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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue our review of the information picture. russian troops occupied two more settlements. this was reported to the ministry of defense. units of the center group took control of the settlement of novaleksandrovka, and a unit of the southern group took control of the settlement of spornoe. as a result of active actions, a unit of the southern group of troops liberated the settlement of spornaya in the donetsk people's republic, improved the situation along the front line, and also defeated manpower and equipment. twenty- fourth. twenty-eighth, thirty,
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ninety-third mechanized, fifty -sixth motorized infantry, forty-sixth airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault and 144th infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of vasyukovka, kalinino, chasov yar, kurdyumovka, elizavetovka, katerynivka and kurakhova of the donetsk people's republic. the attack of the assault group of the 214th battalion of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled; the enemy lost up to 450 military personnel, two tanks, and three combat tanks.
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reconnaissance, mine clearance, that is , assault groups of the central military district. the main purpose is making passages in minefields, that is , directly for the advancement of our troops. the trawling speed is 7 km/h, with the help of the machine you can clean some roads, that is, walk through, make passages. there are anti-aircraft mines with magnetic target sensors, radio fuses, but for... the vehicle has a special jammer, the commander of a tank unit of the central military district talks about his actions and shares with us the key episodes of his combat work to start the infantry worked bolt arrival inspection the tank is given a combat mission the tank shoots a bull leaves at a speed of eighty, it is the fastest tank in the world. they have the same level as him
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and the weapons are the same as he has, the armor is the same as he has, the fastest enemy does not have time to work on him , the t-80 bv tank is returning to its base to replenish the ammunition used up in just 15 minutes, this group of combatants vehicles of the southern group of troops are sent into battle again. "alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyzhev, khalit tankiev, eduard ribakon, ivan bundin, vesti, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. new anti-corruption requirements were presented to ukraine at the international monetary fund. the kiev authorities need to conduct customs operations in accordance with eu legislation and ensure transparency in the hiring of management and staff. victoria will tell you what else the western partners are dissatisfied with." while
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ukraine is desperately thinking about what to do next after biden's fiasco at the election debates, the next political changes are hanging over kiev like a pre-mocles sword on the european side, so the western media are dooming macron’s big adventure with elections to the french parliament to failure, in germany they believe that it is time for europe to change its approach to the ukrainian conflict. zelensky in the bundestag said that compromises with russia have passed, and the conflict will end on ukraine’s terms. is an illusion, it is divorced from reality, if it continues as it is now, then we will get closer to a big war in europe, in that we will no longer import gas, we we won't stop the war. according to western experts, if nato increases its presence in ukraine, europe risks facing a new round of escalation. the united states and other nato countries are increasingly worried that russia could start shooting down their drones in the black sea region. however, not all politicians
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are ready to sacrifice economic interests in favor of security and peace. the head of polish diplomacy, radoslaw sekorski , said that western countries should confiscate the russian frozen ones. assets to start benefit from the conflict. we must relearn how to capitalize on the escalation game. for example, we can seize all russian state assets worth 300 billion euros. putin has already written off the losses on them, he does not expect to return them, but he also does not think that we will have the courage to take them on ourselves as long as we show that he is right. meanwhile, the kiev authorities are again alarmed because of corruption, or rather because of western patrons. palpable economic decay in the country they actively sponsor. according to information bloomberg agency, the international monetary fund demanded that kiev make amendments to the customs code that could strengthen the fight against corruption. it turned out that the kiev authorities themselves were disappointed with this approach of the allies.
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they believe that the internal affairs of the country and the west do not concern them, however, how ukrainians manage european money demonstrates the state of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. victoria koroleva, vesti. passengers of the varkutanov train, which derailed in koma, were delivered to the final point of the route. they were brought on vacation by reserve personnel, she said. federal passenger company. the accident occurred last wednesday, three people were killed and dozens were injured. with details zinaeda kurbatova. at 4:10 am , an evacuation train arrived at the novorossiysk railway station, bringing passengers from the ill-fated train that crashed nearby on the evening of june 26.
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the guides are already there guys, we need help. northerners are accustomed to working in difficult conditions and know how to remain calm. absolutely all the men from the train began to help the others evacuate, put splints on the victims, and many they did it professionally, no panic, no looting, they got out and i sent the family into the carriages, which remained intact, and it helped the others, well, along with everyone there, because. they then fled from all the carriages and changed the wounded. conductors are taught how to behave in the event of an accident. mikhail amelchenko, before he began working as a guide, was a professional rescuer; in the first minutes after the crash, he began organizing evacuation work, giving tasks
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to men who were ready to help, but not knew exactly what to do. some passengers were in hard-to-reach places and had to use physical force. open jammed doors, pull them out, we had one carriage in a moving state, that is, there was a long distance from the emergency exit to the ground, ropes were needed, i gave the task to the passenger alone to run for laundry, quickly tie ropes from them, showed how this is done, throw people out the window, well, use them to evacuate. about an hour later, recalls mikhail omelchinko, the victim after the train crash, doctors began to arrive. it was established that three people were killed and injured, which is about 50 people.
