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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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the roads are steep and dangerous, especially since it’s not a good idea to sit down at all. three friends came to tashtagol from the krasnoyarsk territory to go skiing on the snowy slopes. alexander semakov, vladislav turukhanov and leonit osipov. all were 23 years old. alexander dreamed of football, graduated with honors from the university, and coached a children's team. vladislav was also a football player and enjoyed snowboarding in winter. leonid worked as a machinist and studied at the university by correspondence. the guys had long dreamed of a trip to a ski resort and saved up. money, that's their last joint video. that morning, friends were returning from a party on the occasion of a traditional festival. the audience in swimsuits, skiing and snowboarding, cheerfully closed the ski season. there weren’t enough taxis for all the guests, the friends went to the hotel on foot, the road was poorly lit, and for some reason there were no sidewalks in the tourist city. another important fact. this is
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the speed of the cars, so they practically go along the section of the road without dropping it, from which we can conclude that kuznetsov, who flew out from around the bend, had only a few seconds to react to the situation. police major alexey kuznetsov, according to him, that morning he was taking a friend to a hotel, as an examination showed, he was drunk, drove into oncoming traffic and flew into a group of young people, that’s what the taxi driver told us, who was overtaken by a reckless driver in uniform, because of me the car flew out , but i also slammed on the brakes, that there was this govolet, the whole car flew out, and there the boys were walking, they were crossing the roadway or they were walking straight along it, they were just walking vladislav turukhanov died on the spot, alexander semakov later died in the hospital, according to doctors, the young people received severe injuries, this indicates the force of the blow, a combined injury, severe skull and brain injury, blood loss, shock, all these factors aggravate each other. leonid osipov is the only one who
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survived; he is still undergoing treatment. the young man has a serious traumatic brain injury, and his relatives do not want to remind him once again about the death of his friends. somehow i got through to the intensive care unit, they told me: don’t interfere, we are fighting for him life, and he was in a serious condition in a coma, he couldn’t name the date, he couldn’t understand where he was, i said, i remember, we said, sasha and i turned around, more, he says, well later, he says, i don’t remember, then he says , i remember, he says, people are walking around, saying something, he’s telling me, so something he’s saying is painful, our film crew managed to communicate with the accused major kuznetsov, he was taken to the investigative department under heavy security, with the same shackles on his hands. long chain, we asked how it happened that the policeman i got behind the wheel drunk, tried to call management, report what had happened, took a bottle of mineral water, it turned out to contain an alcoholic drink, i think it was vodka. well, i
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did a couple of hunger strikes, i spat it out. kuznetsov did not explain how the vodka ended up in a bottle of mineral water, the bottle itself is in his car, but this version is unlikely to be true, despite the revelation, the former policeman never admitted his guilt, he treats the fatal accident philosophically, i feel guilty i don’t think this was an accident, it’s just fate, as they say, only in this section we met, our destiny. i crossed paths with these guys, now major kuznetsov is in a pre-trial detention center, last week the court extended his preventive measure, and as a result of an internal audit, the employee was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies on negative grounds. they decided to extend the period of preliminary investigation in this high-profile case; icr employees need to carry out additional investigative actions and obtain the results of forensic examinations. investigative actions were carried out at the crime scene, evidence was checked on the spot, during which he also.
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maxim shevchenko, igor stepanov and nikolai purtov, lead the duty unit from the kemerovo region. this week , the former governor of the kirov region, nikita belykh, opened a new page in his biography. how are you feeling? just a week after belykh was released from prison, where he was serving an eight-year sentence for accepting a bribe.
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got a job, where and by whom is still unknown, perhaps the experience gained behind bars will be useful to him in the new place; in the colony, the ex-official worked as a soft toy stuffer and in libraries, from... white told at the court hearing where he came to challenge the second sentence handed down to him for abuse of power. we are talking about the scandalous bankruptcy of the kirov mortgage corporation. then, due to gray schemes , doctors and teachers were almost left without a roof over their heads. but the meeting did not take place; it was postponed to july 8, which, by an amazing coincidence, was the belykh’s first official working day in the new place. the largest outbreak in the last 30 years. batuulism is collecting new victims, this week it became known about the first death, a young scientist chemist from kostroma region. inspections are carried out in all regions. in kursk, for example, they closed a sushi bar where they sold food for intestinal infections and rolls called stafila kakai.
