t exist yet, when i became
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a commander, how embarrassing for you, when i became a commander a little -slightly different tasks, the commander in the west should have completely panicky articles that this is a terrible secret weapon of the russians. which can change both in comparison with factories, let them be afraid, the most important thing is that more and more people understand, are aware of the whole problem that is facing, and even being in the rear, people go a flash in the eyes, with fire in the eyes, with desire, a professional himself, yes. how many calendars are there already 21, serious experience, flame,
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flame, i am a bullet, one fire, flight 100, right 120. the field is burning, the fields, the field is burning, in two places. that's it, be careful, be careful, slowly, slowly, after the fire truck has passed, move out. bulya ovariak is ready, flight, flight 40, right
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30, one fire, clearly, what are you doing? and natova’s dogs, victory will be ours,
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modern technology. confidence in stable operation, reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for application in any industry, new quality for your success, russian electric motors. here was the heart of the obninsk as, my father
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told me, after changing their shirts they wrung out their shirts. because there was no automation then, everything went manually, he returned with burnt hands. steam was supplied to the turbine by igor vasilyevich kurchatov. he congratulated us all on a light steam. in obnensk, for the first time , a complete technology for separating the core before generating electricity into the network was demonstrated. people came from many countries and they were only amazed at what the soviet union had done. the bomb was made first and not by us, this is a rare case when we are proud that we are not the first, the second, here is a peaceful atom, a nuclear power plant , our absolute primacy.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country ahead is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
9:00 pm
in the kursk region due to an attack by the ukrainian armed forces five civilians were killed, including two children. the kiev regime struck a residential building with drones in the village of gorodishche. in addition, the rio region governor alexey smirnov spoke about three more victims of the arrival of the bubble in another locality. they were injured in the village of guevo. over the past 24 hours, the region has repeatedly announced the danger of
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an attack by ukrainian drones and... kursk region report


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