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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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in the kursk region , five civilians, including two children, were killed due to an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. two more people were injured and are in serious condition. the kiev regime struck a residential building with drones in the village of gorodishche. the acting governor of the region, alexey smirnov, visited the scene of the tragedy. he said that in the kursk region they are making every effort to resettle people. the investigative committee opened a criminal case regarding the attack on the village. there are no more people, someone is in the hospital, we are treating them, so this is the situation in the border region of the kursk region, of course everyone will be helped, now there is maximum effort
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to resettle people, how do they check buildings for wind resistance, where do they make glass for telescopes, why do they carry out a paternity test on a valuable species of fish? the answers to these questions are right now in the science program with natalya popova. novosibirsk scientists have developed a unique method for increasing the strength of metals. for example, the hardness of reinforced titanium has doubled. this happens thanks to the use laser it melts the surface of the metal and a jet of a special powder mixture is supplied to this place. thus, after solidification , a strong deposit is formed, which increases the mechanical strength.
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learn about other useful research and experiments in this issue of the science program. both fish and meat are lost breeds. how to preserve the gene pool of farm animals? it will not solve the problem of increasing productivity. that is, our current task is to create what is needed to create ideal optics that will help bring space closer. a highly qualified optician performs the manufacturing. surface, after his work the surface deviates from the ideal shape by a maximum of two to three microns. how does the weather in space affect the weather at home? a major solar event can cause damage and disruption in virtually every industry. at the end of the last century, one lamb was born, outwardly it was no different from its brothers, even the medal. identified 63.
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a little later the nickname was changed, so the world learned about that very little sheep, the first genetic copy of a living organism. since then, scientists have been able to clone many animals, from mice to macaques and camels. the place where i am now is also significant in this regard. the first cloned mammal in russia, the famous flower cow, appeared here. from the outside it all looks like a petting zoo, but in fact it is a real open-air laboratory. is far from the only way to work with genetic resources. the second direction is somatic cloning, that is, obtaining cloned animals, this preservation of genetic resources, obtaining animals with new economically useful traits, that is, the so-called editing, and if in natural conditions... the sperm and egg give
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rise, then the sperm is not involved at all, but a somatic differentiated cell is used. such reproductive biotechnologies make it possible not only to increase the number of any farm animal, but also to save rare species from complete extinction, such as northern great russian cattle, red gorbatovskaya breed and others. so i understand that that same cloned cow, flower, was kind of important for us so that we could show that we are this technology. ideas, but modern science today has awakened much further, and today you can take a piece of ear from each of this cow, get a tissue culture, put it in corioban, and then, if necessary, from this tissue culture , get the amount of nopulation of carves, that is it is possible to derive even lost breeds, of course, in order to understand how as certain breeds developed and changed, in a separate laboratory they scan the skulls and bones of animals that are from several centuries... to several thousand years old, what
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is this for? for example, we studied the gene plemos adnoma, which is associated with the body size of animals; it turned out that animals began to grow only in the nineteenth century. we see that tell me , these genes associated with productive qualities have been changed, and we can also control this, precisely due to the fact that we have a reference database of ancient samples. by the way, work with genetic material also applies to fish; in the context of the country’s food security, it is also considered a farm animal. valuable fish species are of special importance in the local aquaculture industry. well , in general, why study fish genetics, what does it give? well, the genetics of fish is probably one of the most pressing problems for...
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these are the breeds, yes, but you can feed them, yes, yes, of course, here we go, here we go, well, they’re nimble, every fish here is microchipped with this individual tag a genetic profile is tied to it, no matter how it sounds strange, but this allows you not only to assess the dynamics of development, but also to answer a completely human question: who is the dad? the better the genetics of the parents, the better the offspring, but in fish hatcheries it is a common practice that eggs are fertilized with sexual products from several... males, and thus at the end we have no idea which, say, male became the best parent, so how can we identify this, and for this, well, we have developed a microsatellite panel of twelve, well, microsatellite markers, they allow determine the degree of relationship of the fish, understand from
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whom it was received, that is, it is possible to determine the parents of each fish, and this approach will make expensive and rare species of fish, such as sterlit and aseter, for example, available to the consumer. and work with other animals is not limited to cows. sheep, rams, pigs and even deer, they are all now reliably protected from extinction, thanks to the created genetic base. each of us is familiar with beautiful shots. a racing car flies past, leaving behind a swirl of air, dust or spray. this is the speed the average viewer admires. aerodynamics in action - the scientist corrects. what will the head of the aeromechanics laboratory and the professionals say? race car driver all in one. my name is pavel postushkov, i am the head of the laboratory of aerechanics of wave dynamics at the institute of mechanics. i came here because i dreamed of working on the aerodynamics of sports cars. i have been interested in auto racing since childhood and it so happens that now i am involved in it professionally. in addition to the aerodynamics of sports cars, there are also