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but what danger can the familiar herring under a fur coat and mimosa pose? our film crew visited a workshop where takeaway food is prepared and saw all the dark sides of the so-called kitchen without. guests, special investigation by alina skachkova. after a wave of poisonings, deputies again started talking about lifting the moratorium on inspections of public catering. according to the standard they are held every 3 years. there are practically no surprise visits, and therefore the chefs carefully prepare for the appearance of auditors. one can only guess what is going on on their tables, the rest of the time, we decided to find out about the dark side of dark. capital, garbage, unsightly brick building, inside the territory of an industrial zone, in the middle of a construction food shop, here they prepare salads and hot dishes, which are then sold to shops
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, the interview lasts 10 minutes, they immediately explain the main principle of work, here you just need to cook for another 3 days, the kitchen lives by its own laws, the cooks have difficulty speaking russian. negligence has already led to the largest outbreak of batulism in recent times. muscovite regina gorayeva is one of those who ate the poisoned salad. i didn't want it that way. as a result, i spent 8 days in isolation under iv drips to relearn how to move and speak, but even after discharge the disease did not subside. they say full recovery may take
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six months. any movement now, well, it ’s very difficult, that is, you raise your arms, wave them, it’s like a simple movement. and after 2 minutes you already have shortness of breath, your muscles already hurt, as if you ran a marathon, the number of hospitalized people has grown to almost 400, some of them are in intensive care, the geography is expanding every day: moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, tambov, yaroslavl and nizhny novgorod region, the first death in kostroma, the promising scientist chemist tim lev died, he also ate the ill-fated salad with beans, then intensive care, artificial ventilation, cardiac arrest, tim was only 21. botulinum toxin is an invisible killer, it is in 375,000 times stronger than rattlesnake venom, and a kilogram of this substance can kill all of humanity. the bacterium enters the stomach along with the blood and instantly spreads throughout the body. within a few hours, the toxin affects the nervous system. shortness of breath begins,
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double vision, paralyzes muscles, and there is a high probability of death. to avoid dire consequences , inspections of questionable catering establishments were carried out in many regions. this week in kursk for sanitary. violations temporarily closed the sushi bar, it sold food with intestinal infections and rolls with the names stofilokaya streptococcus, in moscow, after an outbreak of batulism, the court suspended the operation of a popular food delivery service, it was he who was selling salads with poisoned beans, the cooks of the manufacturer's company are already in pre-trial detention for the causative agents of botulism. when the soil gets together naturally with the product into the inside of the jar, and after the jar. clogged, if there was clastria batalin, it starts to work, in this enterprise, the beans were not accepted in the form of canned food, but in polymer containers, but it worked the fact that canned food is not made in polymer containers, poisonous beans and salads
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have been withdrawn from sale, but even the usual olivier and mimosa can be dangerous, we bought a ready-made salad in the supermarket next to the editorial office and took it to the laboratory for examination, it turned out that that under a thick layer of may life is seething, detections of bacteria of the e. coli group were revealed and excesses in the number of tremors were revealed. our film crew took the results of the examination back to the store. the seller did not have any documents with him products, no alcohol license, no registration, but in the warehouse there was a whole refrigerator with poison, here are pancakes, all covered with mold, horror, still a refrigerator full of mold, these are... mentai meatballs with mold, well, such products should
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be disposed of immediately, and not, of course, store a burger in the refrigerator, perhaps these shocking images will force many to cook at home more often in order to stay alive, a famous moscow restaurateur told us how to choose safe ingredients, but we can directly show it on beans, for example, here we have a package, first of all, it’s not bloated, and we don’t see any external violations, so we open it. we don’t have any foreign smell, we don’t have any extra bubbles either, if there’s something wrong with her, what will she be like? will have, for example, in the example of beans, excess liquid will appear, roughly speaking, mucus, an odor will appear, there may be mold with some kind of crust, it is difficult to believe that a handful of ordinary beans can kill a person, but there is a salvation, it is already being developed by scientists from research center named after gamaleya in moscow. bottle - the newest antidote for batuulism, its development cost tens of millions of rubles, but
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the drug cannot be administered to patients yet, the fact is that the antidote is at the stage of clinical trials, first it needs to be tested on animals, then on healthy volunteers, only after passing all stages the drug will be available for widespread use. the active substance is a monoconal antibody that specifically binds to the toxin and blocks its penetration inside. now seriously ill patients with batulism are treated with an existing serum made from the blood of horses, but the drug is not a panacea; if it does not save, a new effective antidote should arrive in hospitals next year. alena skachkov, stanislav ponomarenko, vasily yurchuk, dinara iyusipova. news, duty department. the outgoing week turned out to be very busy for the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs, vladimir. koltseva, it began with a working trip to uzbekistan. in tashkent , the minister met with the president of the country
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shavkat mirziyoyev, they talked about the development bilateral relations. vladimir kolokoltsev also discussed important issues of cooperation with his colleague, the minister of internal affairs of the republic, polat babazhonov. they discussed the fight against crime at the international level, strengthening joint measures against drug trafficking and combating cybercrime. and the very next day after returning from uzbekistan. the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs arrived in the united states of america. vladimir kolokoltsev took part in the summit of heads of police departments of un member states. the meeting took place in new york. the minister was accompanied on the trip by my colleague maxim movchan. and here is his report. from the plane straight to the point. after landing in new york , russian interior minister vladimir kolokoltsev went to the un headquarters. before participating in the summit , a bilateral meeting with the leadership between.
