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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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passengers of the varkuta novorossiysk train, some of the cars of which left the kumi, were delivered to the final point of the route. they were brought on vacation by a reserve train, the federal passenger company reported. let me remind you that the accident occurred last wednesday. three people died and dozens were injured. izaida kurbatova will continue this topic. at 4:10 a.m., an evacuation train arrived at the novorossiysk railway station. brought
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passengers of the ill-fated train that crashed on the evening of june 26, not far from inta, town in the komi republic, the embankment was damaged, the driver emergency braked, now people remember what they had to endure, they didn’t feel anything like that, the only thing was that emergency braking was applied there, i understand that the crane was probably torn off, so well , then later a guy came running all... dirty, he lost his daughter, he says, they didn’t see, no, they didn’t, and accordingly , the guides are already there, guys, we need help, the northerners are used to working in difficult conditions, they know how to remain calm, absolutely all the men from the train began to help the others evacuate, put splints on the victims, and many did it professionally, no panic, no looting, they got out and i sent this family into the carriages, which remained intact and...
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the evacuation exit to the ground was very close in a moving state, that is, from a distance, ropes were needed, he gave the task to the passenger alone, to run for laundry, quickly tie ropes out of them, showed how this is done, throw them out the window for people, well, they can already evacuate along them, in about an hour, mikhail amelchenko recalls that doctors began to arrive at the crashed train.
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it was established that three people died. the victims, about 50 people, were taken to the inta hospital. seven passengers are in serious condition. a fourteen-year-old girl with multiple fractures was brought to moscow, she is in a coma, undergoing urgent pediatric trauma surgery, she will be provided with all the necessary help. zenaida kurbatova, yana anenkova, lead. in primorye, another settlement found itself in a flood zone. floods the village of markovo - this is the southern part of the region, in some places the water has risen to the level of the foundations of houses, the evacuation of residents is also complicated by the fact that many roads are also flooded. rospotrebnadzor checks the quality of water in areas affected by river floods. first of all, attention is paid to pipelines that lead to residential buildings, and measures are also being taken to prevent the outbreak of intestinal infections. sampling of drinking water from the distribution network continues .
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pm local time, who will win, we will learn about this from our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. ever since emmanuel macron announced the dissolution of the national assembly on june 9 and called for snap parliamentary elections, the main question has remained: will the right be able to achieve an absolute or qualified majority? at least the latest pre -election polls show they could get between a majority and a qualified majority. most of the
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media call these results shocking. today polling stations will be open, as you said, until 6:00 pm, in most regions in some regions until 8:00 pm. local time, that is, 21 hours moscow time, immediately after this the first results can be published, one of the main issues is turnout, now the ministry of internal affairs is at least predicting a record turnout, according to official data 2.5 million more or four times more polling stations will operate today compared to the situation 2 years ago, when the french elected a national assembly, now dissolved, and the main intrigue of the day is, of course, the national unification. as it was said with the symbolic youthful face of twenty-eight-year-old jordan bardela, experts say that recent polls predict up to 37% of the french vote, the left will also bypass the current government, polls predict 28% for them, and only 21%
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of french votes in the first round of elections are predicted for emmanuel macron’s supporters. , which could give a completely unpredictable situation in the foreign and domestic policy of france, he says. this won't last long, i think that a certain reaction will follow in french society, nevertheless, the influence on the eu will be strong, mrs. marine lepin is not an enemy of moscow, this will have an impact on relations with russia, our participation in the ukrainian conflict, this will also affect the development of the european union, because she is not a fan of european integration . some experts call the dissolution of the national assembly after the pan-european elections in early june, which emman macron agreed to. in parliament, it was increasingly difficult for him to carry out his own policies, remember at least that the fact that the french president had to carry out the sensational pension reform
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without a vote in parliament, and to change the issue of immigration to seek support from the right, which many consider again humiliating for the current government, macron considered this possibility. quite a long time ago, experts say, and the elapsed time between the dissolution of parliament and the present day was spent in disputes about the fact that there is no need to vote for either the right or the left, at least this was the position of the macronists, without promoting their own unpopular program, and saying that you need to vote against, but just the growth of support for the left, and not the right, can play a cruel joke in this sense, because then voting against will not work, the left turned out to be too divided, however... having learned about the appointment of the next election day, they were able to nominate common candidates in each district, after all, according to experts, the right is the main problem for emmanuel macron and the left too, who united in calls to vote against, as they say the lipinists, quite
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it is possible that in just 2 weeks france will receive a completely new government with new policies. a scenario in which the national assembly will be dominated is quite likely. difficult, because the party of the extreme left wing will most likely also be quite strong, so there is a possibility of other parties, uniting them would mean that there will be no ruling majority in france, and this creates some uncertainty. emmanuel macron has already announced that he will not resign no matter how these elections end, while it is known that he had already scheduled a meeting for his people on monday. the revival of nature and the triumph of good. the main summer holiday, isaac, is celebrated in yakutia. the brightest moments in the report by vitaly prokupyev. thousands of people in the main
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stands synchronously raise their hands to the sky, welcoming the beginning of summer. this is how the biggest one begins. yakut holiday eseh tuymada. young girls perform the sterkhov dance. this bird is sacred in yakutia, a graceful and divine creature is considered rare, but if you meet it at least once in your life, you can find eternal happiness. aikhal mikhel. the sacred yakut ritual algys is an obligatory part of esekh. ancestors have preserved this tradition through the centuries. every time, celebrating the national new year, algaschit connects people with the help of fire. with the upper world and asks the gods for blessings, and of course, not a single celebration in yakutia is complete without the national circular dance osokha, this year it is truly amazing in scale. yakut osokha is one of the largest, most memorable events,
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just look how many people, all of them dance clockwise, stand in a circle, hold hands and are united and united. children's families, on the other hand, here is the final dance composition, it was dedicated precisely to the year of childhood, which takes place in yakutia, to the games of children of asia. everyone who comes to the summer holiday is wished a good day and offered to undergo a ritual of purification by fire; the flames take away all the bad energy and give positive energy. before going through the ritual of purification by fire, you need to take a skein of horsehair like this, then thoroughly dip it in vegetable oil.
