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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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military operation zone, every day in some sectors of the front the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack our defense line are repelled, artillery duels take place, in others the russian army moves forward, occupying more advantageous positions for itself and liberating new settlements. and all this under the intense influence of fire from unmanned aerial vehicles, which is happening more and more. resembles a war between people and machines, and this factor influences battle tactics. even it’s not easy for a new group of fighters to approach the line of combat contact; enemy drones are constantly patrolling the sky. rotation in modern conditions is a serious combat operation that requires training at the training ground. in the lugansk people's republic, such classes are now organized for volunteer contract soldiers. a large
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group arrived, they had dolbs, they came out 4200, they came out under the influence of drones and, accordingly, mortar artillery fire and heavy machine gun fire, respectively, we mean the field is tactical we formed a task for them, that is, the so -called rotation using loaf trucks and we adjusted the extension route to suit. the route was 5 km, something very serious was happening, the training program included night combat and non-standard methods of installing a smoke screen from the enemy, i went. experiment. storming buildings
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and countering unmanned aerial vehicles. all these fighters have behind them more than their first deployment to the northern military district zone. they know their military affairs well, but they do not refuse additional training. vice versa. u the grenade launchers have charges.
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the observer who discovered the bird, or in general who discovered the bird, must give a command on the chain. control classes are underway in the camp, please, silence, they are packed. front rotation takes place at a distance of up to 4 km , so the group moves there with a large interval between servicemen. bogdanich is an instructor with extensive combat experience; many soldiers who serve in units of the second army corps know his nickname. he is a supporter not only of simply
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following instructions, but of a creative approach in carrying out the assigned combat mission. he is respected for this. it is important for us now that the unit commander manages to organize a rotation. so that every fighter understands what will be needed from him on the lbs line, you see all three sectors, yes, all three are working, okay, teams, yes, i’m ready to work. a commander with the call sign jin is leading his unit into battle, he has been in the donbass for several years, he has been serving with his father, for them to defend their homeland, this is a family matter, well, pay attention, the left flank, enemy infantry, landmark three, rpk fire, accepted,
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received you, ruba, another store is also on... management of consumption alone.
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i’ve been participating since i was 14, actually in hostilities, i took part directly in the russian spring, where are you from, the republic of kome, and i came as a volunteer since i was 14, this year i didn’t participate for long, then i stopped for family reasons, but in 22, first the svo actually participates in these hostilities, and at first the svo also came as a volunteer? yes, of course, why? by and large, there is only one reason for this: i have children. there is, including a small son, and i don’t want my children to participate in these events, so now we need to finish it so that at least in a few generations this will happen again, because history is cyclical, wars don’t stop, yeah, here we go, but ours the war is over... it will be over, why is it now here at the training ground, there is already a lot of experience, but you are at the training ground, a long rest still affects us, since we are volunteers, participation is not permanent, that is, we are working out a contract, going home rest, accordingly, almost i rested for six months, now it is necessary
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to re-develop both physical skills and remember working with weapons, because as soon as you stop shooting, everything is immediately forgotten, it’s all muscle memory in connection with this... and you have to work as hard as possible, as much as possible more often, so the training ground in this situation is ideal conditions, the tactics and the picture of the battle are changing now, yes, everything has changed very much, even looking a year ago, the work of drones of course was present, but not so abundantly, not so actively, and so accordingly some our reb’s shortcomings cannot be leveled out when working with the enemy’s air, in connection with this we have to come up with some new methods and techniques. movement , everything else, the conditions of war are complicated, but as i understand it, people are working on this and on new drones and on new drones that will work in their conditions, we are waiting, we hope, we believe, but i heard that some are even working on some then the techniques for avoiding
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the drone, i don’t know, three steps to the side or a step towards it, you yourself know, you understand how you will act if the drone to come at you, of course, this is primarily the work of the group in any case, because one person in war is not worth anything in fact, so in any case, the work of the group, accordingly, we work out not only individual, but group lessons. so that the group that moves into the action area in the beer drones can all hide, because one/three, even the middle one, is immediately minus four people from the group who will evacuate it, that ’s why we work together, well, yes, in in general , algorithms of operation, countering drones and fpv, and everything else has been worked out with mavic, now we are just improving our skills, looking for some new ways, including an anti-drone blanket,
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a task that is now being worked on here, if you compare it with a school, this is an elementary school, fifth grade, no, here is a high school, yes, why, well, because they give you the maximum right away, you can’t give them in doses, everyone has the basics, you just have to pick up what’s new for yourself, well, in small things, in principle, because this is already the third business trip, they give uh. ..
