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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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august 1945, the soviet union is just beginning to recover after victory in the great patriotic war. the baby and fat man bombs dropped by the united states on the japanese cities of jeroshima and nagasaki force japan to capitulate. the world is entering a new era. the era of atomic energy. my father told me that after a shift they wrung out their shirts, because when there was no automation, everything went manually. with
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freed hands, when in the end steam was supplied to the turbine, igor vasilyevich kurchatov congratulated us all on a light steam. for our country it was an upsurge flag, a flag of superiority, it was not us who made the bomb first, this is a rare case when we are proud that we are not the first, the second, here is a peaceful atom, a nuclear power plant - our absolute superiority. the overseas ally in the anti-hitler coalition is rapidly becoming a former one. more than 50 targets planned by the united states of america for nuclear bombing already on the territory of the ussr are forcing moscow to devote all its efforts to creating a symmetrical response. first the bomb, forget about the rest, very clear. requirements of the nuclear project curator
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lavrentiy beria. and when, after successful tests near semipalatinsk in 1949, it became clear that the soviet union also possessed the most powerful weapons and the parity of forces in the world had been restored. igor kurchatov, who led all the work on creating the atomic bomb, said. peaceful atom. this is our goal.
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sustainable, powerful, in general, inexpensive nuclear energy, this is a feat of scientists who dared to make such a proposal to their leadership, a very bold action of the government aimed at determining this is another direction of work on the peaceful atom. in the fiftieth, near the obnenskoye station, now it is the leypunsky institute of physics and energy, preparations for construction began. in the fall of fifty -one, an excavator removed the first bucket of earth at the construction site of the future world's first nuclear power plant. when they say that kurchatov almost never left the construction site, this is not an exaggeration; he lived and worked in this house, very close to the nuclear power plant. only the initiates knew where exactly. the place was classified like everything connected with the first atomic one. experimental reactor f1 in... laboratory
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number two, now the kurchatov institute, and industrial a1, the so-called annushka, at the mayak enterprise in the chelyabinsk region, with their help the soviet union created nuclear weapons in order to maintain nuclear parity. the phi nuclear power plant was destined to become a peaceful response to the west in ensuring the country's energy security. here was the heart of the obninsk nuclear power plant. several types of reactor were developed for it at once, with the result being preference gave it away. uranium graphite installation of channel type with water coolant. academician igor kurchatov gathered and headed a real nuclear detachment from the best nuclear scientists of the soviet union. they became the founders of modern nuclear energy. anatoly alexandrov was involved in all engineering and production issues of creating the obninsk nuclear power plant, as well as the reactor for the first soviet nuclear submarine leninsky komsomol. or k-3. it was assumed
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that the same nuclear reactor design would be created for both the station and the nuclear submarine, however it turned out that the k-3 needed a more compact version. the academician worked on it. subsequently, the creation and improvement of the nuclear fleet became the work of his whole life. nikolai dolezhal, chief designer of the obnenskaya npp reactor and the reactor of the k-3 nuclear submarine, too, since the projects were created in parallel. the first calculations of the am nuclear reactor, which stands for peaceful atom, were carried out at kurchatov laboratory no. 2 in niihim mashi. it was supposed to run on enriched uranium, the installation power was 5 mw. u... scientists figured out how to convert nuclear energy first into thermal energy, then into mechanical energy, and then into electricity. it is this principle that is still used in the operation of nuclear power plants with classic pressurized water reactors. in the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant, circulation pumps pump water through
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the nuclear reactor. under enormous pressure, it heats up to 300° and enters a steam generator, where it gives off its heat to water from another, second one. enters a turbine that rotates the generator shaft, which produces electricity, after when used in a turbine, steam enters the condenser, where it is cooled and turned into water, which, with the help of pumps, goes back to the steam generator, where it is again heated by water from the primary circuit and again turns into steam. the steam goes to the turbine and so on. the scientific director of the first atomic one was dmitry. khintsev, also from the constellation kurchatov. from 1950 to 1956, director of the legendary laboratory v. during the construction of the station, blakhintsev, like his colleagues, worked 15 hours a day, and after launch, he led physical studies of the reactor's operation.
