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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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how they produce where they deliver, now you will find out. when new management came to the plant 14 years ago, to put it mildly, it received a so-so inheritance, destroyed workshops. since the tenth year it has been invested here. well, already more than 3 billion rubles, namely for constant modernization, buying new ones, well, this is constant work, now i think that probably next year this figure will approach 4 billion. the heart of the roasting oven had to be restored literally bit by bit, this machine loading 500 kg and price approx. a million euros for each, if you take the same price.
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we are represented in all regions of russia, i'm looking for - this is how much we hold, we stand in all federal networks, we have direct contracts with absolutely all networks, we are represented almost everywhere. by the way, foreign competitors have changed their name and are in no hurry to leave the market, so support the russian manufacturer. in the yaroslavl region, such
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a project was introduced several years ago, so that on the shelves of all federal stores what was produced in the yaroslavl region was marked the sign was produced by yaroslavl, and this is very helpful, because the residents of yaroslavl love to support each other. the production volumes of the group of companies, which also has enterprises in the moscow region in belarus, are growing. 60.00 tons of finished products per year. i can say that this is not our maximum yet; we can produce much more. it is clear that there are plans to expand, a new workshop for the production of baby food is being built, and next year a workshop for natural plant extracts will be ready to open, which will increase capacity the plant will double, the staff will increase, by the way, about social issues, they are actively helping veterans of the great patriotic war, soldiers of the northern military district and their families. in 2 years we sent. the tone of
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a humanitarian thunderstorm. and these are the remains of the enemy drone of baba ega. the soldiers handed over the trophy. for each throne knocked down, we are ready to pay 500,000 rubles. we shot down two birds just a couple of weeks ago, we handed over money, certificates, guys, well , they are increasing trade with friendly countries, exports to cis countries, serious plans for china. is there any support in terms of export? certainly. and russian export centers constantly provide support, they do a good thing, they help to participate in exhibitions in other countries. free participation in exhibitions abroad is just one of many measures to support the russian export center. there are business missions, training, certification, patenting, analytics, and reimbursement. the most popular types of compensation for expenses for... exporters that relate to
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transportation, because logistics, we all know, plays a significant role in the cost of delivery, it has now become a fairly expensive element of the exporter’s customer journey; there are also very popular programs for compensating the costs of certification, so last year 70 billion rubles were sent to russian exporters through such subsidy programs.
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services, they are free. it turns out that it is not necessary, and most importantly, that most of our backdrop of aggressive sanctions, in response , support for russian companies, including exporters, is growing. they, in turn, do not pour tears for closed markets, new ones are found. our next story from the astrakhan region is about this. this astrakhan business is definitely for the patient. not only does the breeding of sturgeon require conditions as close as possible to natural ones, but also, for example, the female russian sturgeon first gives caviar after 10 years, and the caspian beluga, generally after 18-20. now you will find out all the details of this difficult matter. more than 20
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years ago, the company's history began as an experiment. small production, which was aimed at preserving. has developed into a large large company, the flowing waters of the old lock are full of fish life, there are good conditions for breeding. today our company has two huge plots, we occupy an area of ​​2 hectares, we have more than 350 tons of fish, this is both a commercial plot and a broodstock, we have the status of a breeding plant, we work with vnero, that is, genetically. russian federation, that is, not everything is for the sake of caviar for the table, it is sold for breeding to other aquaculture companies, and sturgeon are also released into the wild to restore the population. we have more than 10 thousand heads of pure purebred caspian beluga. beluga is the rarest
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sturgeon fish, well, where is the largest, oldest fish? here we have one veluga, which means almost 200 kg. about how old is she? there is also a regional subsidy for feed for aquaculture, so we produce good quality feed, here in the astrakhan region we are consumers of feed. black caviar, by the way, is not only eaten, it
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for example, in anti-aging cosmetics, clients all over russia and the cis, a lot goes for export, and previously to the states, to japan, even to australia, now logistics are changing.
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let's see how edible production works. the plant was opened by video link by the president of russia. vladimir putin was told that meat snacks are an alternative to potato chips. chips are potatoes, they are starch, but from starch. you know that only collars are worth it, and meat will allow us to gain strength, children will be born, so vladimir vladimirovich, we will not let you down, thank you, we would send you to try it, mandatory,
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the production of snacks is more complicated than it might seem at first glance, it’s not easy to cut and dry the pieces, 1 kg of chips takes 2 kg of meat, which first ripens in... when drying a special regime in order to preserve useful substances, so they designed it starting from the twenty-second year, built the plant with the most modern technology, production capacity.
