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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the tankers destroyed new targets, including a large warehouse with enemy ammunition. to effectively fire, crews bring armored vehicles as close as possible to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the safety of passages among minefields is ensured by sappers. our war correspondent, alexey baranov, will tell you how this is done. thus, sappers operate in key areas of combat work. it is they, their equipment and professionalism that help the central assault groups. military
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district, the main purpose is reconnaissance, mine clearance, that is making passages in minefields, that is , directly for the advancement of our troops, the trawling speed is 7 km/h, with the help of a machine you can clear some roads, that is , making passages, there are anti-aircraft mines with magnetic target sensors, radio fuses, but for this the machine has a special interference transmitter. the commander of a tank unit of the central military district talks about his actions and shares with us the key episodes of his combat work: bringing in the infantry worked bolt arrival, look, the tank is given a combat mission, the tank shoots a bull, it goes away at a speed of eighty, it is the fastest tank in the world, among medium-sized tanks of the same level as it, and the weapons are the same as it has in terms of armor, such as it is. he has it, he is the
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fastest, the enemy does not have time to work on him, and how these tankers work, the t-80 bv tank returns to its base to replenish the ammunition used up in just 15 minutes, this group of combat vehicles of the southern group of forces is sent again v battle, yuri marchenko, line of combat contact. ukrainians are trying by any means to avoid forced mobilization. in odessa, a man had to show his acting skills and transform into a girl. he handled the matter responsibly. for the sake of secrecy, i even went through leg epilation procedures and tried to practice walking in heels. perhaps something similar could be done. against
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the football players in nikolaev, the military registration and enlistment office employees decided to take one of them right from the field, the athlete was attacked by a whole crowd with the support of the police, it looks like mobilization could not be avoided. new anti-corruption requirements were presented to ukraine at the international monetary fund. the kiev authorities need to bring customs operations in accordance with eu legislation and ensure transparency in the hiring of both management and staff. victoria koroleva will tell you what else the western partners are dissatisfied with. while ukraine is desperately thinking about what to do next after biden’s fiasco at the pre-election debates, the next political changes are hanging over kiev from the european side like a pre-mocles sword, so western media are dooming macron’s big adventure with elections to the french parliament to failure; in germany they believe that it is time for europe to change its approach to the ukrainian conflict. zelensky said in the bundestag that the time for compromise with russia has passed, and the conflict will end on ukraine’s terms. this is.
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however, not all politicians are ready to sacrifice economic interests in favor of security and peace. the head of polish diplomacy, radoslaw sekorski , said that western countries must confiscate russian frozen assets to begin benefit from the conflict. we must relearn how to capitalize on the escalation game. for example, we can seize all russian state assets worth 300 billion euros. putin has already attributed the losses to them, he does not expect to return them, but...
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he also does not think that we will have the courage to take them on ourselves as long as we show that he is right. meanwhile, the kiev authorities are again alarmed due to corruption, or more precisely due to the fact that western patrons are dissatisfied. alienated economic decomposition in the country, which they actively sponsor. according to bloomberg, the international monetary fund demanded that kiev make amendments to the customs code that could strengthen the fight against corruption. it turned out that the kiev authorities themselves were disappointed with this approach of the allies. they believe that the internal affairs of western countries do not concern them. however, how ukrainians manage european money demonstrates the state of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. victoria koroleva, vesti. a girl injured during the departure of carriages in koma was taken to moscow. she will undergo treatment for immediate pediatric surgery. this was reported by the ministry of health. previously, the fourteen-year-old victim was transferred from the central hospital in inte to the republican children's hospital in tsektevkari. there, doctors held a remote
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consultation with moscow specialists and decided to transport the teenagers to the capital. according to the department , 14 people remain in hospitals on the railway, four of them are children. the tragedy occurred on june 26, the preliminary cause was the undermining of the canvas due to heavy rainfall. forest fires in turkey are covering more and more territories, in the footage of the coast of the aegean sea, engulfed in flames, according to local media, rescue services are evacuating people from the most dangerous populated areas. the ministry of defense sent helicopters and planes to fight the fire, and traffic along one of the highways was blocked. mass protest at the house of trade unions in tel aviv. thousands of demonstrators burn fires on the roadway and shout anti-government slogans, demanding the resignation of benjamin netanyahu and the immediate conclusion of a deal with hamas on the release of hostages captured last october. clashes between protesters and police began, and security forces responded
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by making harsh arrests. passenger plane arriving. tobolsk skidded off the runway at yekaterinburg airport. there were about fifty people on board, no one was injured. the cause of the emergency was not the weather. the rain in the city did not stop for the whole day. strong winds knocked down trees, destroyed building structures, and lights went out in several areas. and in the chelyabinsk region, the kamenka river, which overflowed from floods, washed away the road. stormy streams rush across the bridge. traffic is blocked. everything was washed away. it is impossible to get to the resort on lake bannom, which is popular in the region, the regional center itself is flooded, buses and cars can hardly overcome the flow of water, pedestrians are waist-deep in water, in other regions there is a fight against