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a huge number of industries that, in general, it is important to study aerodynamics, and skyscrapers, of which there are a lot being built now, various oil refineries, this is a stadium. there are a lot of bridges, well , a lot of such objects, and if you don’t study the distribution of pressure that is exerted on a high-rise building, for example, gusts of wind, then the problem is a pipe. the scientific laboratory agrees that it is impossible to do without a pipe, but only in an extremely positive sense. now we have a speed of 20 m/s, it is at these speeds that we blow through all residential complexes, this is close to hurricane winds, it’s already difficult for a person to get up, now the speed is decreasing. it will be about 2 m/s, this is a light breeze that everyone enjoys experiencing. a 2 mw electric motor drives a huge fan that can accelerate the air flow to 60 m/s. with the help of wind tunnel tests,
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the influence of such flows on real objects is studied. their exact models are on the desktop, taking into account both the complexity of the shape of the structure itself, for example, monuments, and the surrounding architecture. this is especially important when planning residential areas, you need to create not only the object itself, but also the surrounding buildings, because it directly affects the distribution of wind throughout the entire object, and the buildings stand very precisely, buildings are displayed with millimeter accuracy as they stand in the well actually. just a few decades ago, measurements were essentially done manually. such a device made it possible to measure the air pressure on the model using liquid in a complex system of tubes. now. technologies are completely different. we now use pressure sensor kits. and we we make a large number of millimeter drainage holes on model e and connect them to the sensors using a pneumatic line. pressure sensors measure all this using
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a usb cable and transmit this to the computer. now all this takes literally minutes before, it was recorded manually on a battery gauge, it took hours. far from bopsled dormouse. even the only state standard in russia has been developed on the method of determining wind loads on buildings and structures, in it attention is paid not only to experiment, but to modern numerical methods. we have some object, we reproduce this object virtually in the form of a 3d model, and we divide this model into a discrete number of calculation cells, so as a result of computer modeling we obtain fields of velocities, pressure, temperature, in short, everything. what we need for a deeper study of the phenomenon. most of the
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laboratory employees are graduates of the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of moscow state university. just 20 years ago, almost all of them would have gone abroad or gone to work in a bank. well, that was the fashion. now the vector has changed, that’s it more young people remain in science. viktor antonovich, well, it’s clear that for me, as a graduate of moscow state university, almamater is always the best university in the world. to hold.
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thank you, viktor antonovich, my day can be
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compared to a walk through a field of flowers, as rich and varied as the head of the center. i interact with everyone, with professors who have a thousand-year history behind them, and with students who are just starting their journey at our university. my name is tatyana podladchikova, i am an astrophysicist, we are studying research into the physics of the sun and forecasting space weather, this is not just some weather outside the window, an attempt to understand what is beyond our planet and how we can live in harmony in this endless ocean? space, and as a scientist, i
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really passionately and deeply immerse myself in the world of science, life on earth would not be possible without the sun, it seems to me that a person’s curiosity will always push him to go beyond the known world into the unknown, but - the sun is not only a light source and heat, but it is also the source of space weather. a solar flare can occur on the sun, the energy that a solar flare produces can be 100,000 times more than... all the electricity that is generated on earth in 1 year, and today a major solar event can lead to damage and some kind of malfunction in fact, in all areas of industry, according to scientists, restoring the infrastructure of the economy may take about 10 years, the cost will cost trillions of dollars, so predicting the cosmic
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weather is very important and necessary, i was asked to... accidentally predict the strength of the eleven-year cycle of solar activity, and so two space weather services were born, which have been working for more than 10 years in real time, i was drawn in, deeply fascinated by the beauty of our sun, the obligation of beauty in science is not allowed, if we are talking about the service, at the moment, this is one of the most accurate services in the world for predicting the strength of a geomagnetic storm, which... in the next few hours, we predicted the may storm very accurately, sun historical events occurred, there were events of such magnitude, the starling satellites barely survived, there farmers in america could not continue their work during the planting season because gps did not work, today space weather services work exactly the same as meteorological services, globally we we cannot control the processes in space, but we
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can take precautionary measures, for example, take an umbrella with us if we go outside or not... go outside, today, if the sun is stormy, the satellites are put into backup mode, turned off sensitive equipment, flights across the poles are stopped, i started playing tennis when i was 3 years old, i played for many years and did it professionally, but the circumstances turned out that way, due to some provocation i was naive. i bet with one person that i could jump off the stairs, i jumped off the stairs, landed on my knee, i had a very serious injury, for quite a long time, and i think this was the turning point because of which i left professional sports, still a sport i really love and continue to play sports regularly, we are all very busy students and professors, it is very important in this
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rhythm to be able to pause, switch and... it is at this moment, by the way, that some brilliant idea may come to you, how to decide what - a complex task that you have been struggling with for many years, science is endlessly pushing the boundaries of our direct sensation of nature, our perception of the world, how can this be boring? even during ancient times. with the help of the sun, moon and stars, people made calendars, calculated when planting, when to harvest, and, in principle , oriented themselves in space, so several thousand years ago the concept of optics arose as a study about the nature of light and the mechanisms of vision. the role of observatories was assigned to the temple. the main means of observation is the human eye. a real boom in optical instruments occurred during the time