3:09 pm
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a record turnout, more than quarter of voters. as the study shows, every tenth frenchman took time off to participate in the elections. our european correspondent regina sevastyanova will talk about the balance of power. from the moment emmanuel macron announced the dissolution of the national assembly on june 9 and called for new parliamentary elections, the main question remains: will the right be able to achieve absolute or qualified? majority, at least the latest pre -election polls show they could get anywhere from a majority to a qualified most media outlets call these results shocking. today , voting stations will be open, as you said, until 6:00 pm in most regions in some regions until 8:00 pm local time, that is, 21:00 moscow time, immediately after which the first results can be published. one of the main issues is turnout now. the ministry of internal affairs, at least, predicts a record turnout. according to official data, 2.5 million
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more or four times more plots will work today compared to the situation 2 years ago, when the french elected a national assembly that was now dissolved. the main intrigue of the day is, of course, the national unification, as it was said, with the symbol of the young face of 22-year-old jordan bardela, experts and the latest polls predict up to 37%. the eu will be strong, mrs. marine lepen is not an enemy of moscow, this will have an impact on relations with
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russia, our participation in the ukrainian conflict. this will also affect the development of the european union, because she is not a fan of european integration. the dissolution of the national assembly after the pan-european elections in early june, which emmanuel macron agreed to, is called by some experts a shocking, humiliating step on the part of the french president, while others say that he had been thinking about this for quite a long time, since he did not have an absolute majority in parliament. it was increasingly difficult for him to carry out his own policy, to recall at least the fact that the french president had to carry out the sensational pension reform without a vote in parliament, and for changes in the issue immigration. turn to the right for support, which many consider again humiliating for the current government. macron had been thinking about this possibility for a long time, experts say, and the time between the dissolution of parliament and today was spent in debates about the fact that there is no need to vote for either the right or the left, at least this was the position of the macronists, without promoting their own
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unpopular program , and speaking of the fact that you need to vote against, but the growth of support for the left, and not the right, can play a role.
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has already stated that he will not resign no matter how these elections end, while it is known that he has already scheduled a meeting of his ministers at the elysee palace for monday. regina sevastyanova, eva fedotova, ekaterina shamaeva and artyom krosulin, european bureau of vgtrk. kanya west has confirmed that he is currently in russia. on his vkontakte page he wrote: “hello, moscow.” initially, information appeared that the american rapper was planning to hold a concert in luzhniki, but according to the latest data, he came to russia on a private visit. about this from
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his wife, it is on her decision, according to nbc sources, that biden’s further participation in the race depends. i think biden's circle will say the following: everyone loses their first debate, it happened with reagan,
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with obama, everything will be fine, but it's safe to say that the democrats believe that the problem is more significant. must be honest with the american people, who really runs the country, who is at the head of the united states of america? i doubt that any of those who watched debate still believes it's biden because it clearly isn't. joe biden himself, according to bloomberg, is not going to curtail his intended path and is even aiming to win. however, right there, according to the transcript of his speech at a fundraising event
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, he confused france with italy, and later said that his son died in iraq, although in reality he died from everything in the next 4 years, joe biden’s failure threatens not only him political career, but also the prospects of fellow party members in congress. the wall street journal reports this: noting that some democrats are already trying. from the president. the shock wave from the shocks after the debate reached europe. according to the new york times, biden's unsuccessful performance emboldened emmanuel macron's opponents.
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the democratic press is especially concerned about the fact that right-wing forces in france can challenge nato and undermine western efforts in the ukrainian direction. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. in the kemerovo region today they celebrated the international miners' sabantu, a folk holiday at the end of spring field work tatars. bashk. prokopyevsk became the capital of the celebration. more than ten farmsteads of different nationalities from kuzbass, tatarstan and the donetsk people's republic were placed in the city park. the bravest participants of the festival showed their skills in the spectacular form of equestrian sport, show jumping. and the heroes were able to test themselves in belt wrestling. the winner received the traditional prize of a fat-tailed ram. guests of the miner's sabantuy tried miner's kulezh, national sweets, herbal tea and traditional pilaf.
3:22 pm
up to 350 thousand rubles for the development of your own business can be obtained by military personnel who took part in a special military operation, the history of the formation and development of their own business by former participants of the northern military district in the report by alexandra perfilieva, immediately after the advertisement. you are a great audience, bye everyone, you owe the bank.
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alive, everything’s ok i'm good, let's get in touch. my homeland said, i must go, our love takes care of him, i am very lucky with my wife, without her i would not have succeeded, i love you very much, dearly, dearly, yes, we consider our dad a hero, because he considers it his duty... in order to defend not only his homeland, but also his family, the families of other people, the homeland, we love, we love, we will have to defend, well, first, a special military operation, about a million russian military personnel were there on the front line.
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mobilized, some volunteered, all of them are ready to sacrifice their lives for the interests of their homeland. and we dedicate this report to real heroes who, despite severe injuries and long-term rehabilitation, found the strength to live on and develop their business.
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this is a plus of a large family, ilya and yulia have four of them, two girls and two boys, they raise the guys like real men, going to the front, knowing that they might not return, i was sure that here in peaceful life there was someone to take care of them, when i was there, i met guys there with six children, with five, with three, there were all sorts of childless people, so what now, as if children were once
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a reason not to protect?
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crawled on the ground.


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