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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the car has to run through the authorities with documents about the transaction and explain that the fines were not issued to him, wasting time and nerves, all letters of happiness come to the former owner, until the new owner has registered the car himself. according to the current regulations, the new owner must register the car with the traffic police authorities within ten calendar days from the date of purchase. for those who for some reason did not manage to do this on time, fines of up to 2.0 rubles are provided. for citizens up to...
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faces for fines, there are potential accidents, or taxes, this is also important, because there are such cases, we have received corresponding requests, this situation is also being corrected. another pleasant news for all car owners: when registering a vehicle, traffic police officers will no longer require you to provide an osaga insurance policy; we are only talking about the registration procedure itself; driving on a public road without insurance is still prohibited. this is done to simplify, when...
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a car is bought in one region, it must be registered in another region, when there are gaps between buying a car and using it; there are a lot of cases in life when you need to act not according to a single template, not according to a protocol, but people have different situations. this is what car owners themselves asked for, says auto expert konstantin krokhmal; the decision of the state duma, plus everything, will allow drivers to save money when insuring their personal belongings. this will deal a crushing blow to those policy sellers at the traffic police doors. it is no secret that when registering previously it was necessary to buy an osaga policy, and it was sold in tridrag at the doors of the traffic police, because that without it it was impossible to register. this market, it is automatically cancelled, that’s it, it has already disappeared into oblivion. after registering a vehicle, the owner may not use it for a long time.
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norms of law. the new law will allow you not to be held liable for property that you no longer own. the owner can submit an application and deregister a car that has been stolen, is wanted, or has been sent for disposal. such questions constantly arise; we have many categories of citizens who are required to declare their property, actually finding a car that is either stolen or is, well, let’s say , in a ruined state, often these things need to be taken into account. if the person who imported the car into the country sold it before the end of the year from the date of import. the changes will take effect from 1 march 2025. it will now be charged in full. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, lana tyan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. in the second part of our program, see: the title of hero of labor from...
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for tourism services is being created in the region. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. awarded the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov the title of hero of labor. the decree was published on the politician’s eightieth birthday. zyuganov was awarded for his great services in the development of russian statehood, the formation of civil society and many years of fruitful work, the document notes. about the tireless fighter for the interests of the people, my colleague, alexander laktionov. he was born in a small oryol village 100 km from the regional center, and, this is probably why he always loved to work on the land himself; he always expresses deep respect for all agricultural workers, to which they, of course, reciprocate; his
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political career dates back to the mid-sixties, when twenty-two-year-old zyuganov joined the cpsu, before which he managed to work as a school teacher a teacher, a teacher at a university, and even play: kvn as a team captain. leadership qualities allow him to quickly move up the career ladder. to the central committee of the soviet communist party he comes in the eighties, as an instructor in the department of agitation and propaganda. however, the path to big politics was not easy. on the threshold of the collapse of the ussr, he participated in the creation of the communist party of the rsfsr, but after the august putsch, the ideology of the communists was banned. they tried to buy me, to intimidate me. yeltsin offered me any office, just tell me it’s right, good. ya. i said in my heart that i would rather shoot myself than get involved with your gang, and they kicked me out of work, there were six people on my hands, in a year three times i kicked out, that's all, there was a time when you didn't know how to feed this big family of mine,
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one brought potatoes, the second slaughtered his piglet, a piece of lard, the third there a jar of mushrooms, in general, in this regard, have 100 friends and you will survive, in principle. difficulties did not break him. the communist restored the party and became the permanent leader of the communist party faction in the state duma. zyuganov ran for the presidency four times, each time taking second place in the elections. he is not shy about making loud statements and not always pleasant assessments of his opponents and especially those who look towards the west. we have to defend ourselves, who are dragging us under'. he went with the country along the entire path
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of changes, challenges and problems, in the most difficult times for russia he did not remain silent, when the fate of the state was essentially being decided, in ninety- six the country split in half, it was possible to push north and south together, in... a compromise could be decided together problems of the state, having pushed into the background all party differences, today it is already a party led by a statist, led by a leader who understands where the party interests should end and
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responsibility for the country should begin, this is the zyuganov of today, he is one of the drivers of the need for everyone to unite. he constantly advocates for the consolidation of society, it must be said that he is heard. gennady zyuganov, witness and direct participant in many historical events. decisions in the life of the country, stood up in defense of the russian world, turning to the president as one of the initiators of recognition of the donbass republics. for almost 8 years, the nazis, benderites, cia officers, this whole nato gang has been mocking people of donbass. we need to confidently and firmly respond to this. we will protect our friends and citizens by all means necessary. on the day of the big anniversary, the country's main communist was congratulated by his parliamentary colleagues at a plenary session.