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of geographical discoveries. sailors needed good telescopes, and scientists needed telescopes. an analogue of the first of them was proposed in the 15th century by leonardo da vinci. in his manuscripts they found drawings of a simple single-lens device. 100 years later, another famous italian, galileo galilei, brought the idea to life. the job of any telescope is to collect and concentrate light. by analogy with the lens of the eye, which is essentially a small convex lens, it became clear that the larger the lens, the more light enters it. and the more light that enters the telescope, the more distant the object. it allows you to see, but the creative search of astronomers of that time was stopped by the limit of about fifty times magnification. it seemed logical to increase the diameter lens, but alas, the glass of that time was not suitable for this. sir isaac newton found a way out of the impasse - a reflecting telescope. the lens
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collects a beam of rays into a point and builds an image. newton suggested doing the same with. using a concave mirror, and so that the observer does not block the flow of light, use another mirror, it will divert the bunch of rays from the main axis, even then good mirrors were needed, because at that time they reflected at best half of the light and required frequent polishing. parallel researchers have also cured an old disease of glass, defeating the unpredictable refraction of waves. all this led to the creation of a mirror-lens telescope in the mid-20th century. it was developed by our website. and with the help of modern technologies and special glass, special methods of polishing mirrors. made it possible to achieve incredible results, what looks like the usual surface treatment of a toothpaste is actually a method of ultra-precise
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finishing of optical parts, thanks to which these products, for example, are used in the most famous observatories in five continents of the earth. when making astronomical and cosmic mirrors , it is necessary to make a surface that has a spherical... shape, we all remember from the high school mathematics course a parabolic curve, and so the mirror is the same curve, only rotating, while we deviate from this curve should be a fraction of a micrometer. imagine, the minimum thickness of a baby's hair is approximately 20 microns. it turns out that surfaces are polished and leveled in production. with the accuracy of deviations, the magnitude of which is absolutely inaccessible to the human eye. a highly qualified optician produces the surface fabrication. after his work
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, the surface deviates from the ideal shape by a maximum of two to three microns. the specialists of our company have developed a unique software that allows the polishing pad to move along the surface of the parts at the required speed. slow down in those places where we need to remove the top of the bump. this unique equipment allows you to process mirrors up to 6 m in diameter. he was such a giant made for the russian telescope and is still the largest in eurasia. but it is not only the size of the mirrors produced that is special, but the material itself. he was given the name astrasetal. it is significantly lighter than its competitors; in space conditions , every gram is important. well, astrosital - that's it in general. a unique element and the main advantage of astrasetal is its low coefficient of thermal expansion; if we have optical glass, we will make a mirror from it, then when the temperature changes
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, its focus will change within certain limits, this is not good, because each time it will be necessary to adjust the focus telescope in order to get a good image, and if our coefficient of thermal expansion is low, then our focus changes within very small limits and practically remains in place. in addition to setal , the plant produces more than 100.50 different brands of glass, and for each product it is important to follow the correct technology. each raw material enters the factory laboratory and undergoes quality control without fail. after that the raw materials are mixed in strict proportions and sequence. and only after this we have the right to bring the shift. charges are a mixture tested by technologists from which glass will be made in the workshop. it is poured into huge ceramic pots and... placed in an oven with temperatures up to 1500°. one cooking can last from 16 to 60 hours, depending on the brand of glass. the backfiller fills in the mixture, not all at once, but in certain
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portions. as the melt progresses, the glassmaker fills in the charge and makes sure that the glass does not go beyond edge of a ceramic vessel. after the charge has been poured, we get the melt. for what this melt. make it homogeneous, and there are processes such as clarification and homogenization. these processes are necessary so that all the bubbles come out of the glass melt and it becomes homogeneous in composition. next, the glassmaker lowers the temperature in the furnace using a special crane and delivers the glass to the low tide point. primary cutting occurs immediately, then the glass goes to the stages of rough precision annealing, forming the already known finishing procedure with micro and even precision. nanometers you can check the result.
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the effect, only less noticeable, is observed constantly; when we walk along the road, we leave a trail of warm air behind us; the light from the interferometer, hitting the part under test, is distorted, so ideally a vacuum is needed, and in order to test large-sized optics in it, at the factory created a real tower, 80 m, titanium with a vacuum chamber inside. the final chord is cleaning and coating. during the work , human traces, airborne droplets and grease remain on the surface. them neatly
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deleted. surfaces using special solvents. and often a special mirror coating is applied, also in a vacuum chamber. this completes the cycle of complex science-intensive production. the mirror is ready to be sent into space or installed in an observatory. our scientists proposed an unexpected way to measure the activity of soil microbes. throughout russia, researchers have buried thousands of ordinary tea bags. the fact is that the tea tree leaf is very quickly processed by microbes, which means that the weight of the bag decreases, this will indicate the level the activity of microflora in the soil and how it changes depending on the properties of the soil. the science program and i, natalya popova, were with you. see you.
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