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he called the fuel issue the most subtle one. the nuclear power plant design is as simple as a samovar. instead of coal, uranium is burned, and steam is used to generate energy in a turbine. but everything is much more complicated precisely because of uranium, which burns in a completely different way, and this process is finely tuned and is influenced by dozens and hundreds of factors. the creator of the so -called tvel, a fuel element, vladimir malykh, at that time a young designer-technologist did not even have a completed higher education, but for igor kurchatov and alexander leypunsky, who even then began to create a scientific school of promising nuclear physicists in oblinsk, it didn’t matter, they knew how to choose talents. the fuel rod for the obninsk nuclear power plant was not like now with uranium pellets inside, filled with uranium powder, resistant to high temperature, pressure and corrosion. the very name fuel element, without which it is now impossible
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to imagine nuclear energy, appeared here in obnensk. the main element of a nuclear reactor core is the rods, in which fission of heavy uranium nuclei occurs. must be very thin and ultra-strong. the developments carried out first at the kurchatov and kharkov institutes, and later at the bochvar research institute, could not solve this problem. and vladimir malykh created a unique design in just 2 years, which became the ancestor of all modern fuel elements. for valery sazonov, a veteran of the fii, who was also involved in reactor tests of tvelov at the first nuclear power plant, the name malykh is special. this is a genius, yes, well, that’s what we have is considered simply a genius, but indeed, he studied at moscow state university, then went to serve in the army, even got wounded, came here, and he acted as a designer, developer, but in such a way that several companies worked on
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this tvelo project, they did not go through any tests, passed the test, only a product created by maalykh and... for his invention , malykh was awarded the order of lenin, in elektrostal plant no. 12 near moscow, now it is a machine-building plant, they immediately launched round-the-clock production fuel elements according to his design. the obnensk npp has become an example of incredible courage of scientific and design thought. can you imagine what kind of talent and imagination you had to have to create something that no... no one in the world had ever done in the completely new nuclear field at that time. the creation of both the nuclear reactor and the nuclear power plant itself proceeded in parallel. the project was constantly changing, because even the dimensions of the reactor plant were initially not very clear. the walls
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were built from a reinforced concrete monolith to provide protection from radiation, installers worked 12 hours a day with one day off, once every two weeks. for those who lived in moscow
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in march 1954 , the installation of the first secondary circuits of the reactor and thermomechanical equipment was completed at the station, and testing began before the physical start-up. on may 9, the day of victory, the arrows on the instruments of the main console of the world's first nuclear power plant showed the minimum power, and then the final adjustment of all systems began, the whole orchestra, which in a sense represents a nuclear power plant.
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the symphony of the launch of the obnensk nuclear power plant sounded on june 26, 1954, and thus began a new energy era for mankind. igor vasilyevich kurchatov, he came to the post-station, when in the end steam was supplied to the turbine, he also clapped, clapped, congratulated, congratulated us all here on light steam, when on july 1 an article appeared in the newspaper pravda about the start of operation of the obnensk npp, world would. soviet
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politics. the soviet union took a giant step towards the union, but the significance of the event became more important forward in realizing the age-old dream humanity, the dream of energy that can be produced anywhere in any quantity. one of the outstanding specialists in the field of nuclear physics, we need endless compositions with coal or fuel oil. at the first geneva international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic
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energy, the report of the scientific director of the obninsk npp blakhintsev was greeted with applause, although this was prohibited by the rules. in the ussr, sketches of an airplane and even an airship with a nuclear engine appeared. moreover, some of the ambitious projects were even for example, a transportable nuclear power plant, abbreviated tes-3, has been implemented. ac on tracks, based on a heavy tank.
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personally showed the americans tes-3, a mobile nuclear power plant. in 1963 , i think it was around may, the delegation was quite large, all of it could not be accommodated at the control panel, some were as if outside the threshold and it was even difficult for me to get to some of the keys, but there was interest big. the world's first soviet nuclear power plant was connected to moscow energy system. in comparison, the american experimental reactor ebr-1, the primacy of which they insist on overseas, is a household diesel generator. in the fifty-first year, they received electricity, from which they lit four light bulbs, that is, there was literally, well, probably a kilowatt of some kind, in obnensk, for the first time , the complete technology from
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nuclear fission to generating electricity into the network was demonstrated. the name of the reactor at obninsk nuclear power plant or atom peaceful was originally also deciphered as atom sea. it was intended to including for submarines. but when power plant stands were built in laboratory b in obnensk, the reactor turned out to be larger and more massive than scientists expected. as a result, a variant for submarines was developed in leningrad at skb-143. this is the current malachite design bureau. this is the cabin of a submarine. from the far east of the pacific fleet, because a training center for training submariners was created in ovnensk, they trained at the world's first nuclear power plant, because the principle of reactor control is the same, therefore they got their first skills there, and then
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they were on a real installation. sailors were strictly forbidden to come to the nuclear power plant.