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entire families come to the celebration and always wear national yakut costumes. the ritual in general is algys, and so that children know the younger generation, so that they do not forget traditions and culture. in addition to rituals, guests are attracted by competitions of the strongest athletes: mass wrestling, dygyn games and archery. over the course of two days, the largest multinational holiday will be attended by over 200 thousand people.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air, hello, we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. indexation, which they waited, i personally don’t plan to retire yet. it will affect 8 million working pensioners. this decision will keep hundreds of thousands of our citizens working in the economy. i bought a car, but did not register it. i received fines instead. happiness. the new owner must register the car with the traffic police authorities within 10 calendar days from the date
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of purchase. what are they doing in the state duma to prevent car sellers from running around the authorities? the former owner has the opportunity to immediately carry out the appropriate actions so that this car is no longer registered on him. watch a story about a new law that will allow you not to be held responsible for property that you no longer own, when can you do without liability? gennady zyuganov is 80. the president appreciated your contribution to the development of our country and the formation of the party system. on his birthday, the communist leader receives congratulations from his colleagues and the title of hero of labor from the president. more about restrictions for hookah bars, changes in the budget, mentors for troubled teenagers in parliamentary hearings on the far east. about this and more. look in our program. monstrous terrorist attacks in
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several regions of our country at once. targeted attacks on civilians. in sevastopol, at the height of the tourist season , ukrainian armed forces militants attacked a beach with vacationers using american-made cluster munitions. at the time of the attack the coast was crowded. there are dead, including children. more than 150 people were injured. in the hospital in serious condition and almost immediately reports of terrorist attacks began to come from the republic of dagestan. actions at the same time makhachkala and derbend were attacked by armed criminals. state duma deputies observed a minute of silence in dagestan and sevastopol, and the plenary session began with it. an unprecedented attack on civilians was carried
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out by the kiev regime of washington and brussels. and those who make these decisions. accepted, we must understand that we consider them to be guilty of this tragedy, this is terrorism, we honor the memory of the victims, but we will not forgive those who committed this. the chairman of the state duma and deputies expressed condolences to the families of those killed at the hands of terrorists. very important. for a minute though i would like to think about what those who are striking at crimea today and those who are arming them with modern weapons in europe, the civilized, so-called, in the united states want, they want to solve their interests, we understand this, they want to depopulate ukraine, we we understand this too. according to deputies from the republic of dagestan, the terrorist attacks in makhachkala and derbent
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are an attempt to sow confusion and ethnic hatred. i am doubly offended and bitter. that everything that happened today in dagestan was in my native village, to unfortunately, big, this cell, this sleeping one, has done such things, through these bandits, terrorists they want to create a split in our republic and in russia, all this will not work for them, the head of the a just russia faction for the truth proposed declaring the black sea . no-fly zone. the ukrainian armed forces' strikes on sevastopol were coordinated from the air, says sergei mironov. but we have american drones hovering in the black sea. why are they so scared that they hang there all the time, around the clock? these are the american goals. let's we’ll declare an unmanned zone over the black sea and shoot them down. because they indicate
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targets for missiles launched by american specialists. payments to working pensioners will be indexed. the law, prepared on behalf of the president, was adopted in the state duma, and deputies considered it as a priority. vyacheslav volodin noted that the decision is being made at a difficult time; the change will affect almost 8 million people.