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tional work with schoolchildren, we have a need for about 5,000 now in mordovia, in these are mainly people with working specialties, so we are now paying close attention to secondary specialized educational institutions that train in various fields, including welders, metal workers, various, different fields, this is the first, second, of course, we work with our communities, taking into account salaries , and we have a fairly high increase in wages at industrial enterprises, we are trying to bring back... those who once left and do not work in their specialty, work in the security system, which is also not bad, but i would like
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so that they return to their specialties, we have developed short-term but effective courses for returning to their specialties, we are actively participating in the program of the ministry of education and professional development, attracting funds from businesses, and these are significant federal funds, more than 100 million for one project, which allows us to completely re-equip the open source software. personnel are very much needed, especially soon, literally in the neighborhood. there will be another production; a new plant is being built in the city of ruzaevka in mordovia that will produce wet food for animals. now this the product is mainly imported, the situation needs to be decisively corrected. since the company already produces dry food, after the launch of this plant, the total production volume of food for our little brothers will be 100,000 tons, which will take up 15%. armenia, belarus,
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kazakhstan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan, abkhazia. about 8 were shipped for export. this year , the italina group of companies plan to increase the volume of exports, begin deliveries to china, and also launch the export of vegetable oils. the russian export center is actively involved in supports this. last year , trade between russia and china set a record. there is a lot behind these numbers. companies that saw exports as an important part of their development were able to reinvent themselves. there was support, but certainly the increase in demand in the domestic market had an impact. china has already hosted two festivals, fairs made in russia;
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dozens of russian companies are promoting their products with the support. our festivals are fairs, which we believe have proven themselves to be very effective and we already have agreements with the chinese side of them promote in different provinces during this year, this is such a set of very diverse measures on... non-energy exports should grow by 2/3 according to the ministry of industry and trade in the first quarter
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of this year added more than 5% to $37 billion, and during the president’s visit to vietnam, the russian export center estimated the potential for supplies to this country at $408 million, but what about the middle east? cows on suitcases, they are waiting in saudi arabia in oman. the fact is that this astrakhan farm has learned how to breed large ones so well. horned scott, that he has become an export product, we will now tell you what is wrong with these cows. cows, suspiciously studying the copter of the kazakh white-headed
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breed. ibrahim has been breeding just such cows for more than 10 years. today is a hardy breed of livestock that can withstand everything , and in the spring this midge can withstand heat, frost, agricultural work is underway, there are already several farms, i have this one of nine sites, they are located on the territory of two districts, mainly the main district and several sites on the territory district, the status of a breeding reproducer has been received, benefits from the state are already provided here, but according to the farmer, support in the field of electrification would also be useful, there are not enough specialists. we are asking veterinarians to be equalized, in networks of veterinarians to be equalized with doctors,
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ordinary doctors, in rural areas, they receive support and subsidies. receives, the veterinarian receives none of this. the solution to difficulties is development, because living goods turned out to be very exportable. cows are supplied to azerbaijan, georgia, iran, and now saudi arabia and oman are asking for 10,000 heads. here too you can count on help. over the past year, ds supported a record number of 24,000 companies, a 23% increase in volumes. there are more transactions abroad.
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assistance from employers in subsequent employment, without which it is still impossible to build new supply chains, without transport? this came with testing from the fields, that is, you have not produced trailers like this before, we have not produced them, this is a potato trailer for the largest potato farm tyumen region, this company from tyumen develops and produces everything for moving cargo from point a to point b, be it timber, gravel or equipment, the departure of foreign
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competitors is only beneficial. recently we have opened. there are many more possibilities, that is, german manufacturers have left the market, that is, this is an onboard semi-trailer that is completely localized in russia. demand exceeds supply, recently they began to produce twice as many products, 480 units per year, plans for a thousand, in including due to new models. over the past 3 years, we have invested about 400 million in equipment at the plant. last year it was 100 million, that is, we have already gone all the way from manual labor through mechanization, automation, and finally we have already reached robotization at some stages. the company plans to develop exports, there are deliveries to kazakhstan, belarus, even to iraq, and in general, now is a good time for business to grow due to its supply market to
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new foreign ones. the transport theme is also supported by a story from mordovia. boast of complete localization, mastered new alloys, innovative bogies, three platforms, more than 100 certified cars in the line and...
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they produced 1,300 cars a year, now more than 10 thousand, despite any sanctions. this year we are planning even more, well, an ambitious plan - to produce 12 thousand cars. last year, almost a billion rubles were invested in production development. for this year, the plans are already one and a half in equipment, development and of course in people. together with ogorev moscow state university we went along the federal route. professional program, and accordingly, on the basis of the production site, they organized - well, a production building that helps students obtain a profession, precisely one that is necessary and
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in demand for our enterprise. and in the end, infrastructure, new roads, development of transport corridors, everything to the sea route or, for example, the north-south trade artery, to india, iran, neighboring countries that pass, including through astrakhon. for 23. port alya, where we have a special economic port zone today, is creating container terminal, which should
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also give us the opportunity to transship 3 million tons of containers. new terminals are appearing all over the country, this one, for example, in the leningrad region, in the port of service for mineral fertilizers. fertilizers from here, where can they go? you know, the sales market is quite large, the main consumers today are brazil, america, canada, india. capacity up to 8 million tons per year, in the future 14 to help, automation. and a diverse storage system for 500,000 tons, spine warehouses, domed, we are now in the covered fortress warehouse number two, in terms of
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capacity, it will be about 180,000 tons, in each dome, about 21 will be placed in each dome. and according to the plan, the terminal will put into operation eight such domes next year , new infrastructure, new opportunities for manufacturers, if in general, for example, russia and the european union has fallen to a minimum since 2000, then other friendly countries have something to offer. the growth of trade turnover is an indicator; logistics is developing, according to logic of modern challenges.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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here was the heart of the ognensky nuclear power plant. my father told me that after changing his shirt they would wring it out, because there was no automation then, everything went manually, and he would come back with burnt hands. steam was supplied to the turbine, igor vasilyevich kurchatov congratulated us all on the light steam. in obnensk , the complete technology from nuclear fission to generating electricity into
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the grid was demonstrated for the first time. they came from many countries and they were only amazed at what the soviet union had done. the bomb was made first, not by us, this is a rare case when we are proud that we are not the first, the second, here is a peaceful atom, nuclear power plants, our absolute primacy.
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we begin situations in the zone of a special military operation. direction , russian tank crews destroyed new targets, including a large warehouse with enemy ammunition. in order to fire effectively, crews move armored vehicles as close as possible to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the safety of passages among minefields is ensured by sappers. and our war correspondent, alexey baranov will tell you how this happens. thus, sappers operate in key areas of combat work. it is they, their apparatus and...


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