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this negatively affects the performance of their direct duties. the minister of internal affairs emphasized that russia fully fulfills all its obligations to increase the effectiveness of peacekeeping missions. vladimir kolokoltsev revealed details of employee training in a special interview for the final release of our program. over 20 years, we have trained 2,500 candidates to participate in peacekeeping. operations, at the moment we have 41 employees of the internal affairs bodies of the russian
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federation taking part in missions in zones of armed armed conflicts, of which 12 are women, by the way, we have 27 people in reserve, we are also ready to send them to serve in armed zones conflicts, at least complaints about training - by our institute of all-russian advanced training. there are no ministry of internal affairs. during his speech at the summit, vladimir kolokoltsev stated that politics should not influence cooperation in the security sphere. according to him, disinformation is part of propaganda work. i will separately mention the unverified information on which the mission leadership relies: publicly available news sources and even reputable media cannot always guarantee the reliability of their data. based on
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such sources, peacekeepers become hostages of disinformation, which in turn ... plays into the hands of ill-wishers. after participating in the summit, vladimir kolokoltsev held a number of bilateral meetings, which also took place at the un headquarters. the main police officers of the partner countries have many topics to discuss. at a meeting with the head of the ministry of internal affairs of kazakhstan, vladimir kolokoltsev and his colleague yerzhan sadenov discussed the successful results of a joint search operation, within the framework of which fugitive criminals are detained. and in dialogue with the main sudanese police officer, russian minister of internal affairs. exclusion of russia from the group developing financial measures to combat money laundering and obstacles to work through interpol. they process requests from the russian federation for legal assistance, but do not provide information about wanted
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criminals. of course, we all understand perfectly well that these are these attempts to limit... popular cooperation, they are dictated from one center, this center carries out the attempts at terrorist acts that we observed 4 days ago, when the american missiles with a prohibited cluster warhead hit a beach in crimea, where people, children, were resting, children died, dozens of people were injured. during the visit, vladimir kolokoltsev noted that such meetings are very... important precisely in the format, and not through the prism of propaganda. this is the only way to explain your position and prove the objectivity of your actions. russia's opinion is shared by namibi. the country's chief inspector of police said it is necessary to unite in the fight against transnational crime, despite western pressure. vladimir kolokoltsev, in turn, noted that pressure is also expressed in attempts to influence the situation within the country,
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namely in organizing terrorist attacks. at the same time , the russian police are ready to assist their colleagues from namibia. train staff and share new developments. the dialogues with foreign colleagues that took place at the un headquarters were replaced by a meeting with chinese partners, they invited our minister to the exhibition. the exhibition demonstrated the training and equipment of chinese peacekeepers. maxim ovchan and sergey uhvaryonok in the duty department of new york, usa. this week, the story about the peculiarities of the scandalous hunt continued, the now former minister of health of the tambov
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region, alexey ovchinnikov, for the third time , had to answer for his words, but...