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my colleague, maria burkova, will tell you more. elena alexandrovna is 67 years old. the doctor says: you can never even think about leaving it was, although the woman had already been retired for 12 years. some people wait until they are 55 to retire. there are random people in the profession. there are people who burn out, they leave earlier, is this possible? i didn’t have such a question. personally, i have no
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plans to retire yet. a new law is designed to support elena and another 8 million working pensioners . will index their pensions. the state duma adopted it in three readings. this emphasizes the president's attitude towards the older generation. this decision will save hundreds of thousands in the economy our citizens, able-bodied. therefore, let's look to the future with confidence. such priorities of our president indicate one thing. russia is a social state. the president of russia proposed at the st. petersburg international economic forum to index pensions for working pensioners. from february 1, 2025 onwards , applause, every year pensions will be increased not only for those who have already retired, but also
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for those who continue to work, this will be really fair, you saw what was said as soon as the president voiced this decision, and of course, i think that there will be no abstentions against this decision, vyacheslav volodin noted that the president of the country made this important decision, despite more than 21 thousand sanctions imposed against russia. the chairman of the state duma emphasized that the economy was able to adapt to the challenges, is showing strong growth, and the necessary funds for indexation have been found in the country’s budget. changes are being made to the tax system, which makes it possible to obtain additional financial resources in order to finance this decision. this this is a rather expensive solution, like many solutions that relate to the social sphere. the pension fund gives more than they
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are paid in addition, you see, yes, this is obvious, and it is simply unclear who opposed it, at what level, so that this decision could not have been made earlier. indexation was suspended in 2016, but payments to working pensioners will be calculated based on... the potential size of the pension that a person would receive taking into account eight years of indexation. minimum increase in pension as a result of indexation it will be about 1,300 rubles, the government estimates. the exact numbers will be announced later. can you name the amount of the average pension of a working pensioner today, and how much his pension will change after the twenty-fifth year, when this bill is adopted. the amount of indexation will be determined by...
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the federation is a social state, the law that we are adopting today takes a very important and necessary step in this direction. such decisions
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will help not only financially support pensioners, but protect their labor rights. a pensioner will not have to agree to receive a salary in an envelope in order not to lose it. it is also important that over 8 years, all lost funds will be restored when the pensioner stops working. maria burkov, nikita kharaskin, andrey tarasov, alexey chaburkov, sergey. issues of preparing a bill on improving the tax system for the second reading were discussed during a meeting of the expert council of the tax budget committee with representatives of the business community of the ministry of finance and the federal tax service. in in the conclusion of the committee, a list of initiatives was noted as a recommendation for consideration in the second reading, andrei makarov emphasized. and parliamentarians. this folder here is just the several hundred thousand proposals that we received from business,
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from enterprises, from taxpayers, what they consider necessary, what changes need to be made. at a meeting of the expert council , representatives of business associations shared their vision of the amendments to the second reading and spoke, in particular, about the need for a specific definition concepts. division of business, tax amnesty in legislation, the emergence of a federal investment tax deduction for business, the business community supports the innovation, but believes that the mechanism should be more universal, the initiative was appreciated by the government. of course, this is the right approach, and we will definitely convey this position when changing economic development; another conversation is that indeed, support cannot be extended to all sectors of the economy. now because the resource is limited, so it will still be necessary to identify certain strategic sectors of the economy. the meeting participants noted the effectiveness of this
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discussion format. many of the theses voiced at the previous meeting of the expert council were reflected in the text of the government bill, which the duma adopted in the first reading: the stability of the tax system should, first of all , be expressed in the predictability of its changes, in particular, the fact that we have moved to formats for public discussion of fiscal bills, this is definitely very important. we asked many times to raise the thresholds under the simplified taxation system, and this was also heard, we spent a whole year convincing.
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chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin met with the acting governor of the samara region vyacheslav fedorishchev. they discussed issues of socio-economic development and initiatives of the region that require consideration within the federal budget. earlier, vyacheslav volodin held a working meeting in the northern capital with the governor of st. petersburg, alexander beglov. we talked about measures social support for elderly citizens and persons with disabilities to implement national projects. as noted.
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exclude from the list of required documents during registration, yana dobrovolskaya will tell you. ekaterina, a car owner with twelve years of experience, 6 years ago, a muscovite sold her first car, and the buyer did not register the car and moved to the krasnodar region. i received fines instead, then i contacted the traffic police in the krasnodar region. with appeals, i addressed repeatedly, ah, attached to to my statement that now at this stage i am not the owner of the vehicle, here is the purchase and sale agreement, in fact, i ask you to stop the administrative proceedings against me? prove that she no longer has anything to do with the car, ekaterina managed only a month later, there are a huge number of similar cases throughout the country, and most often the car seller
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has to run through the authorities with... the cops about the transaction and explain that the fines were not issued to him , waste time and nerves, all the letters happiness comes precisely to the former owner, until the new owner has registered the car himself. according to the current regulations, the new owner must register the car with the traffic police authorities within 10 calendar days from the date of purchase. for those who for some reason did not manage to do this on time, fines of up to 2.0 rubles for citizens and up to 10,000 rubles for legal entities are provided. evasion of registering the ownership of a vehicle on time is a problem that deputies drew attention to. in fact we were faced with the fact that this period was prolonged, and in at least 10 days, and sometimes in a month or two or almost six months, the former owner simply began to receive fines from the new owner, who, well, in fact, in violation of the law, did not re-register .


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