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the elements of fire, forest fires have broken out in yakutia, transbaikalia and the krasnoyarsk territory , reporting by alexander usatenko. yakutia is shrouded in smoke from forest fires. a state of emergency has now been introduced in the region. the wind contributes to the rapid spread of fire abnormal heat. airborne forest protection specialists manually walk meter by meter, creating mineralized stripes. the difficult situation in the trans-baikal territory, specialists from eleven regions are fighting the elements, and aviation is also being involved. to extinguish with a drainage device. took place without incident, aviation forest protection specialists are constantly practicing, and now another training is taking place in the krasnoyarsk territory before being sent to the burning regions. a water drainage device is one of the most dangerous tools in a forest firefighter's arsenal, water they are collected from natural reservoirs, and in order for
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the extinguishing to take place without accidents, many factors must be taken into account, such as the direction and strength of the wind, the weight of the device itself. now the mi-8 helicopter is gaining 2.5%. tons of water assesses the situation and gives commands pilot observer the drainage device is attached to a twenty-meter cable in addition to calculating the wind force of the release point, the pilots constantly monitor the situation around when draining the wind is taken into account the height of the tree stand because we have a stock that needs to be taken safely height there should be then, well, so that it’s not in the smoke, so that there are visual landmarks. when the spillway device is full, the helicopter flies to the conditional fire and extinguishes the fire from the air at a speed of 900 l/sec. such air support is only effective when people are working on the ground. forest fires in russia
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occur mainly in hard-to-reach places where ground vehicles cannot reach. only aviation forest protection specialists can get close to such areas. eight people in particular are here now. in different positions, but all of them are pilots, observers, so that, no matter where the situation arises on the territory of the krasnodar territory, we have such specialists throughout the entire territory not in a single copy, but as many as possible. now throughout the entire territory. the krasnoyarsk territory has a special fire regime, which means that lighting any fires is prohibited; dry and hot weather will last in the region for at least another week. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, news. in the krasnodar region , the time has come for opportunities, under such the job fair was named after the largest venues in sochi, novorossiysk and the capital of kuban. more than one and a half thousand enterprises in the region offered many employment options. in a variety of industries, from healthcare to it technologies and agriculture. in krasnodar
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, business games and master classes were organized for the participants. sergey sedorenko found out who is among the applicants and how to get your dream job. this is one of two sites in krasnodar. here, employers not only offer work in one of many areas, ranging from medical to industrial, but also conduct master classes so that people who have not yet decided on a profession learn how everything works from the inside. yes, you need to understand that, of course, the main part of the vacancies are technical workers , there is a great need for them, these are fitters, and even cooks , but there are certainly vacancies for those listening, let’s say, these are teachers, doctors . everyone can choose the company they like and go through an express interview right there on the spot, it will take about 10 minutes, if everyone is satisfied with everything, then the next meeting will be held in the wall. company, you can find out from me about the company, what we do, what vacancies we have
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currently open on the market, and what requirements we have for applicants, as well as what salary expectations we can provide for a specific vacancy. however, the fair is designed not only for accomplished professionals, but also for students. employers tell them about promising industries and try to attract them to their company in order to hire them within a couple of years. i probably want to design than physical i have to work hard, if i find something useful for myself here, i’ll take note of it. this is the second stage of the fair this year, the first one took place in april and helped four thousand kuban residents find work, thanks to which unemployment in the region fell by almost 5.5% to 61 thousand people. sergey sidorenko, vadim shaliev, lead. june 22, 1800. on the twelfth year, napoleon reviewed his troops on the western bank of the neman. the next day
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, the army entered poland, which was under russian control. napoleon believed that he won the battle of borodino, and today they think so modern french, and many of them do not even suspect that in 1814 the russians took paris and were greeted with sincere joy by the local residents. our broadcast will continue immediately after the commercial with the documentary film the world in the palm of your hand. history day by day. on the night of june 23-24, 1812, a mystery.
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but she was defeated, that is, they, despite the fact that this remains in their memory as
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a memory of trauma, which they do not want to remember, for them it is painful, but in the mass consciousness and especially now they do not perceive it as unambiguous defeat, because this is precisely the position that was formulated by napoleon bonoparte during his lifetime . after the retreat, even, you know, the exchange rate did not change, the bankers even then, they did not react to the retreat of the army and to the fact that only the remnants returned.
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they changed the curriculum, the school history curriculum, you understand that they can no longer objectively know anything at all, everything that concerns the period from the french revolution in 1789 to the third republic, at the end of the 19th century, is in their school curriculum
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it takes 14 hours in total. and what can you tell, so, of course, all these details, as regards the school curriculum specifically, well , the children are not aware, moreover, now, to put it mildly, russia is not very fashionable in france, so it is very difficult even just to remind about these historical facts , which objectively exist because it gives a good image of a civilizational country.