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moma, 5 years later, made the famous transition under the ice of the arctic ocean. there is such a naval story when k3 on july 17, 1962 at 6:50 minutes 10 seconds passed the point of the north pole. at the central post , the officers advised the midshipman helmsman to deviate slightly from the course so as not to touch the earth's axis. before putting the reactor on a nuclear boat, it was a completely new thing, it was necessary was to try how it would work on the ground, for this purpose this building was built, in it three power compartments of a nuclear submarine were built in parallel
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, where the reactor was with pressurized water, like... three, which is in the museum now , it was an amazing time, i also call my colleagues who worked on water reactors, who worked with me on liquid metal, pioneers, as well as the crew of the first nuclear icebreaker lenin, who also learned to work with a nuclear installation at the obninsk nuclear power plant. the reactor of the nuclear-powered ship was built under the leadership of the same academician alexandrov, so live. obnensk rightly calls their city a seaside city, although the nearest coast is more than a thousand kilometers away. each technology, principles of working with equipment. and the equipment itself at the obninsk npp was unique. at that time , the world had not seen anything like it. it was at the first nuclear power plant that a scheme
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for recycling spent nuclear fuel was tested. fuel elements, the same fuel rods that small ones invented, were cut into pieces in the so-called hot chamber using mechanical manipulators. they were controlled from behind protective glass, but if anything in the cell needed to be adjusted, if repairs were needed, the staff had to enter the area. before getting into the hot chamber, the person put on such a suit, accordingly connected to the respiratory system, the meterist records the time, the person jumps into the chamber, naturally, first the entire program is written, clearly who should unscrew what nut, they jumped in in turn, they did it work, the first ones to drop in, it’s literally there for about 30 seconds, then, but it’s a minute, a minute and a half, the station became the only one. a kind of simulator for specialists from the first industrial nuclear power plants of the soviet union, the rapidly developing nuclear industry. in the sixty-second year, at the atom mirny reactor they showed how nuclear
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energy can be converted directly into electrical energy, on a loop. this is what nuclear scientists call an additional channel in a reactor installation, designed specifically for specific tests. in the seventieth year, on based on these studies , the world's first topas converter reactor for nuclear was created. for 48 years, the obnensk npp was a scientific and experimental site, a kind of university for soviet and then russian nuclear scientists. on april 29, 2002 , the time came to shut down the reactor, which had reached the end of its life. this honor was given to the obnensk npp veteran, lev kochitkov. this is the button that had to be pressed, this is how the reactor was finally stopped, after that it no longer
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came to life, the first nuclear power plant worked for almost half a century from 1954 to 2002 , without a single accident, it became a unique experimental site for testing nuclear technologies for research substantiation of reactor installations of much higher power, such as the nabelibinsk and beloyarsk nuclear power plants. atom peaceful large, amb, was the name of the reactors at the beloyarsk nuclear power plant, which was built in the sverdlovsk region, power units with a capacity of 100 and 200 mw. build. bright, as nuclear scientists affectionately call this station, and it was simpler than the first nuclear one. central console almost the same as at the obnenskaya nuclear power plant. in the reactors of the beloyarsk station it was necessary
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to simply repeat what had already been done, only on a larger scale. there was no need to even develop a special machine room; they took a regular one with serial turbine equipment. the construction at the beloervskaya station of the first stage is the amb reactor, the first block, the second block, the third and fourth blocks, liquid metal. direction of fast reactors, these are, in fact, the daughters or sons of that event, which we now call the launch of the first in the world, now next in line is the first russian serial project of a fast neutron reactor bn 1200m, its core was also assembled at the obninsk physik stands, this is a new fourth generation reactor, which is planned to be built at the beloyarsk nuclear power plant and at the moment we... are just preparing all the necessary scientific evidence , experimental confirmation of the characteristics of the core of the future reactor, new types
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of fuel, new materials, new approaches appear, for example, afm, low- power nuclear plants, they are much cheaper than traditional large nuclear power plants are built much faster, asm can be created to provide heat and electricity to specific production and... and mines in hard-to-reach areas. in st. petersburg kolpin, at the production facility of rosatom's mechanical engineering division, they have already begun to cast parts for the first ground-based small nuclear power plant with ritm-200 reactor units. this is how steel is poured for billets from which asm, a low-power nuclear power plant, is created. it will be built in yakutia in order to provide electricity to several industrial enterprises and fields at once gold ore and tin. the asmm will have a ritm-200n reactor installed, this is a ground-based version of the reactor for nuclear icebreakers. they were also created taking into account the experience that was gained in
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obninsk, kurchatov nuclear. detachment, the power of those discoveries of the forties and fifties lies in the enormous charge for many decades aimed at the development of these technologies; there would be neither the third nor the fourth generation if there were no kurchatov, leipunsky, dolezal, brilliant scientists, and designers, and theorists, those who practically implemented it.
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if it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how
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