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for how long? investigators intend to appeal the decision of the prosecutor's office in the near future. this week, many people were shocked by these images taken in krasnodar. a car flies out at speed from the third floor of the parking lot and crashes on the asphalt. died everyone who was in the cabin, the driver, his pregnant companion and a ten-year-old child. my colleague andrei romanov found out the details of the mysterious incident and wondered: what was it? a freak accident or what? the tragic ending to a tangled story of love, money and deception. the mangled bmw nyanka in krasnodar looks ominous, there is no living space on the body of the car, the roof is crushed from the impact to the level of the hood, the backs of the driver and passenger seats
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are broken, this is a consequence of a fall from the third floor of a multi-level parking lot, everyone who was they died in the crossover, guys, it was right behind me, you understand, you look, the first seconds after the incident, a low curb is broken, the metal mesh fence is broken, the car is below on the asphalt, lying on the roof, nearby ambulance doctors are trying to pump out the driver, unsuccessfully . doctors confirmed the death of a thirty-eight-year-old man, his companion and a ten-year-old boy, and investigators opened a criminal case. the driver of a foreign-made car, having picked up speed, drove beyond the parking fence, located on the third floor of a shopping and entertainment center in krasnodar and a foreign car fell onto the roadway. at the beginning there were versions about a technical malfunction of the transport and an error. but when recordings from cctv cameras appeared, it seemed that the driver deliberately made this dangerous maneuver. a few minutes before the incident, a silver crossover is at
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an intersection near a shopping center, the car turns towards the parking lot, inside the bmw quickly picks up speed, the driver purposefully drives into the fence on the third floor. the flying car miraculously did not hit the girl. who was walking along the sidewalk along the parking building, she managed to jump away at the last moment. the consequences of the incident are amazing, but the main question now is what happened inside the car in the last minutes before the fall. it is known that the driver was a resident of krasnodar, rafael arakelyan, the owner of a local rehabilitation center for people suffering from drug addiction. arakelyan himself was well known in relevant circles; he did not hide his past. about 15 years old i was a drug user and... now i don’t want to delve too deeply into these, well , everything happened, everything happened, including overdoses, police, criminal cases. drugs
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seem to have nothing to do with this terrible story, apparently, it’s a matter of personal tragedy, along with the sarakilyan , businesswoman ekaterina kornilova and her ten-year-old son dmitry died in the car, ekaterina had been married for many years, with her spouses, by an amazing coincidence, very similar to rekelian, they were engaged in business and led. personal block on the internet, videos on the internet were filled with shots of a happy rich woman life, trips in a rented maybach, restaurants, five-star hotels, luxurious life, a strong, healthy, loving family. it remains a mystery what place rafael arakelyan, or rafik, as his relatives called him, occupied in this strong, loving family. it is curious that a few years ago the deceased was known as roman butenko, but not long before the discovery.
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bought for him by such a generous friend. it is unknown how catherine’s husband reacted to this warm friendship after the death of his wife and son; he does not communicate with journalists and does not appear in office. the married couple had been involved in network marketing for several years and collaborated with the notorious company tian. our program has repeatedly talked about these dubious figures. tianshists find their victims on job search sites, promising rapid career growth and large incomes, but first demands. fulfill several conditions, forces you to take out loans from banks in order to buy, for example, there you need to buy drugs for 2000, but there is no need to sell them, that is,
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i have to buy them for 2000, and then, excuse me, i have to use all this. it is possible that the video about the happy kornilov family was created to lure more simpletons into network marketing. a world that everyone deserves. after the terrible incident, it became clear that a beautiful life was a screen behind which one could live. for the students to think about how best , shortly before her death, catherine suggested spending the last day of her life, perhaps the coach guessed that she was in danger, but at the same time, together with her schoolboy son, she got into the car with raphael, another... creepy detail, the dead woman i was in my fifth month pregnancy, it is possible that this is exactly what was discussed in the foreign car showroom before the tragedy; after the car fell from a height of 10 m, many people
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had a question: why there were no reliable barriers in the parking lot. typically, such structures are built according to a standard design. here, for example, is a multi-level parking lot in one of the capital's shopping centers. it can be seen that the barriers are launchers and will not stop a heavy car. the most they are good for is preventing a person from falling down through carelessness. at the moscow automobile road institute we explained that there are no special requirements for the organization of fencing in multi-level parking lots, although such a need is long overdue. for example , if the driver confuses the gas and brake pedals, we have developed such a solution for the construction of cable fencing systems, the design should be such that it holds vehicles at a certain weight and at a certain speed, but even this project is stipulated in the modi it will help if the driver accelerates the car the way rafael arakelyan did, he left no chance for himself or the passengers,
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perhaps in the near future... the innocent ones. why was the ex-official's case reviewed ? the film tells about the high-profile case of the former head of the ramensky district of the moscow region, he is now serving a sentence for the murder of his mistress, but was initially confessed to this? in a couple of minutes, that’s all for us, follow the legal news in our telegram channels, lead the duty department and an honest detective, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. we will take on this case, it will be an honest one detective.
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let's start with the topic of bad weather. in yakutia, the area of ​​forest fires decreased by almost 90,000 hectares per day, but the situation is still difficult. this region accounts for the largest number of fires. wind and abnormal heat contribute to the rapid spread of fire and the emergence of new outbreaks. the tense situation in the trans-baikal territory with the elements of fire, specialists from 11 regions are fighting there, aviation is working. the day before, smoke from wildfires came to chita. forests are being extinguished in buryatia for...


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