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systems of our state, and of course, everything that you have done for our citizens, for the state duma, this is very important, this is an assessment of the work of the entire parliament. on his birthday, the communist leader, perhaps for the thousandth time, comes to the duma tribune, but he admits that he is overcome by excitement, he thanks colleagues in parliament again speaks about unity in the interests of the homeland, i especially thank the leaders of the faction, the dialogue is mutual.
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political everyday life, of course, helps zyuganov knows how to joke at the right time, tell his favorite anecdote: to take his mind off the difficult big family, work in his own hand- made garden in the apiary. he invariably names justice, friendship and love for his country as the main values ​​in his life. i do everything to ensure that there is sunshine over our country.
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member told us in detail about the mixtures initiative and the relevance of the issue state duma committee on health protection mikhail kizeev. the point is that we take a principled position on zero tolerance to smoking and tobacco, and let us still build a model for regulating these particular mixtures. here the question arises, what is it? this is what many told us right here, but what about hookahs, and
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what about those mixtures that we use in hookahs today, and these are restaurants, these are public places, and we understand again that our children are exposed to this influence , because families come to restaurants. if we go back to the story with hookahs, what percentage is the concentration of nicotine there in these tobacco-free mixtures? how much? it is dangerous if it exceeds 3.5%, and how is this controlled, the most important question is how does this affect our health? now, if we still transfer to the same cigarettes, today we have tobacco -free hookah mixtures sold in different packaging, from 25 to 250 g. so, if we still transfer to cigarettes, then in the first case, where 25 - yes, then this is one or two cigarettes, and if it is larger, yes, according to the mass fraction, then
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these are 10, 12 cigarettes, respectively, that is , it turns out that even the manufacturers do not say reliably what these mixtures carry with them, and if you look even further at the chemistry of the substances that are included in them, and these are formaldehydes, aldehydes, parpionics, these are acetones and other chemicals that may form when heated. these mixtures, and we are again talking about health, but where has it been proven that this is not harmful? we have rather different information that these chemicals can have a serious effect influence health.
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third year accepted. economic growth during the reporting period reached 3.6%. and the total volume of federal budget revenues exceeded the predicted volume by almost 3 trillion rubles. the unemployment rate is at a record low. 3.2%. these are the results of the twenty- third year. 9.8% - investment growth. there was no such increase in investment. it simply wasn't. here we have it, the growth of real incomes of citizens is 5.8% and the growth of real wages is 8.2% . in fact, this is an indicator of what the funds that were spent from the budget. vyacheslav volodin
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proposed that the minister of finance postpone the consideration of the report on budget execution for the previous financial year. for earlier january or february. control over attractions will be strengthened. we are talking about their registration and recording of technical condition and safe operation. a separate issue is the division of powers of federal and regional authorities. and the state duma discussed this issue this week in the first reading. the attraction is a source of increased danger and is very important responsibility of those involved in his work. what do you think, if it is certified and fully registered with the state? an emergency occurs at an attraction, now the owner of the attraction is responsible for this, but after the adoption of the bill, if an emergency occurs with an attraction that fully complies with all the requirements, should a representative of the authorized body share responsibility for the emergency with the owner of the attraction. depending on what regulations we have will be prescribed by the government of the russian federation, according to that authorized
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body, body, which will be determined, but i would like to add that today everything is already... attractions must be certified; each attraction must have its own number with a qr code, by which you can see what kind of attraction , where it should be, when the certification was, including other useful information. they want to provide new tax benefits to companies developing business in the far east. this bill was adopted by the state duma in the first reading. it has now been established that residents who received this status after january 1, 2020, in the third year, can themselves determine the start date for the application of reduced tariffs on contributions; they are valid for 10 years and amount to 7.6%. the bill provides the opportunity to postpone the start of this benefit for residents who have received their status until 2023. to do this, they will need to submit a notification to the tax authorities. before the start of the grace period, insurance premiums
