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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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another settlement in the southern part of primorye found itself in water due to floods, residents are being evacuated in the chelyabinsk region, water flows are destroying everything in their path, yakutia is fighting forest fires, and the trans-baikal territory is engulfed during the day, what are the forecasts? a large warehouse with ammunition, the enemy has been destroyed, russian tank crews are working in the avdievsky direction, who ensure the safety of the passage of armored vehicles directly to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces.
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our war correspondent will tell you. the next parliamentary elections are being held in france today. what are the chances for the far-right party national rally marine lepin when the first results are announced? tourists are once again being transported here on hydrofoils along the don. how river passenger traffic was revived akirov is officially recognized as the capital of sunrises, where you can see the most beautiful sunrise in our country. and we start with the latest news from the ministry of defense. so, it is reported that russian troops occupied two more settlements. this was reported by the defense department. units of the group of troops took control of the center the settlement of novoalleksandrovka, and the unit of the southern group of troops is a settlement. controversial, here is a quote from the ministry of defense. division of the southern group.
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search as a result of active actions liberated the settlement of spornaya of the donetsk people's republic, improved the situation along the front line, and also defeated manpower and equipment, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, thirty, ninety-third mechanized, fifty-sixth motorized infantry, forty-sixth airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault and 144 infantry brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of vasyukovka, kalinino, chasov-yar, kurdyumovka, elizavetovka, katerinovka. and kurakhov, donetsk people's republic. the attack of the assault group of the 214th battalion of the opfor vssu was repelled. the enemy lost up to 450 troops, two tanks, three armored fighting vehicles and four cars. and in the navdeevsky direction there is a special military operation. russian tank crews destroyed new targets, including a large enemy ammunition depot. to effectively fire, crews deploy armored vehicles as as close as possible to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. passage security. among peaceful fields
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, sappers provide, our military correspondent, alexey baranov, will tell you how this happens: this is how sappers act in key areas of combat work, it is they, their apparatus and professionalism that help the assault groups of the central military district. the main purpose is reconnaissance, mine clearance, that is, making passages in minefields, that is, directly for the advancement of our troops, trolling speed. 7 km/h using the machine you can clean some roads, that is, to pass, to make passages, there are anti-aircraft mines with magnetic target sensors, radio fuses, but for this purpose the vehicle has a special transmitter, the commander of a tank unit of the central military district talks about his actions and shares with us key episodes from...
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this a group of combat vehicles from the southern group of troops goes into battle again. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, eduard ribacon, ivan bundin, vesti, donetsk and lugansk folk republics, line of combat contact. were not
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presented to ukraine at the international monetary fund. the kiev authorities need to conduct customs operations in accordance with eu legislation and ensure transparency in the hiring of management and staff. macron with the elections to the french parliament, germany believes that it is time for europe to change its approach to the ukrainian conflict.
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shoot down their drones in the black sea region. however, not all politicians are ready to sacrifice economic interests in favor of security and peace. chapter polish diplomat radoslaw sekorski said that western countries should confiscate russian frozen assets in order to begin to benefit from the conflict. we must relearn how to capitalize on the escalation game. for example, we can seize all russian state assets worth 300 billion euros. putin already. blamed the losses on them, he doesn't expect to get them back, but he also doesn't think we'll have the courage to take them on ourselves as long as we show him he's right. meanwhile, the kiev authorities are again alarmed because of corruption, or rather because of that western backers are dissatisfied with the palpable economic decay in the country
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they are actively sponsoring. according to bloomberg, the international monetary fund demanded that kiev make amendments to the customs code that could strengthen the fight against corruption. it turned out that they themselves... the kiev authorities are disappointed with this approach of the allies, they believe that the internal affairs of the country and the west do not concern them, however, how the ukrainians manage european money demonstrates the state of the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield. victoria koroleva, vesti. and in france , the first round of early elections to the national assembly has started, this is the lower house of parliament of the fifth republic. and the election commission will reveal the first results today after 8:00 pm local time. to whom he predicts victory, he will tell about it. our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. from the moment emmanuel macron announced the dissolution of the national assembly on june 9 and called for new parliamentary elections, the main question remains: will the right be able to achieve absolute or qualified majority. at least the latest
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polls before the election show they could get a majority to a supermajority. the media are calling the results shocking. polling stations will be open today, as you said. until 6:00 pm in the main part of the regions in some regions until 8:00 pm local time, that is, 21 hours moscow time, immediately after this it will be possible to publish the first results, one of the main issues are turnout, now the ministry of internal affairs is at least predicting a record turnout, according to official data, 2.5 million more or four times more polling stations will work today compared to the situation 2 years ago, when the french elected the national assembly, already dissolved composition, the main intrigue of the day is, of course, a national unification, as was said, with the symbol of the young face of twenty-eight-year-old jordan bardela, experts and the latest polls predict up to 37% of the french vote, the left will also overtake the current