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but on the other hand, the entire 19th century after the end of the napoleonic wars, the french, they will be infected with russophobic sentiments, and russophobia in france will be very actively promoted and spread, including by historians, and this is why, because for them such a contemptuously arrogant view of our country will be compensation for
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defeat in the napoleonic epic, in general in... the war in napoleonic soldiers, in the russian company too, that is, no matter how much they wanted to present this as some kind of moral victory, they still understand that this is a defeat, after all, who won the battle of borodino? for us the battle of borodino - this is essentially synonymous with the patriotic war of the twelfth year, and this is the main battle of this war in... in the 19th century, probably, immediately after the end of the war , the fire of moscow was more in the memory, but not the battle of borodino itself, but the french, yes, they perceive also the battle of borodino as a decisive one, but they call it differently, the battle of moskvarek, why? because borodino doesn’t say anything to the average frenchman, but moscow - everyone knows this word,
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so for the french this battle, it has exactly that name, but... but in the end we can say that napoleon won,
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that napoleon seemed to have achieved his goal, he took moscow, but strategically, this battle ended in a catastrophic defeat, not just for the napoleonic army, but for the napoleonic empire, which napoleon himself later admitted, so this assessment cannot be given unambiguously , but strategically, russia certainly won the battle, as kutuzov said in his reactions, the russians did not retreat five lands and did not surrender five lands to the enemy, and despite the fact that the battle was terrible, the russians stood the same to the end
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firmly, as in the beginning, this was also very significant, and alexander i did not even perceive this defeat initially as a defeat, he rewarded kutuzov, and napoleon, when he entered moscow, he hoped that he would enter. to the city that he would be welcomed, since he was welcomed in europe with open arms, but it turned out that he was entering an empty moscow, because the inhabitants had left the city, and he even said that the russians do not know how to surrender, but because the russians really weren’t going to give up, then the famous fire comes moscow, here is the fire of moscow, and the fact that napoleon remains in ruins, devastated...
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everyone knows that this is just a shame, such an extreme negative event, but at present the french even perceive the berezina as a moral victory, the french do not remember that after entering with troops to paris, alexander i did not give it up for plunder and prevented the explosions of bridges planned by prussian sappers. the emperor also ordered the military to pay. residents for confiscated provisions and other necessary things, when russian troops, at the head of the allied forces, entered
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the capital of defeated france, then they were generally greeted there with a bang, especially alexander i. this is not because the french are very easily changeable and so on, you need to understand the context of the reaction of the french and parisians, specifically, to these changes. it must be said that... the reign of napoleon, despite the fact that he said that he gave his subjects the greatness of france, it was far from being so simple and not so unambiguous for his contemporaries, these were large taxes, constant recruitment into the army, large losses , france was, to call things by their proper names, poor, when russian troops entered paris led by emperor alexander ii. they couldn’t even believe that these russian officers were these very terrible barbarians as they imagined them, because speaking excellent french,
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in russia, you cannot expect from another country that he will remember you about yours. kindness is eternal, the situation that was after the napoleonic war is radically different from the one that exists now, because then france was an independent country, now it is not.
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then there are different centers of power, now we still exist within the framework of globalization, when there is only one legitimate center of power in the usa, atlanticism, in this context france is a part, a satellite of this center, so all these relations, of course, they... the perception has changed , everything that was has also changed, here it is very important to distinguish knowledge from the interpretation of this knowledge, because even those who still have this knowledge, they look at these facts, people look at these facts differently, because they have in their heads a completely different culture, a completely different worldview, and this very
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much... really influences the understanding of everything that was and what is now. trade turnover with friendly countries is growing, for example, this year with china a record 200. in other words, the numbers show that manufacturers have been able to rebuild delivery routes for their products. how do they do this, who helps and which countries are a priority? this is discussed in the new release of the program, made in russia, logical logistics. against the backdrop of aggressive sanctions, many companies were forced to change their usual supply routes for their products. is it working out or not? well, for example, take
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the products of agroprom. since the eighteenth year , export growth has been almost 11.5%. while other exporting countries can boast figures of only 7%. so how do you manage not to stop the engine of trade when others try to put spokes in the wheels? now we will tell you. next is our first story. this is one of the oldest enterprises in the yaroslavl region; 140 years ago it appeared in rostov steam factory, now a coffee and chicory plant, against the backdrop of all sorts of unfriendly restrictions, its products turned out to be better than ever, by the way, how are they produced, where
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are they supplied? now you will find out that when 14 years ago new management came to the plant, he, to put it mildly, got a so -so inheritance, destroyed workshops, since the tenth year more than 3 billion rubles have already been invested here. namely, constant modernization, buying new ones, well, this is constant work, now i think that, probably, next year it will be, this figure will approach 4 billion. the roasting oven, the heart of the enterprise, had to be restored literally piece by piece. this machine has a loading capacity of 500 kg and the price is approximately a million euros for each, if taken in the same configuration. therefore, we are in the twenty-second
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year. we started to modernize them.


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