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must be paid at the general rate. mentors will help troubled teenagers. parliamentarian. they proposed to involve such assistants in charitable and volunteer organizations in preventive work. the bill passed the first reading. according to statistics, more than half of these guys committed their crime as part of a group of people, that is, not alone. and often it is bad company that pushes people into crime. but there is simply no alternative social circle, just as there are no conscious adults who will help you take the path of correction. that is why the youth policy committee developed a bill, the purpose of which is to give second chance. children have the opportunity to replace their surroundings, a bill that gives the ministry of culture the power to limit access in public libraries to books by authors recognized as foreign agents passed the first reading. extremists or terrorists. the relevant department will also determine the procedure for access to the collections of libraries of the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, formed before their entry into
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the russian federation. teachers of universities and colleges will be freed from filling out unnecessary reports and bureaucratic burden on them will become smaller. it is proposed to reduce to two the list of documents required to be filled out in technical schools of higher educational institutions. this is a working program of disciplines and... let me remind you that previously the list of such documents could reach up to twenty. the adoption of this bill will help reduce unnecessary bureaucratic burden and will allow the teacher to concentrate on the process of teaching, upbringing, and doing science. the rapid development of the arctic is a priority for the entire 21st century. it was determined by the country's leadership - noted chairman of the relevant committee. nikolai kharitonov discussed the legislative support for this process at parliamentary hearings this week in the state duma. the most important issue raised by the participants in the formation of master plans for the development of cities, in which
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the residents themselves are involved. master plans need to be supported at all levels. experts discussed the implementation of economic and infrastructure projects, the far eastern hectare and arctic hectare programs, issues related to rental housing, mortgage benefits, and housing subsidies. special attention. this is the development of tourism, and i would like to remind you that , on instructions from the president, our ministry took an active part in this; national standards
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for tourism services in the arctic were developed for the first time, and they are really well formed and quite meaningful, i propose to work on making them more specific, but with the creation of a unified national standard for tourism services for... the far east and the arctic. i think that this will allow us to bring the requirements for safety of organizing recreation, taking into account the specifics that exist in the far east. irina yarovaya reported that she is currently developing a bill that proposes to introduce into the legal field the concepts of family tourism and scientific and educational tourism. earlier, the deputy noted that in the long term, the most profitable in russia will be tourist facilities. i’ll add about tourism, the relevant committee held on-site meetings this week in the altai republic and the altai territory, discussed the development
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of investment projects and the topic of anthropogenic load in the complex development of territories. attracting tourists is now one of the central topics in many regions of the country, a striking example is st. petersburg. here , state duma deputies organized a festival at the best concert venues. details from alexander shavirin. the festival was opened. from famous choirs to children's groups , there are more than 2 thousand participants from creative associations of russia, belarus, india and china.
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we came from the city of troitsk, chelyabinsk region, we really love to perform folk songs, we love the culture of the russian people, we love the culture of the russian peoples of all the peoples who inhabit our vast mother russia, creative groups delighted the audience for 3 days at... different venues of the northern capital, the culmination of the festival was the gala concert. for the first time , awards and kindness awards were presented there. they recognized outstanding directors, performers and songwriters. one of the statues was received by the artistic director of the kuban cossack choir, people's artist of russia, viktor zakharchenko. part of the musical evening was a patriotic program, songs about heroes of special military operations and the great patriotic war. heroes of russia will remain in our hearts. to the end, a nice bonus for the festival participants: the organizers filmed at each site, the artists can
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find themselves decorating their... portfolio: each artist gets the opportunity, which means, to be captured on a professional medium, the dubbing will be professional, and we convey it all to our television companies. 10 years ago the festival was born within the walls of the state duma. three deputies, oleg nilov, joseph kabzon and valentin tereshkova created dobrovision in response to the western competition , which then turned into an outright politicized parade of freaks. now every year st. petersburg receives more and more people.
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another populated area in the southern part of primorye found itself in water due to floods, residents are being evacuated in the chelyabinsk region , water flows are destroying everything in their path, yakutia is fighting forest fires, the trans-baikal region is engulfed in fire, what are the forecasts? a large enemy ammunition depot has been destroyed, russian tank crews are working on avdievsky direction, who?


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