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power, polls predict 28% for them, and for supporters of emmanuel macron, only 21% of the french vote in the first round of elections is predicted by polls. which could lead to a completely unpredictable situation in france’s foreign and domestic policy, experts say. this will not continue for long; it seems to me that a certain reaction will follow in french society. however, the impact on the eu will be strong. madame marine lepin is not an enemy of moscow. this will have an impact on relations with russia due to our participation in the ukrainian conflict. this will also affect development european union, because she is not a fan of european integration. after the pan-european elections in early june, which emmanuel macron went to, some experts call it a shocking, humiliating step on the part of the french president, others say that he had been thinking about this for quite a long time, because without an absolute majority in parliament, he is increasingly
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could carry out his own policy with great difficulty, remember at least the fact that the french president had to carry out the sensational pension reform without a vote in parliament, and for changes on immigration seek support from the right. which many consider again humiliating for the current government. macron has been thinking about this possibility for a long time, experts say, and the time between the dissolution of parliament and today has passed. in the debate about the need to vote neither for the right nor for the left, at least this was the position taken by the macronists, not promoting their own unpopular program, but saying that one should vote against, but just the same growth supporting the left rather than the right can play a cruel joke in this sense, because then voting against will not work, the left turned out to be too divided, however, having learned from the appointment of the next elections , they were still able to nominate common candidates in each district. such, as experts believe, the right is the main problem for emmanuel macron and the left too,
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who have united in calls to vote against, as they say, the lipinists, it is quite possible that in just 2 weeks france will receive a completely new government with new course. a scenario is quite likely in which the national assembly will be dominated by a national association, but without an absolute majority. the strategy of the current majority in the election campaign was to... demonize the other parties, it will be very difficult to unite them, because the party of the extreme left wing will most likely also be quite strong, so there is a possibility that in france there will be no ruling majority, and this creates some uncertainty. emmanuel macron has already stated that he will not resign no matter how these elections end, while it is known that he has already scheduled a meeting of his ministers at the elysee palace for monday. regina sevastyanova, eva fedotova, ekaterina shamaeva and artyom krosulin, european bureau of vgtrk. in the united states, the debate has not subsided since the first pre-election televised debate; as
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the press reports, calls are increasingly being heard from those around the president to withdraw his candidacy. is joe biden ready to listen to his comrades, or does he still intend to go to the end? ekaterina shamaeva will talk about this. in attempts to overcome the negative background after the disastrous debate, joe biden’s team, apparently, decided to create an imitation of vigorous activity. after atlanta, the president went straight to a rally in north carolina. then to new york, where they had to pull out the democratic party’s trump card, an event to protect gay people. they even called elton john for this, but the presence of the star hardly helped. compared to the singer, biden still looked confused. in hampton , the president faced an even more difficult task - fundraising for the election campaign. the american leader was greeted by a plane with the inscription “bidan”, this is a play on words that can be translated as biden is finished. encourage the president. his wife had to; it was on her decision, according to nbc sources, that
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biden’s further participation in the race depended. i think biden's circle will say the following: everyone loses their first debate, it happened with reagan, with obama, everything will be fine, but it's safe to say that the democrats believe that the problem is more significant, the first politician from the democratic party, who will call on biden to leave and immediately end his career, in the eyes of fellow party members he may be right, but... if you look out the door first, the first bullet hits you. however, there are still party donors who, according to the new york times, are looking for loopholes to exclude biden from the list of candidates against his will, while at the same time they are trying to reach jill biden so that she can persuade her husband not to run. now democrats must be honest with the american people. who's on actually governs the country, who is at the head of the united states of america? i doubt? that anyone who watched the debate still believes it's biden, because it clearly isn't. joe biden himself, according to
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bloomberg, is not going to deviate from his intended path and is even aiming to win. however, immediately, according to the transcript of his speech at a fundraising event, he confused france with italy, and later stated that his son died in iraq, although in reality he died of illness in the united states. meanwhile, donald trump is resting on his laurels. the former president even complained that his opponent's disastrous performance for... this was reported by the wall street journal, noting that some democrats are already trying to distance themselves from the president. the shock wave
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from the shocks after the debate reached europe, as the new york times writes, biden's unsuccessful performance emboldened emmanuel macron's opponents. the pro-democracy press is especially concerned that right-wing forces in france could challenge nato to undermine western efforts in ukraine direction. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. investing with sberbank is easy; receive three sberbank shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account. the best interest rate in the sberbank online application. the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes,
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for your maximum comfort. gac m8 is the first place. with yota your money will not fly away, there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them, you can yota, the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated, pay with any izber card and get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%, supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% with partners. more profitable with a sber subscription. for the first time on screens. meet me. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has
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so much to offer. from cabinets to auto products on avito. passengers of the vorkuta novorossiysk train, part of the cars, which left in koma, were delivered to the final point of the route. they were brought on vacation by a reserve train, the federal passenger company reported. let me remind you that the accident occurred last wednesday, when three people died and dozens were injured. zyida kurbatova will continue this topic. 4:10 am to the novorossiysk railway station.