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let’s just say it became very good to provide artillery, before the artillery,
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let's say, worked more modestly, now we really feel the ammunition, the support for the front, it has become better, we really feel the help of the people, these are these basic things, when you look at a candle there, some kind of jar twist. to tears, there is no other way, we have no other choice. the leader of the classes, an instructor with a difficult call sign, an integral, his affiliation with the airborne forces is given away by telnyashka, talks about positive changes in the supply of the army with shells and uavs, although he adheres to the suvorov principle, win not by numbers, but by skill. in the fight against smuggling, as now. last summer there were difficulties, there were difficulties and there are difficulties, because we are at war with people like us
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and we think the same way, alesan vasilyevich suvorov, who said, to fight not with numbers, but with skill, therefore we understand that we are at war with such well, we think the same way as them, so it’s very difficult to change your mind, to outwit, but we’re trying, the enemy, most importantly, is demoralized. and this is evident, you can even see it by the number of those who surrender, among them there are also foreign mercenaries who we came here to shoot at the shooting range, but it turns out that this is not the case, i’m a walker, viktor nikolaevich. "armed soldier of the city of kharkov, conscripted on october 6 of the twenty-third year,
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was captured in april of this year, as most prisoners say, he ended up on the front line by accident, was caught by military registration and enlistment office employees without training, the patient was sent to the front, he only took a shovel in his hands, but on the day when i was captured, i was in the armored section of the assault squad, they took the metro, there were about five of them from the central military commission and this one policeman, they took everything and the military registration and enlistment office, well. so, well, just now we saw how he is showing on the news now. which he was watching, what’s going on there now, the idiot has already decided to call up for 17 years, in my opinion, they, the tsvkashniks , are also paid for this idea, the more they hand over as glass containers, the better, guys, what are you doing, i’m filming on camera, throwing everything on the internet, fuck my hands, and the fact that i have a minus knee,
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no one needed it, they looked at the knee, so they drilled it. i don’t know where i ended up on the road, but the internet remembers everything, and mobilizations on social networks under the nickname victor fart were led hot armchair wars, wrote that he was ready to fight to the death, challenged our paratroopers to a knife fight, insulted russia to all russians, i say, this was when it was, this was before, well
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, the second year, well, yes, before the conscription, our media there is also good works. he tells me when he got it, as they say, i already realized that not everything is as they write, they show on tv, now he can receive news from russia, i’ll show you lugansk, we watched the news today, but you saw it, that is, long-range, with american missiles. this the result of the ukrainian armed forces' strike on lugansk, you see, the entrance to a residential building was destroyed, at the moment there are four dead, about 35 wounded, i live in this house, the third apartment, at about 11 o'clock, maybe
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a little over, i went into the kitchen, i heard four arrival, window frames. they flew straight from the impact, i even threw this window frame onto the crib, that is, it’s good that there was no person, if he was sleeping, he could have been injured, i was at work when they said, in general, i didn’t even believe it, until they ran in and told me to run away with tears home, you know, i saw these grains and stuffed with them. there are the remains lying near the car, near this car they found parts of the very rocket that did this, there are beta, american -made missiles, the investigators dismantled it as material evidence for this crime in full force, here, this is such a war, you
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are to blame, of course not , i’m seriously saying now, it’s your fault, too... the defense of the ukreb region took up arms, well, under the soviet union somehow there was enough space for everyone, it seemed like they lived, as they say, not on their own were advancing, the same training ground in the lpr,
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uav operators of the twelfth brigade of the second army corps are testing a new attack drone that they assembled. significantly increased, even lower, work in the lowlands, because the most difficult thing is just the surface of the earth, to the side.
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and this is a new serious challenge for combatants,” says the commander of the radio intelligence unit. with the help of amplifiers, with the help of repeaters, they seem to surprise us, well, by how many kilometers? as far as i have heard now , the maximum that the enemy has been detected is up to 30 km, just a homemade drone, komikaze, but it flies 30 km, more it seems to me, at the moment more.
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11:00 pm
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