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a guy came running, all dirty, he had lost his daughter, he said, they didn’t see, no, they didn’t, well , accordingly, the conductors are already there, guys, we need help, the northerners are used to working in difficult conditions, they know how to remain calm, absolutely all the men from the train began to help the others evacuate, put splints on the victims, and many did it professionally, no panic, no looting, they got out and i sent this family to the cars, which. remained intact and this i helped the others, well, along with everyone there, because they all ran away from the carriages, they changed the wounded... conductors are taught how to behave in the event of an accident. mikhail amelchenko, before he began working as a guide, was a professional rescuer; in the first minutes after the crash, he began organizing
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evacuation work, giving tasks to men who were ready to help, but did not know what exactly to do. some passengers were in hard-to-reach places, so we had to use physical force to open jammed doors, pull out, there was one car in our mobile state, that is, they brought in a fourteen-year-old girl with multiple fractures, she is in the home, without pending pediatric trauma surgery, she will be provided with all the necessary help. zinaet kurbatova, yana
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anenkova, news. and now it’s no good, in yakut the area of ​​forest fires has decreased by almost 90,000 hectares in a day, but the situation still remains difficult. this region accounts for the largest number of fires. the rapid spread of fire promotes new foci. strong wind abnormal heat, tense situation in the trans-baikal territory , specialists from eleven regions are fighting the fire there, aviation is working, the day before smoke from natural fires came to chita, forests are being extinguished, as well as in buryat, over the past 24 hours two new outbreaks were discovered, their already promptly eliminated, the cause of the appearance was a dry thunderstorm. increased fire danger due to normally warm and dry weather is recorded in eight siberian regions. according to forecasts from food and nutrition centers, other regions are struggling with water element, so in the chelyabinsk region, the kamenka river overflowing its banks washed away
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the road, stormy streams demolish everything in its path. vehicle traffic is limited on several sections of roads, it is impossible to get to the popular resort in the region on lake bannom, and the regional center itself is flooded. buses and cars struggle to overcome the flow of water, and pedestrians are waist-deep in water. and at the city airport. the plane arriving from tobolsk rolled off the runway, there were about fifty people on board, no one was injured. the cause of the emergency was bad weather. the rain in the city did not stop for the whole day. and in the coastal region, another settlement found itself in a flood zone due to floods. the village of markovo is flooded - this is the southern part of the region. in some places, the water rose to the level of the foundations of houses. evacuation of residents is complicated by the fact that many roads are also flooded. rospotrebnadzor checks the quality of water in areas affected by river floods, first of all, attention is paid to pipelines leading to residential buildings, and
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measures are also taken to prevent an outbreak intestinal infections. sampling of drinking water continues from the distribution network of centralized water supply sources. due to the emergency situation in the dalnerechensky urban district caused by heavy rains, the number has been increased. water samples for laboratory research. i would like to note that the water in the city’s distribution network meets hygienic standards according to microbiological indicators. river passenger traffic has been revived in the rostov region: here on hydrofoils later for 30 years they have been carrying tourists again. during your walk, you can admire the picturesque nature and get to know the folk culture better. passengers on the first flight shared their impressions with veronica bugma. this route is not yet on the schedule of regular passenger river transportation revived in the rostov region, and you will, say, witness, if i didn’t say this
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word, a historical event, tourists will be the first to go from rostov-on-don to semikorakorsk on valdai hydrofoils. as soon as you saw an advertisement in one of the social networks, we immediately became interested, because since soviet times we had been riding a rocket in starocherkasskaya, it was just a memory.
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the idea of ​​organizing an exhibition of carpet products for the centenary of ingush statehood came to the head of the workshop, easting, 10 years ago, when she first saw the album ingush ornaments, created in 1924.
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to imagine 100 carpets, this was the limit of my dream, i was still afraid to even think about it. each work reflects the traditional ornamental art of the ingush, the features of which are archaic symbolism. carpets were an indispensable part of the dowry and the mountain women made them themselves. a special place in the festive collection is occupied by a work created based on easting’s sketch by kussia ilzhakieva. her grandchildren are invited to the opening of the exhibition. this rug was created by my grandmother, we have three more like it at home. i am very pleased to be here at this event. i believe they are necessary to preserve our culture and pass it on to future generations. the carpet exhibition became a bridge between the past and the present, uniting the in one space there are different stages of development of this folk craft. immersion in history, in culture, is honoring one’s roots and ancestors. lovers of national art have the opportunity to touch the beauty and also take part in master classes by famous needlewomen. the exhibition easting felt chronicle of the ingush will last until the official celebration
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of the centenary. whose hundreds of townspeople gathered there to meet the first rays of the rising sun. new conditions for conducting combat operations with the massive use of unmanned aerial vehicles devices in the north military district zone influenced the training of fighters at the training ground. now instructors teach not only combat techniques, but also how to correctly and safely approach the line of combat contact. and all the details in the special report by alexander lukyayanov, after the advertisement. for the first time on the screens, meet
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on avita, khvatamba has come to avita and discounts to people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things from smartphones to sneakers on avito. the loyalty program with berspasibo has been updated. pay with any card from bera get twice as many bonuses as before. choose every month. up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sber for free from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sber subscription. with yota, your money will not fly away.


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